Watcher Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 (edited) Hey y'all, this is my content page for my custom chapter <Knights of Damascus> for the 2019 LASC! I'm still working through a lot of my fluff and origin story so bear with me! I will be continually editing this over the next few weeks (I hope not) and will hopefully have this finished soon. All comments and ideas are appreciated! +++++ KNIGHTS OF DAMASCUS I've included the armor paint schemes for both standard Astartes and primaris marines (this is an earlier founding chapter with Primaris reinforcements). The squad markings are Codex Compliant with the standard assault, elite, troop, and heavy support symbols. And the standard marine armor: "Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light. Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith Where there is shame, I shall point atonement Where there is rage, I shall show its course My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field" - Litany of Devotion Chapter: Knights of Damascus Founding Chapter: Salamanders Founding: Twenty Third Founding Chapter Master: Alistair Kingsblade Homeworld: Relicta Fortress Monastery: The Black Citadel Colors: Dark Brown, white, and gold Specialty: Siege Warfare, Guerilla Warfare, Close Combat Battlecry: "Bellum vocat, exaudi nos! For the Emperor!" 1. History The history of the Knights of Damascus begins among the many unlisted chapters created in the Twenty Third Founding. The Knights were gifted the feral desert world Relicta as of their Founding and were given rights to recruit from the surrounding worlds. Relicta is located on the edge of the Veiled Region amidst a cluster of Death World's. The planet itself is about the size of Neptune. Relicta's own surface is a desert wasteland covered in crags, caverns and gigantic rock formations. The planet was once home to a species of burrowing sand wurms spanning almost a kilometer in size, now near extinct due to a Pre-heresy purge of the aggressive species long before the Knights set foot on Relicta. These sand wurms are responsible for the vast subterranean tunnels that span a majority of the planets surface and in rare and almost always fatal encounters, can be found nesting deep within said tunnels. However, also deep within these subterranean tunnels are vast wells of water, a treasured and valuable resource to the scarce tribes of humans that roam the bitter wastes of Relicta, known as "Reliceans" (Re-lee-shins). They took to the style of their Founding Chapter, the Salamanders, for organization and recruitment methods. The chapter was founded with many ancient Terran values instilled alongside those of their parent chapter, the Salamanders. These values focused on the honor and brutality of war and are exemplified in the Knights' use of single combat and guerrilla warfare when outmatched. They hold nothing back, but will seek out worthy opponents to strike down. These values are also seen in the forging process during recruitment of Aspirants. The chapter's name derives from the Ancient Terran conducts of Old orders of warriors that once fought on the face of Terra. The Knights of Damascus' sigil is that of a sword embossed on a shield, sharing the focus of ancient warrior conduct tradition of wielding sword and shield against thy foe. Among the traditions of the Chapter is dueling, sparring, and the earning of a "sword-name". A Battle-Brother usually earns his sword-name after exemplary combat action or heroic circumstances. It is considered a great honor to have earned ones sword-name and the process of receiving one, the Rite of the Accolade, is treated with the utmost reverence and regard. One to have received the Accolade is considered to have sacrificed beyond their mortal limits for the Chapter and their brothers. Those deemed worthy undergo the Rite. They are presented before the Chapter Master, the High Chaplain, and the Master Librarian to be dubbed with their sword-name. Their Fortress Monastery, the "Black Citadel", is made out of a strange dark ore found on Relicta, "night-stone" as it is known to the native Relicean tribes. Close in strength to adamantium and nigh unyielding once folded and forged in fire with Terran Steel. The Fortress is and was crafted and shaped into and by this metal, creating large subterranean tunnels and catacombs underneath the Citadel ranging miles deep. This metal is mined and used in the recruitment process of the Chapter. The Knights faced much adversity first settling on Relicta as its feral tribes (a source of recruitment for the Knights) was the focus of many Dark Eldar raids before the persistent defense of the Knights of Damascus drove them out. They waged war in the early centuries of their founding against such forces and were found victorious, although their recruitment process suffered greatly and their growth was largely diminished in comparison to other Chapters.The Chapter, despite this, has had a healthy development with several successful campaigns with minimal losses. However, due to their seemingly ruthless nature and high combat tendency, the Knights are a prize the Blood God seeks for his own. NOTABLE ENCOUNTERS In the late M38, two companies of the Knights of Damascus laid siege to an Eldar Maiden World (unknown to them) after losing contact with a scouting force sent to investigate the planets surface. The Knights landed to discover a planet seemly void of life. After finding the long dead and desecrated corpses of their scouting force and combing the jungles of the Maiden world, the Knights discovered deep catacombs filled with the corpses of thousands of Exodite Eldar destroyed by an army of daemons. The daemons had come through an old webway portal slaughtering the Eldar and proceeded to beset the caught off guard Knights of Damascus. They held against the tide slowly but surely retreating until a massive roars erupted from deep within the catacombs. A Khorne Bloodthirster, Khax'dra had caught the scent of his new quarry, and launched a new wave of assault against the dwindling Knights'. After two days of a grinding retreat, The Knights of Damascus force numbering no more than 30 marines escaped due to the sacrifice of the Captain Sovrain of the 2nd Company, who challenged the Bloodthirster in single combat, his sacrifice buying the precious moments needed to escape. The Knights of Damascus returned in full force, laying siege to the daemonic world. They launched a full on offensive, seeking to cut the head from the snake, Chapter Master Uther challenging Khax'dra as Captain Sovrain had before. Chapter Master Uther held fast under its blows, parrying strikes and slicing his blade into the Bloodthirsters thick legs. Eventually the Bloodthirster was brought to its knees where Uther and the Wardens of the Inner Table proceeded to cut it to pieces, ending its blasted existence for a time. In a matter of days, the Knights had pushed back the forces of Khorne and closed the webway gate, preventing any more