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Should all the chapters be rolled into one codex?

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Well, let's hope they get proper support in the supplaments coming soon.


Strats, relics and traits might have a big impact.


I do hope we get a primaris upgrade sprue and a couple of primaris chars.


Dont mind being in the IF supplement, because I do like IF and CF aswell. But model support is paramount for me.

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Yeah but let's ask if BA,DA and SW want to join the codex SM.(there are exceptions to the rule tho.)

BT was a flop because it went without proper updates for ages. People lose interest on an unsupported weak army.


As BA player, yeah I would have no problem with getting rolled into the Main Codex + Supplement structure. Apart from named characters there are only 7 BA unique units (Sanguinary Priest, Sanguinary Guard, Deathcompany, Baal Predator, Furioso Dread, Deathcompany Dread, Librarian Dread) which would fit quite nicely into a supplement. And they aren't even Primaris so they won't stick around forever anyway. ;)


DA should be similar I think. SW would be an issue since they actually differ quite a bit from the standard company structure.


I agree on the reason why the BT Codex was a flop long term though.

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Yeah but let's ask if BA,DA and SW want to join the codex SM.(there are exceptions to the rule tho.)

BT was a flop because it went without proper updates for ages. People lose interest on an unsupported weak army.

It's a different question now though. They actually went the opposite direction with supplements it looks like all first foundings will effectively have their own book. I don't think we'd really lose anything being added in to the fold.

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If GW was aware of requests for Iron Hands models they must be aware of requests for Black Templar support. We'll see what they do when the supplament hits. If there are no BT units in the basic codex you know they'll be getting updated rules in the supplament at least.
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