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  1. This is where I'll post stuff for my Aeldari of all persuasions. I've been working on the Anger & Arrogance event, so let's start this thread with my latest vow (#5 for those keeping track). Vow 5 I'm also considering how to paint future craft world models. I've extended my galaxy pattern to wave serpents so think new craft world faction is in the works. I'm leaning towards gray with teal accents. I tried purple and daemonette hide, but didn't get the look I wanted. I've got a bunch of stuff including: the new combat patrol a guardians box a rangers box 2 boxes of banshees an autarch box On the drukhari side, I've got one and a half combat patrols to paint. I am not pleased with my prior custodes color scheme, so am looking to use a complement to the craftworld colors - possibly teal with orange or light blue highlights.
  2. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/13/mix-and-match-aspect-warriors-to-create-the-deadliest-blades-of-khaine-kill-team/ This is one of the Asuryani kill teams that I've been waiting for. Short description (for those that haven't read the Warhammer Community article - link above) - you can mix and match Dire Avengers, Howling Banshees, and Striking Scorpions, with one Exarch from one of those shrines, into a single kill team. This is the Craftworlders' "veteran" kill team (I don't count the Anhrathe/Corsairs as "Craftworlders"). All I need now is a Black Guardians kill team and I'll have my Aeldari trifecta.
  3. From the album: Void Hornets

    Color scheme of the Shadowed Strike Shrine of the Void Hornets Aspect
  4. From the album: Void Hornets

    Color scheme of the Dread Mask Shrine of the Void Hornets Aspect
  5. Brother Tyler

    Void Hornets Basic

    From the album: Void Hornets

    Color scheme of the Venom Swarm Shrine of the Void Hornets Aspect (typical/basic scheme)
  6. From the album: Void Hornets

    Selgairhán, Phoenix Lord of the Void Hornets Aspect
  7. From the album: Void Hornets

    Void Hornets stratagem and alternate Exarch powers (a la Phoenix Rising), shrine color scheme examples
  8. From the album: Void Hornets

