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Discussion on the new C:SM & Possible BT supplement

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New by kikasstou:

Black Templar is not a SM supplement . It is only the supplement SM that must leave by the end of October (IF and Salamanders). Given the information that begins to filter, I expect an announcement this weekend of the preco of these supplements for the following week. BT rules will be in the supplement Psychic Awakening Volume 2. October is Volume 1 with Drukharis and Eldars. My personal opinion is that we must count rather end of the year I will say. The box BT vs Ork is flank. If there is a box with each issue of Psychic Awakening tome, in this case it would be rather BT vs Chaos especially as we always have a rumor engine on a wizard Chaos. But I repeat nothing about a box for now.


Its a terrible translation tho.


Im having trouble understanding the last bit. I think it is:


But i repeat, nothing concerning a box right now.


I personally think kikasstou has acess to some rules preview or something.

But he does not know about the model releases, only what he can infer from the books.

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That looks more or less like my gut feeling on how these releases will happen. First psychic and last SM in October, Sisters in NOvember, with the second Psychic book either falling in November with sisters, or just after. I think we're going to see Psychic books dropping once per month, but can't predict. Could be once per 2, or once per 3. Vigilus was spread out 3 months apart?


I'm still assuming Templars will come in November near to the Sisters release and alongside the 2nd Psychic book, but that is powered partially by hope. We have some Sigmar stuff in the pipes that needs to be sprinkled in as well.

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Putting us in a campaign book versus a supplement is such a strange choice. Currently, we have four unique datasheets, second only to Ultramarines, who have 12. If we get a plastic character that isn't a primarization of an old sculpt, then we would have five.


4-5 datasheets, plus doctrines, relics/wargear, warlord traits, stratagems, and litanies/vows or something. That is of course assuming we get the rules the other chapters did. All of that, in the same book that features another faction entirely.


It's just a strange situation.

Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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Im having trouble understanding the last bit. I think it is:


But i repeat, nothing concerning a box right now.


I personally think kikasstou has acess to some rules preview or something.

But he does not know about the model releases, only what he can infer from the books.


From what i'm reading he's saying


-the BT vs Ork rumor is bull...

-they'll come in the second book of PsyAw near the year's end

-he's not sure if EVERY issue of PsyAw will be accompanied by a boxset like the eldar one

-if they do,the one for that part will likely be BT vs something chaos


So,the first 2 part are things he gives for sure,the last 2 are somewhat speculatory

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Pretty much goes along with what I was suspecting, and yeah, I concur, he's saying the BT vs Orks box is a bust (which he has been saying for a while). He seems adamant that we'll be coming with psyaw book 2, and thinks it'll be around the end of the year. And it looks like that book might be Sisters and BT vs Chaos, but he doesn't know if it too would come with a box


I think he has some info with regards to some model releases though, because wasn't it he who said that Grimaldus and Helbrecht specifically wouldn't get primarized models?


EDIT: though i suppose the last part could be inferred from a rules preview, if they were completely unchanged

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Well by putting BT in the a story / campaign books it would get us more exposure and help build BT interest.  It might be a way for GW to gauge the response to BT to see how much future support they want to give them or to prime the community for future BT releases.


It would have been very easy to just pull BT from the story lines over the last years and put in any other major chapter UM, SW, BA or DA.  I personally don't see the other first foundings holding enough of a following to fill that roll outside the big 4.  Note: GK is a special item especially to lore.

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Here is a proper translation:

French guy here. Here is a translation of the OG post.

"BT isn't a SM supplement. From the SM supplement, only the IF and Salies will be out around end of October. Looking at the infos that are starting to get through, I'm expecting an article about the preorder of these supplements this week end.
BT rules will be in Psychic Awakening Vol.2. In October, we will have the first book featuring Drukharis and Eldars. My personnal opinion is that we'll have to wait until the end of the year. The BT vs Ork box is :censored: . If a box is to accompany every Psychic Awakening book, then it will more likely be a BT vs Chaos, keeping in mind that we still have a Rumor engine about a chaos sorcerer. But please remember : nothing is sure about a potential box right now"

Hope it helps.

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On the previous page, he also replied this to someone asking how we would be handled :


"Same as a BT supplement with doctrine bonus, warlord traits, relics, stratagems. Since they do not have psykers they might very well get their own litanies table instead".


This does feed the speculation some of us had about chaplains compensating for psykers. Which in my humble opinion is pretty great.

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It would have been very easy to just pull BT from the story lines over the last years and put in any other major chapter UM, SW, BA or DA.  I personally don't see the other first foundings holding enough of a following to fill that roll outside the big 4.  Note: GK is a special item especially to lore.

I wonder.


GW decided to cut out BTs and start producing more and more content for the FF chapters as the years went after all.

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It would have been very easy to just pull BT from the story lines over the last years and put in any other major chapter UM, SW, BA or DA.  I personally don't see the other first foundings holding enough of a following to fill that roll outside the big 4.  Note: GK is a special item especially to lore.

I wonder.


GW decided to cut out BTs and start producing more and more content for the FF chapters as the years went after all.


Fall of Cadia I thought BT was going to get squated when I first herd the rumors they were going to be in there.  Heck they had just killed Warhammer Fantasy why not do something to 40k.  But adding in BT to the Psychic awaking trailer and likely in the story book pushes them in a positive direction.  


Yep very interesting as BT has a fairly large following for getting little support over the years and fairly negative feedback from GW's old guard around the time of the codex merge.  I also want to point out to you that it was not a dig at your hobby but the major chapters that have had their own codexes generally have a larger player base that GW normally promotes(UM, BA, SW, DA).  I'm still shocked that BT keeps showing up.

Edited by balordazul
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I somewhat doubt that UM has more fanbase than us. We might give DA a run for their money.


