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The first bits of Indomitus are complete - The Silent Brother and Chaplain Benjamin.





Also, here's my Crusade's full Reclusiam at this point:



Amazing work, cool conversion ideas, good selection of bits and even better execution - everything you have here is very characterful, very Black-Templary. I must also say that I liked your Custodes in black - it's a very fitting colour!

  • 3 weeks later...

Feth, these past few weeks have been ridiculous. Moving house, problems with my internet, chemical burns on my hand from a puctured glove whilst cleaning... anyway, I'm finally able to paint properly again, and so have made a little more progress on Indomitus. I've nearly finished the chunky highlight on the black of my first five Assault Intercessors, then it'll be time to do the really fun stuff - fine highlights and freehand insignia :D


After that, I think I'm going to do the Marshal, then the other half of the AI squad. Thinking further ahead, I'm considering using legion Destroyer Squad insignia on my Eradicators, really weathering them up etc etc to contrast with the rest of my army.

Still no photos, because still no (proper) internet, but I've finished my Marshal, and started work on a Techmarine based off of Feirros (couldn't wait for the generic one). She's broadly as out-of-the-box, bar a headswap (SoB with bionic eye), filing down the Iron Hands insignia on her left shoulder, replacing the three nuts of the Clan Raukaan insignia with a skull to make a generic Cog Mechanicus, and swapping the arc cutter thingy (the lower servo arm) for a Melta because it seemed more Templar-y.


Callsign Kappa-eight, as a nod to my other half who is an engineer.


I'm going for a really moody dark red so she doesn't stick out too much compared to the rest of the force, as I barely use red there.



Vice-Marshal Galler




Techmarine (callsign kappa-eight) and servitor retinue




The first five Assault Intercessors



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

With your preference for no red in your army, I thought you might like this quote from Max Feleij when he was explaining why he painted his BladeGuard as an initiate, rather than a Sword Brother:


"One thing that I thought was really fun was when i was painting the Black Templar we were talking about should this be a Sword Brother or not, with the red trim and the red icons, and because we were just doing one, we wanted one we thought it would be good it if it was like really iconic black on white like the normal... we haven't seen a Templar for a minute right, also I just really liked the idea that, all of these Bladeguard veterans are in all this regalia or cool kinda crusade relics and all that stuff and they feel like theyre out on crusade because they've been crusading for like 50 years or something, and this Black Templar's like, 'that's just a Tuesday for me, I'm not even that special, I'm not even a Sword Brother, I'm the same level as you guys, you top crusade veterans are the same as an initiate for me.' That's the way the Black Templars kinda look at it. I thought that was really funny. That tipped the scales for me, I'll just do it as a normal initiate templar."


  • 1 month later...

Another wave of Crusade expansion complete: Chaplain Radegund, Outrider Squad Montfort, the Predator "Helbrecht's Hammer" and Venerable Brother Astoric.








Edited by SufficientAnonymity

Is that a twin stubber on the dread?

Looks cool.

Is it a legit weapon for a dread?


Twin autocannon. Used to be a legitimate weapon option, though I believe it has now been legended. Not a problem though - I've got enough weapon arms that if I were to run both my Venerable Dreadnoughts in game, one would have Assault Cannon/Power Fist and the other Las Cannon/Missile Launcher.

  • 3 weeks later...

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