forces from coming through. With the geneseed of their fallen brothers returned, Chapter Master Uther declared the planet 'Exterminatus'. In M39, while pursuing an unknown faction of Chaos Space Marines laying waste to many worlds in a nearby sector, the flagship of the Knights of Damascus, Caliburnus, is ambushed by a band of World Eaters Legionnaires. The Legionnaires, led by Warlord Dravix the Crucifier, launch an all out boarding assault and manage to carve a bloody path to the bridge where Chapter Master and his retinue of three Company champions and elements of the 1st Company awaited them. Chapter Master Uther Drakehand is cut down in his fight against Dravix. The Champions, seeing the plight of their Lord, circle Warlord Dravix like wolves and engage in a flurry of battle, parrying, lunging, and striking the Chaos Warlord. Howling in anger, Dravix lashes out at his combatants, skewering one champion with his sword and smiting the other down with his armored fist. In a desperate move, the 3rd company champion, Alistair, attacks the warlord breaking his sword from his grip only to be thrown down by the Chaos Warlord. As the Warlord gloated over him, Alistair found the grip of Dravix's fallen sword and plunged it into the Chaos Warlords primary heart, before carving his way through Dravix's second heart. With their Warlord defeated and the 1st Company holding fast, the warband retreats, leaving the Caliburnus and the Knights wounded, but very much alive. Alistair is given the sword-name "Kingsblade" and is unanimously promoted to the position of Chapter Master. +++++ "War remembers only the victorious. Remember the dead, brothers. Without their sacrifice, we would have no victory." - Chaplain Aurelius Stonefist 2. Organization and Tactics The Knights of Damascus embrace the Codex Astartes readily, their traditions benefiting greatly from the discipline of the Codex. They adhere to standard Codex organization. Although there are minor deviance's such as the inclusion of the Inner Table, a tribune of the best and wisest warriors the chapter has to offer, one from each Company to act as representatives of their company and Captain - and in dire circumstances, serve as the Chapter Master's Honor Guard. The Champions are also eligible for the seat of Captain or if the Chapter sees fit, for the position of Chapter Master. The Chapter's main color is a dark brown with white and gold details. Upon recruitment, the Chapter's Chaplain encourage brotherhood and comradery between initiates. This creates iron bonds of brotherhood as they proceed through the trials of becoming a Battle Brother. When an aspirant makes it to the final trial of joining the Chapter, he is charged with forging his own Terran style long sword out of the dark metal that makes the Dark Citadel, should all else fail in battle, the sword will serve him. Upon completion, the aspirant is to duel another initiate in single combat - a battle between brothers, with the victor proceeding fully into the ranks of the Chapter. Due to the resilient nature of the metal and unrefined techniques of the aspirants in making their swords, the blades have a high tendency to break mid-duel. This gives either victor a possible advantage and a victory possibly more hard fought. Most aspirants are left with no choice but to crush their brother asunder wave upon wave of bare-fisted blows. This harsh and selective recruitment method instills two lessons to be learned: First, war can only have one victor; and secondly, there is no victory without sacrifice. Fallen aspirants are treated with honor and are buried outside the Black CItadel with the utmost respect. This burial ground is known as the "Last March". The Chapter's Techmarines are then responsible for forging the remnants of the two swords (whether whole or broken) into a new blade worthy of an Adeptus Astartes. The fallen aspirants name is inscribed upon the new blade as a constant reminder of what was sacrificed. Afterwards, the Aspirant receives Gene-seed and is inducted as an Initiate of the Chapter where they are assigned to the 10th Company. The Chapter places much emphasis on skill with a blade of all kinds, preferring power swords and relic blades above other combat weapons. However, it is not unheard of to see members of the chapter wielding thunder hammers and the like. Due to their close comradery and consistent practice with close combat weapon drills, Battle Brothers are competent close combat fighters and are skilled in the execution of combat squad tactics. The Chapter keeps a well maintained balance of utilizing small squads for guerrilla warfare and full-company deployment when in defense or laying siege. Notable Elements of the Knights of Damascus: Notable Members:- Captain Sovrain, 2nd Company Captain (KIA)- Chapter Master Alistair Kingsblade (2nd Chapter Master), successor to Uther Drakehand- Chapter Master Uther Drakehand (1st Chapter Master) (KIA)- Sergeant Urien - Deathwatch, Kill Team "Warden"- Chaplain Aurelius Stonefist Chapter Fleet:- Caliburnus, Battle Barge- Avallonis, Battle Barge- Cavalon, Strike Cruiser- Sangreal, Strike Cruiser Edited July 5, 2020 by Watcher Fixed tags Berzul, Bjorn Firewalker, Brother Lunkhead and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 (edited) That combat trial is... Brutal, to say the least. I love how it gives the chapter a true identity, very coherent to the rest of the lore you have created, and the ideals that their origin and homeworld have led to. Very nice! Â Do the initiates KNOW the combat trial is coming? Or are they left to form bonds of brotherhood freely with their soon to be challengers? Â I'm eager to read more. Edited October 1, 2019 by Berzul Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 Founding: Thirteenth Founding IIRC, the Imperium destroyed most of its own records of the 13th Founding; to quote Lexicanum, "This Founding is the only in which the Adeptus Terra does not possess the original gene-seed of the founded Chapters." Why do you claim this for your own Chapter?2. Organization and TacticsThe color these letters are in, are nearly invisible against a white background, i.e., the default setting for those reading your IA on smart phones and other mobile devices.The Chapter's main color is a dark brown with white and gold details.This seems contradictory- a camouflage color (dark brown) with those that scream, "I'm over here!" (white and gold). Is the dark brown chosen for symbolic reasons, e.g., it represents oak, and symbolizes strength?Upon completion, the initiate is to duel another initiate in single combat - a battle between brothers, with the victor proceeding fully into the ranks of the Chapter.I think you mean "Neophytes."Â It's wasteful for the Chapter to force its own Neophytes to kill each other; not only are very few people can accept gene-seed implantation (I believe the figure quoted in Dan Abnett's Horus Rising is one in 1000), but the duel may damage the precious gene-seed. Best force this trial upon those who've yet to receive gene-seed. Â And more nitpicking, with my emphases: Although there are minor deviances;Note the unnecessary apostrophe was removed. Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 That combat trial is... Brutal, to say the least. I love how it gives the chapter a true identity, very coherent to the rest of the lore you have created, and the ideals that their origin and homeworld have led to. Very nice! Â Do the initiates KNOW the combat trial is coming? Or are they left to form bonds of brotherhood freely with their soon to be challengers? Â I'm eager to read more. Thanks so much! I loved the idea of creating a knightly order that focuses heavily on respect but recognizes the chaotic nature of war; that despite being Codex adherent, in war, everything is permissible. The initiates are unaware of the trial, they may have hints to the forging of the sword, but none to the last trial. Pretty brutal, but it enforces a respect for their induction into brotherhood as a life had to be taken. It also teaches the initiate that their is honor in war, but war is never fair. A lesson they carry with them into battle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 (edited)  Founding: Thirteenth Founding IIRC, the Imperium destroyed most of its own records of the 13th Founding; to quote Lexicanum, "This Founding is the only in which the Adeptus Terra does not possess the original gene-seed of the founded Chapters." Why do you claim this for your own Chapter?2. Organization and TacticsThe color these letters are in, are nearly invisible against a white background, i.e., the default setting for those reading your IA on smart phones and other mobile devices.The Chapter's main color is a dark brown with white and gold details.This seems contradictory- a camouflage color (dark brown) with those that scream, "I'm over here!" (white and gold). Is the dark brown chosen for symbolic reasons, e.g., it represents oak, and symbolizes strength?Upon completion, the initiate is to duel another initiate in single combat - a battle between brothers, with the victor proceeding fully into the ranks of the Chapter.I think you mean "Neophytes." It's wasteful for the Chapter to force its own Neophytes to kill each other; not only are very few people can accept gene-seed implantation (I believe the figure quoted in Dan Abnett's Horus Rising is one in 1000), but the duel may damage the precious gene-seed. Best force this trial upon those who've yet to receive gene-seed.  And more nitpicking, with my emphases: Although there are minor deviances;Note the unnecessary apostrophe was removed.   Thanks for your feedback Firewalker!   For the Thirteenth Founding, I chose it because on the Lexicanum it stated "The details of the Thirteenth Founding are almost completely unknown; it is unknown to the Imperium how many, and which Chapters were created, and if they still exist." I went with this due to the nature of the chapter being largely unknown, I missed the second portion just below it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!    As for the "Initiate" portion, I chose Initiate over Neophyte due to their definitions. A neophyte is defined as a "new member/convert assigned to an experienced member for their first years" whereas Initiate is defined as "a person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently". I wanted a word to describe new recruits (without using recruits) that spoke true of the Chapters traditions. None of the initiates have the gene-seed implanted in them yet. These are trials they must succeed in order to receive the Gene-seed. I will make sure to expand on this in the noted portion. I forgot to take into account that Chapters refer to adolescent astartes as Initiates of the Chapter.Thank you for pointing this out.    For the colors of the Chapter, it is "Terran" (Earth) brown for the sake of color scheme, not camouflage (although they do reside on a desert world). When I thought of the main color for a Knight of Damascus the first color that popped in was a dark brown. I chose light gold and white to help symbolize the virtue and honor of the chapter and its aspect as a "knightly" order. For reference, when it states guerrilla warfare, it is focusing on the elements of small groups of combatants, making repetitive attacks on the opponents center of force while minimizing losses, hit and run tactics, raids, etc.  And thanks for the "nitpicking", others may not like it, but I appreciate the constructive criticism. I want to form this to the best of my ability (plus, I hate spelling errors)! Edited October 1, 2019 by Watcher Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 (edited) As for the "Initiate" portion, I chose Initiate over Neophyte due to their definitions. A neophyte is defined as a "new member/convert assigned to an experienced member for their first years" whereas Initiate is defined as "a person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently". I wanted a word to describe new recruits (without using recruits) that spoke true of the Chapters traditions.As the Black Templars are ALSO an Imperial Fists descendant with a knightly Chapter culture, I couldn't help but think the Knights of Damascus share other things with the former, e.g., terminology.None of the initiates have the gene-seed implanted in them yet. These are trials they must succeed in order to receive the Gene-seed. I will make sure to expand on this in the noted portion.Good to know.For the colors of the Chapter, it is "Terran" (Earth) brown for the sake of color scheme, not camouflage (although they do reside on a desert world).So the dark brown represents Holy Terra? This is good, but you should state this in your IA. Edited October 1, 2019 by Bjorn Firewalker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019  As for the "Initiate" portion, I chose Initiate over Neophyte due to their definitions. A neophyte is defined as a "new member/convert assigned to an experienced member for their first years" whereas Initiate is defined as "a person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently". I wanted a word to describe new recruits (without using recruits) that spoke true of the Chapters traditions.As the Black Templars are ALSO an Imperial Fists descendant with a knightly Chapter culture, I couldn't help but think the Knights of Damascus share other things with the former, e.g., terminology.None of the initiates have the gene-seed implanted in them yet. These are trials they must succeed in order to receive the Gene-seed. I will make sure to expand on this in the noted portion.Good to know.For the colors of the Chapter, it is "Terran" (Earth) brown for the sake of color scheme, not camouflage (although they do reside on a desert world).So the dark brown represents Holy Terra? This is good, but you should state this in your IA.   