If we had the same treatment has DA had we would be on SW levels of fanbase.


I did miss that litanies post.

All and all its still rumours, and just because ghaz is rumoured to be facing Ragnar that does not impact a possible ork vs BT box.


After october the second book will be teased, and we will see what path this will take for us.

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Shhhh you can't talk bad about UM even if you have never seen that shade of blue on the table until 8th...... but GW has them as the poster boys for at least 15 years now if not longer.


Either way the choices are fairly odd from the outside to have BT in these rolls and to me at least it holds a positive turn for BT.


But also in the same vain I'm likely the only BT player I know in my city.  The other three guys that I knew of that played got out shortly after the codex merge.  


Wait I'm wrong I do remember someone coming over from the west cost and winning an event in 6th with MSU UM.  Before 8th we had a lot of space elves, Tau, Orks and Nids and IG is the main imperial faction in my area, oddly SM was fairly rare outside of chaos.

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By the way, Hydraphur one of the 2 planets close to the 2nd campaign location, has this bit of lore:


Sometime after the Great Rift's creation, Hydraphur was invaded by the Black Legion and the Imperium sent its forces to defend the world. However, the Black Legion advanced in great numbers, which forced the defenders to retreat - save for the Adeptus Custodes. No matter how many times the Black Legion charged the Custodes, they have stood firm and have broken the traitors' advance against their Auramite wall.


Also Agripinaa is close by but its heavily tied to Mechanicus being a Forgeworld.


And i still havent forgotten this:



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It would be great, but also sounds like speculation on his part

He added a winking smiley at the end of his sentence, and it matched the style of writing he uses when giving direct info. Felt more like a wink wink nudge nudge thing than speculation.


Also I am fully aware of how far into the deep end I'm going with this analysis, but 1/ that's the fun of it 2/ poor dude has been the single most reliable source so far regarding the last releases ^^.

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To be honest now is our best chance.

The way things are going, with us barely making an appearance on the main codex, not part of the IF supplement, having our own tab on GW site, a paint named after us, its all small things that add up to maybe having a bit of focus.

I don't want to be overly optimistic, its not my nature, but it just wont make sense to have all this work to just ditch us.

Several rumours covered BT, both from sources with previous correct rumours.

Now we just need to wait.

I believe both rumours to be correct. We will be part of the 2nd book, and we will feature in a box facing someone like elder and deldar.

Could be orks but it wont be ghaz.

Its a great opportunity to make new plastic HQ both for BT and Orks, and add a couple units.

I can see an Emperor Champion, and a box of sword brothers for us.

Why? Sword bros can triple as elite CC unit, as Castellans or Marshals, even command squads.

With one kit GW could cover a lot.

Emperor Champion can face the new plastic Ork Weirdboy (Ghaz can beat the living snot out of ragnar), to show how much of a badass he is, introducing some new ork boys or whatever, and Helbrecth or Grimaldus  can later appear in other campaign.


This are my 0.2 thrones on all of this.

I could be horribly wrong and we get some rules only.

that there is not a big appearance in this codex is nothing special. No chapter does.

Not being in the IF supplement is the only thing i would say thats really big. Under normal circumstances - we would be there as a sitenote. But we are not.


I believe the rumors too - but because we dont get our own supplement is a big thing.


It shows that we dont get the same attention. There are 2 things what could be.


1. Threre usual plan was to give us just a sidenote in the IF-Supplement but after the community survey and lot of people who write to GW they decide to give us rules too... and changed one thing.




2. The Supplement we are getting is way smaller then the other Supplements are. And GeDub dont know what to do with us.




3. There always had been a plan for us to give us our own codex back and this Campain-Supplement is just a way to see what the fans want to have. And for that they designed a emperors champion in Primaris version.



So, if there is NO Primaris BT - it will show how bad our standing is in reality. If there is a model - it could be a huge thing in the future... 

In the end - we are now on to face a crucial decision about our beloved chapter in the next 2 years (or even more)




I somewhat doubt that UM has more fanbase than us. We might give DA a run for their money.




In 5th edition we used to have a bigger playerbase. But now I would say we are not that big. But this depends just of our treatment.



I mean - In my club we have one member who started with BT, but now he switched to play Blood Angels because they are more supported in terms of power. The last years the most chapters used to be better then we used to be... Without any good reinforcements ( new models) and :cussty rules - its the only legit reason.

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I somewhat doubt that UM has more fanbase than us. We might give DA a run for their money


In 5th edition we used to have a bigger playerbase. But now I would say we are not that big. But this depends just of our treatment.



I mean - In my club we have one member who started with BT, but now he switched to play Blood Angels because they are more supported in terms of power. The last years the most chapters used to be better then we used to be... Without any good reinforcements ( new models) and :cussty rules - its the only legit reason.

You would be surprised at how many Black Templar players there are. I have gotten hundreds of emails from players since 8th edition was released. Especially since they just lurk around.

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I'd heard directly from an employee that Templars would be in with the fists. Of course GW could have made changes since that information was given out.


If we're in there, which we will see soon enough, great. If we get our own supplement or campaign book instead that's fine too. I just wish they'd hurry up and get this stuff released so I can figure out what the heck I need to start working on.

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Guys you have to understand the lead time on these books. They aren't making changes to a book from a survey in april. Whatever they are planning has probably been finished since before that survey was done. To put it into perspective, Magic the Gathering began working on their most recent expansions in 2016. 

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I'd heard directly from an employee that Templars would be in with the fists. Of course GW could have made changes since that information was given out.

And my local Warhammer Store manager is convinced BT get their own supplement. The truth is that for the most part, store managers do NOT know much more than we do in terms of future releases. They get a slight heads up when they receive the list of upcoming deliveries or the odd display change warning but that's it.
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