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Discussion on the new C:SM & Possible BT supplement

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Here's what I'm thinking:


Deploy a 10 man squad of Incursors and an Invictor in your opponent's face. 

Take a drop pod with grav devastators and whatever else

Take a second drop pod either with a dreadnought or an infantry unit + captain

Pray for turn 1


You have a huge force right in your opponent's face, a mix of Primaris and classic marine units that are sure to mess with their front lines. If you think your chances of first turn are low depending on what type of deployment rules you're using, a more conservative deployment of your vanguard units using terrain might be called for. 


And of course, you don't want to sit them directly in front of a huge squad a genestealers either. 

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So Initiates are 13 pts per each while tac squad is 12 pts per each?


Tactical marines are 12 because they're updated, this PDF is not an update, apart from Grimaldus' litanies its cut an paste.


Pedro, Shrike, Helbrecht are the worst chapter masters since they still has the old 'reroll failed' rule. Its clear that this is not a preview or an update in any form.

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So Initiates are 13 pts per each while tac squad is 12 pts per each?

Tactical marines are 12 because they're updated, this PDF is not an update, apart from Grimaldus' litanies its cut an paste.


Pedro, Shrike, Helbrecht are the worst chapter masters since they still has the old 'reroll failed' rule. Its clear that this is not a preview or an update in any form.

What's the difference with Calgar and Khorsarro? I haven't really paid attention to the supps.


Helbrecht is actually less appealing than Grim now. I always disliked that his buff affected models, not units.

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So Initiates are 13 pts per each while tac squad is 12 pts per each?

Tactical marines are 12 because they're updated, this PDF is not an update, apart from Grimaldus' litanies its cut an paste.


Pedro, Shrike, Helbrecht are the worst chapter masters since they still has the old 'reroll failed' rule. Its clear that this is not a preview or an update in any form.

What's the difference with Calgar and Khorsarro? I haven't really paid attention to the supps.


Helbrecht is actually less appealing than Grim now. I always disliked that his buff affected models, not units.

It’s really not a big deal, 6" is quite big actually. See this pic for reference.



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High Sanguinary Priest Corbulo has a +1 strength to units aura (which all HQ slot sanguinary priests have) and Grimaldus' exploding hits aura. BT buff characters have always been overpriced jokes.



What's the difference with Calgar and Khorsarro? I haven't really paid attention to the supps.


Khorsarro is just a captain so he's re-rollings 1s still, but the Chapter Master stratagem grants rerolls on to hit rolls while Helbrecht lets you reroll misses. Litanies of Hate from Chaplains is the same in also not specifying misses.


So the newer reroll bubbles let you reroll any value from stuff like power fists and thunder hammers while Helbrecht is stuck not allowing you to reroll 3s because of the "modifiers before rerolls" ruling they put in to stop captains rerolling thunder hammer 2s.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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So Initiates are 13 pts per each while tac squad is 12 pts per each?

Tactical marines are 12 because they're updated, this PDF is not an update, apart from Grimaldus' litanies its cut an paste.


Pedro, Shrike, Helbrecht are the worst chapter masters since they still has the old 'reroll failed' rule. Its clear that this is not a preview or an update in any form.

What's the difference with Calgar and Khorsarro? I haven't really paid attention to the supps.


Helbrecht is actually less appealing than Grim now. I always disliked that his buff affected models, not units.

It’s really not a big deal, 6" is quite big actually. See this pic for reference.




..... is your High Marshal not painted?!!!! :wink:

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GW is really adamant about only giving rules to models they consider themselves having kits of


As far as I understand it, the Chapter Ancient was moved to the Ultramarine codex because the UM Honour guard kit is described as containing one. Meanwhile if you look at the old command squad kit, it has a 'standard bearer' instead, so they don't consider it having an ancient, ergo there's no generic classic marine ancient available, so the entry was removed from the codex. Guess they view the command squad to purely be the command squad found in the index

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GW is really adamant about only giving rules to models they consider themselves having kits of


As far as I understand it, the Chapter Ancient was moved to the Ultramarine codex because the UM Honour guard kit is described as containing one. Meanwhile if you look at the old command squad kit, it has a 'standard bearer' instead, so they don't consider it having an ancient, ergo there's no generic classic marine ancient available, so the entry was removed from the codex. Guess they view the command squad to purely be the command squad found in the index

They have a company ancient in the book. That is who the mini from the command squad box represents.

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It does, I agree. Lack of armament options aside, there is no difference in model between a company and A chapter ancient.


Did the UM keep Chapter Champion btw? That datasheet has gone as well. Same thing as ancient, Company has survived but not Chapter.


I think this kind of falls into the trend of this book as a whole, there appears generally to be much more focus on SM companies than the last book.

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