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Chapter Tactic: Forged in Battle


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VERY strong on a *lot* of units, off the top of my head the real benefactors are:

  • Lascannon 5-man Tactical Squads - would be really nice Battalion filler now when sat in cover!
  • Dreads with a mixed ranged/ combat loadout - accurate fire on the move into combat, less chip damage.
  • Vindicators/ Any big gun - rerolllllls for days!
  • Scouts - very durable screens ignoring the -1AP, especially in cover.
  • Terminators - ignoring -1AP is massive for them. No real benefits from the re-rolls but always handy.
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It is useful almost no matter what. Even a boring example- ten Intercessors, one with the Aux. Grenade Launcher. Rolling for the S6 AP-1 Dd3 Krak grenade may not be sexy, but the unit aggregate is always great. Double that if I am using two five-man units with Auxs.

And now the Executioner- the Big Gun will get through, come hell or high water.

The durability increase is nice, and it isn't limited to only ranged weapons.

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I would just like to add that the reroll is no longer restricted to "failed" rolls. I think a lot of people may have missed that particular change. 


As someone who plays Cawl in Ad Mech, this is VERY powerful as you can circumvent modifiers.

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I would just like to add that the reroll is no longer restricted to "failed" rolls. I think a lot of people may have missed that particular change. 


As someone who plays Cawl in Ad Mech, this is VERY powerful as you can circumvent modifiers.



Thanks for clarifying what that meant, cause I was lost at how that was an improvement. Cheers :) 


Also I love the new rule, not just as a rule (because it's beautiful as it is) but I love it for the fluff. I gripped about the re-rolls and narrative when the first codex came out. 

But this new survivalbility just fills my soul with glee. The Salamanders whole "we'll defend humanity until our dying breath" thing was the reason I fell in love with the chapter years ago, and now we have tabletop rules to represent that. GW you've done me good!


Also I feel like such an idiot for running 10 man squads for the whole edition after the community page mentioned 5man squads. Such a dumbass xD

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I would just like to add that the reroll is no longer restricted to "failed" rolls. I think a lot of people may have missed that particular change. 


As someone who plays Cawl in Ad Mech, this is VERY powerful as you can circumvent modifiers.



Also I feel like such an idiot for running 10 man squads for the whole edition after the community page mentioned 5man squads. Such a dumbass xD


Don't feel dumb. While the Salamander CT benefits MSU, I've had great success running big squads. 

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How does Aquilion Optics (on the Repulsor Executioner) work in conjunction with the Salamander trait exactly?  Do you get to re-roll a hit/wound each time the gun fires since it technically fires twice, separately; or just once for the whole shooting phase?

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Good question. Optics doesn't say you double the amount of shots, but rather that you shoot twice. However, does that mean that you are selecting it to fire twice, and that the second time you are firing only the big gun? An interesting crossection of wording. I tend to take conservative wording interpretations so I'd say no, but I can see the oher interpretation entirely. It would be good to have it looked at by GW.

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If it were to apply twice, then that is a very big deal for both versions of the gun, IMO.  Many call me crazy, but I love the Macro Plasma option on this platform, and would love it a lot more if the liberal interpretation turns out to be true.

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Assault Terminators with Stormshields will be fun. AP0 and AP-1 is literally the same to them and AP-2 is basically just AP-1 with everything above AP-2 being completely wasted.


Yep, and just like that the demand for FW fire Drake termi's goes up. Stonks. :teehee:

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Tbf, it wasn't really AP-1 weapons that were holding termies back.


Party Poopers need to stay quiet. :D But you are right. To me it is their mobility that is the issue. 8th ed just has too many weapons that can one-shot these boys. But you can't deny that Salamader Termies are going to be much harder to kill than most other chapter termies. 



All those free rerolls though. Salamanders are going to be seriously brutal. Also, it might be time to bring back the mini-primarch Salamanders Captain. :D


Captain in Terminator Armor "The Anvil"- Salamander Relic, Salamander Warlord Trait, Might of Heroes, Psychic Fortress, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer


S6 T6 A5 - 2+, 3++, 4+ FNP

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