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Iron Hands Log - Combat Specialists

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  • 6 months later...

Well then, it's been quite a long time since I've posted, but I'm still alive! In the few moments of my life when I'm not marking lab reports, I've been slowly working on some more veterans and a Contemptor for the legion. Here's the veteran sergeant, based off the old Imperial Guard Stormtrooper sergeant:


















And the inspiration (a ridiculously small image, for some reason...):



@jeremy1391 Thanks buddy, how are your Emperor's Children coming on?


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Thanks for the likes folks. Hot on the heels of the veteran is a Contemptor to add some durability and armoured support to my force. I've got dual Kheres tacked in for now, but I'd also like to grab a plasma cannon and chainfist to give me some options.




Posing with the cannons, you can see the chainmail has made a return!





Base details, some mechanical bits and bobs amongst the dust.




Ready to be primed!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



LOCATION: Garolyx, Outer Walls.







Venerable Ancient Aurek



The barrels clanked as they swung into motion, slowly turning clockwise, autoloaders choking into life. The rumbling sound rose in pitch to a whine and then to a scream as heavy slugs ripped forth and coolant hissed from overworked vents. Though individually only a minor threat, the rounds of a Kheres pattern assault cannon become altogether more terrifying when faced en masse. Even the sturdiest armour is torn apart, layer by layer it degrades under the withering storm of iron, until it can resist no more.





Chainmail protects the weakspots and critical systems, baffling grenades and missiles.



Venerable Brother Aurek growled in satisfaction, as his guns reduced a Rhino transport to a smoking wreck, vox grills amplifying the sound to a dull roar, laden with menace, as he turned his attention to the dazed astartes disembarking from their former carrier. Cooling coils glowed dull red on volkite weaponry, but the killing heat of the esoteric rays did naught but discolour Aurek’s iron hide, as he tore apart their traitorous wielders.




Even the sturdiest material can withstand only a few engagements, when stressed to the extremes.








Very happy with this chap, I can't wait to grab some extra weapon options (plasma and chainfist are first on the list).

Edited by Pearson73
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  • 1 month later...

Well then, it's been quite a long time since I've posted, but I'm still alive! In the few moments of my life when I'm not marking lab reports, I've been slowly working on some more veterans and a Contemptor for the legion. Here's the veteran sergeant, based off the old Imperial Guard Stormtrooper sergeant:





And the inspiration (a ridiculously small image, for some reason...):

@jeremy1391 Thanks buddy, how are your Emperor's Children coming on?

And the inspiration (a ridiculously small image, for some reason...):

!!!! Excellent use of that head. And an excellent model for inspiration, one that was brand new when I first got into the hobby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good - those rivits are outstanding!  Man, tanks take so much effort and I have yet to tackle one for that very reason.  Maybe I'll give the Contemptor a try first...


On a side note, as another fan of the Iron Hands, when will we be getting our new Praetors like a few of the other legions have been getting lately?  :cool.:

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@Morngrym  Thanks brother! The rivets really did take forever here, but I'm feeling pretty happy with them all now. The beast's not far off done now, just finishing the last few weapons systems, then I might try a few pigments to enhance the rust and add soot to barrels and exhausts. I was defo in the same boat as you and indeed started with a Contemptor first! The Iron Hands Contemptor is really a blast to paint.  I'm super hyped for a new power armoured chap for us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, here it is! Very chuffed with this one, learned a lot in the build and the painting and had a tonne of fun with it. Feel free to leave a comment, question or critique! 



Hunter-Killer configuration.



Siege configuration.



Anti-personell configuration.


Now for some detail shots!



Forward lights and track guard.



Damage, weathering and tracks,



Turret optics.





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  • 3 weeks later...

And here are some extra veterans/Seekers/tacticals/.... to fill up the ranks.





Fear not, gun barrels will be drilled...


@MrBear Thank you! I had a lot of fun with the weathering and was surprised at how easy it was to get a good OSL effect with some basic drybrushing.

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Also on the painting table with the veterans is a multi-purpose officer. I figure he could run as most things, including a herald. Seems appropriate to me that the Iron Hands would have a more technological thing than just some decorative cloth, I see it emitting more in the other parts of the EM spectrum or noosphere.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Nice to be back after the forum update, seems I need to go through and fix the images... Lots has happened for the Iron Tenth in the past couple of weeks, to start with we have the Shield-Captain finished: 












Very happy with this chap, particularly the lenses! Next up are some more shield bearing warriors of the legion.

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  • 1 month later...

@Torbenos Cheers! I figure that after the Betrayal, the Iron Hands really let go of any restraint and embraced all things that could bring ruination to the enemy. In my mind he also spent time on Terra or with another legion, due to his psychic abilities, hence his MKVI armour. Perhaps he also received additional training there. Keeping him simple was quite important to me, the legion isn't big on flashy ornamentation, just functionality, so he has his pyschic collar, hand totem and scrolls.

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