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Should all the chapters be rolled into one codex?

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Well it appears they are going back to the master book with supplement model. Sounds like every first founding chapter is getting a supplement, so they have done a bit like I have suggested earlier in the thread :smile.:



and again the fictional story of beeing a first founding chapter is more worth then a loyal fanbase and a big loved theme.


Why hates GW us so much


So annoying to being pissed after such good news (and the news are REALY REALY awesome)... it shows how much disappointed the game went for me as a Black Templar Fan.

Edited by Medjugorje
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Well it appears they are going back to the master book with supplement model. Sounds like every first founding chapter is getting a supplement, so they have done a bit like I have suggested earlier in the thread :smile.:



and again the fictional story of beeing a first founding chapter is more worth then a loyal fanbase and a big loved theme.


Why hates GW us so much


So annoying to being pissed after such good news (and the news are REALY REALY awesome)... it shows how much disappointed the game went for me as a Black Templar Fan.



Wait and see on the supplements they get out

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So I'm totally surprised. I really didn't think GW would do this but I'm happy to see Codex Supplements for all Chapters. Amazing.

Jury is still out on wether or not all Chapters will get a supplement.


I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

Considering GW track record I already have no expectations ;) Edited by Sete
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So I'm totally surprised. I really didn't think GW would do this but I'm happy to see Codex Supplements for all Chapters. Amazing.

Jury is still out on wether or not all Chapters will get a supplement.


I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

Seems like all first founding eventually at least. I highly doubt BA, DA and Wolves will get a full codex for their update whenever that happens, because what's the point if they're meant to use the marine book for most units now.


They'll be made into supplements too, just maybe not for a little while longer - probably after the 6 first founding chapters that dont usually have a codex. I have a feeling crimson fists wont get one due to the white dwarf update. BT might get one at some point though.

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So I'm totally surprised. I really didn't think GW would do this but I'm happy to see Codex Supplements for all Chapters. Amazing.

Jury is still out on wether or not all Chapters will get a supplement.


I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

Seems like all first founding eventually at least. I highly doubt BA, DA and Wolves will get a full codex for their update whenever that happens, because what's the point if they're meant to use the marine book for most units now.


They'll be made into supplements too, just maybe not for a little while longer - probably after the 6 first founding chapters that dont usually have a codex. I have a feeling crimson fists wont get one due to the white dwarf update. BT might get one at some point though.



All first founding getting one is just fine and dandy if you're actually first founding. Not all of us are though.


Here's a bit of a flawed analogy: There used to be a place that was ripe with support for my second founding chapter. Transfers, upgrade bits, venerable dreads, vehicle doors. Then they went and made the whole Horus Heresy, with massive ammounts of content for all first founding (or better put, the original legions, loyal and traitor alike) and that pretty much forever killed their support for my second founding chapter. things like badab etc feels like distant memory also.


So yeah sure, first founding support is really nice if you're actually in that club.

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People complained about the 3rd ed dex and mini suppliments back in the day, why go back to that?

The problem with the Third Edition mini-dexes (in my opinion) wasn't the format. It was the lack of substance within them, both rules (literally a page of special rules and a couple of pages of unit entries) and, perhaps most importantly, background and artwork. The Primaris Vanguard codex that came with Shadowspear actually has far more content.


Compared to the Second Edition Codices that preceded them, and the fourth edition ones that followed, the Third Edition SM codex and it's accompanying mini-dexes were extremely bare bones.


In fairness, they were also substantially cheaper and produced very quickly to follow the 3rd Edition's complete rules re-write. However, all my Third Edition books are boxed up in the attic, while my Second Edition are still on the shelf next to my Forgeworld HH and Badab books.


The new Codex Supplements look like fairly substantial hardbacks, so I have high hopes. As primarily a DA player, I'm also quite happy to have a core Marine dex of basic units (Tac squads, Intercessors, Predators etc) and an Unforgiven supplement with DA specific units and rules.

