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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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Next week will probably still be AoS with the new codex iron man dwarf guys.




GW also revealed some things coming to Disciples of Tzeentch including information on cult specializations in codex. I wonder how much of this stuff will make it into the our PA rules, or at the very least some form of it.

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Next week will probably still be AoS with the new codex iron man dwarf guys.




GW also revealed some things coming to Disciples of Tzeentch including information on cult specializations in codex. I wonder how much of this stuff will make it into the our PA rules, or at the very least some form of it.


(those new dice look horrible). 


What you say is definitely possible. We know GW like to sell the fantasy line to the 40K crowd as much as possible. 


I will say this: without a doubt if the majority of 'good stuff' from Riitual of the Damned comes in the form of Goats, I'm done with Thousand Sons. That's not a threat. It's simply where I'm at. I have a lot of goats, and I'm not terribly interested in the Daemon line. The Daemon line will (hopefully) get its time in the appropriate PA book.

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Next week will probably still be AoS with the new codex iron man dwarf guys.




GW also revealed some things coming to Disciples of Tzeentch including information on cult specializations in codex. I wonder how much of this stuff will make it into the our PA rules, or at the very least some form of it.

(those new dice look horrible).


What you say is definitely possible. We know GW like to sell the fantasy line to the 40K crowd as much as possible.


I will say this: without a doubt if the majority of 'good stuff' from Riitual of the Damned comes in the form of Goats, I'm done with Thousand Sons. That's not a threat. It's simply where I'm at. I have a lot of goats, and I'm not terribly interested in the Daemon line. The Daemon line will (hopefully) get its time in the appropriate PA book.


Give me rubric love or give me death!

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I think they will improve Rubrics and Sorcerers because they move those boxes.


Despite what the tournament scene might suggest (goats, plaguebearers+TS supreme of demon princes), Rubrics and Exalted Sorc kits are phenomenal sellers. 


(Source: Me observing my shop's TS sales other than my own purchases lol, and other current retailers I know)


Prot's right. We are speculating a lot. I will reign myself in and watch with anticipation what unfolds this weekend. 

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What I want (and know we probably won't get till we get an actual codex update) is builds to turn the exalted sorcerers into different types depending on how you build them. 

So the build instructions come with ways to create various new exalteds (like the one with two swords and certain head and backpack makes some kind of biomancer or the floating one with the fire brazier packback and certain helmet makes a pyromancer). So you can make your own if you want still or you can create ones that have different abilities. 

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Yeah, for sure, byrd.


I keep getting hung up on the wording they used.. The terrible, awful, teasing, ambiguous wording.


Hopefully your POWERFUL NEW OPTIONS won't be something you have to give up other abilities for. Still baffles me why they made the Tyranid adaptations take away your warlord trait...



Honestly, that might not be that bad even.


Imagine for example, if instead of "Lord of the Thousand Sons", our HQs get a different aura depending on the cult you pick for each, with one of them being rerolling 1s to hit.

That's still a massive upgrade if only for the options. 9 auras to choose from? even if the old reroll 1s to hit is the best of the bunch 90% of the time, its still 8 more options you can work it.

And if the cults are actual army-wide "chapter tactics"....then we are in for a treat honestly.

Though that's wishlisting of the highest degree.



Honestly I suspect each "cult" will summarize in a warlord trait, a spell and a stratagem.

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Well, for the past 3 weeks we've had a short story for PA: IV on Monday. Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30. It'd be really weird to have a week with no info whatsoever, if we follow that pattern. 


I wouldn't be surprised if it goes on preorder this coming weekend alongside other stuff. It doesn't seem like they're pushing this one as hard, but maybe we'll see Monday what happens. Hopefully a good preview of stuff all week.

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Well, for the past 3 weeks we've had a short story for PA: IV on Monday. Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30. It'd be really weird to have a week with no info whatsoever, if we follow that pattern. 


I wouldn't be surprised if it goes on preorder this coming weekend alongside other stuff. It doesn't seem like they're pushing this one as hard, but maybe we'll see Monday what happens. Hopefully a good preview of stuff all week.


At the beginning most people in this forum seemed to have the attitude of negativity about the rules, and not getting their hopes up.


I was the opposite at the time. I felt like it made sense to take 3 of the worst, stand alone codexes, and give them all help in a similar way. (Through the psychic phase specifically.)


But they way they massively pumped this, and then just left it at the curb for 2-3 weeks (not to mention skipping ahead and revealing PA5)... it just leaves a bad taste. 


It's okay though for me. I think it's the easier route to say, 'I'm not getting my hopes up'. But I think we were due a decent rule pump. Something that didn't force every "Thousand Sons Army" to be laced with Nurgle Daemons.


I'm lucky in that I can get my 'itch' scratched with a wider range of units using my considerable Black Legion army. But oddly enough I do not, nor feel it a good idea to mix my Thousand Sons into my Black Legion. Strange. 

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I had a really good 3000pt game vs. Abbaddon's black legion. I think we called it at turn 5 and I had him by like 5 maelstrom points so there was a little luck involved of course)


The point is, it was my first enjoyable game in months. So, if we get *anything* at all then I will consider it a boost for my purposes. I'm patiently waiting but I am withholding excitement...

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I've only been waiting for RotD but didn't they start hyping PA4 before PA3 came out?

If I'm not mistaken they announced PA4, PA5, and PA6 at the same time. GW also teased icons for some of the factions, and promised a full reveal Dec 25. On top of that they did a short story a week for 3 to 4 weeks. I dont think they teased or released the DA character before PA3 was released.

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When did Blood of Baal get released? I received the recent 2 RotD short stories on .pdf Dec 21 and it was pretty clear Lazarus was a new Primaris guy who was damn near guaranteed to be the new mini for the book. I can't seem to find out when PA: III was released but i guess it doesn't really matter. People are right, though- if they are going to mention RotD it will be a Monday if they stick to pattern.




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