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I got back into the hobby at the start of this year - my mental health was deteriorating, so I figured some sort of art project would be good to focus the mind and block out the stress of work. As as kid, I'd collected Dark Angels, and still being drawn to the more knightly chapters, but wanting a change, I started collecting Black Templars. I've posted some earlier WIP photos, but with reaching the goal I've had for the force, I wanted to give the fighting company a name. Hence, this thread, and so, without any further ado...


Marshal's Household

Marshal Friedrich was one of the first characters I painted; Chaplain Luther was one of the most recent. At some point I'll have to strip and repaint Friedrich up to the same standard as Luther. Friedrich, as with all my Gravis-armoured troops, has a Grey Knights Paladin helm. Luther is converted from a spare Captain body I had from the Apocalypse bundle, with a Crozius made from two of the Black Templars upgrade sprue axes. Note the Reiver helmet tucked away on his belt - a Chaplain has to have a skull helm, after all.

R to L, top to bottom - Sword Brother Thorias, the Emperor's Champion; Sword Brother Richard, Ancient; Apothecary Garrus; Castellan Cador; Castellan Angard; Castellan Ludolphus. I was loathe to pay the full price for a Primaris Apothecary. Garrus is one of my leftover Hellblaster bodies, with Grey Knight Paladin parts. He does, of course, have two pistols holstered on his hips, representing his absolver bolt pistol and reductor pistol. Thorias, my Primaris-scale Emperor's Champion, has arms from the old Black Templars upgrade sprue. His body is, again, a leftover Hellblaster.

Battle Line

Intercessor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Vanrich, the first of four squads with basic bolt rifles and two auxiliary grenade launchers. It took a whole lot of cutting, but the old upgrade sprue tabards have been spliced onto some of the initiates. There's also an assortment of Grey Knight parts dotted through, and pouches/seals/relics from the old upgrade sprue - this is repeated on the other Intercessor squads. I got into 40k as a kid, when back banners were very much a thing - I had to give all my Intercessor sergeants banners. Models from Dark Imperium are also divided across the first four squads.

Intercessor Squad Two, led by Sword Brother Heinrich.

Intercessor Squad Three, led by Sword Brother Jost.

Intercessor Squad Four, led by Sword Brother Halrik.

Intercessor Squad Five, led by Sword Brother Geraint. Squad five is the first of two with auto bolt rifles, and plenty of close combat knives, blood spatter etc. Geraint carrys a power sword.

Intercessor Squad Six, led by Sword Brother Halrik, who has a power fist and hand flamer.

Close Support

Reiver Squad One, led by Sword Brother Gorthis. To me, only Chaplains should have skull helms - instead, MkIII Iron Armour helmets and studded shoulder pads (of course with plenty of blood spatter too) seemed suitably menacing to warrant their "Terror Troops" special rules.

Inceptor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Jarold. :censored: those flying stands.

Ranged Support

Hellblaster Squad One, led by Sword Brother Gert (top) and Hellblaster Squad Two, led by Sword Brother Siegfried (bottom). Good as they are, any more than ten Hellblasters didn't seem very Templar-y.

Aggressor Squad One, led by Sword Brother Werner. These guys currently act as Marshall Friedrich's bodyguard, and travel along with Castellan Cador in a Repulsor.


Repulsor "Light of Sigismund"

Invictor "Dorn's Fury"

Redemptor One, piloted by Sword Brother Ulrich. There's a big metal pin in the one leg contacting the ground.

Redemptor Two, piloted by Sword Brother Erias.

Edited by SufficientAnonymity
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Impressive entry!

The white is very clean, but thats cool. Interesting choice on the Plasma colour, I dont thi k that I have seen yellow before.

All in all an impressive collection. I'D love to see a group shot

  On 11/1/2019 at 9:01 AM, Marshal Vespasian said:

Impressive entry!

The white is very clean, but thats cool. Interesting choice on the Plasma colour, I dont thi k that I have seen yellow before.

All in all an impressive collection. I'D love to see a group shot

Thank you - I wanted a little nod back to the yellow weapons Templars have sometimes been depicted with in older art.

  On 11/2/2019 at 10:29 AM, vossyvo said:

Awesome stuff! You got a new camera? Photos are looking sweet.

No - I had all my gear laid out after shooting a wedding, had a free morning and so rigging everything up and tacking a bit of extra work onto the end of an editing session didn't seem like too much work. The plan from here on out is to keep this thread for stuff shot on one of my DSLRs, and phone shots for TITH etc.

My own Crusade is made up of Firstborn, not having linked up with any Custodes or the main Templar fleet in a long time.

I've been sceptical of Primaris marines, but Fighting Company Freidrich has warmed me to the Primaris Marines a bit more.


I think your models look great, you put a lot of thought and effort into the organization and fluff behind your army.

The mix of Primaris and GK/MKIII/BT Upgrade bits gives them a very Templary feel!

Your Chaplain really stands out and looks wayyy better than the pimp cane atrocity that is GW's official model.


  On 11/2/2019 at 12:50 PM, BrotherWallenstein said:

My own Crusade is made up of Firstborn, not having linked up with any Custodes or the main Templar fleet in a long time.

I've been sceptical of Primaris marines, but Fighting Company Freidrich has warmed me to the Primaris Marines a bit more.


I think your models look great, you put a lot of thought and effort into the organization and fluff behind your army.