I can understand why, that was a large source for my inspiration. I have changed the word to Aspirant as in the Codex Astartes (as you mentioned), a Neophyte or even an Initiate is considered to have already received the Gene-seed.  Sorry, for clarification, the brown is just an Earth brown, I used "Terran" as an alternative way of saying Earth (dark) brown. Sorry for the confusion!  I have rewritten a few portions, would love to hear your thoughts! Also, Organization and Tactics has been updated to RED, hopefully that helps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 - Chapter Master Alistair Kingsblade, successor to Uther Drakehand - Chapter Master Uther Drakehand To avoid confusion, you should specify Kingsblade is the [insert number] and current Chapter Master, and Drakehand is the [insert number immediately preceding Kingsblade's] Chapter Master. You have good ideas for names. Are "Kingsblade" and "Drakehand" these individuals' original surnames? An "earned name" their peers gave them to commemorate a great deed, like that of Catachan Jungle Fighters? One they personally chose after ascending to the position of Chapter Master, like Iron Wolf? In the latter two cases, you should specify this cultural practice. Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019  Successor Chapter: Knights of Damascus Founding Chapter: Imperial Fists Founding: Second Founding Chapter Master: Alistair Kingblade Homeworld: Relicta Fortress Monastery: The Black Citadel Colors: Terran brown and white. Symbol is a sword and shield. Specialty: Close Combat,Siege Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare Battlecry: Bellum vocat, exaudi nos! For the Emperor!  So, where IS the homeworld? Have you planned the name of the system and its location with relation to the official galaxy map? Are there other worlds there? Have you thought of their classifications, and relationship with the homeworld of the Knights of Damascus?    1. History     The history of the Knights of Damascus begins among the many unlisted chapters created in the Second Founding. The Knights were gifted the feral desert world Relicta as of their Founding and were given rights to recruit from the surrounding worlds.  So, they are now a second founding chapter? If that is the case, that means they have been around for a good while. Have you thought of how that impacts the chapter overall? What plans have you noted down to expand this side of their lore?  Also, I'd be quite interested in knowing more about their world of Relicta. A feral desert world must have an interest biome and ecosystem. Any creatures, weather phenomena, or other notable aspects of the world that are worth noting?    They took more to the style of their Founding Chapter. the Imperial Fists, for organization and recruitment methods. The chapter was founded with many ancient Terran values instilled with their parent chapters. These values focused on the honor and brutality of war and are exemplified in the Knights' use of single combat and guerrilla warfare when outmatched. They hold nothing back, but will seek out worthy opponents to strike down.  The chapter's name derives from the Ancient Terran conducts of Old orders of warriors that once fought on the face of Terra. The Knights of Damascus' sigil is that of a sword embossed on a shield, sharing the focus of ancient warrior conduct tradition of wielding sword and shield against thy foe.  Their Fortress Monastery, the "Black Citadel", is made out of a strange dark metal native to Relicta. As strong as adamantium and unyielding as bedrock. The Fortress is was crafted and shaped into this metal, creating large subterranean tunnels and catacombs underneath the Citadel ranging miles deep. This metal is mined and used in the recruitment process of the Chapter.  Here I am a bit curious, and I do hope this doesn't sound discouraging to your lore. But, if the dark metal of Relicta is as strong as adamantium, and as unyielding as bedrock... how was it that the chapter crafted the fortress out of it?  I get the idea that you are trying to establish a metal used for the fortress, that is neigh indestructible. But that also means that it must be difficult to work with.  Has the chapter developed special rites to handle the metal? Does it have a special name? Is it maybe a form of alloy that present's itself naturally due to some characteristic of the world, and so, it can be manufactured by the chapter from more malleable materials?    The Knights faced much adversity first settling on Relicta as its feral tribes (a source of recruitment for the Knights) was the focus of many Dark Eldar raids before the persistent defense of the Knights of Damascus drove them out. They waged war in the early centuries of their founding against such forces and were found victorious, although their recruitment process suffered greatly and their growth was largely diminished in comparison to other Chapters.The Chapter, despite this, has had a healthy development with several successful campaigns with minimal losses. However, due to their crusader like nature and high combat tendency, the Knights are a prize the Blood God seeks for his own.     In M36, two companies of the Knights of Damascus laid seige to what they believed to be an Eldar Maiden World, only to discover a planet seemly void of intelligent life. After combing the jungles of the Maiden world, the Knights discovered deep catacombs filled with the corpses of thousands of Exodite Eldar destroyed by an army of daemons. The daemons had come through an old webway portal and proceeded to beset the caught off guard Knights of Damascus. They held against the tide slowly but surely retreating until a massive roars erupted from deep within the catacombs. A Khorne Bloodthirster, Khax'dra had caught the scent of his new quarry, and launched a new wave of assault against the dwindling Knights'. After two days of a grinding retreat, The Knights of Damascus force numbering no more than 30 marines escaped due to the sacrifice of the Captain Sovrain of the 2nd Company, who challenged the Bloodthirster in single combat, his sacrifice buying the precious moments needed to escape.  I like this idea a lot, but I would suggest that you expand it a bit, to give an idea of why the world was besieged. It reads strange that the chapter would send two entire companies there, to lay siege to it, for the planet to be devoid of intelligent life.  Was there a specific enemy there that they were battling, before the planet was devastated to the point of being left empty? Was that what left the world empty of life? Was there maybe an enemy force that they were laying their siege upon, that suddenly disappeared with no explanation, maybe?    