Axineton Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 For April, I vow to complete 5 Harlequins of The Dreaming Shadow Masque. Grotsmasha and Wakkomaster 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 (edited) Because I’m a glutton for punishment, and because I want that Seriously... Badge for the month, here’s a little extra vow, not much, just some touch ups, but more importantly applying the shiny stuff as I did to the Lychguard, which I hope will make Deathmark Vizier Rezak the Executioner look a heck of a lot more impressive. I, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, vow to refinish 1 necron overlord before the end of March (which, incidentally, will be about 12 hours for me, but I should be able to finish). I would also like to make a plodding along vow of one converted Ghost Ark, made from an AdMech Skorpius tank. This is hopefully to be done by the end of ETL, if not before, but we’ll see. I, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, vow to complete 1 necron Ghost Ark by year’s end, made from the bones of a Mechanicum Skorpius Dunerider. Edited March 31, 2020 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Grotsmasha 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spazmolytic Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 Sorry guy's I'm taking a loss this month, with the current crap going on I've been working overtime. Hope everyone is safe & maybe I'll get my vow done next month! Wakkomaster, Focslain, Grotsmasha and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 Vow complete This means I've done 5 Bloodletters in total, although I think I will redo the 'red' one in this orange scheme. I'd like to say that everyone is producing some really good stuff and in volume too. Guess we know what to do when we're told to stay at home! Jolemai, Dwango, Llagos_Tyrant and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted March 31, 2020 Share Posted March 31, 2020 (edited) And, last vow for March done and dusted! Man, what a difference a little less than two years makes. Glad to have updated this menacing machine! Admiral Tanzer gazed out the window at the planet below. It would have been an ugly planet, he supposed, had he still cared about such things. Logically, he recognized the massive hives that rose from its surface and the plumes of smoke that rose from them as unsightly and of poor coloration, and some visceral part of him that remembered his battered lungs recoiled at the sight of them, but he simply could not bring himself to care about it. The only beauty he found now was in sound. "Nemesor," sounded a flat voice from the hall, and Tanzer grimaced. Sometimes, the lack of sound could be the most beautiful of sounds, and he did not particularly appreciate having it interrupted at the moment. A song of annoyance rising from his vocoder, he spoke without turning. "Yes, Immortal. What is it?" "Two transport vehicles have arrived from the Αυγή Λεπίδες, with two attenders and two warriors. One appears more elite than the other." "See them quartered, Immortal, and inform the Sentry," Tanzer ordered, knowing he would not recieve a response. He felt rather than heard the Immortal trod away, and the song of annoyance faded from the air. Seven point four minutes passed in blessed silence before the slightly more welcome tones of Kani graced his audioreceptors. "Greetings, Heiress," he said, turning and drawing a claw to his throat in salute. "Greetings, Nemesor," she replied, saluting in kind. "I understand the envoys have arrived?" "They have indeed, my lady. I have given orders to their provision." "Good." Silence fell between them for the best part of an hour. Silent simulations projected themselves into the air, and Tanzer led Kani's digital forces on a merry mental chase through a simulated cavern, proving himself as usual the superior tactician in the face of superior forces. Halfway through their second iteration, a small light blinked in Tanzer's field of vision, unseen to all but him. He paused the simulation and opened the notification. The message was a single word, a name specifically--Abrogator. Kani noticed the pause and looked quizzically at the nemesor, and the exasperation that hummed in a new song. "Do I want to know?" Tanzer hooked a thumb over his shoulder, to where he knew, just knew, from centuries of experience, the Abrogator would be hanging in the void, its code-cloak wrapped around it hiding it from all but the Naculan flagship. Kani strode to the window, then muttered in annoyance. "What is the Executioner doing here?" "My lady," Tanzer said with