The mix of Primaris and GK/MKIII/BT Upgrade bits gives them a very Templary feel!

Your Chaplain really stands out and looks wayyy better than the pimp cane atrocity that is GW's official model.

Thank you - the lantern and tabard on the Captain model seemed very Templar-appropriate as a base for him.

  On 11/3/2019 at 10:18 AM, Sete said:

Fantastic crusade. Cant wait until space marines are all Primaris. ;)

It won't be all-Primaris much longer - I really miss the old Rhino-chassis vehicles. I might add a Land Raider and some truescaled terminators or centurions, too.

  On 11/3/2019 at 11:33 AM, Medjugorje said:

Maybe conversions of the SoB tanks. I have a full sortiment of Rhinos and so on but my mind is struggling to buy this new stuff because it would fit so perfect.

Maybe - though I do think they're a touch too over the top - I'm trying to keep my Crusade a little bit cleaner than some of the absolute excesses seen in artwork, but still more exciting than basic Primaris. Currently, I'm doing at least one more Repulsor, and a Whirlwind with the doors from the upgrade sprue.

  On 11/3/2019 at 3:11 PM, SufficientAnonymity said:


  On 11/3/2019 at 11:33 AM, Medjugorje said:

Maybe conversions of the SoB tanks. I have a full sortiment of Rhinos and so on but my mind is struggling to buy this new stuff because it would fit so perfect.

Maybe - though I do think they're a touch too over the top - I'm trying to keep my Crusade a little bit cleaner than some of the absolute excesses seen in artwork, but still more exciting than basic Primaris. Currently, I'm doing at least one more Repulsor, and a Whirlwind with the doors from the upgrade sprue.

I agree with the OTT, I kinda wonder how they'll look as just hulls however, perhaps without the excesses of the top mounted cathedrals they won't look so untidy? I actually prefer the original MK2 turret for the Immolator.

I love this gothic style. Thats why I bought 3 times the Dark Angels jet-fighter instead of the normal Marine one (although the Dark Angel one is not just a bit more pricy). I built a "Command-Rhino" with a lot of "bling" but not that much "bling" like the new Sisters have.


I should start a Crusade thread here too - but in this forum i always have so much problems to upload pictures. I still post many pictures in the facebook group (christopher a. bacher is my name there - I think many of us are in this group too).

  On 11/5/2019 at 9:36 PM, Medjugorje said:

I love this gothic style. Thats why I bought 3 times the Dark Angels jet-fighter instead of the normal Marine one (although the Dark Angel one is not just a bit more pricy). I built a "Command-Rhino" with a lot of "bling" but not that much "bling" like the new Sisters have.


I should start a Crusade thread here too - but in this forum i always have so much problems to upload pictures. I still post many pictures in the facebook group (christopher a. bacher is my name there - I think many of us are in this group too).

As per Marshal Vespasian, Imgur is pretty straightforward to use - all the images in this thread are hosted there. It's easy enough to ignore the whole "Imgur pretending to be a social network in and of itself" side of things.

A Whirlwind and a second Repulsor have been requisitioned for the fighting company. (Sub)assembly of both is complete, but it's been really wet here the past few days so even though I'm curled up at home with the tail end of the flu/some other affliction of Nurgle, I've not been able to prime them yet. They both feature plenty of Templar iconography from the upgrade sprue - I'm especially happy with how well the old Land Raider ramp fits on the front of Repulsors as extra armour.


Photos will follow when complete.

  • 3 weeks later...

Further updates: all turrets and cupolas for the two WIP tanks are done, as is the base for the Repulsor. The Whirlwind hull is close to be being completed. My partner's in NZ until the end of the year, so I imagine I'll get both done before she gets back.


The Repulsor will mark 100 models painted for the fighting company. I'm starting to make plans for what to do after I've finished these two models. I've been dithering for a while, but I'm narrowing down on trying to truescale Grimaldus, then customising a Land Raider Crusader for him - since starting the Whirlwind, I'm realising how much I still like some of the older models (a good bit of childhood nostalgia there).

  On 12/6/2019 at 6:38 PM, Link2edition said:

I love your army!


I was just waiting to see a 5 man intercessor squad in there called "Squad 6.5"


I'm afraid that I doubt there ever will be - I'm well and truly done with battleline units now, given the sixty Intercessors. The plan us to do mostly tanks for a little while, now.

I promised tanks in my above post, and here they are. The Repulsor's edge highlights were finished at about 0200 last night watching the election coverage, but I waited until today to photograph them.



Repulsor "Eternal Blade"



Whirlwind "Swiftsure"

I always debate wether i should make those inner armor panels white, but always opt out. And again, I wonder if should have dared...


Anyway, great unified look, that I think matches your previous models really well. Oh and I especially love the green lenses

Edited by Reinhard
  On 12/13/2019 at 4:21 PM, Reinhard said:

I always debate wether i should make those inner armor panels white, but always opt out. And again, I wonder if should have dared...


Anyway, great unified look, that I think matches your previous models really well. Oh and I especially love the green lenses


Thank you - I'm really pleased with how well they fit in (but the painting is markedly cleaner).


For a couple of months after I finished my first Repulsor, those panels were indeed black. Given I don't use all that much red in my colour scheme (it's basically only for seals and blood) it looked a bit too much like an Iron Hands tank from a distance - at that point, I accepted that I'd need to spend an extra evening per tank doing many many many thin coats of white.

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