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Today in Titanicus I...

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They are rather durable against every day weapons; plasma blast guns and volcano cannons can't explode them any more (unless your opponent makes a custom legio with macro charges), but I also feel like theyre awfully low on the target priority list and so that durability is a bit wasted.


Or just uses Coordinated Strikes like Warhounds tend to do, uses Extermigus maniples with Warbringers or swapped in Reavers, utilizes Experimental Weaponry or Overcharged Cannon, plays with an environmental effect that gives such a plus... Let's just say it's still very much in the cards to drown them in 16+ Armour rolls, flare shields or not.


The better question is target priority, as you say. As they are, they aren't much of a threat until they have maneuvered into a critical spot in comparison to what else there might be. Happy to be proven wrong, but thus far I haven't had any problems with vaporizing anything that looked like a Cerastus.

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They are interesting, but more as a toolbox choice than a core element in my opinion. You don't want to build most of your force from them, unlike you might do with the basic Cerastoi, but having some isn't a bad pick.

Exactly this. They add something a bit different to a knight army that is otherwise zerging across the board. I think it makes sense to take two of them, probably as freeblades, to support the lancers. I'd probably take the shielding standard, which would make these guys seriously difficult to remove with blasts.


Their low-strength fusion weapon is weak against other knights. Even though it rolls a D10 and can theoretically one-shot them, at S6 they'll get their best possible ion saves. As such, lancers might well actually have a 2+ save against all these guys' weapons. Meanwhile those lancers can hit these guys back at S8, largely bypassing their own ion shields.


So yeah, don't spam these. Take two and try and use them to remove orders from enemy Lancers or Acastus, or to knock warhounds around. Try not to accidentally shake your own knights.

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More Knights. Partially because I'm on a kick, and partially because the FLGS has a prize draw. Now I am the proud owner of a box of Acheron/Castigators and a box of Questoris (with upgrade sprue).


Going to dive into Knight Houses and various real-world Orders and see if I strike something to inspire.

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Today in TItanicus I built the structure for my second Warlord :D


That looks nice. You could consider angling the right foot’s toes down a bit if you want. I think that always makes a pose with a raised foot look more realistic. It’s not that easy to do on a Warlord though.

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Today in TItanicus I built the structure for my second Warlord :D


That looks nice. You could consider angling the right foot’s toes down a bit if you want. I think that always makes a pose with a raised foot look more realistic. It’s not that easy to do on a Warlord though.
I haven't got a razor saw so that would have been complicated... Plus I was originally thinking of it more as a striding pose ^^
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TIAT I played a game! 


How do I do the spoiler tags so I don't make a giant post with pics..? I presume I can retrospectively add them in. 




Legio Astorum, For the Warmaster, Corsair Maniple. 

Tigris Mollis - Princeps - Power fist, chain fist and Apoc missiles

Calidum Pardos -  Power fist, chain fist and VMB

Paulo Pila in Furrure - Gatling gun, Melta gun and Apoc missiles 

Beatus Leonis - Gatling gun, Melta gun and VMB

Leo Veternum - Volcano cannon, Laser blaster and roof lasers

Acastus Knight

Strat cards: Warp displacement and I forgot to look for a 1pt strat. Strats are in so many locations, I need to make a full list so I can actually review properly... 



Legio Gryphonicus, For the False Emperor, Extermigus 

Warlord 1 - Princeps, 2x Plasma Annihilator and roof lasers. 

Warlord 2 - Volcano, Quake and Apoc missiles

Warlord 3 (Swapped to a reaver) - 2x Laser blasters and Apoc Missiles 

2 x Acastus knights. 

Strat cards: the one that blocks LOS and 2x tracer clouds.  


We used the open engine war cards for the first time. I hadnt even opened my pack so didnt know what anything did. We decided to go for the planetary effect, setup and primary mission cards. We drew the battlefield one too but decided it was too much to remember for our first game using them so got rid of it. I shuffled and fanned out the cards. Nick drew the three cards we needed.




With two CC reavers this setup and mission certainly seems to give me a massive advantage! I am glad my opponent picked them and not me, otherwise it would have seemed like I planned it all along. My secondary mission choices were awful. One I couldnt do, and the other was Honour duel (have your princeps kill the enemy princeps and 1 other titan for extra VPs). 


Set up: 



Nick won first turn. (I dont think I have ever had initiative in Titanicus). In the strats and orders phase, I warped displaced my Princeps 7" forward and gave my two combat titans the charge order. Nick failed his first order.

Movement had Nick pull back his princeps, but it wasnt far enough. My warp displaced reaver charged forward with blaring warhorns and issued the challenge! With a mighty swing of the power fist he crushed the body of the warlord, no crits but took the damage track to the end. And then disaster. The concussive force of the fist knocked the warlord back out of range of my combat phase attack! :O - Maybe I should have swung with the chainfist in the first instance.

Nick pulls back his reaver out of range of my other charge. (Even with the +2 movement from Astorum and being a warmaster loyalist). 




I pushed forward with everything and Nick shuffled backwards. In the shooting phase Nick dropped a smoke cloud in front of my Acastus so he couldn't see anything. Not sure the name of this strat, seems pretty good! 