exasperation "here's another lesson for you. The Executioner does what he wants, no more, no less, though he does deign to follow orders from the Phaeron on occasion, and perhaps once a cycle he listens to his mistress. Whatever the reason he has for being here, you and I cannot influence it," he counseled, and slowly steered his honorary niece from the window, darkening it as he did so. "You had best forget he's even in the system." A little lore to wrap up the month of March. Edited March 31, 2020 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Grotsmasha, Wakkomaster, Arakos The Corruptor and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Last minute completion for me - I had wanted to get them done a week or so ago, to give me time to vow 3 cultists as an additional vow, but that did not happen. Anyway, here are my ork bikers for my friend: Grotsmasha, gaurdian31, Dwango and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Llagos_Tyrant Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Brother Argalos was wounded in the extermination of a Xenos threat on the Eastern Fringe. Records of the engagement have been sealed by the Inquisition, but the 5th Company knows that he as interred in the shell of a Contemptor Dreadnought from at least M32. (I haven't added text to the scroll, or transfers yet - can't decide if I should commit to 'Calth' in the text or what to write in there, and waiting on some transfers - still calling him done.) Warpsmith Telerax is a gifted daemonsmith and former techmarine in service to Erasmus Arruk. Dispatched to support the construction of fortifications and the subjugation of this world, he brings his formidable knowledge and weaponry to bear in service of his masters. Vow complete. 1x Contemptor Dreadnought, 1x Warpsmith - previously posted 1x Sorcerer and 10x Chaos Space Marines. Dwango, Majkhel, Givemead and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Close to the mark again, but I am complete with my two models of my vow. Captain Elias Draeg walks (well, sprints in this case) the battlefield, in the typical style of minimalism for adornments the Vanquishers often employ to aid them in the tight confines of urban warfare, alongside Techmarine Perron: Captain Elias Draeg looked towards the smog-obscured ruins of Vatarus Hive Primus and the tragic sight of the broken Inviolate Rage amongst the spires as he stood amongst his assembled force of Vanquishers. Techmarine Perron arrived beside him, delcaring, "All our war material is blessed and prepared for our advancement, Brother Captain." Draeg nodded in approval, remarking as he flexed the fingers inside his power fist, "I'm sure your power axe's machine spirit will be glad to deal with the stubborn filth that is impeding our allies' advance towards Vatarus Hive?" Perron looked down to the unique axe in his grasp, a small, runed stone wrapped around the handle, that spoke its name, 'Huntclaw'. It had been a gift of gratitude for his heroic actions repairing a pair of Predators of the White Hawks of Talhon during the brutal defence of Hive Sceptra. Perron had often commented on the foibles of the machine spirit that resided within, as glory-hungry as the sons of Talhon themselves. The Techmarine could almost feel the hum of satisfaction within its power-systems during maintenance after combat against a tough foe that pushed Perron to his limit. "It will, Captain. Should our foes dare to try and get close enough to despoil our war machines, Huntclaw will respond." I hope Ace Debonair doesn't mind me borrowing an axe from his nuttily heroic warriors. :) And that's that. Now to work out what to vow next during my furloughing... I do have those Sons of Medusa to complete for the Back to Badab event. Cambrius Grotsmasha, Dwango, Dosjetka and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gore Crow Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 I, Gore Crow, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and for the month of April pledge to complete ten skitarii vanguard in defense of the Imperial Faction by month's end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted April 1, 2020 Author Share Posted April 1, 2020 (edited) MARCH SUMMARY March saw 33 Frater returning to take up the challenge, vowing a total of 234 models. Of the 33 Frater, we had 30 complete their tasks, and 221 models. Managing over 200 models, three months in a row is a challenge record and a fantastic effort. Well done guys, gives yourselves a pat on the back As always, lets award some badges, Aeternus Knight-Master Skywrath robofish5791 Axineton Brother Argent