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Psychic Awakening: The Ritual of the Damned


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There's several key things that really need to happen to bring TS on par as a stand-alone faction.


1. Ways to re-roll or reduce difficulty on casting. For a faction based on sorcery, our chances of failure are rediculously high.

2. Variety of powers; Most of our sorcerers are restricted to 2 lores, giving us 12 powers. 4 of these are variations on smite, meaning eight utility powers total. This wouldn't be a problem except every unit/sorcerer casts 1-3. If you can only cast each once per phase, you run out pretty quick at 2k points, and don't scale well beyond that point. Additionally, our defensive powers (glamour/weaver) don't hold up well in the age of re-roll everything imperials.

3. Viable fires over 24". This can be psychic or regular, but having our max range functionally capped at 24" is problematic in a game where the baseline has become 30" and many weapons can shoot the length of the entire table.

4. Reliable multi-damage. D3 and D6 is a problem when dealing with multi-wound platforms.


Second tier are the nice to haves:


5. Strategems need to be brought in line with power creep. Aside from Webway and VotLW, most are useless.

6. Relics: We have two that get used, four that don't. This is a great opportunity to add some flavor and useful options.

The Stratagem thing is by far one of our biggest issues. 


Total in that book we have 5 strats that are useful with a couple that are very situational. 


Fated Mutation, Tzaangor swing twice, Vets, Webway, and Spell Familiar I often find very useful on the regular. The Cabal strat has its uses for when you *MUST* get a spell off but its opportunity cost and its movement to make sure you are within 6 of 2 other psykers can be problematic. 


The rest are so situational they often don't matter. Its very irritating. 


I personally don't agree regarding spells. we have EIGHTEEN spells, not twelve. Using Spell Familiar even our Exalted/Sorcerers have access to the Daemon lore so that limitation is minimal at best. (Usually Flickering flames for a forgefiend/defiler or the Gaze of Fate are my Go-to's for a back-line sorcerer/exalted). 


I agree with everything else you said Crystalseer. Multi-Damage and capable shooting beyond 24 are both big issues. To say nothing of our spell consistency (look at the new space marine lores, average cast value is SIX. Ours is 7/8.....)

"I personally don't agree regarding spells. we have EIGHTEEN spells, not twelve. Using Spell Familiar even our Exalted/Sorcerers have access to the Daemon lore so that limitation is minimal at best. (Usually Flickering flames for a forgefiend/defiler or the Gaze of Fate are my Go-to's for a back-line sorcerer/exalted)."


Fair enough, but even out of daemon lore, flickering flames and gaze of fate are the only ones that get much use. The others are redundant. Plus, unless it's a prince there's a CP tax. Princes are giving up warp time / buffs as an opportunity cost.


It wouldn't be an issue for any other army, but the core of our force is psychic. We give up core mechanics for sorcery, so that sorcery has to give us something to make that trade worth it. More d3 mortal wounds doesn't do that. We need range or movement, and consistent damage.


My expectation is that this will be addressed similar to dark apostles. Each sect gets a special power only that sect can use. It's simple, fits in line with current rules, and allows for a ton of flexibility.

I partly agree on spells. Mostly because I've been annoyed with GW on how they handle Tzeentch magic in general through the years. One usually expects that our spells would be the cream of the crop without being overpowered. Well they were once. Back when I started around 2nd edition, I also played fantasy and there was that one year when tzeentch fantasy was the most overpowered crap I'd ever seen. I think ever since GW has been skiddish with Tzeentch because spells have been somewhat all over the place as far as utility and power.


That being said, I agree that some power levels make zero sense. I feel like we are crazy punished for bolt of change. Why does it cost so high to cast? Is it because it can make a spawn? Sure....but we still have to pay points. Why is one spell that is exactly the same as an equivalent spell for nurgle, cost 1 extra WC for us? Where are all our manipulation and trickery powers? Half of what we do with magic in battle is deceiving the enemy and using their own weapons against them. We dont need an army of heavy tanks when I can just force a leman russ to shoot his buddy. But apparently our version requires a monumental amount of good luck on the dice to work where genestealer cults and (I think) harliquins can do it with ease.


