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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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Oof.. Hearing a lot of fluff and stuff about GK and DA but I am interested in RULES for TS.. Hopefully they reveal that front as well as minis, which i suspect will be for DA

Honestly, DA and GK are in such a bad spot all 3 factions need threw rules boost, but they those 2 certainly need it more.

Raven with all due respect I slightly disagree.... I’ll tell you why.... largely I think our units are too limited because of Daemons. The codex minus goat units, and Daemonic units is incredibly thin.


Sure Dark Angels need an update and so do GK, absolutely. The thing is I actually still believe pure GK might be better than pure TS.


Every tournament that Thousand Sons do decently in I anxiously look up the list in hopes of seeing something different or something im not doing. But no.... Thousand Sons that excel are Ahriman, maybe Tzaangors, maybe Rubrics, but usually a Khorne Axe DP, and a boatload of Plague Bearers.


In my opinion Daemons let Chaos Space marine rule writers ‘phone it in’.


I’m not even sure why I’m making this post here.... I mean we’re splitting hairs here, right? But as they say.... in the kingdom of the blind, the man with one eye is king. (Sorry, that I promise that is my last lame Thousand Sons joke of the year!)

I am interested in what GW considers a "full reveal"


Full reveal that the Ritual of the Damned is coming and will have a trailer? Full reveal of the alleged DA character alongside the upcoming book?


Dare I say, RULES preview?


How is a "full reveal" different than the every-day-or-so previews + tidbits the previous 3 books received? So many questions

Does that short story remind anyone of the Flash/Superman scene from Justice League? I kinda got that "Way superior being staring at me when I thought he couldn't see me" vibe.  Sent shivers down my spine reading it. 


I can't wait to see whats in store for us. (and to be honest excited for the GK and DA players as well as all of these books need the boost) 

I have more fluffy info, this time something which you can likely expect to replace a "Psychic Anomaly Detected" blurb...


"Empowered, and delighted, by the malefic energies pouring through the Great Rift, Magnus the Red and his Thousand Sons have been weaving an elaborate plan to bring vengeance and ruin to their ancient enemies. Savaging Fenris – home of the Space Wolves – was just the beginning. The Daemon Primarch's next step summoned the daemonic Planet of the Sorcerers into realspace, and in the third act he restored Prospero itself, ruined millennia ago during the opening events of the Horus Heresy. The unlikeliest of allies came to the defence of the Fenris System in the end – the Dark Angels and Daemon-hunting Grey Knights. Both, however, sustained heavy losses. The Dark Angels have been reinforced with half-trusted Primaris Space Marines, whilst the ranks of the Grey Knights swell from the surge in psychically sensitive recruits. Now, these defenders, after millennia of distrust, must stand united if they are to have any hope of countering the machinations of the Crimson King"

People keep asking how the Thousand Sons recruit or refresh their numbers.


Well as I said in the main thread, I think with the discovery of the ritualistic sacrifices of the psykers on the planet of sorcerers it would be cool if he was using Life from Death to revive the Rubric marines.


I guess just 24 hours from now we'll know more. 


I hate to get this excited about TS after such a long feeling 8th edition, but it's really hard to say who will benefit the most from this release. All the aforementioned factions need help. 

Indeed. Although wiser thoughts say "chill out", I still cant help but get excited for tommarow. Its weird to be more excited over news than any other christmas related thing :p.


I lost track of where I saw it, but someone had said that an insider of the book mentioned more excitement for the sons as far as rules. Something about bringing a lot more character.

Indeed. Although wiser thoughts say "chill out", I still cant help but get excited for tommarow. Its weird to be more excited over news than any other christmas related thing :tongue.:.


I lost track of where I saw it, but someone had said that an insider of the book mentioned more excitement for the sons as far as rules. Something about bringing a lot more character.


I got you, fam. Independent Characters Podcast #198. Timestamp 1h 15m 31s in. http://theindependentcharacters.com/blog/2019/12/episode-198-the-extended-warrior-lodge-live/

This is just my own interpretation and speculation, but I think his excitement was alluding to the combination of a few things which would likely include options for exalteds, yes (stratagems, relics, name-generator.


I'm not holding my breath for new spells or a faction benefit but I think we rate it. :\

I might be alone on this but I'm less interested in access to more units (venomcrawlers, Disco Lords, etc) and more interested with them making the codex self-reliant in a variety of applications and really making the casting scary and the rubrics resilient.


I keep seeing TS players all over (not talking about ya'll) wishing for access to these models, meanwhile I watch players who use them get upset that they get absolutely blown off the table turn 1....

Well...I for one dont want disco lords, venomcrawlers and such. Those are uniquely chaos undivided and I would prefer to keep it that way. Death guard are our only existing mirror and what I want and think we need is more unique daemon engines that belong solely to us. Blighthualers, venomcrawlers, bloat drones, etc. I think if gw had more time and a different plan..we might not even have access to maulerfiends, forgefiends, and heldrakes. Assuming we had our own unique units to take their place. Which...for over 20 years we technically have. GW just never got that far, because the thousand sons release was more of a test bed and then they decided to let the floodgates open with the initial death guard release. I know I sound like a broken record, but...I sorely wish for a duel kit doomwing/firelord and just drop the heldrake. Let abby and the others have it. GW has the resources to bring back old units and the imagination to give us new alike. Just got to get there. And hopefully...enough of a profit to care.


But...GW never got that far and so we had to have SOMETHING to fill our book. And here we are. As far as models go.


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