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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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I might be alone on this but I'm less interested in access to more units (venomcrawlers, Disco Lords, etc) and more interested with them making the codex self-reliant in a variety of applications and really making the casting scary and the rubrics resilient.


I keep seeing TS players all over (not talking about ya'll) wishing for access to these models, meanwhile I watch players who use them get upset that they get absolutely blown off the table turn 1....


No you're not alone. I've been saying since we heard Magnus was terraforming his planets with war factories that I felt this was an easy (but welcomed) avenue to let Thousand Sons access Venoms and.... Disco Lords(?). I thought a Psychic Disco Lord would be amazingly fun and a real characterful add on.


My Black Legion is basically based around a lot of the units I can't legally use as Thousand Sons. So that is basically Venoms/Disco's/Oblits.


Cold you imagine if we got Oblits? I swear if we did I think I'd be done with the Forgeworld jank. On the Oblits I'm in 'wishlist' territory. But I think Venoms (maybe Disco's) are very plausible. I would love to so some up.


Still not great units, but fun. 


The problem is, and I think this may still happen is even with Venoms, they Master of Possession spell set is so fun with them. We'd need that, and it makes sense that Thousand Sons would understand some of those powers... especially if Magnus is making these warmachines.


Just a few hours guys!!! 

I think disco/venom/possessed/obliterators would be the ultimate of cope outs and lead to a fairly bitter community.


TS lack long range AT, melee, and LOS ignoring shooting in the codex. I don't see any of those options that would cover that. Possessed but they are barely playable with Faith and Fury left alone just being shoehorned into a codex.

This is an oldy but a goody, but I would also love to see heavy weapon dedicated rubrics. And since to add a bit of unique flair, maybe bulk them up a bit in armour. Soulreapers as an option alongside another new weapon type. And not just a copy paste of the chain/las/plas/option. Perhaps missile launchers could stay with a new ammo type.


Alright, must...stop...wishlisting! Damn this christmas season tomfoolery.

I doubt we'll see any kit changes, but it'd be great if we could get some Strats to help Rubrics/Scarabs if nothing else. +1 D on inferno bolt weapons, for example.

Also Rubrics should benefit from bolter discipline even if they moved.

One thing's for sure- due to the nature of our army with the mix of Psyker HQs and legion-specific infantry types, a "pure-TS army" benefit would probably be two part.


If I had to choose between All is Dust just always having Hateful Volley active or some sort of resiliency boost, I'd have a hard time deciding. My #1 concern is getting ways to manifest powers more easily. Anything else is a bonus.


Edit: When the Index was a thing, we had some re-roll 1s of Invul Saves auras.. What if that was just innate? It would affect all our TS-specific units.... Hm. I don't think we'll know what we're getting for a while yet. I'm thinking the reveal might just be "hey here's what's on the way"

The Thousand Sons can now dedicate their Sorcerers to one of the nine Cults of the Legion – a callback to their arcane roots on fallen Prospero – providing them with a plethora of new tactical options.


It seems to be live now. So cults it is for us. I'm cautiously optimistic:)

Tons of potential, cannot wait to see the rules showed off. I don't count this as a "Full reveal" lol.

No, this is not a "full reveal" this is the exact same tease GW has been doing for some time. The whole cult idea is certainly interesting. It has potential and I'm sure it is tied to having a pure TS army.

I doubt we'll see any kit changes, but it'd be great if we could get some Strats to help Rubrics/Scarabs if nothing else. +1 D on inferno bolt weapons, for example.

Also Rubrics should benefit from bolter discipline even if they moved.


I was thinking that myself. I like the idea of taking what some of the marines have and translating into psychic powers. So the D2 guns the Imperial Fists have... turn that into a psychic power for Inferno bolts. Talk about a great reason to take a 20 man Rubric squad!

For discussion purposes, I am going to provide a short recap of the 9 cults today's article references (info from Codex):


1. Prophecy: divines the outcomes of multiple futures & uses this to twist them to their own purposes


2. Time: Flow of time as a resource; sending ripples into the past/future


3. Mutation: embodies the transfiguring aspect of Tzeentch, warping of flesh & reality. Sees entire planet populations turned into Spawn.


4. Scheming: "Insidious" convoluted plots as a form of worship to Tzeentch. Chaotic Evil, by RPG standards?


5. Magic: Weaving massive spells, collecting artifacts which can be used as tools


6. Knowledge: Obsessed with collecting books and using lore to extrapolate the weaknesses of enemies and understanding reality.


7. Change: Chaos for the sake of Chaos, disruption of order for the sake of imposing will on others.


8. Duplicity: The deceptive aspects of Tzeentch- Impossible to know what this sect is going to do, or who they will betray next.


9. Manipulation: Also deceptive, but combines Duplicity with Scheming and long-term plots for the purpose of reveling in havoc caused.




I pray these aren't tied to CP, and I'm curious as to whether or not Ahriman & Magnus are tied to a specific one. I'm also hoping that whatever they are, you can "mix and match" within a detachment. In other words, I hope that you don't have to dedicate your entire army to 1 of the cults.


Since GW themselves seem unsure as to how to represent Ahriman on the table after putting out a variety of conflicting fiction and novels, I'm going to predict that whatever they will do for each of these 9 cults will be complete and utter surprise lol.

I fear the cults might be simply a bonus to pull off an existing spell (e.g. - time cults get a +1 roll for manifesting Temporal Manipulation or opponents have a -1 to deny same manifestation.)


I *sincerely* doubt that. It would be a useless set of 9 upgrades and that would be our mono-dex bonus? I doubt it. 


Given the potency of Faith and Fury I think its safe to assume the new design dynamic is far more extensive then that. 


I think the factor will be either "detachment" oriented or per-sorcerer buffs picked at will (Perhaps CP dependent?) 

So knowing that each TS war band is linked to a certain cult (TS first codex) doesn't this just mean we're getting something similar to what the Tyranids just got, unique psychic powers for your particular hive fleet?


It would be cool to have other cults in your force as it would add additional colour (different war band scheme) and let's face it, painting the same color gets a bit boring....

Consider this: If they tie each army (or detachment) to a single cult, and that cult's benefit is that you get a unique power for that cult, you could only use that one power once in Matched Play. I very much doubt it will be like that.


I think things are about to get very interesting, one way or the other.

You are very optimistic I see.

9 choices for chapter tactics for the TS?

Chaos prime doesn't get such love, and we are an unfavored subfaction within it.


Chaos prime was written before the new rule style of the new marine codex. This is being written after. So yeah, I'm being optimistic. But its not implausible.

I think Eldar, Space Marines, and Tyranids, not sure about Dark Eldar got a pick 2 customization.


It would be very interesting if TS got a +1 as it were. +6" psychic power plus 1 of 9 for a specific cult. I doubt it is going to happen. I think I see more of Chaos Knight deal going. The cult choice itself has no special ability, but it opens relics, warlord trait, strategem, etc by the choice.


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