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Loishy's 1st and 5th compagny


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I just checked, Majkhel is right. The shoulder come from the Death Company kit. 

Now the second last character of the half company, a chaplain 


Not much to say about him. Sorry the photos are not very good... 

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On 1/29/2020 at 5:52 AM, Captain Smashy Pants said:

Kudos on the chaplain, he's my favorite chaplain that GW have ever made. Is yours metal or resin.

He's metal 


Last character : A librarian 



It's just the librarian of the Dark Vengeance Box, without the Dark Angels symbol.

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On 1/29/2020 at 5:05 PM, Father Mapple said:

The blue for your librarian is rich too. Recipe?


I'm not sure but I believe I used one of these recipes : 


Nuln Oil 
Altdorf guard blue 
Calgar blue 


Nuln Oil 
Calgar blue 
Fenrisian Grey 

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Last miniature of this half company : a dreadnought 



He is a little bit too clean. I have to add some battle damages. 

So, this is the end of my first objective for my Blood Angels army. I have a few other units finish (Baal Predators, Death company, characters...) but I will show them to you another time. 

I'm going now to paint Titanicus models, but I need to find a new objectif for my Blood Angels and I'm hesitating between several goals. In your opinion, what is the more interessant thing to continu ? The units in brackets are the ones ready to be paint. 



- The other half of the company 

(1 tactical squad, 2 intercessor , 1devastator, 1 Assault Marine, 1 lieutenant, 1 dread redemptor, 2 pod, 1 chaplain, 1 company veterans squad, 1 razorback, 1 primaris librarian)
A full peint company is a little bit a dream, but I'm not sure that is the best idea if I want to play with my Blood Angels. Maybe it is not a priority. I don't know yet if I also give transports to the primaris squads. 


- Auxiliary squad

(1 Bike squad, 1 Hellblaster, 1 Land Speeder)
This will be the squads from the reserve companies attached to my 5th company. Maybe I will add some assault squads or Land Speeders. 

- Support vehicles 

(2 baal predators, 1 Whirlwind, 1 Rhino Primaris)
This objective is almost done in reality, but I'm hesitating to add Predators with lascanons, Stalkers or a whrilwind. 

- Death compagny

(45 death company marines, Smash captain, chaplain, Astorath, Lemartes, 3 death company dreadnoughts )
I think his one is one of the easy choice, the black is faster to paint. 


- 10th company

(1 infiltrator squads, scouts, 1 eliminator squads)
I don't know if I make squads of 10 scouts as my other squads, or squads of 5 scouts. 

- 1st company terminator

(2 terminator squads, 1 assault terminator, 1 Cataphractii terminator, 2 captains terminator, 1 terminator chaplain, 1 terminator librarian, 1 terminator ancient, 2 Land Raider)
Not very useful but terminator are very cool :wub:


- 1st company veterans 

(2 vanguard veterans squads, 3 sternguard, 1 Sanguinary priest, 1 librarian, 2  Furioso Dreadnought, 1 Librarian Dreadnought, 2 chaplain)
Maybe I'll add an intercessor veteran squad with them. 

Thanks for your advices ! 


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Dreadnought looks great. A relic and treasure of the chapter might be kept in better condition than other things, so Battle damage might not be necessary! :)


I'm amazed you think 45 death company are easier than a few vehicles. But if you want to stay motivated, paint what you want to paint and would be most interesting. Maybe that's terminators? I got a 1st company project on going and they're just great models to paint at a great scale.

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On 2/4/2020 at 3:01 PM, appiah5 said:

This is one of my favorite army threads on B&C, good job.  One little piece of advice on the Plasma dreadnought: Those coils need more highlights, possibly all the way up to white, to signify how hot they are.

My photos are not very good so in reality the highlights are better on the plasma. But I will think about this. 


On 2/4/2020 at 3:30 PM, Father Mapple said:

I'm amazed you think 45 death company are easier than a few vehicles. 

My red base takes me a lot of time. I want it in Evil sun scarlet and right now I didn't find a good way to do it. 


Initially I processed this way  


Abbadon Black spray
Multiple coats of Mephsiton red base (for a homogeneous red base)
Multiple coats of Evil Sun Scarlett base (for a homogeneous final red)
Agrax shade 
Evil sun Scarlett to correct the shade error.

But with the multiple red coats it is too long.


Now I try this one : 

Wraithbone Spray
2 coats of Blood Angels Red
Evil sun Scarlett to homogenize armor red. 


Much faster BUT as I use contrat paint, when I manipulate the miniature to paint it, the paint is damaged quickly. Finally it is almost as long as the first method.


So a simple black base on 45 death company marines seems a lot easier to me

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How about you skip the multiple Mephiston red layers? I would think that going for a homogeneous covering with that color is a waste of effort and will clog your details more. One coat should be good enough so that you don't start building up Evil Sunz Scarlet from pure black.


Alternatively, you could use Mephiston Red spray instead of the Abaddon Black and skip layering Mephiston Red altogether.

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Alternatively, you could use Mephiston Red spray instead of the Abaddon Black and skip layering Mephiston Red altogether.



I though that the Mephiston spray was just a base coat and not a undercoat. 

But in any case, I can use this spray for my first base ! Thanks :) 

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It's definitely an undercoat. Also note that the spray color is slightly different (I would say - a bit more pink) than the color from the pot. But this should not be an issue if you plan on building an even coverage of 2-3 layers of Evil Sunz Scarlet after that :)
I hope this works for you.

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Alternatively, you could use Mephiston Red spray instead of the Abaddon Black and skip layering Mephiston Red altogether.


I though that the Mephiston spray was just a base coat and not a undercoat.

But in any case, I can use this spray for my first base ! Thanks :)

Yes, definitely give what Majkhel said a go. No need for the black undercoat if you're then going Mephiston Red to then completely cover with Evil Sunz Scarlett. Mephiston Red spray primer covers bare plastic well.

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