Chaplain Elijah Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Shame that 3 short stories are up and we have zero rules previews There won't be any rules preview until PA4 is up for pre-order, that was the trend before, it doesn't seem to be different here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Sheol Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 There's also this up, not sure if it's been mentioned yet: Interesting tale on how the DA started to view primaris as a resource and not as cannon fodder and how Lazarus became the first primaris masterI must say i liked the read Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 It was certainly one of the better shorts from the series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fierce Bear Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Didn't the Xmas preview say DW and and RW getting commander/HQ buffs... Azreal, Belial and Sammael not mentioned as leading anything instead... ‘Master Lazarus will lead the assault. *Knight Master* Inias and *Huntmaster* Estrael will support with the first and second company.' Equivalent LTs for DW and RW anyone? Knight Masters with a charge buff perhaps? RW Huntmasters on a bike as a cheap talonmaster option? ...that'll keep my DA wish listing going for another week! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darmor Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 It also confirms, that Deathwing and Ravenwing will be dispatched on Prospero (under command of Inias and Estrael respectively), so we have a bigger chance of getting some shinies for them at last.This Azrael's speech can mean a big turnaround point in DA background.For me personally, fingers crossed for some nice melee-oriented units and maaaaaaybe Hexagrammaton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Huntmaster and Knight Master refer to Black Knight and DW Knight sergeants so doubtful it's new LT's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 They could pull a Command Squad, split the Huntmaster and Knight Master out of the squad and make them characters (with Lt stats). It matches the lore for them better than Sergeant stats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Elijah Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 They could pull a Command Squad, split the Huntmaster and Knight Master out of the squad and make them characters (with Lt stats). It matches the lore for them better than Sergeant stats. GW should balance our GW/DW/RW existing characters first before pulling out more characters from existing squads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJD Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Just to direct you to this leak thread. Could it be Primaris Ravenwing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Huntmaster and Knight Master refer to Black Knight and DW Knight sergeants so doubtful it's new LT's. Plus, we have a Ravenwing LT: The Talonmaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jaxom Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Very true, but this would give a Lt on a bike, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted December 30, 2019 Share Posted December 30, 2019 Well, it is a new wave of Primaris. So far, GW has been unable to hold back on releasing lieutenants with each new type of unit, so I think we can very safely expect a Primaris Lieutenant in Grav Bike, and a Primaris Lieutenant in whatever-kind-of-armor-for-terminators are coming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eternal_warrior12 Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 It makes me laugh because if they just had the two from DV, the Dark/Blood Angels ones and the two new variants we would complain that they aren’t releasing enough Lieutenants. But that’s the internet for you. I’m excited as a long time Son of Caliban for all of the new releases. First, 666th or traitorous Thousandth. Everything released thus far has been great and it will only get better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berzul Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 You can mever have enough lieutenants. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eternal_warrior12 Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 Agreed Brother Berzul! Speaking of which I hope we get Deathwing Lieutenants. It’s the only thing missing from my converted Deathwing Eternal list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shabbadoo Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 Ah, the fallacy of reason. Lazarus is Primaris, and he's trustworthy, so ALL Primaris are therefore trustworthy - because they have promised to be! Lazarus Recruiting World: Dark Angels recruiting world. Physical Enhancement: by the Dark Angels Apothecarian. Training: Variant Codex Astartes via Dark Angels 10th Company Master, Chaplains, and so forth. Psycho-indoctrination: according to the Chapter's wishes. Chapter History: advanced through the 10th Company, Support Companies, and Battle Companies; served either in the Ravenwing or Deathwing, or at the very lest showed such mettle as a Battle Company veteran of some kind that he was outright inducted into the Deathwing in way of being made a Company Master (I don't know certain details of his history); due to how he came up, the entire leadership of the Chapter knows who he actually is, from where he came from and what he was taught, to what he has done to reach the rank he has attained. Primaris Lieutenant Recruiting World: ? Physical Enhancement: Mechanicum (superior). Training: Codex Astartes, with knowledge of Dark Angels variant formations (but obviously not incorporating them), as instituted by the Mechanicum. Psycho-indoctrination: General Imperial Creed, Codex Astartes, and broad stroke (i.e. known) history of Dark Angels Chapter lore, as instituted by the Mechanicum, which is definitely NOT going to be in the form of the allegorical and other tales of the Chapter (which go to the purposes of the Dark Angels/Unforgiven). Chapter History: none. So, Primaris are now to be trusted? But Lazarus is not the only Primaris among the Dark Angels marines. There is also Lieutenant Bob! Read on, stalwart Dark Angels, for the next gripping intalment of Psychic Awakening! ***** Somewhere on The Rock... Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Hello everyone. I have asked you all to gather here today to welcome our new transfer, Primaris Lieutenant Bob. Primaris Lieutenant Bob has just come to us from Mars. Let's give him a hearty Dark Angels Welcome!" Dark Angels: ... Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, Primaris Lieutenant Bob." Primaris Lieutenant Bob: "Well, I am, as you know, Lieutenant Bob. I love the Emperor, the Dark Angels, and bringing death the Enemies of Mankind! Also, the Mechanicum is pretty cool too!" Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai: "What the actual... You are not some sort of...'Mechanicum Candidate' sent here to turn on us when it suits your True Masters' purpose...are you Primaris Lieutenant Bob?" Primaris Lieutenant Bob: "Uhh..I'm not quite sure what you mean by that..." Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai: [makes a short note in a small black booklet and secrets it away in his robes] "You'll have to be sure to visit me in Cell 42 at your earliest convenience, Primaris Lieutenant Bob." Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Does anyone have any further questions for Primaris Lieutenant Bob?" Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai: "Oh, I have many questions I would like to put to Primaris Lieutenant Bob!" Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Does anyone other than Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai have any further questions for Primaris Lieutenant Bob?" Dark Angels: ... Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "All right then! Get back to your duties everyone, and welcome aboard Primaris Lieutenent Bob!" Primaris Lieutenant Bob: "If I might beg your indulgence, Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch?" Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Yes?" Primaris Lieutenant Bob: "I just wanted to say that everyone need not refer to me as 'Primaris Lieutenant Bob.' 'Lieutenant Bob' will do just fine. I just want to fit in; just one more lieutenant of the Chapter. I am just so excited to finally be here among my brethren! And somebody told me that, because I am a Primaris Lieutenant, I can pick up my Ravenwing and Deathwing badges at the commissary? Where is that? Interrogator-Chaplain Moloch: "Perhaps you should visit Cell 42 first. That will be all, Primaris Lieutenant Bob." ***** So, um, yeah. The final bit of that Lazarus story is a bit off. Lazarus is Primaris, but he's not Primaris, if you get my meaning. There are no questions regarding him. In effect, Lazarus is a known quantity to the Chapter. The Primaris are not. Who knows what they have been psycho-indoctrinated with. What we do know is that they manage to remember hints of things even when mind-wiped, and even have a way to avoid most of the effects of being mind-wiped. For the Dark Angels that is problematic, and so they should have left out that fallacy of logic regarding trusting Primaris. The one really good thing about the story is that Azrael, knowing all of this, and with the assault on the The Rock and the Chapter's secrets being out and about to be weaponized against them, is doing the utterly correct thing in choosing to answer the call of the Grey Knights. The Dark Angels have a real need to show that, despite any...unflattering...information which may later come to light, they are loyal to The Imperium, for they may very well need to save themselves before The Lion can return to do it for them. And who better to prove themselves to than the Grey Knights, because if the Dark Angels are found to be wanting at a later date that would impugn the abilities/reputation of the Grey Knights, and any others, they have served alongside as well. And so the Unforgiven are "all in" (not that they haven't been anyways). Looking forward to some Dark Secrets of the Chapter drama. Could be a soap opera (or a telanovela in style, if Asmodai features prominently). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 To be fair, we’re pushing about a century or two past the in universe release of Primaris Marines in the post-indomitus crusade era. There are 3 types of Primaris in the chapter at this point: The reborn: Lifelong Dark Angels who have crossed the Rubicon to become Primaris, in the vein of Lazarus. These can be trusted as they are brothers who have undertaken all of the indoctrination and rituals of the chapter up to their rank. The greyshields: Veterans of the indomitus crusade given to the chapter by Roboutte. Their trust and loyalty is far more questionable as these individuals were trained and indoctrinated by the mechanicum. However, those who have proven themselves with great feats might be given the opportunity to advance, such as with the old greyshield Azrael used as a test of Primaris in joining the Deathwing. The internal primaris: Primaris marines recruited and trained by the chapter itself using the technology and tools given by roboutte during the indomitus crusade. While mechanicum priests are presently lingering around to “assist” in their creation, presumably these internally created marines would be trusted on the same level as any other brethren of the Chapter at their rank as they undergo the same lessons and rituals. It’s not a case of all Primaris being upstart mechanicum loving know it alls that War of Secrets tries to paint them as. While I have to say myself I was a bit confused at Azrael’s choice of a greyshield rather than an internally raised Primaris, it seems even they have redeemable features too. And to bring it back to OP, this is why we’re likely to get a Deathwing data sheet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 Did everyone else get 200 years older? Maybe that is the time required for a +++Psychic Awakening.+++ +++Hint: Let's stay on the topic as best we can Brothers, or we join Lt Bob in cell 42.+++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shabbadoo Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 That's Primaris Lieutenant Bob. Totally on topic too! Now, something that could be a bit more on topic is the 8-bit resolution pic of possible Primaris Bikes and a Speeder going the rounds on the intarwebz. That could very well be a legit pic. The pic is all GW mini content and style. And the Speeder? It is a flying BRICK - very Primaris! The bikes can't be seen all that well, though from what we can tell from the pixelated color in the pic, the front wheels appear to be more exposed in the front, meaning the front fender does not extend as far forward and over the front of the wheel. The shape of the Bikes looks bulkier than Scout Bikes, so it does not appear that they are just blurry Scout Bikes in the pic. Could be cool-ish stuff incoming... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SnakeChisler Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 The speeder in the 8 bit picture looks like something out of star wars I think this is just someone at best kit bashing We've seen the custodes bikes and any Ravenwing bike update will go full jetbike I would have thought, there's very little reason to go wheeled on a new sculpt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shabbadoo Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 Well sure there is: Dark Angels get wheeled bikes; everyone else gets jet bikes. :D Could be kit-bashed kits. The style of the pics looks very GW-ish, so if those are kit-bashed models then the pic is likely from White Dwarf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angel of Solitude Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 I can buy that the landspeeder leak is genuine. I just don’t get the timing of it all. A new landspeeder means new rules, new models, and the blurb around psychic awakening has suggested that we’ll get “heroes” to accompany the releases, but not units. This suggests a later post-PA release, which is a long way away...if not (dare I say it) 9th Edition. Don’t get me wrong - I’d love this to be a PA4 Open a Day reveal, but I doubt it very much. I don’t believe that the narrative is developed enough either for Primaris Ravenwing deployed in such a way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G8Keeper Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 Maybe they're in the new starter box for 9th? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angel of Solitude Posted December 31, 2019 Share Posted December 31, 2019 I like the idea of there being three waves of Primaris development. We’ve had the Tactical wave, and so the Assault wave is next - as potentially demonstrated by the new Landspeeder. A release wave mapped to 9th Edition makes the most sense to me, and it also gives time to develop the narrative too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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