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21 hours ago, Majkhel said:

Make a family photo please :biggrin:

Done ! 



8 years of work finally over ! I don't really know what to do next. But I think I won't paint Blood Angles until 2023. 

Over the next few days I'll update the old photos of my miniatures 

  • 1 year later...

I'm coming back to my Blood Angels after 2 years off. My break from painting Grey Knight was longer than I initially expected with my move. 

So I'm starting my 10th company with a few scouts. Like some of you on this forum, I use firstborn Space marine heads instead of the old scout ones. For the paint, I choose to use the same paint that I used for the base : Zandri Dust. But I keep the normal color for the left shoulder pad with chapter iconographie.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi !


A 2nd unit for my 10th company, a lieutenant in Phobos armor.



I had to invent a company symbol for the right shoulder pad because company symbols don't go up to the 10th company in the various images I found on the internet (see an example below).

He will be the only “incursor” in my army because I don’t understand why this unit exists.



Edited by Loishy

Since he's a one off, could always just run him as the Lt with Combi Weapon (I know he isn't holding one, but it's similar armor and visual, including the knife).

He's rolling around solo on the board anyways, so a great use for that BEAUTIFUL model!

Edited by DemonGSides
22 hours ago, DemonGSides said:

Since he's a one off, could always just run him as the Lt with Combi Weapon (I know he isn't holding one, but it's similar armor and visual, including the knife).

He's rolling around solo on the board anyways, so a great use for that BEAUTIFUL model!

Thanks for the advice ! 

Why is the Lt with combi weapon this much useful ?? 

Not that it really matters, as you can paint them how you want, but going off the old insignum astartes, the 10th company would be an upside down red triangle with a yellow background I think.


Edited by The_Lord_Of_Angels

Today I will continue my five first infiltrators. 



21 hours ago, The_Lord_Of_Angels said:

Not that it really matters, as you can paint them how you want, but going off the old insignum astartes, the 10th company would be an upside down red triangle with a yellow background I think.


Oh !! Thanks you !! I didn't know that the Blood Angels companies symboles came from the old insignum astartes. I will modify my lieutenant after my infiltrators. 

On 8/3/2024 at 1:18 PM, Loishy said:

Thanks for the advice ! 

Why is the Lt with combi weapon this much useful ?? 


He's one of the few things in the Space Marine codex that gets Lone Operative, so he can't be targeted unless someone gets within 12" of him, which is just huge.


His first Skill (Priority Objective) lets ANYTHING in your army re-roll a wound roll of 1 against anything on a particular objective that YOU choose, which can be great if your gameplan involves locking down a midfield objective.

He also basically keeps himself alive; anything that tries to move close to him has to move to within 6", otherwise he's just going to use his second ability to move 6" and stay hidden from them due to Lone Operative.

Layer on that 5+ feel no pain, he's starting to look like what might possibly be the absolute perfect Objective Monkey; a guy you bring not because he's good at killing, but he does great things with shutting down deepstrike in your backline or your opponents (He has Infiltrator, so at game setup he can put ANYWHERE on the board that's 9" away from the opponents deployment zone, AKA Start the game ON an objective), AND he has Stealth, so that even WHEN someone gets close enough to shoot him, he's making them hit at -1 BS.

He's just an all around sick lil datasheet, and if you REALLY wanna run WYSIWYG, all you'd need to do is find a Flamer end to throw on the bottom of his gun and wham, you've got a Combi-Weapon.  I'd never make you do that, because A) the paintjob is sick as is and no need to gild a lily, and B) You will probably never be shooting with him ever.

But definitely an option if you want to not do any more incursors, though as is he could also lead that squad of 5 Infiltrators you're painting.  Though honestly Incursors and Infiltrators are pretty interchangeable; they wear the same armor, it'd just be about Gun Size at that point which few people would worry about as long as you weren't running a force with both types; it's really just going to be about what their use case in the game is.



Incursor's are a support squad, as they grant +1 to hit whenever something targets that they already shot (And can start 6" deeper into the mid board than normal due to Scouts 6"), and Infiltrators are more about area denial and early game scouting; like the Lt with Combi Weapon, they also have infiltrator so can be set up damn near anywhere.  Very good for  screening the enemy and making sure they can't box you in early, which is quite a few army's game plans right now.