The Knights of Damascus returned in full force, laying siege to the daemonic world. They launched a full on offensive, seeking to cut the head from the snake, Chapter Master Uther challenging Khax'dra as Captain Sovrain had before. Chapter Master Uther held fast under its blows, parrying strikes and slicing his blade into the Bloodthirsters thick legs. Eventually the Bloodthirster was brought to its knees where Uther and the Wardens of the Inner Table proceeded to cut it to pieces, ending its blasted existence for a time. In a matter of days, the Knights had pushed back the forces of Khorne and closed the webway gate, preventing any more forces from coming through. With the geneseed of their fallen brothers returned, Chapter Master Uther declared the planet 'Exterminatus'.  That sounds quite ominous... Is Khax'dra going to make another appearance in the chapter's history? I find this plot hook very interesting.      In M38, while pursuing an unknown faction of Chaos Space Marines laying waste to many worlds in a nearby sector, the flagship of the Knights of Damascus, Caliburnus, is ambushed by a band of World Eaters Legionnaires. The Legionnaires, led by Warlord Dravix the Crucifier, launch an all out boarding assault and manage to carve a bloody path to the bridge where Chapter Master and his retinue of three Company champions and elements of the 1st Company awaited them. Chapter Master Uther Drakehand is cut down in his fight against Dravix. The Champions, seeing the plight of their Lord, circle Warlord Dravix like wolves and engage in a flurry of battle, parrying, lunging, and striking the Chaos Warlord. Howling in anger, Dravix lashes out at his combatants, skewering one champion with his sword and smiting the other down with his armored fist. In a desperate move, the 3rd company champion, Alistair, attacks the warlord breaking his sword from his grip only to be thrown down by the Chaos Warlord. As the Warlord gloated over him, Alistair found the grip of Dravix's fallen sword and plunged it into the Chaos Warlords primary heart, before carving his way through Dravix's second heart. With their Warlord defeated and the 1st Company holding fast, the warband retreats, leaving the Caliburnus and the Knights wounded, but very much alive. Alistair Kingsblade is unanimously promoted to the position of Chapter Master.  How Tolkenian of Alistair, to vanquish his foe in such a manner. Was the blade, or at least the grip ever recovered? Perhaps to be enhanced, and added to the relics of the chapter?  Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 2, 2019 Author Share Posted October 2, 2019   Successor Chapter: Knights of Damascus Founding Chapter: Imperial Fists Founding: Second Founding Chapter Master: Alistair Kingblade Homeworld: Relicta Fortress Monastery: The Black Citadel Colors: Terran brown and white. Symbol is a sword and shield. Specialty: Close Combat,Siege Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare Battlecry: Bellum vocat, exaudi nos! For the Emperor!  So, where IS the homeworld? Have you planned the name of the system and its location with relation to the official galaxy map? Are there other worlds there? Have you thought of their classifications, and relationship with the homeworld of the Knights of Damascus?    1. History     The history of the Knights of Damascus begins among the many unlisted chapters created in the Second Founding. The Knights were gifted the feral desert world Relicta as of their Founding and were given rights to recruit from the surrounding worlds.  So, they are now a second founding chapter? If that is the case, that means they have been around for a good while. Have you thought of how that impacts the chapter overall? What plans have you noted down to expand this side of their lore?  Also, I'd be quite interested in knowing more about their world of Relicta. A feral desert world must have an interest biome and ecosystem. Any creatures, weather phenomena, or other notable aspects of the world that are worth noting?    They took more to the style of their Founding Chapter. the Imperial Fists, for organization and recruitment methods. The chapter was founded with many ancient Terran values instilled with their parent chapters. These values focused on the honor and brutality of war and are exemplified in the Knights' use of single combat and guerrilla warfare when outmatched. They hold nothing back, but will seek out worthy opponents to strike down.  The chapter's name derives from the Ancient Terran conducts of Old orders of warriors that once fought on the face of Terra. The Knights of Damascus' sigil is that of a sword embossed on a shield, sharing the focus of ancient warrior conduct tradition of wielding sword and shield against thy foe.  Their Fortress Monastery, the "Black Citadel", is made out of a strange dark metal native to Relicta. As strong as adamantium and unyielding as bedrock. The Fortress is was crafted and shaped into this metal, creating large subterranean tunnels and catacombs underneath the Citadel ranging miles deep. This metal is mined and used in the recruitment process of the Chapter.  Here I am a bit curious, and I do hope this doesn't sound discouraging to your lore. But, if the dark metal of Relicta is as strong as adamantium, and as unyielding as bedrock... how was it that the chapter crafted the fortress out of it?  I get the idea that you are trying to establish a metal used for the fortress, that is neigh indestructible. But that also means that it must be difficult to work with.  Has the chapter developed special rites to handle the metal? Does it have a special name? Is it maybe a form of alloy that present's itself naturally due to some characteristic of the world, and so, it can be manufactured by the chapter from more malleable materials?    The Knights faced much adversity first settling on Relicta as its feral tribes (a source of recruitment for the Knights) was the focus of many Dark Eldar raids before the persistent defense of the Knights of Damascus drove them out. They waged war in the early centuries of their founding against such forces and were found victorious, although their recruitment process suffered greatly and their growth was largely diminished in comparison to other Chapters.The Chapter, despite this, has had a healthy development with several successful campaigns with minimal losses. However, due to their crusader like nature and high combat tendency, the Knights are a prize the Blood God seeks for his own.     In M36, two companies of the Knights of Damascus laid seige to what they believed to be an Eldar Maiden World, only to discover a planet seemly void of intelligent life. After combing the jungles of the Maiden world, the Knights discovered deep catacombs filled with the corpses of thousands of Exodite Eldar destroyed by an army of daemons. The daemons had come through an old webway portal and proceeded to beset the caught off guard Knights of Damascus. They held against the tide slowly but surely retreating until a massive roars erupted from deep within the catacombs. A Khorne Bloodthirster, Khax'dra had caught the scent of his new quarry, and launched a new wave of assault against the dwindling Knights'. After two days of a grinding retreat, The Knights of Damascus force numbering no more than 30 marines escaped due to the sacrifice of the Captain Sovrain of the 2nd Company, who challenged the Bloodthirster in single combat, his sacrifice buying the precious moments needed to escape.  