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So after a very..... long time off not posting anything, mainly posted on FB pages; I’ve decided to dip my toe back into forums again.

After many, many years of only doing marines I thought I’d give some dirty space elf’s a go. Going for a very small 500 point army to get me started (hopefully I’ll finish unlike my various other projects) .

The list is a simple foot sloggers backed up by a Farseer, warlock and two Walkers

Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [29 PL, 500pts]

Craftworld Attribute:

Alaitoc: Fieldcraft


Farseer [6 PL, 110pts]:

1. Guide, 4: Fate's Messenger, 6. Mind War, Craftworlds Warlord, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

. Shiftshroud of Alanssair

Warlock [2 PL, 55pts]:

5. Quicken/Restrain, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade


Dire Avengers [3 PL, 55pts]

. 5x Dire Avenger: 5x Avenger Shuriken Catapult

Guardian Defenders [5 PL, 80pts]: 10x Guardian Defender

Guardian Defenders [5 PL, 80pts]10x Guardian Defender

Heavy Support

War Walkers [8 PL, 120pts]

. War Walker: Scatter Laser, Starcannon

. War Walker: Scatter Laser, Starcannon

Total: [29 PL, 500pts]

Only just started on the first unit of guardians and done one as my test to bed in what I’m doing with the rest of the squad/army




All in all faily please so far, the light makes the min look a little washed out and grey. Preying for some decent light so I can show it off a little better

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I love what you’ve accomplished with the dark armor and bright soul gems! Keep up the good work frater!

Thanks Skidman, the lighting was quite poor so it all looks a lot more grey than green but over all looking forward to getting the rest done


Looking good.

Keep up the good work.


That’s brother, just another 19 to go


Your model is well-painted.

Thanks man, still playing a bit not massively sure in the gold yet


Very fine:tu: Your choice of colors works really well.

Thanks brother, Thought I’d give the GW airbrush paints a go and must say they don’t disappoint.

Well my DIY Craftworld has had its first casualty, decided to have a cigarette in the garden and admire my handy work when I dropped it and his head flow off into a drain.

Lesson kids always pin your sub assembles and never just super glue alone!


You know It really shows how well the Guardian Kit has aged In my opinion. Your paint job is fantastic.


Thanks Krash, to be fair the dark colour scheme is helping hide a lot of the soft detail on the leg armour. I’m actually quite tempted to stock up on the easy builds and see is the details are a little crisper.

The colors remind me of Clu's army, from Tron: Legacy.

Haha never thought Of that but can see it now


A little more progress on the squad, headless joe front and centre (as he will be know from now on)

Enjoying the quick progress compared to doing highlights on marines (which always seams to take a week just by its self)

Nice job they look great, I'm really a fan of like space elves and like space pirates.

Thanks matey! It’s my first flutter with eldar/ minus a unit of dark eldar like 10 years ago, I’m really enjoying them, even if the sculpts are 20 years old.... really looking forward to seeing how the play, any advice for a noob.

Yep yep yep! Great scheme and really well executed. That deep red helmet looks awesome

Thanks powerhungrymonkey, first time using the repackaged SOH and wordbears airbrush paints and they are really good! Still wondering what else to do to make them pop, was considering cutting up some alpha legion decals and puting them on the helmets, or doing some bright osl runes.... still not sure.

A little more progress on the squad, the eye lenses need doing and maybe some squad marking, thinking of a Marian scheme for the bases as it will fit if my marine army, either that or a deep forest scheme to match the dark colour scheme.









Once again apologies for the bad lighting, hopefully it will show the green off better.

Decided to use the gw candy colours on the gems and on the a lot of the silver details on the guns, though sliver wasn’t alien enough.

Nice job they look great! I currently just got back into the hobby after a 15 year break so I don't actually play atm, I figure when I get my Deathwatch painted I'll go up to the local stores and see how it goes. They were all really cool about showing me how to play whenever I do finish them.


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