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Ritual of the Damned - Psychic Awakening


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+++A derailing discussion about a light trolling comment. Nothing major but not acceptable.+++

Okay, what happened here? :lol:


Because I leave for work yesterday, this thread was going fine. Then I pop on this morning and see Stobz having NOPE'd several posts. I missed something and I'm upset I missed whatever little spat happened :lol:


Can I get a TL;DR of what I missed please? :lol:


+++A derailing discussion about a light trolling comment. Nothing major but not acceptable.+++

Okay, what happened here? :laugh.:


Because I leave for work yesterday, this thread was going fine. Then I pop on this morning and see Stobz having NOPE'd several posts. I missed something and I'm upset I missed whatever little spat happened :laugh.:


Can I get a TL;DR of what I missed please? :laugh.:




TLDR ? Firstborn being squatted in favor of Primaris (or not).

+++A derailing discussion about a light trolling comment. Nothing major but not acceptable.+++

Okay, what happened here? :laugh.:


Because I leave for work yesterday, this thread was going fine. Then I pop on this morning and see Stobz having NOPE'd several posts. I missed something and I'm upset I missed whatever little spat happened :laugh.:


Can I get a TL;DR of what I missed please? :laugh.:

TLDR ? Firstborn being squatted in favor of Primaris (or not).

Ah, that old argument. Got it.


+++A derailing discussion about a light trolling comment. Nothing major but not acceptable.+++

Okay, what happened here? :laugh.:


Because I leave for work yesterday, this thread was going fine. Then I pop on this morning and see Stobz having NOPE'd several posts. I missed something and I'm upset I missed whatever little spat happened :laugh.:


Can I get a TL;DR of what I missed please? :laugh.:

TLDR ? Firstborn being squatted in favor of Primaris (or not).

Ah, that old argument. Got it.


 OK lets not rehash it though.


Thanks, Stobz, for the explanation. I was honestly curious about what it had been. Now it is explained.


Let's move along.


In that sense, I'd like to talk about chaplains. Interrogator Chaplains, to be exact.


I know this is PSYCHIC awakening, but since this might be the time we get litanies, do you think the chapter will be focused on, on the special unit we have over other chapters? I.E.: The ICs of the chapter?


Perhaps the psychic awakening will focus on the psychic part for the Grey Knights, and the way we will be tied in will be with the way that Asmodai (or even Sapphon) leads the Unforgiven and takes center stage on our side as the threat of the Fallen makes it necessary for the Reclusiam to be on task and at hand to weed out the traitors and intercept the intel of their presence, before the Grey Knights can know what's what.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but our SCs are among the least featured SM characters, so I don't expect them to be the center of any major story. Maybe Azrael will play some role, but not the critical one. Unless GW will make some of them primaris, of course.

I don't think that it's a bad thing though. At least DA commanders are not trying to outperform khorne berzerkers in melee. I'm not a fan of "herohammer" and would prefer to see stories about chapters and individual companies, not about specific heroes.

Judging by the title, and the fact Legion of the damned was cut from chapter approved and codex marines (and isn't in legacy). Going to guess this is dark angels with grey knights trying to stop a ritual of Magnus and at the end the Legion of the damned show up to save the day and they are revealed to be led by ghost of ferrus.. a skost

I hope LOD gets some love I have 3 squads I used in 7th, having a 3++ at that point was rare, they'd fit into an Inquisition type Force.


Hopefully they'd not take a slot so you can still get chapter bonuses like the inquisitors

Mad speculation incoming...
I was reading some of the fluff that's included in the latest PA Faith & Fury book, and basically what could be best described as a Greater Daemon of the Emperor manifested itself in the middle of a battle. Now given that Chaos can summon daemons, I wonder if we eventually might have Imperium units able to summon "daemons"? And if the Legion of the Damned could be considered daemons, then boom! Legion of the Damned summoned to the battlefield!

I hope LOD gets some love I have 3 squads I used in 7th, having a 3++ at that point was rare, they'd fit into an Inquisition type Force.


Hopefully they'd not take a slot so you can still get chapter bonuses like the inquisitors


They just got "legendiced", I don't think they will get anything soon.

Judging by the title, and the fact Legion of the damned was cut from chapter approved and codex marines (and isn't in legacy).


Legion of the Damned have their own legends PDF, unless I've misunderstood your post.... which believe me is entirely possible :biggrin.:

Some rumor about our PA character :

From kdash on dakka

Heavy salt.

In a laterpost he implies it's Russ.
I don't believe it, but would be cool

he only new rumours that i've heard, from someone that is usually "on the money" is as follows;

The new model for the DA is a brand new character not previously seen before.

The character release for the Sage of the Beast book is an "enormous" release in terms of game impact. It is apparently one that "people have been guessing at" for a long time now. Which furry SW character could that be, i guess?

Still not 100% sure on who will be vs the T'au in their book, but, as the characters getting released have mainly been Marines so far, i feel like it will probably be Deathwatch, with them also getting their first named Primaris character



As mentioned before, it's Lazarus from the WD article.  He even hates 1k Sons and Tzeentch to boot!


Lazarus ... really... another chaplain. As if we have to repent for something.:tongue.:



He's Primaris Master of 5th Company lolz.



New character would be great. Primarisation is already overused with half a dozen converted SCs.

I hope to get some fluff about current chapter commanders. I wonder who is 3rd, 4th and 6th companies masters, Astoran, Korahael and Araphil?


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