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ETL Black Legion Progress Log (6/22/19) All Primed

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Had a bit of a setback last week when I first sat down to prime. I dropped my Badger Krome nozzle first onto the concrete floor...




Bent the needle, which tore through the side of the tiny tip thingy... Waiting on Badger to reply for parts to order... They no longer sell the Krome sadly..

So, with my Krome out of commission, I've had to use my Badger Anthem 155. It isnt a bad brush, it just doesnt have the control I am used to with my Krome.


I spent the last few days priming my first vow. I've used Badgers new Stynelrez primers, Black and White. They went on really nicely. I wont know if I'll have the same hydrophobic issues I was having with Vallejo until I start painting, but overall, they've gone on really nicely. Hopefully they wear better than the Vallejo as well... Vallejo seems to rub off just looking at them wrong...


This isnt a true zenithal highlight prime. With my failing eyesight, I needed the white to be able to see details after priming them with black initially lol! They'll get a basecoat of either Grey Seer or Wraithbone anyway in prep for Contrast painting.






Fantastic vow. How can anyone not love that hammer dude. I’m trying to figure out a meaningful way to get him in my own lists.


I’m excited to see how you get through the vow. Sorry about the airbrush but I do agree the 105 is a fine brush.

Fantastic vow. How can anyone not love that hammer dude. I’m trying to figure out a meaningful way to get him in my own lists.


I’m excited to see how you get through the vow. Sorry about the airbrush but I do agree the 105 is a fine brush.

Thanks man.


I've got an Anthem 155, not a Patriot 105. The 155 is a suction feed, 105 is gravity fed. I should have gone with the 105 honestly, but it was my first brush, so didnt really know the differences at the time. The 155 isnt bad for a suction fed brush, its just harder to control than my Krome was.


Hammer Lord is one of my favorite models with the new release. I knew I had to get him when I saw the WQ BSF release press. I cant wait to get him painted.

Not much of a progress report yet. I was finally able to make it to the FLGS and pick up my Contrast Paints order.




I didn't get the entire line (yet), but I think I got enough to cover any needs I might have for this Black Legion project.


Now I just need to figure out how I am going to do Black Legion with Contrast Paints.


I also picked up a Dark Apostle and Friends.




Don't know if he will make it into a vow yet or not.

Ohhh. Watching to see how they work with the zenthial effect as I plan to do similar for my vow.

Should be getting my contrast tomorrow.

It isnt a true zenithal highlight. I went a bit heavy handed with the white because I wasnt using my normal airbrush (Krome). I'm probably going to hit them with a grey basecoat before I begin with the Contrast paints. I just need to figure out which grey I should use.


That's almost 150€ in paints alone - I hope it pays off for you!

About $170 USD after tax. The way the store does discounts is every purchase earns you store credit. With this purchase, and what I already had banked, I basically got the Dark Apostle free.


And yeah, I hope it pays for itself. I have so much unpainted, that I need any help I can get lol

Everything is now primed. I have to use my airbrush in another part of the house, so I try to do a lot all at one go. With being sick, this took about 2 weeks.




I'll be moving my lamp and chair back to my painting workstation, so I'll be starting on my vow in earnest here shortly.


Here are some closeups









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