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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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I can buy that the landspeeder leak is genuine. I just don’t get the timing of it all. A new landspeeder means new rules, new models, and the blurb around psychic awakening has suggested that we’ll get “heroes” to accompany the releases, but not units.

I might agree with you if the very first release for Psychic Awakening had not included new plastic unit kits for Howling Banshees and Incubi. Characters surely are easier to produce for mini-campaigns as in this case, but the interesting angle GW have taken is by expanding what could have been only one  mini-campaign to multiple mini-campagins in multiple theaters, which really take the gloves off as to what they can do. GW could release anything for the forces involved in the various Psychic Awakening mini-campaigns. As Space Marines are always going to pop up somewhere, there is ample opportunity to release anything Primaris at any time. As to bikes and speeders, if one were asked what Chapter they associate those units with, the most common answer is invariably going to be Dark Angels, followed by White Scars, followed by Every Other Chapter. A Dark Angels book release is the perfect opportunity to unleash such new units, though they really could come out at any time, as every Chapter uses them. So, hopefully something other than Lazarus comes out. I hope Thousand Sons get a character and maybe even a new unit of some kind, perhaps a themed vehicle or daemon engine. That force is pitifully one-dimensional at present.

I agree, I think that the biggest indication that its NOT associated with PA, is the fact that they are painted in BA and Ultra colors.

If they were going to be associated with the DA release in PA, you would think they would be in DA colors.

Open Day reveals are usually something a little bigger than rules previews in my experience. I would expect them to show off some coming models instead of rules that are to be out within the next few weeks. It doesn't have to be massive reveals like a primarch or something like that, but rules seem a tad too small to reveal on Warhammer Open Day. I hope we will start seeing some of those next week, if not today or tomorrow.


What they could show us on saturday could be a new kit or two for various games and some other cool stuff. If the new kits will be a primaris land speeder only time will tell, but I choose to remain sceptical with regards to validity of the "8-bit picture".

The rules previews tend to be done exclusively via Warhammer Community, and that's what I'm expecting. I thought I saw somewhere that pre-order date was Jan 11th, meaning that we'll get previews next week.


We'll get some new model previews for sure, what though is a good question. I'd put some money on some more Sisters releases, but I don't think we'll see anything relating to future PA releases - including Ritual of the Damned - as it diminishes their ability to hype those releases up.


New Land Speeder? Unlikely. While I suspect the photo is real, it's probably from one of the images to be used from the next 9th Edition rulebook.

Did yall that were getting chapter masters now? In the new da model preview, they used an alternate Lazarus model, with power fist and non winged helmet. In the comments, it said you need the sword for a Lazarus, but if you're building a chapter master you have the choice!




Berzul, I am sorry, but I doubt they will be making any new non-primaris marine kits.


It is very cool that you do get options though. Queue the magnets for this kit!

We dont need a new kit! Just give me a stratagem or a dataslate, with which I can grab a Master and make him the Chapter Master.


Please, oh god PLEASE let us have the option! I'm tired of having a non-azrael on the field every time.

Did yall that were getting chapter masters now? In the new da model preview, they used an alternate Lazarus model, with power fist and non winged helmet. In the comments, it said you need the sword for a Lazarus, but if you're building a chapter master you have the choice!

Remember: Outside of the writers, GW can't seem to remember that the term for Captains for Dark Angels are COMPANY Masters.


I think what the Community team means with the Facebook posts is that the Lazarus box builds Lazarus (Named Character) and generic Dark Angel Primaris Company Masters.


The real question is this: Are we getting a different datasheet so our Primaris Captains can have a Power Fist without only having a Plasma Pistol?

Ok, looks like the arm holding the bolter and the helmet is the exact same. It’s possible that the arm is one piece and you can choose to put in the bolter or the helm, which creates even more possibilities for converting. That or it’s just saving on effort by using the same arm CAD design for both parts, but usually I’ve seen bits like that have slight variations

With regards to what we might hope for being revealed tomorrow, here is a recap of what was shown off at Warhammer New Year Open Day 2019:




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