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So I'm totally surprised. I really didn't think GW would do this but I'm happy to see Codex Supplements for all Chapters. Amazing.

Jury is still out on wether or not all Chapters will get a supplement.


I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

Seems like all first founding eventually at least. I highly doubt BA, DA and Wolves will get a full codex for their update whenever that happens, because what's the point if they're meant to use the marine book for most units now.


They'll be made into supplements too, just maybe not for a little while longer - probably after the 6 first founding chapters that dont usually have a codex. I have a feeling crimson fists wont get one due to the white dwarf update. BT might get one at some point though.

All first founding getting one is just fine and dandy if you're actually first founding. Not all of us are though.


Here's a bit of a flawed analogy: There used to be a place that was ripe with support for my second founding chapter. Transfers, upgrade bits, venerable dreads, vehicle doors. Then they went and made the whole Horus Heresy, with massive ammounts of content for all first founding (or better put, the original legions, loyal and traitor alike) and that pretty much forever killed their support for my second founding chapter. things like badab etc feels like distant memory also.


So yeah sure, first founding support is really nice if you're actually in that club.

As mentioned by some others, it's likely that later foundings will continue the approach of index astartes via whitedwarf and probably allow access to stuff from the parent first founding supplement too.


They cant plausibly provide books for every chapter. But I expect that either the core codex, index astartes or the parent chapter supplement will provide further support for later foundings.


It does make sense to primarily support first founding though as first founding makes a solid template for later foundings of the same gene seed (not perfect as I know some later foundings are divergent but that's perfect for an index astartes article)

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So I'm totally surprised. I really didn't think GW would do this but I'm happy to see Codex Supplements for all Chapters. Amazing.

Jury is still out on wether or not all Chapters will get a supplement.


I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.


Considering GW track record I already have no expectations :wink:


Yeah, it sucked when they got rid of Codex: Raven Guard and Codex: White Scars, too.


Oh, wait, they never had codices. All they ever had were Index Astartes articles and Chapter Tactics.


The Black Templars are one of the Chapters that are most likely to get a codex supplement. At the very worst, they might be rolled into an Imperial Fists supplement (a la the "Codex: Last Wall" idea that has been proposed by some fans). All of the doom and gloom about the Black Templars has gotten old (a long time ago). GW knows how popular the Black Templars are and will continue to support them.


And on that note, I expect the codex supplements to be about the lineage/Legion gene-line, not just the individual Chapters. Yes, the focus will be on "First Founding" Chapter, but there will be coverage of key successors. In all likelihood, we'll see rules for some successors, too. So the Blood Angels book will definitely cover the Flesh Tearers, and maybe the Lamenters (and hopefully some others). The Imperial Fists book will cover the Black Templars (assuming they don't get their own supplement) and Crimson Fists, and maybe the Executioners. The Ultramarines book will be interesting because most of the successors adhere rather closely to the Codex Astartes. How much we see for successors will vary, but this is an opportunity to allow for slight tweaks, and there will likely be a focus on Primaris Chapters (especially for Chapters like the Space Wolves and Salamanders, who didn't previously have (known) successors).


This also provides an opportunity for GW to provide occasional "anthology" supplements that cover multiple Chapters. Someone previously mentioned the Badab War as one possibility. It would be interesting to see something for the Cursed Founding. Or GW might just present a bunch of new Chapters, or Chapters that aren't definitively tied to one of the "First Founding" Chapters (Relictors, Blood Ravens, Minotaurs, etc.). And these don't have to come out all at once - they could be periodic updates that GW publishes as they develop material.

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Its also pretty old hear constant implications we should be thankful we had a codex that was taken away. What an asset it is to know we had a 4th edition codex that is of no use to anyone in this 8th edition? Truly, we have no reason to feel aggreived, we were not squatted outright, only diminished, so we should be thankful right?