    Void Hornets basic rules, explanation of masks
  9. From the album: Void Hornets

    Introduction to the Void Hornets
  10. Ioldanach


    From the album: Aeldari

    OOP Eldar model, later marketed as an Eldar Guardian with a shuriken catapult (the shuriken catapult is slung on his back)
  11. When the Craftworld Eldar as we now know them were first introduced, there were six common Aspects: When the 2nd edition Codex: Eldar was published, we were also introduced to the Warp Spiders. In addition, the lore was expanded a bit: ...and... We didn't see actual Shining Spears miniatures until 3rd edition. The lore shifted a bit here and there through the editions, but remained fairly consistent. Two further additions to the Aspects were the Crimson Hunters and Shadow Spectres, who were introduced in 6th edition (the former via that edition's codex and the latter via The Doom of Mymeara). The Crimson Hunters are pilots and the Shadow Spectres are highly mobile with heavy firepower - mobile tank hunters. In addition, other minor Aspects have been mentioned in the lore, but not really described or released in miniature form. These include the Eagle Pilot(s?) in the novel Shadow Point, the Crystal Dragons in the novel Path of the Warrior, and the Ebon Talons in the novel Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan. The Eagle Pilot(s) are, as their name implies, fighter pilots of some kind (somehow different from the Crimson Hunters). The others, however, are not described (as far as I know - I haven't read either of those novels). At this point, it would be useful to identify each of the known Aspects, their battlefield role/specialism, and their signature weapon(s): Crimson Hunters - air superiority, Nightshade interceptor Crystal Dragons - unknown role, unknown weapons Dark Reapers - long range fire support, Reaper launcher Dire Avengers - general combat, Avenger shuriken catapult (these are the quintessential Aeldari warriors) Eagle Pilot - fighter pilots, unknown craft Ebon Talons - unknown role, unknown weapons Fire Dragons - tank-hunters/anti-structure, fusion guns Howling Banshees - melee combat, Banshee mask and power sword Shadow Spectres - anti-tank, Prism cannon Shining Spears - hit-and-run attacks, laser lance and Eldar jetbike Slicing Orbs [of Zandros] - unknown role, unknown weapons Striking Scorpions - melee combat and stealth, mandiblaster and chainsword Swooping Hawks - airborne infantry support, Swooping Hawk wings and grenade pack and lasblaster Warp Spiders - hit-and-run attacks, Warp Spider jump generator and death spinner What we generally see is that, though there is a degree of overlap, each Aspect is distinct. Prior to the Crimson Hunters, I perceived Aspect Warriors as individuals. With the release of the Crimson Hunters, however, we see that Aspects might also include larger vehicles. This is bolstered by the Eagle Pilot(s). This leads to the possibility that there might be other Aspects that similarly focus on employment of other vehicles - not just flyers, but potentially tanks, walkers, etc. Imagine some Aspect that specializes in enhanced use of the Fire Prism, or another that uses the Vyper (some distinctive Aspect that has two warriors operating as a team), or some Aspect that uses War Walkers. Then, too, there are different roles and weapons that haven't yet been represented on known Aspects. We've seen laser weapons employed by the Swooping Hawks, Shadow Spectres, and Shining Spears (not to mention those mounted on the craft of the Crimson Hunters); we've seen the Dire Avengers use their enhanced Avenger shuriken catapults; we've seen the Dark Reapers with their missile launchers and the Fire Dragons with their fusion guns. The Aeldari are also known for their mastery of sonic (dissonance) weapons, however, yet no known Aspects make use of such weapons (and I'm not counting the Banshee mask in this as that's a unique application, though it is a sonic weapon). Looking beyond these, what if there were an Aspect that specialized in larger vessels - the spacecraft of the Aeldari. Such Aspect warriors would be consummate "pilots" at the highest level. I don't know if such an Aspect would be probable, but they're possible if we extend the interpretation of warfare to higher levels. I imagine that many of the minor/unknown Aspects might be either very unusual, or they might simply be variations on a theme. Imagine an Aspect that takes the tank-hunters role of the Fire Dragons and Shadow Spectres, using dissonance weapons. I've been working on the Void Hornets Aspect, a melee-oriented Aspect specializes in void warfare and boarding actions (both attacking and defending). You can see the rules development here if you're interested. At one point I conceived of another melee specialist Aspect, one that evoked a bestial motif from Aeldari mythology (I had a lion in mind) - using claws. What kind of minor/additional Aspects can you think of?
  12. First, here is the first draft of the rules. Introduction to the Void Hornets Void Hornets basic rules, explanation of masks Void Hornets stratagem and alternate Exarch powers (a la Phoenix Rising), shrine color scheme examples Selgairhán
  13. I can - and will - build this very shortly, since I already have the Craftworlds for it. I'm picking up a box of Harleys over the weekend, off Amazon or eBay, and I'll be fielding them together. I was careful with the point values, so I could fit them exactly in 1k, and I picked my Masque for the weird color scheme - nice and striking next to my Craftworlds - and for the ability it gives you. Makes your opponent's probability of hitting you in melee effectively a 6+, but with a weird, Harlequin twist. The Spiritseer got Protect/Jinx to help the Wraithguard - the ability to worsen enemy saves and buff the Wraithguard while I'm crossing the board is very powerful. The plan is to have the Harleys advance across the board as fast as they can and slam into the enemy's gunline, then have the Wraith stuff get in relatively close and just kinda kill everything. I wanna have some murder clowns anyway, so I'm pushing the button over the weekend - I just want an opinion regarding the setup itself. ++ Patrol Detachment (Aeldari - Harlequins) [9 PL, 150pts] ++ + Configuration + Masque Form: The Veiled Path: Riddle-Smiths + HQ [4 PL, 71pts] + Troupe Master [4 PL, 71pts]: Fusion Pistol [7pts], Player of the Dark, Power sword [4pts], The Starmist Raiment, Warlord + Troops [5 PL, 79pts] + Troupe [5 PL, 79pts] Player [1 PL, 11pts]: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol Player [1 PL, 11pts]: Harlequin's Blade, Shuriken Pistol Player [1 PL, 16pts]: Harlequin's Blade, Neuro Disruptor [5pts] Player [1 PL, 16pts]: Harlequin's Blade, Neuro Disruptor [5pts] Player [1 PL, 25pts]: Fusion Pistol [7pts], Harlequin's Caress [7pts] ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [51 PL, 850pts] ++ + Configuration + Craftworld Attribute: Ulthwé: Foresight of the Damned + HQ [3 PL, 55pts] + Spiritseer [3 PL, 55pts]: 0. Smite, 4. Protect/Jinx, Shuriken Pistol + Elites [32 PL, 525pts] + Wraithblades [10 PL, 175pts]: Ghostswords [30pts], 5x Wraithblade [145pts] Wraithguard [11 PL, 165pts]: Wraithcannon [50pts], 5x Wraithguard [115pts] Wraithguard [11 PL, 185pts]: D-scythe [70pts], 5x Wraithguard [115pts] + Heavy Support [16 PL, 270pts] + Wraithlord [8 PL, 135pts]: Bright Lance [20pts], Flamer [6pts], Flamer [6pts], Ghostglaive [10pts], Starcannon [13pts] Wraithlord [8 PL, 135pts]: Bright Lance [20pts], Flamer [6pts], Flamer [6pts], Ghostglaive [10pts], Starcannon [13pts] Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
