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8th Ed Sister Dex FAQ


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This is the 1st question in the OP - can MD be used on vanguard advance roll (they can advance as the vanguard move is 'as in the movement phase' which includes advancing)

Sorry! Don’t know how I missed that one!


Follow-up question then. Can you disembark as part of a vanguard move?

i.e. I deploy and win first turn - dominions jump out 3”, then move and advance, (hopefully with the aid of a miracle dice) but if they get seized on they keep their pretty butts in the immolator

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With the new codex, you can't even Vanguard move while aboard a transport. Also, the Vanguard move is done after setup but before the first player starts their turn. Timing might dictate that you haven't generated a MD by then.

Edited by taikishi
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“At the start of the battle round, before the first turn begins, this unit can move as if it were your movement phase....”


They don’t have to pass vanguard to the tank. The tank is not moving. They are. Namely they are disembarking.


So they should be able to

- disembark 3”

- move 6”

- advance d6” (+1 with the appropriate sacred rite)


Even without a miracle dice this should put them squarely in midfield before the first turn

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's one I think we all forgot about:


What's the status of the Ministorum Priest datasheet?


1. It's a unit in the Imperial Guard codex (page 99)

2. It's not listed as "legends" for either army (understandable for Guard)

3. There is currently no errata for the unit for the Guard book.

4. They don't have the Preacher's anti-Chaos aura but can take wargear options without becoming a "Legends" unit.

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Right, but we also had "Ministorum Priest" as a datasheet and now we don't. It's something that should be asked, because it feels like GW was trying to replace "Ministorum Priests" with Missionaries and Preachers to give us an additional generic HQ choice with minimal/no effort on their part but didn't address/forgot about the Guard codex version of the unit. One also can't argue some type of unit consolidation (not expecting anyone to as much as getting ahead of said arguments) because as many as five different Marine codexes all have units like "Land Raider" where the only difference on each of the sheets is the word <Chapter> is replaced with Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, or Grey Knights but the unit is functionally the same.


As for Crusaders, they're the same unit and there will definitely be an FAQ updates them to the AS Codex version. I do find it funny, though, that for now they get the "super good" version of Acts of Faith even though they're a meh unit that can't even make use of Divine Guidance.

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I've added the following question - 


What makes up a Sanctum?  Is it the walls and the statue is for flavour, or is it just the statue, or both partsIf both parts how are they deployed?  ie within 6" of each other?





I'm going to be submitting these questions to GW end of next week (so a week after the general release of our dex)  If everyone else does the same then GW might actually answer them all!


EDIT - After re-reading the entry its clear that the wall section IS the sanctum as the rules talk about floors and walls.  However the part of the question that talks about the statue and deployment distance is still relavent.

Edited by Slasher956
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I've added the following question - 


What makes up a Sanctum?  Is it the walls and the statue is for flavour, or is it just the statue, or both parts?  If both parts how are they deployed?  ie within 6" of each other?





I'm going to be submitting these questions to GW end of next week (so a week after the general release of our dex)  If everyone else does the same then GW might actually answer them all!


Probably for the best.


As pedantic as it seems, the question does have a lot of value.  Bringing your own terrain definitely has a strong enough implication on the battlefield, you get cover EXACTLY where you want it... and that can be a big value in tournament settings.  Being able to use a second piece to block LOS to important characters or grant a cover save to vehicles who are butting up on it (they are by all practical definitions touching that terrain, and a good argument can be made for them being ON it as well) may just be a fair bit strong for the 50 point cost... before even considering it is granting a MD each battle round.


The FAQ will have little to impact me with, because we ascribe by the "don't be a jerk" philosophy when playing.  But I know there's a lot of people out there that would potentially be impacted by how that particular question is answered.

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Battle Sanctums also aren't unique, so that's up to three pieces of terrain you can deploy wherever you want before a match. I don't know if spending 150 points on three Battle Sanctums is viable, but you're already giving up a detachment to bring one so why not bring 3 to have an exceptionally large bubble for that gives +1Ld, -1Ld to Chaos units, and large pieces of LoS blocking/cover save granting terrain?

Edited by taikishi
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Also, in the spirit of 3 battle sanctums... does having a unit within 6" of each different sanctum each award and MD?


And the strength of 3 sanctums I guess depends on the availability of terrain at your table.  The less that is set up, the more value they have.  Another thing to keep in mind is that they're set up after objectives, so... if you're playing something like CA and not ITC, you can deploy your battle sanctums with those objective markers, giving you a reason to want to stay glued to that spot.

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Also, in the spirit of 3 battle sanctums... does having a unit within 6" of each different sanctum each award and MD?


And the strength of 3 sanctums I guess depends on the availability of terrain at your table.  The less that is set up, the more value they have.  Another thing to keep in mind is that they're set up after objectives, so... if you're playing something like CA and not ITC, you can deploy your battle sanctums with those objective markers, giving you a reason to want to stay glued to that spot.


No you would only get a single MD.


The wording is "if any AM units are within 6 inches of any Sanctum, gain one MD"

So they only want the benefit applied once even if you have multiple Sanctums occupied.


In my mind the benefit of multiple Sanctums is that it requires more resources to strip the extra MD from you.  Having 2 unit next to the same Sanctum could possibly be dealt with by a single enemy unit, Intercesor, for example are fairly adept at shooting and would have an advantage over us in assault.  But with 2 Sanctums it would require at least 2 squads to deal with our 2 squads.


I don't know the practicality of all of that, but that is where my thoughts are.


I still have the building frames from that big kill team box starter set that I never got around to assembling that I plan on adding on to the Sanctum to make a more intact Sanctum.

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Before we send these questions after the general release may I ask that there be a final post of EVERY question we have come up with? That way any who wish to help the FAQ process can just copy and paste them into an email to the GW team?


I've been updated the OP with questions in this thread as its been going on...but agree that some could do with re-writting (as my signature says.. I'm propably not the best person for that :p)

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Am I right in thinking that the Celestians' bodyguard rule is linked to <Order> Character in an army where most Characters available do not actually have the <Order> keyword?


Yep It only works on canoness & Repentia Superiors, Imagifiers (by accident it seems :p)... 

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Am I right in thinking that the Celestians' bodyguard rule is linked to <Order> Character in an army where most Characters available do not actually have the <Order> keyword?

Yep It only works on canoness & Repentia Superiors, Imagifiers (by accident it seems :p)...

That said, I need to write up a thing on it, but I have been having a ton of success with Bloody Rose Celestians, without even really using their body guard role.

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Am I right in thinking that the Celestians' bodyguard rule is linked to <Order> Character in an army where most Characters available do not actually have the <Order> keyword?

Yep It only works on canoness & Repentia Superiors, Imagifiers (by accident it seems :tongue.:)...

That said, I need to write up a thing on it, but I have been having a ton of success with Bloody Rose Celestians, without even really using their body guard role.


If you are running Order of Our Martyred Lady, would Celestian's be able to bodyguard Junith Eruita?

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Yes. The rule applies to <Order> Characters.


What I'm less sure about is whether they benefit from the Sworn Protector rule near her.

Technically that rule requires an <Order> Canoness, but Junith's keyword is specifically 'Canoness Superior'. I would assume that suffices, but it's not clear cut.


I wonder if that keyword hints at future possible Canonesses superior?

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