It doesn't really work that way, so im afraid you'll have to put up with us voicing some discontent when there's speicific careful wording that assures everyone else in the codex but us is on track to get a supplement.


But fine, I'll grant you maybe we do get some space in the IF supplement, and I'll in fact be happy with that, we haven't really got much of a choice.

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If khorne berzerkers get that additional attack on the charge ON TOP of the one their trait grants them, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end.

They already tended to overkill what they charged so I guess they'll just extra kill that unit's dead body.

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The Black Templar codex was a flop... people didn’t like for reasons such as it didn’t include the Whirlwind of all things. I think they learned it can be a mistake to create a codex for special interest groups to be honest. BT has lots of special characters and chapter tactics plus they are surprisingly a good shooting army as well. It’s a lot more than most any other successor chapter has going for it. And it used to be every chapter could field an EC but that was taken away.
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I’m not saying you need to be thankful you had a 4th edition codex. You still have special units in the current codex, And you can’t assume your not going to be in the new one based off what we know. At the very least you’ll have your units in the IF supplement, and if they don’t add anything new, you’ll have more than IF and CF combined.
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Here's an alternate thought/criticism against folding the BTs into an IF supplement. Unless they make the IF book larger than the other 5 supplements, it means the IFs will be getting less attention and stuff, sharing their time in the sun with another Chapter who are completely different in organisation and structure. Why should the IFs lose out compared to the Scars, RG etc.?

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Here's an alternate thought/criticism against folding the BTs into an IF supplement. Unless they make the IF book larger than the other 5 supplements, it means the IFs will be getting less attention and stuff, sharing their time in the sun with another Chapter who are completely different in organisation and structure. Why should the IFs lose out compared to the Scars, RG etc.?

Probably, but we’re one family, and we share Dorns Blade, and maybe all three can have access to the emperors champion, and sword brothers, while BT have melee focused traits, IF have shooting focused traits and CF have their outnumbered trait.


Or not, I’m not a psyker, I can’t see the future, but GW is a business known for wanting its money, so they are going to act in a way that makes money.

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The Ultramarines book will be interesting because most of the successors adhere rather closely to the Codex Astartes.

What about the Emperor's Spears? That would be cool.



I think they will make supplements for some of the successors (black templars, and to be honest spears are possibility with ADB working on more novels for them), but I think the successor trait list that you pick two from is how they plan to address a lot of the niche chapters. In fourth edition it was a pretty strong ability and it may make up for not having as much stratagem and character support.

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GW rolled templars into the codex despite their lack of codex adherence. It is entirely doable to make the marine book even bigger by adding wolves, BA, and DA. This is not a good idea to me. It feels more logical to have the main codex and then a supplement for chapters instead. These supplements can contain unique units and rules.

Edit: The new codex sort of does this, but focuses on the founding chapters. My problem with this is that fluff wise, the templars and the crimson fists have as much or more lore than some of the founding chapters, leading to a reduction in space devoted to each chapter, or much more likely - removal of even more lore from chapters people are already invested in.

Edited by Kontakt
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The Black Templar codex was a flop... people didn’t like for reasons such as it didn’t include the Whirlwind of all things. I think they learned it can be a mistake to create a codex for special interest groups to be honest. BT has lots of special characters and chapter tactics plus they are surprisingly a good shooting army as well. It’s a lot more than most any other successor chapter has going for it. And it used to be every chapter could field an EC but that was taken away.




It's easy for those who haven't lived through the entire length and breadth of history to cherry pick what has happened and call it canon, then get upset when GW changes than canon in a manner they don't find palpable. Whatever happens BT are better off than Raptors, Celestial Lions, even Blood Ravens which can claim their own, if unique, level of popularity just as strong.


That said. Black Library is for lore, Codex is for the table ... in my opinion.

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Yeah but let's ask if BA,DA and SW want to join the codex SM.(there are exceptions to the rule tho.)

BT was a flop because it went without proper updates for ages. People lose interest on an unsupported weak army.

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