Brother Cambrius Focslain Gederas Gore Crow Grotsmasha Jolemai mactire Majkhel SufficientAnonymity Trokair Wakkomaster Wolf Guard Einar Ace Debonair Arakos The Corruptor Dr_Ruminahui gaurdian31 Givemead Llagos_Tyrant Mandoaloriano Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Dwango Rogue The_Chaplain toaae Zujara Arkhanist Sabadin Spazmolytic Aeternus Axineton Focslain robofish5791 SufficientAnonymity toaae Trokair Zujara Dwango Givemead Llygos_Tyrant Majkhel Rogue The_Chaplain Wakkomaster Wolf Guard Einar Brother Argent - Battlefield Suppies - 10hrs 35mins Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - Necron Overlord - 8hrs 36mins Gederas - Valerian - 13hrs 6mins guardian31 - 1 Poxwalker - 1hr 42mins Magkhel - Haywire Mine - 14hrs 43mins The_Chaplain - Warboss Zanzag - 21hrs 20mins Ace Debonair - 5 Fire Warriors - 8hrs 55mins - +5 Fire Warriors - 17hrs 2mins, 1 Crisis Suit - 23hrs 28mins Aeternus Dr_Ruminahui Dwango Grotsmasha guardian31 Rogue Llygos_Tyrant Brother Argent Brother Cambrius Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Givemead Jolemai Ace Debonair Arakos the Corruptor Jolemai mactire mandaloriano toaae Brother Argent Dwango Focslain Gederas Givemead Gore Crow Grotsmasha Llygos_Tyrant Majkhel Rogue SufficientAnonymity Trokair Wolf Guard Einar Zujara Aeturnus Llygos_Tyrant robofish5791 This month I've chosen SufficientAnonymity's excellent Primaris Grimaldus as my Favourite ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Campaign Summary The Imperial Forces have maintained their numerical advantage, and have added more Attack / Defensive to their Forces, and have managed to complete 129 models for January, with Chaos completing 84 models, and Xenos completing 31 models. The Imperium have managed to maintain their CP advantage too, earning 76CP for this month. The Chaos Forces managed to incease their CP this month to 39CP, with the Xenos Forces also increasing their CP to 39CP for the month. Ok guys, that's Q1 of the Campaign complete, and although we are yet to see any conflict between to Factions, the peace cannot last.... Edited April 21, 2020 by Grotsmasha Trokair, Majkhel, and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grotsmasha Posted April 1, 2020 Author Share Posted April 1, 2020 (edited) Skip to a month... AprilThe following award badges are up for grabs this month,There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge .ParticipatingVowed, No picVowed, with picCompleteList of ParticipantsImperiumAxineton - 5 HarlequinsBrother Argent - 5 Sisters of SilenceBrother Cambrius - 5 Space MarinesFocslain - 2 IG Vandettas, 1 IG Wyvern, 1 WarglaiveGederas - 10 CataphractiiGore Crow - 10 Skitarii VanguardGrotsmasha - 1 AT Lucius Warlord Titan, 1 AT Warhound, 2 Rhinos, 1 Astartes Battle BargeJolemai - 1 Techmarine, 1 ScoutKnight-Master Skywrath - 6 Inceptors, 5 Deathwing Knight, 1 Ravenwing Champion, Grand Master SammaelKolgrim DeathHowl -mactire - 1 Company Master, 1 Deathwing Sergeant, 1 Librarian Majkhel - 1 Librarian, 2 Incursors, 3 Scouts, 1 Vanguard Veteran marine, 1 DevastatorOshkai - 1 GH Pack Leader, 1 Long Fangrobofish7591 -Sabadin - 5 Support Legionaires (Stubborn), 1 Apothecary, 1 ContemptorSufficientAnonymity - 10 Adepta Sororitas, 2 Cherubs, 5 ZeraphimTrokair - 6 Arco-flagellantsWakkomaster - 10 Primaris IntercessorsWolf Guard Einar -ChaosAce Debonair - 3 Plague Marines, 1 Adepta SororitasAeternus - 5 Chaos Marines, 4 Chaos TerminatorsArakos The Corruptor - 1 DreadnoughtArkhanist -Dr_Ruminahui - 6 Chaos Cultistsgaurdian31 - 5 PoxwalkersGivemead - 5 Flesh hounds, Karanak, 1 Word BearerLlagos_Tyrant - 12 Terrain pieces, 2 Ultramarines Lieutenants, 7 Ultramarine Tactical Marines, 5 Terminators, and 8 Iron WarriorsMandoaloriano - 1 Forge Lord, 1 Moritat, 8 DestroyersSpazmolytic -XenosDaimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - Re-base 3 Scarabs, 3 Scarabs, 6 Wraiths, Dwango - 5 Guardians, Heavy Weapons Platform, 1 Harlequinlongjohnsilver - 12 Guardsmen (Stubborn)Rogue - 12 NeophytesThe_Chaplain - 1 Gorkanaut, 1 Ork Half Trakk, 1 Ork Big Trakk, 1 Ork Chinork Warkopta, 2 Ork Trukks (Plodding Along), 1 Warboss in Mega Armour, 1 Mek, 1 Painboy, 1 Weirdboy, 1 Ork Battlewagon, 1 Grot mega tank, 4 Grot tanks, 6 Deffkoptas (Plodding Along)toaae - 1 Imagifier, 1 Cannoness, 12 Adepta Sororitas TPS - Yvraine, her kitten and a Nemesis Dreadknight, 8 GenestealersZujara - 5 Wracks, 3 Grotesques, 1 Haemonculus and Urien Rakarth, 2 Talos, ChronosPlogging Along Pledges for 2020Aeternus - Chaos Knight Rampager / DesecratorArakos the Corruptor - 1 Warhound TitanBrother Argent - Imperial KnightDaimyo_Phaeron Lenoch - 1 Ghost ArkDr Ruminahui - Wall of Martyrs, Heresy Land RaiderDwango - Eldar NightwingFocslain - Imperial Knight Construction BayGivemead - The Great Unclean OneGrotsmasha - 30+ HH Dark AngelsJolemai - 1 CerberusLlagos_Tyrant - 1 DefilerMajkhel - Storm Ravenmandaloriano - Chaos Warhound TitanSabadin - Ltd Ed Noise MarineSpazmolytic - Effrit Stealth Squad CommanderThe_Chaplain - 1 Gorkanaut, 1 Ork Half Trakk, 1 Ork Big Trakk, 1 Ork Chinork Warkopta, 1 Ork Trukk, and 1 Ork Trukk with enclosed cab (APR)The_Chaplain - 1 Warboss in Mega Armour, 1 Mek, 1 Painboy, 1 Weirdboy, 1 Ork Battlewagon, 1 Grot mega tank, 4 Grot tanks, 6 Deffkoptas (APR) TPS - 1 Reaver TitanAdditinal CP EventsThe Titans of Heresy II - 15 Jan to 15 Apr - CompleteGore Crow - Titanic Task 1: Warbringer Nemisis Titan (Princeps 1CP)Grotsmasha - Titanic Task 3: 4 Warhound Titans & 1 Warlord Titan, Knightly Task 2: 3 Questoris, 1 Arcastus (Princeps Majoris, Gatekeeper 4CP)Wolf Guard Einar - Titanic Task 1: 1 Warlord Titan, Knightly Task 3: 9 Questoris Knights, 2 Cerastus Knights (Master of Judgement 3CP)Loyalty and Treachery V - 15 Jan to 15 Apr - CompleteDwango - 1 Leviathan Dreadnought, 6 Contemptor Dreadnoughts (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, CHAMPION, FORGELORD 4CP)Gederas - Perturabo, 1x Siege Breaker, 1x Contemptor-Mortis, and 3x Legion Vindicators (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, DELEGATUS, CHAMPION 4CP)Grotsmasha - Ferrus Manus, 2 Rhinos, 5x Cataphractii, 1 Spartan, Lorgar Aurelian (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, DELEGATUS, CHAMPION 4CP)mandaloriano - 1 Legion Champion, 20 Legion Tactical Marines, 2 Deathshround Terminators, 5 Grave Warden Terminators, 5 Heavy support Marines (CENTURION, CHAPLAIN, CHAMPION 3 CP)Sabadin - 1 Apothecary, 1 Tactical Support Squad, 1 ContemptorTrokair - Magos Prime, 1x Castellax, 3x Thallax (CENTURION, MAGOS 2CP)Back to Badab: A Community Kill Team ProjectBrother Cambrius - Sons of MedusaDr_Ruminahui - Astral ClawsGederas - SalamandersGrotsmasha - Fire Hawks++ March of the Machines ++ 1 Mar to 31 Mar - CompleteBrother Argent - 2 Lieutenants (Brother 1CP)Daimyo_Phaeron Lenoch - 1 Terminator, 2 Razorbacks (Brother 1CP)Grotsmasha - Ferrus Manus (Brother 1CP)Chalnath Expanse Liberation 9 Mar to 12 Apr - CompleteFocslain - Air Winglongjohnsilver - PatrolThe Liberalia Maritale 2020: The Iron GauntletTASK 1:Ace DebonairBrother Argent Brother CambriusDaimiyo-Phaeron LenochFocslainGederasGrotsmashaLlygos_TyranttoaaeTrokair+++The Spring Backlog Cleaning+++ 1 Apr to 31 MayAeternus Dr_Ruminahui Participants on the Randomizer ListChaplain Dosjetka Edited May 7, 2020 by Grotsmasha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 (edited) APRIL VOW: fifteen Adepta Sororitas in various stages of painting. I'm going for a grimy Argent Shroud-type scheme so they match my Templars. I know AS aren't that competitive, but they're more for display than gaming. The rest of this year (pending product availability due to COVID19) the plan is to put together a more competitive Skitarii army. Edited April 1, 2020 by SufficientAnonymity Majkhel, gaurdian31 and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Vow 1: I, Givemead, accept the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and hear by vow to complete 5 Fleshhounds by months end for the glory of Khorne and the Chaos faction, may I feel Khorne's wrath if I fail. Vow 2: I, Givemead, accept the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge and hear by vow to complete Karanak by months end for the glory of Khorne and the Chaos faction, may I feel Khorne's wrath if I fail. Trokair, Arakos The Corruptor, gaurdian31 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Starting small, but I have plans for more :) I, MAJKHEL of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of APRIL vow to complete 1 Librarian with JP to the defence of the IMPERIUM Faction by month's end. A kit-bashed Libby built 3 years ago that has remained in the state you see him since then. The base of the blue is defined all right, as is the robe, but more shades and some highlights are needed. As are all the details and a new 32mm base. gaurdian31, Focslain, Wakkomaster and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wakkomaster Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Not joking, I'm going to make this happen. I, Wakkomaster, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of Aprile pledge to complete for the Imperium a Space Marine Primaris Intercessor Squad, made of 1 Intercessor Sergeant and 