But once again, whatever you do, keep painting such glorious minis.  That tan is SMOOTH, and I'm jealous, I would be painting all my cadians in the box art colors if I could manage a tan that smooth.


Edited by DemonGSides

I should add the actual company marking for the BA 10th company is a red blood drop in a black circle on the right shoulder. The red and yellow heraldry markings are just for captains, lieutenant's and company banners. Not sure where company heraldry should be placed now, but in 3rd edition, it replaced the chapter symbol on the left shoulder, which is why the Tycho model has his bleeding wing heraldry on the left shoulder.

  • 2 weeks later...

So last weekend had my second game of 40k with the 10th. My goal was to play with only painted miniature and as I have a lot of tactical marines, I tried to make a list with a lot of this unit.


The first thing that came to my mind was the old Salamanders trait. They could have a rerole for one hit, one wound and one damages dice per unit. With this rule you could have a viable tactical squad with one heavy/special weapon. So in the 10th the detachment with the most similar rule is the ironstorm. Therefore I decide to use this detachment to start.

Detachment: Ironstorm Spearhead

## Character [285pts]
2 x Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack [100pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
Techmarine [85pts]: Forge Bolter, Grav-pistol, Omnissian Power Axe, Servo-arm, Target Augury Web


## Battleline [420pts]
3 x Tactical Squad [140pts]:
• 7x Tactical Marine: Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close Combat Weapon
• 1x Tactical Marine Sergeant: Close Combat Weapon, Astartes Chainsword, Storm Bolter
• 1x Tactical Marine w/Special Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Meltagun
• 1x Tactical Marine w/Heavy or Special Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Lascannon

## Infantry [410pts]
2 x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs [80pts]:
• 1x Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Jump Pack: Heavy Bolt Pistol, Astartes Chainsword
• 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Pack: Astartes Chainsword, Heavy Bolt Pistol
Devastator Squad [120pts]:
• 4x Devastator Marine w/ Heavy Weapon: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Heavy Bolter
• 1x Devastator Sergeant: Close Combat Weapon, 2x Astartes Chainsword
2 x Scout Squad [65pts]:
• 1x Scout Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Astartes Chainsword
• 4x Scouts w/ Combat Knife: Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Combat Knife

## Vehicle [595pts]
2 x Baal Predator [125pts]: Armoured Tracks, 2 Heavy Bolters, Twin Assault Cannon
Dreadnought [135pts]: Close Combat Weapon w/ Missile Launcher (Close Combat Weapon, Missile Launcher), Twin Lascannon
Redemptor Dreadnought [210pts]: Redemptor Fist, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Twin Fragstorm Grenade Launcher


## Dedicated Transport [285pts]
3 x Razorback [95pts]: Armoured Tracks, Twin Lascannon


The tactical squads are split in two squads of 5 with a lascanon or a melta. The first ones to hold my deployment zone, the second ones in the razorback to take the objectives and break tanks at short range.


The rest of the army was filled with what I had painted and I tried to add as many tanks or dread I have to feats with the detachment stratagems.


I will not detail the game because it was not very interesting due to my bad positioning and a much more optimise list of my opponent. But I felt in any case that my tactical squad configuration did not work very well.


The 5 men with lascanon give some nice shot and occupy the deployment area. But I don’t think I need 3 tactical squads to hold the objective in my side. And with a width deployment it is also hard to find an emplacement with a clear line of sight for all of them.

The 5 men with melta in the razorback work better to take the middle ground objectives, but I found the Melta have too short range. It could be more effective if I knew better how to use transport and how work decors and lines of sight.

I will continue to play this list a few times but I want to start to think about the special and heavy weapons I could change to improve a little my list.

  • 6 months later...

Hi ! Long time no see ! 

After a very long period without motivation I finished my 10 Infiltrators. I took me 6 months to achieve this but it is finally done. It wasn't unpleasant to paint these miniatures but you know... life... 

The squad is a mix between shadow lance and kill team miniatures. Since they are an infltrator squad, I chose to not give them any decoration, so no conversion with various bits. They are almost vanilla models. 


I have to finish two Lord of the Ring miniatures, then I will present the goal for Blood Angels models in 2025.

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