I like this idea a lot, but I would suggest that you expand it a bit, to give an idea of why the world was besieged. It reads strange that the chapter would send two entire companies there, to lay siege to it, for the planet to be devoid of intelligent life.  Was there a specific enemy there that they were battling, before the planet was devastated to the point of being left empty? Was that what left the world empty of life? Was there maybe an enemy force that they were laying their siege upon, that suddenly disappeared with no explanation, maybe?    The Knights of Damascus returned in full force, laying siege to the daemonic world. They launched a full on offensive, seeking to cut the head from the snake, Chapter Master Uther challenging Khax'dra as Captain Sovrain had before. Chapter Master Uther held fast under its blows, parrying strikes and slicing his blade into the Bloodthirsters thick legs. Eventually the Bloodthirster was brought to its knees where Uther and the Wardens of the Inner Table proceeded to cut it to pieces, ending its blasted existence for a time. In a matter of days, the Knights had pushed back the forces of Khorne and closed the webway gate, preventing any more forces from coming through. With the geneseed of their fallen brothers returned, Chapter Master Uther declared the planet 'Exterminatus'.  That sounds quite ominous... Is Khax'dra going to make another appearance in the chapter's history? I find this plot hook very interesting.      In M38, while pursuing an unknown faction of Chaos Space Marines laying waste to many worlds in a nearby sector, the flagship of the Knights of Damascus, Caliburnus, is ambushed by a band of World Eaters Legionnaires. The Legionnaires, led by Warlord Dravix the Crucifier, launch an all out boarding assault and manage to carve a bloody path to the bridge where Chapter Master and his retinue of three Company champions and elements of the 1st Company awaited them. Chapter Master Uther Drakehand is cut down in his fight against Dravix. The Champions, seeing the plight of their Lord, circle Warlord Dravix like wolves and engage in a flurry of battle, parrying, lunging, and striking the Chaos Warlord. Howling in anger, Dravix lashes out at his combatants, skewering one champion with his sword and smiting the other down with his armored fist. In a desperate move, the 3rd company champion, Alistair, attacks the warlord breaking his sword from his grip only to be thrown down by the Chaos Warlord. As the Warlord gloated over him, Alistair found the grip of Dravix's fallen sword and plunged it into the Chaos Warlords primary heart, before carving his way through Dravix's second heart. With their Warlord defeated and the 1st Company holding fast, the warband retreats, leaving the Caliburnus and the Knights wounded, but very much alive. Alistair Kingsblade is unanimously promoted to the position of Chapter Master.  How Tolkenian of Alistair, to vanquish his foe in such a manner. Was the blade, or at least the grip ever recovered? Perhaps to be enhanced, and added to the relics of the chapter?   Ah you caught me! I'm actually stuck on the sector of Relicta and its connections with the Imperium. I've never had to develop an area of space before so Im currently sifting through a rough blueprint. As for the ecosystems and the Chapter's longstanding history, these are things I am working on at the moment as they are very integral to their story. Soon to be on its way! Not to worry!  And yes! I actually didnt realize the resemblance until you pointed it out! It is indeed an Isildur moment (without the whole weakness part), and Im trying to work in a manner how he takes Dravix's blade and forges it together with his own and gaining the name "Kingsblade". It's a rough shape in the making, but I'm trying to find ways to work it in  Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback, I appreciate it very much. I'll get to work right away!  - Chapter Master Alistair Kingsblade, successor to Uther Drakehand - Chapter Master Uther Drakehand To avoid confusion, you should specify Kingsblade is the [insert number] and current Chapter Master, and Drakehand is the [insert number immediately preceding Kingsblade's] Chapter Master. You have good ideas for names. Are "Kingsblade" and "Drakehand" these individuals' original surnames? An "earned name" their peers gave them to commemorate a great deed, like that of Catachan Jungle Fighters? One they personally chose after ascending to the position of Chapter Master, like Iron Wolf? In the latter two cases, you should specify this cultural practice.  The names are going to be earned names. I'm still figuring out how to fit them into the lore. Uther Drakehand is in reference to "Pendragon" so I'm working with that and trying to tie Arthurian elements to Alistair as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 3, 2019 Share Posted October 3, 2019 As Damascus is in the Middle East are there going to be Arab/Persian influences in addition to the European Knightly influences? Along the same line of thinking I assume that the dark metal is an allusion to Damascus Steel?  In regards to the initiation ceremony, I feel it is a waist for one of the sword to just be buried, honorable though it is.  How about changing it so that each aspirant forges a normal sword initially (i.e. in proportion to a normal human) and engraves their name into it. Then after the trial they have to re-forge their and the fallen aspirant sword into one longer sword (that is now in the correct proportion for a marine), at this point they also engrave the name of the fallen aspirant as the reminder but their own name is ‘sacrificed’ in the re-forging. Watcher and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 (edited) As Damascus is in the Middle East are there going to be Arab/Persian influences in addition to the European Knightly influences? Along the same line of thinking I assume that the dark metal is an allusion to Damascus Steel?  In regards to the initiation ceremony, I feel it is a waist for one of the sword to just be buried, honorable though it is.  How about changing it so that each aspirant forges a normal sword initially (i.e. in proportion to a normal human) and engraves their name into it. Then after the trial they have to re-forge their and the fallen aspirant sword into one longer sword (that is now in the correct proportion for a marine), at this point they also engrave the name of the fallen aspirant as the reminder but their own name is ‘sacrificed’ in the re-forging.   There will be. I kind of formed my ideas from a few elements. I have taken most of my inspirations largely from Arthurian legends and a touch from the Knights Templar (martial prowess etc.), though they did hold Damascus for a short period, but Damascus sounds better than 'Acre'. I drew most of my inspiration from the Middle East in regards to its ecosystem (the earth brown armor = desert and walls of Jerusalem/sturdiness). I have definitely drawn a lot of language and some names from Arabic and Classical Hebrew sources which I will have more of soon (the Hebrew is currently outweighing my Arabic inspirations).   