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Standard Tangamarine Construct: The Fire Falcons return!


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My names Tangamarine, you may remember me from such projects such as the plastic sicaran Mk II, laser destroyer, and predator executioner here, and below: /end Troy McClure accent :laugh.: 
So its been a long time since the Techmarine's pushed a progress update too the noosphere, but a broken arm leaves me more time to take pictures than procrastinate from building and painting models!

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You may notice that there are an awful lot of angles compared to their 40k counterparts, I really wanted each unit to feel part of the army, and as such needed the 41st millenium space marine asthetics, ie curves should not be seen nor heard :wink: 
Without further ado I present to thee my latest work, this time a little more additive manufacturing compared to sawing a landraider apart as previously:whistling:
Space Marine Jetbikes
Fly fast, fly hard

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I have been sitting on this project for a decent chunk of time (pretty sure this sketch is 5 years old now!), however got put off by the task of creating 6+ identical plasticard additions scared me from actually committing. The previous Sicaran showed there needed to be a lot of small modifications en route, and I was so absorbed with the project, that I never noted down any plans, A bit of a shame at the end of the day, as in the time since the Venator has come out, which would require a complete retool of the chassis.

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A dark angels black knight biker was chosen as a basis for the rider; being the newest, and therefore most detailed marine biker to date, with Mk IV/ Primarus helms chosen for their sleeker look (while also avoiding the beaky Mk VI, ironic as the rest of my chapter wears Mk minus the helms!) 


Jump ahead 5 years and I found myself working at a company with extensive rapid prototyping facilities, and it was time to get to work. Being an engineering I chose a CAD package I was most familiar with, this being solidworks, and started experimenting. Progress was slow at first as I learnt the capabilities of the printers we had, plus making sure the new parts matched the DA base. The result was the major components split down the middle, and some printed separately, all in the efforts to maximise detail quality.

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Some suffered a bit of warpage, which has/ will be filled with milliput and sanded down. I really didn't want the finished model to look 3d printed, so only sandable basic shapes were printed, with the rest of the detail being greenstuff from moulds, plasticard, or just good old bits.

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Space marine Dreadnought Drop Pod
Steel rein
Now the intention behind this project was only to replace the fins on the pod, as they were severely warped and bits had broken there. But it quickly spiralled out of control, until this happened.



I used the original model as a guide for measurements, which was much more difficult than I had imagined on account of pretty much the entire thing being unsymmetrical, and warpage and slippage rappant. But I persevered. Along the way I decided, that again, it needed to fit in with my other pods, between it and the revamped one forgeworld just put out, things were amiss, so I got stuck in:
  • I dropped the engine size to enable a full leviathan dreadnought to sneak on in (of which will certainly appear shortly!)
  • Redesigned the wing vents and locking mechanisms to match the plastic marine pod.
  • The hex feature at the top also needed fixing, forgeworld made a mistake (or at least an inconsistency, with the trio of holes being covered by the doors when closed, so that got pushed upwards.
  • I borrowed the much improved floor pattern from the newer FW iteration, but kept the door proportions the same to maximise interior space (the newer FW model only suiting smaller dreads, and cut the doors off at the corners which destroyed the pods profile IMO, and would reduce a leviathans mobility).
  • Floor ribbing on the doors was also modded to match the plastic one, with some tubing to be added as well.
  • Bottom of the base was also proportioned more akin to the plastic pods.

Engine detailing will be carried out using guitar wire, and steering turbines stolen from a plastic pod, while retaining the original FW models look. I will also bee using wire sheet to get the access panel patterns (more on that later:wink:)

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Interestingly enough my initial prints came out better, so I will have to retroactively apply my future edits, as a partially blocked nozzle allowed the locking pins on the fins to come out much crisper (I'll show the poorer quality in a future post). Magnets will be used as hinges for the door, and print shrinkage cost be a days worth of printing as the magnets were too large to fit, coupled with the holes placement too awkward to get a drill in. As with the bikes all surfaces will be sanded and gaps filled.
Company Champion
Yes, I do actually paint the odd model

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One of the few models I have finished painting, and I have now learnt to cover up any unintentional brush strokes with cartoon like battle damage  its saves a lot of stress, and breaks up the large open spaces :sweat:
Devastator Squad Sergeant and Armorium C.A.T
By the Emperor, I'm going to need two <storm> bolters for this heresy!

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With the recent ultramarines supplement release, I feel this guy is going to be promoted to a Lieutenant and gifted the Vengence of Ultramar for some rapid fire 4 goodness! Still needs the tiled plasticard done to the base, like the majority of my army.
And for when he runs low on ammo, the armourium C.A.T got his back...

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I have matched the spare ammo with the squad loadout, for the extra bit of OCD
You just know I am painting that trailer red :tongue.:
Well that's all for now! Feels good to be back :happy.:
(PS. I have been trying to get pictures from the gallery to show up bigger, but no idea how, so any pointers would be greatly appreciated)

Now this is a name I haven't seen outside of when I was trawling through threads that were before 2017.... Welcome back.


Also, dat orange.


The Devastator Sergeant is hilarious and awesome. I love it :tu:

I am seriously digging that company champion, that orange is so vibrant, and the white accents pop so well that you can just see the enemies of the imperium turning tail and running! That Dev sergeant keeps making me think of John Wu or the Matrix, so much so that I might have to steal that pose one day! I think most impressive is not just the quality of the builds, but how they maintain the same aesthetic as other marine models.


As for making gallery images larger, I think you'd have to manually link to the larger image from the gallery, as using the My media function will automatically set it to a click to zoom preview.


So instead of [sharedmedia=Gallery:details(closedbracket)


it should look like  [image]address[/image(closedbracket)


It's not the most elegant solution, but it's the one that works, though I prefer to just use imgur as my image host since I can upload pictures straight from my devices.


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