Start of the combat phase: 




All of Nicks stuff shoots my CC reaver. I push the reactor every time and gain a bunch of heat! I managed to get her to the red before the shields finally go down. Then the acastus do their thing and kill her with one volley of their magma lascannons. Even though the reactor is red, she only gets laid low. Doesn't even walk or fall into any of the titans surrounding her. With my Princeps dead, my secondary is now unachievable. My fire strips the shields of the wounded warlord and then starts to plink away at the legs. Bloody templates. Both Melta guns and volcano cannon hit legs, band all get 1 superficial and 1 direct hit. Everything else fails to wound or misses. The failed charge CC reaver and my murder turtle do take the shields from Nicks reaver - really lucky for me. 


End of turn, all of Nicks titans gain heat from the planet. Only my remaining CC reaver gets it. 


Turn 2. 

Nick wins initative. Does first fire with Porphorians. I fail my charge order so no orders for me this turn. I push forward and try and get the CC reaver as close to everything of Nicks as poss, with the intention of pushing the reactor to the red again and dying spectacularly. 




Porphorians 1 shot the CC reaver before I get to swing. Laid low again, misses everything - again. With my right hand reaver I again level everything at the damaged warlord. This time the melta does some damage to the head! Placed gatling and missile shots do a bit of damage to the body. Nicks volcano warlord strips the shields and does horrific damage with 2 crits from the volcano cannon to the legs of leftie melta/gatling. I don't like splitting damage but I can see that the Nicks reaver is in position to kill my crippled dude. Melta double crits the legs, gatling finishes off the titan! Got a kill! Its laid low and falls into the building. 

I fire everything else at Nicks damaged warlord. It lives...  




Turn 3. 


Porphorians first fire and kill the reaver. I push and try to hide with my forward titan. Nick starts to move toward the objective. 




Combat - surely melta reaver can finish off the warlord right!? Wrong - Nick shot off the gatling blaster with the plasma annihilator. Surely either of the laser blasters can finish it off then..? Nope. Guess its the volcano cannon then!? I was hoping that I wouldn't have to rely on this as the machine spirit or extra heat might cause issues. Luckily this does do the job. Engine kill! 

Nicks Volcano warlord battered my volcano reaver, and his acastus hit my melta guy. My porphorian killed one of Nicks. 


Turn 4. 
I pull my reavers back to hide, tucking volcano behind the building nearest the objective so I claim that and cant be shot. Uneventful turn, but necessary. I have two badly damaged reavers vs Nicks untouched warlord and a porphorian. Luckily the game ends. I claim the objective, but fail my secondary. Nick also fails his secondary. 
Win for me! 

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Thanks for this report. I'm glad some people are getting games in, especially with such nice looking armies. Congrats on the win.


One thing you might look at next time is terrain placement. It looks as if you've ended up constructing sort of an arena in the middle, with all the titans concentrated in a relatively small, open area. A good way to avoid this is to start out placing something big in the middle of the board, or a couple of things near the centre, and work outwards from that.

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I haven't got a razor saw so that would have been complicated... Plus I was originally thinking of it more as a striding pose ^^


Something like this might help.


There are two approaches you can use. Recently I've been using a fine-bladed fret saw to carefully cut a wiggly line around all the hinges and detach the toe. Before I had that I just carefully bent the toes down with my fingers.


A straight saw isn't recommended. You'll cut through the hinge and/or the socket for the piston.


In any case a little bit of Green Stuff is likely to be needed, though once the shin armour and some mud has been applied, you can get away with a lot.

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TIAT I got a resin 3d printer... Time to get calibrated and print some shiny AT stuff! Already got awesome files for: Reaver Volkite arm, Warhound Volkite, Lucius head, a volcano cannon for the Warbringer, loads of Defensor bits and Warhound and Reaver arms with precut magnet holes. 

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TIAT I got a resin 3d printer... Time to get calibrated and print some shiny AT stuff! Already got awesome files for: Reaver Volkite arm, Warhound Volkite, Lucius head, a volcano cannon for the Warbringer, loads of Defensor bits and Warhound and Reaver arms with precut magnet holes.

Does the Lucius head look like the current FW one? And if so, you willing to share the STL? It’s my favorite warlord head and I’m about to start a warlord for my traitors. For that matter, the idea of a volkite reaver would be freakin sweet as well

Edited by The boater
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TIAT I got a resin 3d printer...

What kind?
I got an Anycubic Photon Mono, I chuffing love it.

TIAT I got a resin 3d printer... Time to get calibrated and print some shiny AT stuff! Already got awesome files for: Reaver Volkite arm, Warhound Volkite, Lucius head, a volcano cannon for the Warbringer, loads of Defensor bits and Warhound and Reaver arms with precut magnet holes.

Does the Lucius head look like the current FW one? And if so, you willing to share the STL? It’s my favorite warlord head and I’m about to start a warlord for my traitors. For that matter, the idea of a volkite reaver would be freakin sweet as well
Nah it's not the same as the Forge World one but here's the link if anyone wants a nosey:


Here's a picture of the Warhound Volkite cannons, breacher marines and Warhound arms with precut magnet holes:


Edit I also printed some amazing Defensor bits that Russ Charles created and shared on the Titanicus Facebook group. Lovely new shin plates for the second warlord I'll be building.

Edited by Reyner
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Am I the only one thinking 'Titanicus scaled Keeper of Secrets' when seeing those Slaanesh Beastmen?



Only if you want a cerastus sized keeper of secrets might make for an interesting scenario, or some cool house Devine conversions



Well, keep in mind that in the old Epic game the Greater Daemon models were about 28/30mm tall, so it might not be that far fetched to use such a model. If you want bigger Titan sized creatures, you might want to do some Daemon Behemoths.

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