I also wish temporal manipulation could bring back models like an apothecary. Would make sense.


Agreed on our defensive spells. Something that would make us more unique is if some or all powers had a second version. The 2nd being a higher WC cost that gives you a better effect. But at the cost of being more difficult to cast. For example. Add +2 warp charge and weaver of fates become an aura instead of just targeting a single unit. Not saying this is perfect, just am example.


Please GW redo our strats...I never expect all strats to be winners, but our list of useful vs. "Meh" is disproportionate to more recent codex releases.

@Crystalseer, I'm betting your right there will be 9 additional powers depending on the cult selection which will probably replace smite.


If GW wants to keep TS as a mid range army then i think we need a better overwatch and ways to increase damage on the bolters, and a more incentive to take blocks or Rubrics/SRC as 1/5 not 1/10, which still bothers me as to why the became a thing. Also, a way to extend the range warpflamers would be nice as well. Now I'm just getting into wishlisting territory...when I should be working, lol.

This is just a suspicion but I think we can probably expect a couple stratagems. Anything is a boost and I do agree with a variety of the sentiments echoed above..


Every Chaos faction so far has gotten Warlord Traits, Strategems, and Relics. I would expect these things, plus a way to make sorcerers fit in with prosperine cults. Though, the cults may be a part of warlord traits.


This is just a suspicion but I think we can probably expect a couple stratagems. Anything is a boost and I do agree with a variety of the sentiments echoed above..


Every Chaos faction so far has gotten Warlord Traits, Strategems, and Relics. I would expect these things, plus a way to make sorcerers fit in with prosperine cults. Though, the cults may be a part of warlord traits.


This is my concern - although I'd love to see the TS (and by extension, eventually, the other CSM factions) get access to a stratagem that allows extra warlord traits to be taken, which would alleviate this issue.


I'd also appreciate a +1D inferno bolts stratagem as well, similar to what the EC got in F&F.

Maybe, if they do tie cults to Warlords, this is a way to curtail the use of Ahriman lol. Would he even be part of the 9 cults? 


Hoping for some solid content soon- they sure do have this under wraps huh. Funny how people are talking about 9th ed rumors but we have zero info on this book.

My hope is that they're not showing off a lot to avoid leaks because of how significant the changes will be. I know it's a long shot but if the changes in the book require a more significant description than just X Strats, Y Traits, Z Relics it'd be longer than what they'd want to show off in the preview posts. It's ba long shot, but I'm being optimistic.


My hope is we get some news this weekend though.

I wouldn't expect to see anything for any of 3 factions that hasn't already been done in the first 3 books. I think the first 3 books give an excellent guideline as to what GW will continue to do. I wouldn't too many rules that's not tied warlord traits or strategems or something similar. I seriously doubt GW will introduce a brand mechanic like fate dice for TS or really brand new stuff for DA or GK either.

The cults are probably just going to be like all the new forces are getting in AOS and what Nids got to make their own hive fleet. you just pick one and get buffs to your whole army. 


THAT would be great. 


Eldar got "create your own craftworld" and Marines got chapter creation on top of nids. 


It would be really neat if we did as well through Cults. No idea what to expect honestly given the variety we have seen through the PA's released so far. 

I asked on the 40k FB if a rules preview was coming soon. I made sure to post a screenshot showing that there are now 3 Psychic Awakening short stories, with no rules content between them. This is in contrast to the other books. Their reply was they will have more previews closer to release. lol


I promise I'm trying to avoid being blocked by GW on FB again but I still don't think what they gave us Dec 25 was a 'full reveal' and I am bitter.

I asked on the 40k FB if a rules preview was coming soon. I made sure to post a screenshot showing that there are now 3 Psychic Awakening short stories, with no rules content between them. This is in contrast to the other books. Their reply was they will have more previews closer to release. lol.


I promise I'm trying to avoid being blocked by GW on FB again but I still don't think what they gave us Dec 25 was a 'full reveal' and I am bitter.

I know how you feel!

I wish I could say our patience will be rewarded but this is GW we are talking about.


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