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Today in Titanicus I...

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Yeah Atarus should almost certainly take infernus missiles x2. It massively increases the threat range of the Titan. Being able to one-shot titans at 30” instead of 20 is a very big difference. It probably kills something a turn sooner.

I agree. The real decision now is whether to glue on the nipple tassel banners, or not...


(The tiny crotch banner is a definite no...)


Burlesque titans, assemble! Maniple, forwards... dance!

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Yeah the mini banners are an issue. I think they're very likely to drop off and get lost, which would be annoying. For lots of Legios I think it would make sense to leave them off but unfortunately my Astorum are all about gaudy embellishments. All my engines should probably have these.

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I'm still pretty early into the build, but I got some grim dark terrain fureans tilt plates that I'm hoping can fit on.


I also took the painful choice to leave all the armour off. I know it took me a lot longer to paint my warlord titan with its armour off since it just looked like more work and I had to mentally prepare for a long painting session. But the master has so much machinery underneath a ton of armour that I couldn't imagine trying to hand paint that and avoid ruining the plates.

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Skimask, yeah, my Warmaster arrived today, and looking at the kit it's clear that the best method will be to paint the skeleton with the armour panels off. To be honest I already do that with all the other classes, even the Warhound, but it's very much optional with those smaller titans. For this one I think it's clearly best to paint the panels separately. This does introduce the possibility that you could spend far too long detailing the skeleton only to cover loads of it up, so that's something to bear in mind.

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Skimask, yeah, my Warmaster arrived today, and looking at the kit it's clear that the best method will be to paint the skeleton with the armour panels off. To be honest I already do that with all the other classes, even the Warhound, but it's very much optional with those smaller titans. For this one I think it's clearly best to paint the panels separately. This does introduce the possibility that you could spend far too long detailing the skeleton only to cover loads of it up, so that's something to bear in mind.

My titan skeletons tend to be a medium silver with a brown wash and then they get hit with the enamel the same as the rest of the titan so I'm not too worried. Maybe this will be the first where I do hydraulics with some oil details like I've always meant to lol

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I'm still pretty early into the build, but I got some grim dark terrain fureans tilt plates that I'm hoping can fit on.


GDT makes legion Tilt shields? Ive never seen them any pictures?

They're in the subscriber bonus stuff iirc. Got them through my friend who deals with the local printers and buys a lot of the stls.

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Trying to think of a good paint scheme for my Fureans Warmaster once it arrives. I was thinking of an inverted scheme (similiar to one of my warbringers) but I feel that might be too lazy.


Kind of jealous of the legios that can pull off different quartering blocks and stripes :P

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Today I intend to crack out my spare 40k Knight sprues and see what is compatible with my Warmaster.


Bigger crotch banner and maybe a Powerfist...


Also need to track down some suitable banners/ flags to make the Warmaster even taller. Can easily be magnetised into the rear flak/ mortar sockets.

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Finished the primary build stage of my Warmaster today. (Superuenientibus Tempestate - The Oncoming Storm)


The magnetisation was fairly straightforward in the end. I managed to mag all the weapons bar the flamers and turbolasers without any drilling, and those two only required minimal work. The trick was to build the shoulder weapon mounting bracket with the magnets inside. But to be honest, I may not have needed the magnets in the weapons, I reckon paint and friction would hold them all in the mounting bracket. So if you just magnetised the mount and the Apocs, it would probably work ok.


Weirdly, the model comes with enough parts to make all of the AA guns AND the mortars. And they're almost designed to be magnetised, which is pretty bizarre really, when you see that the shoulder weapons need to be cut to swap?


It's also worth noting that the brackets which contain the magnet for the weapon, also hold the shoulder weapon turret in place. I therefore decided not to glue that piece in, as it means I can paint the shoulder turret separately, it being mainly armour panel coloured.


In terms of traps, and mistakes you could make. As ever the legs are the danger. But as long as you follow the instructions it should be fine. However, when you build the upper legs, there comes a point when you have to glue the parts which includes the hip ball joint, to the upper leg, however, in this part is the piston arrangement which connects the hip to the knee, don't glue the ball joint in until after you've finished posing, as it will prevent you from bending the knee joint.


Overall, it's an incredible kit. The best I've ever built from GW, it's got the detail and quality you expect, with the posability of a Forgeworld Cerastus, if not more so!



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Had the first arrivals of my planned custom legion: Legio Echinaster. Sadly, due to space constraints at home it'll be a while before I can begin assembly but it's good to have the pieces.

When I get going, I'm going to start with the Warhounds & then build an Arcus maniplr first.


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My Maniple Battleforce boxes arrived today.


Once this case of Covid passes and I can hold a hobby knife safely, I'll get to working on them. As weak as I am, trying to open the box was as far as I got today.


Maybe I can remove the shrinkwrap tomorrow lol

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I watched a Tutorial Video by the guy who did the REALLY nice Legio Gryphonnicus Warmaster. He said they were a little missile launcher......... but I can't see anything on the model to justify that description.

That’s what I had assumed they were. It’s also possible they’re giant censers, pumping out sanctifying machine oil smoke, or something!

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I think they're something ceremonial. They don't look like missile launchers, more like a censer or possibly a speaker. I imagine it sending out binaric "music" for the Admech forces around.


For mine I've gone with one pair of lascannons and one grill thing. Whatever it is, I'm sure Astorum would want the fancy thing instead of the boring guns.

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I'm assuming it's a plasma or heat vent, most of the design for more recent Titans has a relatively practical/ industrial aesthetic

I don’t think so. For one, it’s not near any major power source that would require a vent. And it’s optional, which heat vents are definitely not. Plus it doesn’t really look like the vents the titans do have.


I’m sticking with my opinion that it’s something Omnissiah-worship-related. Maybe holy incense wafts out or maybe binaric hymns.

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I thought they were basically BattleTech A-Pods:

An Anti-Personnel Pod (A-Pod) is a piece of equipment designed specifically for 'Mechs. A-Pods are carried in the leg(s) of a 'Mech and, when detonated, effectively fill an area 15 meters in diameter with deadly shrapnel. They can be used to attack conventional infantry that is occupying the same area as the 'Mech. It is a one-shot weapon and cannot be reused.


The Mechanicum can be pretty brutal about rad and chem usage too, so it could easily be a censer that's both religious and a defensive weapon.

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