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Returning to Warhammer 40K: starting the Night Lords

Magnus Thane

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  • 4 weeks later...

Warp Talons. Bring a ten man warp talon unit backed up by the Host raptoral lord with the Black Claws will make it to melee. Then bring along a 5 man plasma raptor unit for back up and for punishing units. The man two problems with any of these deepstrike units(I use a 5 man terminator squad, lord, and sorcerer strike team too) is marines are the meta. My area doesn't have many infiltrators  doing the 12" bubble thing but we have a lot of marines doing the Auspex Scan thing so the only way around it I have found is deluge the opponent in deep strikers at once. I drop a dreadclaw with noise marines and a chain cannon squad, the terminator force, warp talons, raptors, and raptor lord at once. At the same time I push my rear line forward. I try to go second with this list as the meager shooting my rear line has isn't really that useful(havoc squad with ACs, a pair of tac squads and a rhino, plus a blob of 30 cultists. Depending on the opponents firepower I might keep everything out of sight if possible t1 and barely fire a shot til t2. Depends on if the opponent gives me a target of opportunity that my autocannons and havoc launcher can kill with a high rate of success in one volley or if he just has so much out of LOS weaponry that its pointless to hide, Multiple Thunderfire cannons and ubiquitous 3x max Hive guards come to mind.


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