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The Argent Forge - A Tale of Nine (or so) Armies

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2020... Another year, another decade... Another heap of hobbying in seclusion. Or not. I have decided to reawaken the Argent Forge, the name of my old Hobbying blog. I never included much, as I am a notorious procrastinator and have a shocking history of long abandoned projects etc. So to commit myself more fully I will be updating this log every weekend as well as when I complete things.

I am also a long time Liberite, although I mostly just lurk in the Darkest Deepest Depths of the Liber these days, so most of what I post will have fluff of some kind or another. For not, however, I am starting with something simple to get me back into my hobby mojo; A munitorum container. I am working through my Warhammer Conquest subscription so this is the next thing to cross my desk. I have committed to this as well as three intercessors for the 2020 Tale of Hobbyists so hope to get it done soonish.

Here's where it started:


And here is where I got to last night:


Happy with it considering it will hardly ever be seen. Any and all feedback more then welcome.

As you could tell from the title of the thread I will be reworking my Tale of Eight (now Nine) armies project where I committed to completing a large number of armies. I never let myself get far with it so I am rebooting as I go.

The armies involved will be:

- Star Leopards (Space Marines, mostly Primaris and veterans)

- Iron Heralds (Space Marines, mostly old school marines) - This is up for change as I focus on the Star Leopards

- Angels of Decay (DIY Renegades using Death Guard rules)

- White Talons (DIY Renegades of Slaanesh)

- Craftworld Yme-Loc (Eldar with a lean towards Rangers, jet bikes and wraith constructs)

- Hive Fleet Titan (Tyranids with a close combat lean)

- 13th New Eden Rifles (Imperial Guard)

- WAAAAAGH!!!! Runtkilla (Orkz)

- Imperial Forces led by Custodes and Inquisitors with a large number of Sisters as they are release. Oh and some Knights.

I will add links to IA and fluff as I go but it is my intention to enter and and all appropriate challenges as they arise on the B&C with one simple rule - Commit to less, achieve more. I am well known to commit heaps and fail hard. But no more. (famous last words)

Finally I will be including some battle reports, or just highlights with full reports in the appropriate forum.

I think thats it for now so, uh, yeah. I better get back to painting.

You keep plugging along and I’ll keep watching. Like you, I have a tendency to overcommit and then walk from the project for a lengthy period of time. I’m now doing the same as you, less is more.


The less I commit to, the more I seem to get done. Keep at it brother, keep at it.

Thanks guys.  Made some progress today but not as much as I'd like.  Will get pics up tomorrow as well as playing a couple of games for the first time in forever so see how that goes/


That's a lot of armies at once! May I ask what led you to embark on this mad venture.


Uh... Madness in its purest form...


Oh and I have been in the hobby for... about fifteen years.  I have a LOT of unpainted models/projects.  That and its basically only me and a couple of others in the area I am in who actually do the hobby and none of them are particularly fast at painting/don't have armies.  Heck it took my brother nearly two months to paint one sister of silence.  Needles to say, I am going to need to make my own armies to battle.  The other's can just be the generals.

That's a lot of armies at once! May I ask what led you to embark on this mad venture.

Uh... Madness in its purest form...


Oh and I have been in the hobby for... about fifteen years.  I have a LOT of unpainted models/projects.  That and its basically only me and a couple of others in the area I am in who actually do the hobby and none of them are particularly fast at painting/don't have armies.  Heck it took my brother nearly two months to paint one sister of silence.  Needles to say, I am going to need to make my own armies to battle.  The other's can just be the generals.

Argent, I'm gonna make you feel much better about your hobbying right here :wink::laugh.:


I got into the hobby in ~2013. Since then, without realizing it, I've ended up with:

  1. World Eaters
  2. Night Lords
  3. Emperor's Children
  4. Dark Angels
  5. Custodes
  6. Khorne Daemons (for the World Eaters)
  7. Nurgle Daemons (for the Death Guard)
  8. Death Guard
  9. Deathwatch
  10. Orks
  11. Iron Warriors

And that's not counting the three Age of Sigmar armies* I have started. Fourteen armies. In under seven years :laugh.: (well, if we want to get technical, it's 12 since the World Eaters/Khorne Daemons and Death Guard/Nurgle Daemons were intended to be used as Daemonkin armies).


Thankfully, I've sold off a majority of the Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons to a friend so I can start it again in a more manageable level (only have Mortarion, Typhus, Rotigus and Lord Felthius left), as well as all of the Emperor's Children to a different friend (barring the SIXTY CULTISTS I kitbashed from Escher Gangers).



In any case, those containers.... Wow. That's way more effort than I've ever put into something that no one will ever see :laugh.: They look awesome though! :thumbsup:


*Gloomspite Gits, Nighthaunt and Ossiarch Bonereapers for anyone curious.

Heh.  I've actually started about 12 marine armies over that time (including buying the whole Battle Company set when Apocalypse was first released) and have been recycling/reusing many of the older models of recent.  I've tried other armies but always come back to marines.  I've also had a few Chaos armies as well.  I did have about six Warhammer Fantasy armies back before they killed it as well.  Sadly my armies were Wood Elves - Whom they killed off, Tomb Kings - whom they killed off, Empire - who got killed off, in spirit if not in entirety, Bretonnians - yep, dead... Dogs of War - Dogs of who now? and finally Chaos - still kicking but the old models seem so bad compared to the new.


I do have close to eighty Ork boys either badly painted or not painted at all... thats going to be painful.

Okay so a couple of minor updates. Containers are done. I have a few washed out photos due to needing flash as late at night but here goes:


Somewhat happy with how they turned out. Going to move onto the Intercessors and make a start on my Imperial Knight.

Had a game the other day. Lost horribly through my own fault. Was playing my Angels of Decay and my brother was fielding the Star Leopards. Heaps of fun and will have to do a battle report next time.

Anyway, back to the forge.


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