In regards to the Damascus steel, I was actually trying to draw away from the metal. I hadn't even taken into account the similarity with the dark metal (soon to be named) of the Black Citadel!  As for the swords, I like your idea very much. I may try to whittle it in there.   As for the swords being wasted, the idea is that the sword belongs to its owner and even though they are human, are deserving of the respect of being buried with their blades (Grey Knights use a similar process). The dark metal is also not in short supply. I will be going over the dimensions of the planet and add that the metal is native and numerous in resource to the planet.  Thanks for your feedback! The more inspiration, the better! Edited October 4, 2019 by Watcher Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Along the same line of thinking I assume that the dark metal is an allusion to Damascus Steel?Steel is an iron-carbon alloy. "Damascus steel" is special NOT because of its composition, but because of its method of production. As for "dark metal," adamantium is more precious than gold in the world of Warhammer 40,000. No need to make up new elements, though it may be worth it to make up new alloys- maybe a "Damascus plasteel" which incorporates adamantium to improve its durability without sacrificing plasteel's plastic-like lightness, though it's extremely difficult to make, as the extreme temperatures necessary to smelt adamantium would vaporize plastic and melt plasteel if certain techniques weren't used. How about changing it so that each aspirant forges a normal sword initially (i.e. in proportion to a normal human) and engraves their name into it. Then after the trial they have to re-forge their and the fallen aspirant sword into one longer sword (that is now in the correct proportion for a marine), at this point they also engrave the name of the fallen aspirant as the reminder but their own name is ‘sacrificed’ in the re-forging.I like this idea. You demonstrate good imagination. Watcher and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019  Along the same line of thinking I assume that the dark metal is an allusion to Damascus Steel?Steel is an iron-carbon alloy. "Damascus steel" is special NOT because of its composition, but because of its method of production. As for "dark metal," adamantium is more precious than gold in the world of Warhammer 40,000. No need to make up new elements, though it may be worth it to make up new alloys- maybe a "Damascus plasteel" which incorporates adamantium to improve its durability without sacrificing plasteel's plastic-like lightness, though it's extremely difficult to make, as the extreme temperatures necessary to smelt adamantium would vaporize plastic and melt plasteel if certain techniques weren't used. How about changing it so that each aspirant forges a normal sword initially (i.e. in proportion to a normal human) and engraves their name into it. Then after the trial they have to re-forge their and the fallen aspirant sword into one longer sword (that is now in the correct proportion for a marine), at this point they also engrave the name of the fallen aspirant as the reminder but their own name is ‘sacrificed’ in the re-forging.I like this idea. You demonstrate good imagination. Thanks for the reminder, I forgot adamantium's rarity value. Yikes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 9, 2019 Author Share Posted October 9, 2019 (edited) A few small updates, let me know what you think!  -updated a few details about Relicta (environment, location etc.) -details regarding the dark ore (night-stone) -Changes in notable encounters (Eldar Maiden World) -Explanation regarding sword-names (still working on Alistair's moment of accolade) -Further updates regarding recruitment process and rites  Any ideas welcome. Edited October 9, 2019 by Watcher Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 9, 2019 Share Posted October 9, 2019 The additional details are welcome. It would help if you inform us of what changed, by putting such details in quotes,so we can make comparisons. Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 9, 2019 Author Share Posted October 9, 2019 The additional details are welcome. It would help if you inform us of what changed, by putting such details in quotes,so we can make comparisons. Good point! I've edited the above post with what I've updated. Thanks Bjorn! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted October 9, 2019 Share Posted October 9, 2019 I like the changes. There is a lot more detail about the chapter now. Keep it up! :D Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 9, 2019 Author Share Posted October 9, 2019 I like the changes. There is a lot more detail about the chapter now. Keep it up! Thanks Brother, much obliged! Always good to see a Son of the Lion with an encouraging attitude Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 9, 2019 Share Posted October 9, 2019 (edited) When an aspirant makes it to the final trial of joining the Chapter, he is charged with forging his own Terran style long sword out of the dark metal that makes the Dark Citadel, should all else fail in battle, the sword will serve him. Upon completion, the aspirant is to duel another initiate in single combat - a battle between brothers, with the victor proceeding fully into the ranks of the Chapter. This harsh and selective recruitment method instills two lessons to be learned: First, war can only have one victor; and secondly, there is no victory without sacrifice. The fallen aspirant's name is then inscribed upon the sword of the victor as an eternal reminder. The other sword and fallen brother are buried outside the Black Citadel with honor. As blacksmithing is a time-consuming process, likely requiring time-consuming training and practice for one to be competent in (see the many videos at , to understand why I consider this so), it's likely the aspirants' weapons are crudely forged, full of impurities because the aspirant's smelter cannot reach sufficient temperatures to melt the metal (a problem with primitive iron weapons), and likely to break during his duel. Having a Techmarine take the aspirant's self-forged sword (or its broken remains) and recycle its materials into a weapon proportioned for an Astartes' hand, will be symbolic of the Chapter taking the aspirant and remaking this flawed human into a near-perfect weapon with which the Emperor may defend humanity. Edited October 9, 2019 by Bjorn Firewalker Watcher, Berzul and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 9, 2019 Author Share Posted October 9, 2019  When an aspirant makes it to the final trial of joining the Chapter, he is charged with forging