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Iron Hands Log - Combat Specialists

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Here's the Techmarine painted up. He took to the field yesterday and after many attempts managed to successfully repair one hull point over the course of four turns, prior to being eviscerated by a support sergeant...









@Pacific81 Thanks very much, I was really happy with that face, best I've done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @Monstra Sumus @Torbenos!


@Pacific81 Almost all of the bionics are from the FW Iron Hands tacticals and Immortals kits, though some are from old Anvil Industry kits and the GW Iron Hands upgrade set. I would like to find some additional bits, but I'm unsure on the scale of other providers... I've picked up some brass pipes, so might give scratch building bionics a go, at least for something larger like Terminators or Automata.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well I said I was looking forward to seeing it painted and you haven't disappointed, that looks fantastic! The weathering is really nicely done and the glowing eyes are lovely as always, you should be really pleased with this guy.

I'm looking forward to whatever's coming coming next! 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great looking like always. I in particular like the contrast between the black and the white, but the white being so filthy somehow makes it better. And gives them a weathered look which otherwise doesn't really show up on black alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the first of hopefully quite a few Thallax that will be inducted into my force (and quite possibly developed into an allied detachment):









Had a load of fun building and painting this guy, nice to get away from just doing black!


@Torbenos Thanks! I agree that the white helps get the grime across, it can blend in quite easily with the black otherwise.

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