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ImperialTuba's 3rd Company Raven Guard


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Got a bit of work done over the weekend, so I figured I'd start posting my progress beginning with that. 


Raven Guard Suppressor Squad

Raven Guard Inceptor

Raven Guard Hellblaster Squad

Raven Guard Devastator Squad

Raven Guard Phobos Lieutenant



And here's a few other pieces that are mostly finished and have been for a while. 


Raven Guard Venerable Dreadnought

Raven Guard Aggressors

Still debating if I should go over the left shoulder trim with black on these guys, since that's technically the "right" way to do the company colors. 

Raven Guard Rhino



Looking forward to posting more in the future!

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Because, like, 7 attacks on the charge hitting on 2+, rerolling fails, rerolling failed wounds, AP -2 and 2 damage per successful wound is nothing to sneeze at, especially with 14" move, charge re-rolls, Blackout for character sniping and general pistol things, the Inceptor mortal-wounds-on-charge thing, deepstriking, no Overwatch if he's your warlord and him being ex-Third, making it even fluffier to run him with Third Company armies.

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