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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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Thinking about it, this has got to be a great opportunity for Ezekiel to shine. Fighting alongside the most powerful psychic Astartes chapter, against the most powerful heretic Astartes legion? He'll absolutely shine I feel. If he does undergo the Rubicon, then it could well be a result of an extreme injury/psychic assault, with the rubicon being the only way to save him...we'll have to wait and see!



As fun as that would be, alas I fear it’s unlikely!


If the GK are involved, then that’s going to be one serious Daemon incursion. Magnus is going to be involved for sure, perhaps some other Tzeentch Daemons?

I'm thinking Angron rather than Magnus due to the Flesh hound being in the picture.
That picture is artwork of Pandorax, the last time the Dark Angels and Grey Knights fought together.


Also: Why would ANGRON show up on PROSPERO?

Since when did a brother need a reason to show up and beat on another brother? ;)




As fun as that would be, alas I fear it’s unlikely!


If the GK are involved, then that’s going to be one serious Daemon incursion. Magnus is going to be involved for sure, perhaps some other Tzeentch Daemons?

I'm thinking Angron rather than Magnus due to the Flesh hound being in the picture.
That picture is artwork of Pandorax, the last time the Dark Angels and Grey Knights fought together.


Also: Why would ANGRON show up on PROSPERO?

Since when did a brother need a reason to show up and beat on another brother? :wink:



You talking about the Thousand Son's forces, of course. Not about the DA and the GK.... right?





As fun as that would be, alas I fear it’s unlikely!


If the GK are involved, then that’s going to be one serious Daemon incursion. Magnus is going to be involved for sure, perhaps some other Tzeentch Daemons?

I'm thinking Angron rather than Magnus due to the Flesh hound being in the picture.
That picture is artwork of Pandorax, the last time the Dark Angels and Grey Knights fought together.


Also: Why would ANGRON show up on PROSPERO?

Since when did a brother need a reason to show up and beat on another brother? :wink:



You talking about the Thousand Son's forces, of course. Not about the DA and the GK.... right?




Pretty sure that was clear from the quotes... but yes, World Eaters and Thousand Son forces... As well as the nature of siblings. :wink:



Since when did a brother need a reason to show up and beat on another brother? :wink:



You talking about the Thousand Son's forces, of course. Not about the DA and the GK.... right?





Last time they met Draigo punched Azrael in the face and threatened to wipe out the Dark Angels. Good times.


(though ironically the DA were actually innocent for once)


I'm sure this time will be a lot different...:sweat:








Since when did a brother need a reason to show up and beat on another brother? :wink:



You talking about the Thousand Son's forces, of course. Not about the DA and the GK.... right?





Last time they met Draigo punched Azrael in the face and threatened to wipe out the Dark Angels. Good times.


(though ironically the DA were actually innocent for once)


I'm sure this time will be a lot different...:sweat:








This time we will be even MORE innocent! :ph34r.:

Very excited for this! I'm not building up the rest of my Dark Angels till the Lion's return but very happy for the rest of you!


I predict +1 damage for all Plasma Weapons in Tactical Doctrine as the super doctrine for Dark Angels.


Make Deathwing Aggressors and knock up their fists to Damage 2 and I have absolutely no problem with them. 


But personally I don't really care about our special characters, 'cause, except for Azrael and Sammael, they've been kinda awkward to use - mediocore chaplain, melee-boosting librarian and terminator captain that never gets to charge. Making them primaris wouldn't solve these problems, and maybe will make things even worse for them - no decent transport and, most likely, points increase for that +1A and +1 wound.

What I really fear though is that there will be no buffs for terminators.

Well to be honest i dont care about the rules. Miniatures are the most important thing for me. Then books, fluff etc. Gaming is the least important thing and yes i do want all the special characters to be redone in primaris. Sooner the better
Guest Triszin

My guesses.


Tsons are creating illusions of the fallen, pulling dark angels away from the greyknigyt fleet repeatedly


While continuing the plot point from mephs new book, with guesses added


Magnus and tsons doing a ritual to siphon awakening psykers to tzeentvh/magnus.


Some massive spell that shifts where there soul goes instead of going to emps somehow.


I think it'll end at a stalemate in pa4, where they don't stop magnus, and the astreonomicom starts to dim.


Grey knights become aware of the fallen.




On phone, sorry for grammatical errors

I am really looking forward to how the game will look and feel for us legacy players. With that, I mean those who plan to keep playing regular old-school small marines, instead of moving into primaris, for as long as possible. Even as the old guard is phased out into the legacy part of the books. I see it as a challenge, even. How long can I keep playing my army before I absolutely have no other choice.

I am really looking forward to how the game will look and feel for us legacy players. With that, I mean those who plan to keep playing regular old-school small marines, instead of moving into primaris, for as long as possible. Even as the old guard is phased out into the legacy part of the books. I see it as a challenge, even. How long can I keep playing my army before I absolutely have no other choice.

GW learned of it's errors with Fantasy (now Old World), they wouldn't risk to upset a large part of their space marines customers and retconn decades of fluff and models. So no matter what happens firstborn will always be playable in some way or another.

I don't mind having primaris SC's, if they look good. Our prmaris lieutenant is not bad, but sometimes GW makes facepalm-worthy stuff like Garadon, It's hit and miss so far. I just don't see converting every existing space marine character into primaris as something necessary.


I am really looking forward to how the game will look and feel for us legacy players. With that, I mean those who plan to keep playing regular old-school small marines, instead of moving into primaris, for as long as possible. Even as the old guard is phased out into the legacy part of the books. I see it as a challenge, even. How long can I keep playing my army before I absolutely have no other choice.

GW learned of it's errors with Fantasy (now Old World), they wouldn't risk to upset a large part of their space marines customers and retconn decades of fluff and models. So no matter what happens firstborn will always be playable in some way or another.



I don't expect them to replace everything overnight. But I do expect them to phase them out slowly. Very slowly.


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