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Today in Titanicus I...

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Man, Zodd, those are some tasty, tasty walls.


On the topic of funky scenarios, I've spent the day preparing for our upcoming Titanicus mega-battle at the club, might have to actually paint at least one new titan before it :biggrin.:

First I've got to write the special stratagem deck and get it printed though...


It'll be awesome with dozens of titans on the field at once!


Do you fine folks have experiences of properly big titan clashes? Curious to hear how those have gone, I haven't yet played above some 12k+ on the table at once.


Edited by Sherrypie
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Our group has generally been down on mega games as they are suuuuper slow, running a bunch of activations at once should help though! I would encourage players to keep their titans roughly together though, so their focus isn't all over the place :)
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Ha, yeah. In a big game like that, most players don't have to stay on top of the whole situation at all times. Concentrate on your own third of the table, deal with some occasional fuzzy stuff at the edges and enjoy the ride.


Though last time it seemed like the whole enemy line wanted my psi-titan dead so bad they had to shoot Apocalypse missiles at it from maximum range... :D

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That wall fortification - which as you say is pretty roughly printed - is still a very nice piece.


Was it a one-off thing, or does he sell them as a regular item? I could use something like that...

Hi Schoon, thanks for the comment! It’s part of a range the guy does on eBay. His trading name is Gamerforge, based in the UK. Depending where in the world you are, have a look at his shop. He does a load of 40k and SW Legion stuff, and then a few AT scale items too.

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Today in Titanicus I varnished my Reaver (well most of him/her - I had to fix the weathering on the lasers). I also recently bought Titandeath so I now have the Defensor rules.

Sorry no pictures of today, but here’s a shot from a practice game a few weeks ago. The Reaver is just a massive punchbag. It did almost no damage but survived long enough for the Warhound to ambush the Warlord (if you look closely you can see a counter-ambush by the knight, but ultimately the Warhound was the sole survivor).


Sorry that I have so little else to update on - Kill Team has taken over as my son’s new favourite, but I’d rather be putting Titanicus first!

Edited by LameBeard
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Due to the power of procrastination, knocked up a scout speeder for my artillery reaver (Which is itself PIP)

51562963441_374f26868a_k.jpg244206710_10159614771600797_1432577857614107542_n by Noserenda, on Flickr

Also an awful picture of my possessed Reaver that i finished recently :) 

51562172472_27a57ded36_k.jpg242758520_10159595442490797_3219245492058734424_n by Noserenda, on Flickr

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That wall fortification - which as you say is pretty roughly printed - is still a very nice piece.


Was it a one-off thing, or does he sell them as a regular item? I could use something like that...


They look like Grim Dark Terrain walls so if you have a 3D printer or easy access to one you can get the STLs and make them yourself or there's a list of merchants on the GDT site - https://grimdarkterrain.com/merchants/



Today (probalby this month) in Titanicus I worked on Warhounds. I have all the plasma and megabolters magnatised along with three volktie, a lance and a ursus claw. I need to work on the plasma blasters and weapon shoulders (which I forgot to basecoat and attach...) There are another two warhounds like these but I didn't think about bases for them at all so that's on the to-do list.


Ze4hrL6m.jpg   QvEQLDxm.jpg


Pictures are linked to an imgur album for shots from different angles.

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I had to prepare at least something new for tomorrow's mega-Titanicus. Few days and maybe ~20 painting hours later, TIAT:



Delictor Profectuum, the Eraser of Deeds, Annihilator of Achievements, walks!

This brings Legio Favilla to 13 painted titans, which... will probably not be enough, I haven't even built all my stuff :D

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TIT I realised I'd been playing the scatter rules for stratagems wrong.


I'd missed the 'standard rule for scattering an object' on page 24 of the rulebook, which states that the Hit on the scatter die means the object being scattered doesn't move.


This makes many of the stratagems much more interesting, because they now have a 1/3 chance of actually hitting a target. Probably not enough to make me take them, but it will make me a bit less smug when an opponent drops a 5" blast template from now on. Believing, as I did that they would always scatter, I was apt to see them as a complete waste of time.

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Reading definitions helps, yes. Using the arrow in the Hit is indeed an exception if you have already for whatever reason failed the hitting part, as with Blasts.


Artillery can hit where they're targeted just fine ;)

You would not believe how some aspects of my gaming group have denied that that is how the rule works however.

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Reading definitions helps, yes. Using the arrow in the Hit is indeed an exception if you have already for whatever reason failed the hitting part, as with Blasts.


Artillery can hit where they're targeted just fine ;)

You would not believe how some aspects of my gaming group have denied that that is how the rule works however.

Heh, it is amusingly familiar how that happens when people have strong opinions on rules they think they've read but haven't really. Even better when combined with opinions that are clearly out of line, like the Charging knights with bazillion bonus dice debacle in 2018.

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Today in titanicus....

I have (just about!) finished my second warlord (the white one below). A few touchups, highlights and bits of basing left to do but very pleased with how this one has turned out. This is the first painting progress ive made in a couple of months so quite pleased!

That pretty much completes the Legio build I was doing.....now I need to finish my custom legio fluff and pick some names ahead of ordering the base nameplates.

Note - currently in the middle of building a wee whitebox for photos, so will hopefully get some better pics of the whole Legio in the coming week.




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Today I ordered an Asterius. It's quite a cool model I think. The interesting thing about it is that the WHC article says it can repair itself, and details the weapons it comes with - including volkites. The current absurdly broken terminal for the Acastus doesn't allow it to put itself back together and lacks those volkites. This means there's a chance they'll have produced a revised terminal, featuring reasonable rules.


I guess I can dream, right? Till it turns up and it's just an even better Acastus with better defensive weapons (shieldbane, lol?) and self-repair.

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Picked up a tray to hopefully magnetise storage for my knights, still need to measure up my converted warlords for titans though! As im sure there are many others ahead of me on this game, any tips for a good place to get steel sheets in the uk? Before i take the tin snips to old oven trays anyway :D  

I have some magnets around somewhere i planned to magnetise Terminator* bases with that should work for the other side. 

*They were in on space hulk bases and them walking on the walls and ceilings made me chuckle :D 

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TIAT I was reminded of the “joys” of painting Warlord armour trim.


A Frater kindly offered to give me an intro game next week, so I dug my half painted Krytos Titans out of storage and I’m going to see if I can finally paint up that maniple.


My Titanicus journey started three years ago (nearly to the day), so I’m hoping 2021 is the year I manage to “Make a Man(iple) out of you”.


There is a 1750 point beginner event at the end of November I’m planning to attend which has a three colour minimum requirement, so would love to get the Engines finished in time for that.


Watch this space.



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