his own Terran style long sword out of the dark metal that makes the Dark Citadel, should all else fail in battle, the sword will serve him. Upon completion, the aspirant is to duel another initiate in single combat - a battle between brothers, with the victor proceeding fully into the ranks of the Chapter. This harsh and selective recruitment method instills two lessons to be learned: First, war can only have one victor; and secondly, there is no victory without sacrifice. The fallen aspirant's name is then inscribed upon the sword of the victor as an eternal reminder. The other sword and fallen brother are buried outside the Black Citadel with honor. As blacksmithing is a time-consuming process, likely requiring time-consuming training and practice for one to be competent in (see the many videos at , to understand why I consider this so), it's likely the aspirants' weapons are crudely forged, full of impurities because the aspirant's smelter cannot reach sufficient temperatures to melt the metal (a problem with primitive iron weapons), and likely to break during his duel. Having a Techmarine take the aspirant's self-forged sword (or its broken remains) and recycle its materials into a weapon proportioned for an Astartes' hand, will be symbolic of the Chapter taking the aspirant and remaking this flawed human into a near-perfect weapon with which the Emperor may defend humanity. I had my own thoughts on this as well, glad to see I wasn't alone. I like the idea of the sword being crude in the beginning, but after victory it is reforged by Techmarines with the fallen aspirants name inscribed onto its blade. I believe Trokair mentioned a similar process. Good input guys, I appreciate it! I'll get right on it. Messor 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted October 14, 2019 Share Posted October 14, 2019 I like this Chapter so far. I do have some minor C&C though - please don't take this as being harsh for harshness' sake, it's just something I spotted.  So: you've got the Knights of Damascus down as a Second Founding Chapter, but they've apparently only had two Chapter Masters - Drakehand and Kingsblade. This means Drakehand lived from the time of the Horus Heresy until M38 - that's impossibly long for a loyalist space marine.  Given that Dante of the Blood Angels is considered by many to be the longest-lived, non-dreadnought loyalist marine, clocking in at 1,100 years as Chapter Master. Drakehand would be roughly eight times Dante's age at the time of his death - that's maybe a little much!  In fact, Kingsblade would be rocking a good three or four thousand years as Chapter Master, which also makes a mockery of Dante being the oldest.  Rather than just pick nits, though, I have two possible solutions for this issue:  Solution the First: Change the dates. Moving Kingsblade's ascension to leadership to a more recent time (M41 sometime) would fix that issue, then all you'd have to do is make mention of a tradition of voting Chapter Masters into power somewhere, and make it clear that Drakehand wasn't the very first Chapter Master. In fact, if you were to go down this road, you could even potentially have the first Chapter Master use the Sword-Name 'Damascus', which could be where the Chapter takes its' name from.  Solution the Second: Change the Chapter's Founding. Hear me out - currently 10k year history doesn't add a lot to your Chapter. If you'd prefer to only ever have had two Chapter Masters, the KoD could be a 26th Founding Chapter with no real ill effects (albeit you'd still need to shuffle the dates for some of their notable battles a bit, but that's inevitable).  Sorry again if this seems like I'm being overly picky, I'm just trying to help you get the best out of your Chapter. Also, always remember you can completely ignore anything and everything I've said if it doesn't fit what you want from your Chapter! Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 14, 2019 Author Share Posted October 14, 2019 I like this Chapter so far. I do have some minor C&C though - please don't take this as being harsh for harshness' sake, it's just something I spotted.  So: you've got the Knights of Damascus down as a Second Founding Chapter, but they've apparently only had two Chapter Masters - Drakehand and Kingsblade. This means Drakehand lived from the time of the Horus Heresy until M38 - that's impossibly long for a loyalist space marine.  Given that Dante of the Blood Angels is considered by many to be the longest-lived, non-dreadnought loyalist marine, clocking in at 1,100 years as Chapter Master. Drakehand would be roughly eight times Dante's age at the time of his death - that's maybe a little much!  In fact, Kingsblade would be rocking a good three or four thousand years as Chapter Master, which also makes a mockery of Dante being the oldest.  Rather than just pick nits, though, I have two possible solutions for this issue:  Solution the First: Change the dates. Moving Kingsblade's ascension to leadership to a more recent time (M41 sometime) would fix that issue, then all you'd have to do is make mention of a tradition of voting Chapter Masters into power somewhere, and make it clear that Drakehand wasn't the very first Chapter Master. In fact, if you were to go down this road, you could even potentially have the first Chapter Master use the Sword-Name 'Damascus', which could be where the Chapter takes its' name from.  Solution the Second: Change the Chapter's Founding. Hear me out - currently 10k year history doesn't add a lot to your Chapter. If you'd prefer to only ever have had two Chapter Masters, the KoD could be a 26th Founding Chapter with no real ill effects (albeit you'd still need to shuffle the dates for some of their notable battles a bit, but that's inevitable).  Sorry again if this seems like I'm being overly picky, I'm just trying to help you get the best out of your Chapter. Also, always remember you can completely ignore anything and everything I've said if it doesn't fit what you want from your Chapter! Not harsh in anyway! I was slightly concerned about needing to add some more Chapter Masters or changing the Founding. I wasn't too sure where to take it, but thank you for the suggestions and critique! Its easy to forget the small details like that! All critiscims and ideas are welcome!  Much Obliged! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watcher Posted October 23, 2019 Author Share Posted October 23, 2019 Updates regarding: - Chapter recruitment and sword refining - small update to sword name process - Founding update to be more relevant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jbaeza94 Posted November 5, 2019 Share Posted November 5, 2019 (edited) Alright, coming up with modeling ideas, really liking this. Is this the right color Brown? I know you said dark. Here are 2 digital mock ups Edited November 5, 2019 by jbaeza94 Watcher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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