4 Intercessors, by month's end. If I'm not mistaken that's 5 models that need better highlights, basing and transfers. Here's the starting picture: gaurdian31 and Grotsmasha 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 I, Focslain, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete for the Imperium two Vendettas, by month's end. Their the two flanking the vulture. Here's the WIP of fixing the lack of cockpit glass. gaurdian31, Grotsmasha and Givemead 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 (edited) 1 Harlequin down, 4 to go Edited April 1, 2020 by Axineton Dwango, Trokair, Grotsmasha and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 I, Trokair, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete some Arco-flagellants by month's end. Givemead, Majkhel, gaurdian31 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwango Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 Vow complete. This was a bit tight. Hopefully I will give myself a bit more time for the next vow.... I, Dwango , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete 5 aeldari guardians (Mymeara craftworld) and 1 player from the masque of the soaring spite to the defence of the Xenos Faction by month's end. Jolemai, Grotsmasha, Rogue and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkhanist Posted April 1, 2020 Share Posted April 1, 2020 The mods seem to be very trigger happy at any mention of anything related to the that-shall-not-be-named, so I'll just apologise for not being able to complete anything for March. Next month, maybe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeternus Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March vow complete! Was some slow going progress at the start but now have a full half of 8th claw done, and a Terminator veteran also finished up so feeling pretty good at how stuff is coming along. Pretty much got the hang of the marines now, though there are still some differences between the earlier two and these later three that I could stand to iron out, especially on reflection going a bit easier on the snow on the marines themselves, and really nailing the blue recipe down instead of sorta varying it accidentally each time, however the experiments with plasma glow (which I have always previously done blue), pale skin, tarot cards on the terminator and additional practice on bone have proved helpful. I am mildly concerned though with how much bloody effort the terminator was, starting to think the pile of three squads of them I've got lounging around might end me during this isolation rather than the other way round. Certainly after the various maneuvers around the trophy spikes I've realised they would be better left off, painted, then added, but live and learn. While the greenstuff skull from Sev's shoulder looks...ok, I think for the rest of the atramentar I'll try and get ahold of some non skull Lion shoulder pads and see how they go, but without further ado, March's completions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And the half squad in their glory so far: Finally, I'm not sure if it was just the choice of limbs/pose, or if the kit is entirely to thank, but I certainly am a fan of the way the new terminator's just have much more of a sense of presence, dwarfing the marines around them in terms of bulk. Thanks for looking, and I'll put a post up tomorrow for some new vows :D Focslain, mandaloriano, Arakos The Corruptor and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 Damn Aeternus, those guys look badass! :tu:Well, since it's April and I've managed to get these guys primed: I, Gederas, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete 10 Cataphractii Terminators (2 sqauds of 5) of the Dark Angels to the defence of the Imperium by month's end. Grotsmasha, Majkhel and Aeternus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Givemead Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 Got the Bloodletters' bases done. Arakos The Corruptor, Aeternus, Grotsmasha and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 March Complete Imperial Bastion and Skyshield Landing Pad. Grotsmasha, Majkhel and Rogue 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sabadin Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 Free time was sparse for March, here's what I did get finished. For April, I will be aiming to finish the squad and the rest of my L&T vow of one Legion Apothecary and Legion Contemptor. mandaloriano, Jolemai, Arakos The Corruptor and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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