  14. So after a very..... long time off not posting anything, mainly posted on FB pages; I’ve decided to dip my toe back into forums again. After many, many years of only doing marines I thought I’d give some dirty space elf’s a go. Going for a very small 500 point army to get me started (hopefully I’ll finish unlike my various other projects) . The list is a simple foot sloggers backed up by a Farseer, warlock and two Walkers Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [29 PL, 500pts] Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc: Fieldcraft HQ Farseer [6 PL, 110pts]: 1. Guide, 4: Fate's Messenger, 6. Mind War, Craftworlds Warlord, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade . Shiftshroud of Alanssair Warlock [2 PL, 55pts]: 5. Quicken/Restrain, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade Troops Dire Avengers [3 PL, 55pts] . 5x Dire Avenger: 5x Avenger Shuriken Catapult Guardian Defenders [5 PL, 80pts]: 10x Guardian Defender Guardian Defenders [5 PL, 80pts]10x Guardian Defender Heavy Support War Walkers [8 PL, 120pts] . War Walker: Scatter Laser, Starcannon . War Walker: Scatter Laser, Starcannon Total: [29 PL, 500pts] Only just started on the first unit of guardians and done one as my test to bed in what I’m doing with the rest of the squad/army All in all faily please so far, the light makes the min look a little washed out and grey. Preying for some decent light so I can show it off a little better
  15. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=651 File Name: Dire Avengers Kill Team for SWA File Submitter: Ioldanach File Submitted: 01 Oct 2019 File Category: Wargaming Downloads Rules for using Asuryani Dire Avengers in the Shadow War: Armageddon game. This is essentially the official "Craftworld Eldar Kill Team" with different special operatives. The Autarch remains, but the Dark Reapers Exarch has replaced the Wraithguard and the Howling Banshees Exarch has replaced the Wraithblade. Click here to download this file
  16. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=649 File Name: Striking Scorpions Kill Team for SWA File Submitter: Ioldanach File Submitted: 01 Oct 2019 File Category: Wargaming Downloads Rules for using Striking Scorpions in the Shadow War: Armageddon game. Click here to download this file
  17. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=648 File Name: Howling Banshees Kill Team for SWA File Submitter: Ioldanach File Submitted: 01 Oct 2019 File Category: Wargaming Downloads Rules for using Howling Banshees in the Shadow War: Armageddon game. Click here to download this file
  18. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=647 File Name: Black Guardians Kill Team for SWA File Submitter: Ioldanach File Submitted: 01 Oct 2019 File Category: Wargaming Downloads Rules for using Aeldari Black Guardians of Ulthw
  19. I've tweaked the official Craftworld Eldar Kill Teams rules. The only real change was to the special operatives: (click the thumbnail for a full size version) First, as you can see by the links in my signature, I figured that the Asuryani probably have more than one type of kill team that they might send on missions. While the Dire Avengers are probably one of the go-to teams, there may be times that other skills are necessary, or when Dire Avengers aren't available. Since the official kill team focuses on the Dire Avengers, I figured that it might be tweaked just a tiny bit. I've basically re-named the kill team to better capture its focus. The big change was to the special operatives. Aside from the surprise in potency, the autarch seemed okay. However, neither the wraithblade nor wraithguard seemed appropriate from a lore perspective. The ghost warriors suffer from wraithsight - disconnection from reality. They only operate well under the guidance of spiritseers. Now it might be argued that the types that might accompany Dire Avengers on secret missions are above average, but that still doesn't seem quite right. So I replaced them with other exarchs. My intent there was to give some balance/specialism. The Dire Avengers are decent generalists, better at shooting than assault. The autarch brings some definite assault oomph. I figured that Dire Avengers might find use for a combat specialist. When choosing between the Striking Scorpions and the Howling Banshees, I figured that the athletic Howling Banshees were more generally applicable than the sneaky Striking Scorpions, so the Howling Banshees got the nod. On the other end of the spectrum, shooting was between the Fire Dragons, Dark Reapers, and those guys from Mymeara whose names I can't remember. Shadow War: Armageddon doesn't have a lot of flying types, and the Dire Avengers already have access to a flyer via the autarch (who comes with Swooping Hawk wings). Fire Dragons are great when they're up close, but the Dark Reapers are good generalist shooters, so they got the nod. If you want to see the rules for the weapons/wargear, check out the Howling Banshees Kill Team link in my signature. Aside from those changes and some small things (like changing "Eldar" to "Aeldari"), everything else stayed the same as the official kill team. You can see that in the larger version of the rulebook, and it used to be online (though it looks like GW has killed all SWA stuff on their website).
  20. Version 2019/10/01


    Rules for using Asuryani Dire Avengers in the Shadow War: Armageddon game. This is essentially the official "Craftworld Eldar Kill Team" with different special operatives. The Autarch remains, but the Dark Reapers Exarch has replaced the Wraithguard and the Howling Banshees Exarch has replaced the Wraithblade.
  21. Version 2019/10/01


    Rules for using Striking Scorpions in the Shadow War: Armageddon game.
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