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Which model do you wish GW would bring back?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ferrum Infernus Dreads and... updated versions of RT Era's Berserkers.

That's a pipe dream. A glorious one, but a pipe dream nonetheless. Any updated 'Zerkers that come out are likely to take most of their design cues from the current plastics - and while I'd love to see Chaos go back to the proper Chaos Dreadnought style of Helbrute, they seem pretty dead set on the definitely-not-a-Daemon-Engine part.

For me it's the old 1st/very early 2nd plastic IG, and the classic 1st ed bikes so i can have guard on bikes and maybe landspeeders too.


a resculpt of some of the older Terminator Marks would be nice as well as the classic 1st edition Dread

Ferrum Infernus legion dreads. Need moar arms.


The Mk IV Ironclad.


The old Ven dread line. DA and BT ones were gorgeous


Vostroyans, Kasrkin.


Legion rhino doors.


Some of the old Librarian and Sorc sculpts.


As noted, the Diaz prince.


Old Wulfen

  • 2 weeks later...



Agreed, except the missile launcher one... Jeez.


That came later. HB Scout is still a good looking fella.

I think he was the last one they made before plastic. Clearly given to the apprentice, the rest of the range holds up really well, which is why all of my Neophytes are metal.


I do wish they had done more than two bolter sculpts. It's weird seeing a squad of 5 with only two poses.

Less a model and more bits of a model, but I wish they'd release the old "biomechanical" looking Chaos Space Marine backpacks from way back when as bitz packs. Even today those RT-era plastic backpacks look beautiful and I'd love to give some to my CSM. The RT era Traitors in general are superb (that horse-skulled one is a favourite), really.

Also the old all metal Noise Marines. Great sculpts, and IIRC the weapons should be compatible with the new CSM kit.

Sergeant Naaman of the Dark Angels. He would make a superb Phobos Character for the Dark Angels. Syncing up the Vanguard units with the Green/Raven/Deathwings.

Give him a master crafted Chainsword, Bolt Carbine Varient and some sort of Auspex/Teleporter ability.


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