battle captain corpus Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 It's that age old adage: Faces & Bases lift minis straight away. :) I'm quite quick with my painting and tend to just pay extra attention to face and bases. Mostly because anyone who plays me knows my minis aren't on the table for long anyway! XD BCC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 So while I'm waiting for FW to reopen so I can order ALL the shoulder pads for my Wolves I'm thinking about using the rest of my sprues to build up some support squads. Heavy Support Squads, Sergeant with heavy weapon or vox? I'm tempted to go vox for most as it really builds on the idea of my force working together cohesively. It'd only really be an issue when becoming a ten man squad anyway as I'll model someone up as a 2IC of the squad. I think definitely useful with the shorter range squads like Heavy Flamers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted April 23, 2020 Author Share Posted April 23, 2020 (edited) I am currently magnetizing all the stuff. Support squad now with plasma and melta and flamer that can pull double duty as veterans or normal tacticals. For the heavy support squad that I wanted to do anyways Ill just do bare heads on a few guys so I can stick them in veteran squads with their rocket launchers. Faces, bases (and shields) are what people look at, I know. Which is why I want to train painting bare heads before I royally screw up sigismund. Ill try to make the cheeks pop more. Maybe some wash or glaze with brown with bit of black in it and a highlight with some darkened down skintone. Edited April 23, 2020 by Marshal Vespasian battle captain corpus and Aztek 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrangerOrders Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 You are a braver man than I, I have a crippling fear of painting flesh of any variety tbh. Btw, since this seems to be a whatever folks are up to sort of thread. Anyone use Khenetai? Been eyeing getting some from FW but the set looks just a bit plain (and I'm really not sure in what world those are supposed to be 'jackal-faced' helms). Actually, Im a bit lost in general with what I want to do with TS beyond the very vague idea of 'not Guard of the Crimson King'. LameBeard and Aztek 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 You are a braver man than I, I have a crippling fear of painting flesh of any variety tbh. Btw, since this seems to be a whatever folks are up to sort of thread. Anyone use Khenetai? Been eyeing getting some from FW but the set looks just a bit plain (and I'm really not sure in what world those are supposed to be 'jackal-faced' helms). Actually, Im a bit lost in general with what I want to do with TS beyond the very vague idea of 'not Guard of the Crimson King'. Take one of the occult psychic cults and let your mind wander. Like the one that’s Pyromancy think how maybe you could do TS+Salamanders or such. StrangerOrders 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted April 23, 2020 Author Share Posted April 23, 2020 I have this idea that with each squad I paint I want to try at least one new thing and faces have been on that list for quite some time. I REALLY want to be able to pull them off as I dont want sigismund dorn and pollux to look like a 90s webcartoon. And yeah I wanted a lets chat kind of thread. For TS I have to admit Id propably start with three osirons and go from there because those models lool dope as hell. Maybe look at kromlechs (or was it spellcrow) stygian line for a bunch of kopeshes and vaguely egyptian themed things. StrangerOrders 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 (edited) I have this idea that with each squad I paint I want to try at least one new thing and faces have been on that list for quite some time. I REALLY want to be able to pull them off as I dont want sigismund dorn and pollux to look like a 90s webcartoon. And yeah I wanted a lets chat kind of thread. For TS I have to admit Id propably start with three osirons and go from there because those models lool dope as hell. Maybe look at kromlechs (or was it spellcrow) stygian line for a bunch of kopeshes and vaguely egyptian themed things. Spellcrow is Stygian, Kromlech is "Changed Legions". Iirc, Puppetswar has also got some decent parts for Thousand Sons, like Jackal-head helmets In other news, I've managed to end up with 5 Missile Launcher Marines thanks to my Betrayal at Calth set now. Sadly, I have to wait for Forge World to re-open to fully finish any of the Mark IV marines in the kit, as I need a bunch more of the Dark Angels heads (I only have one set.... I've got way more than 10 marines currently :lol:) Edited April 23, 2020 by Gederas StrangerOrders 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrangerOrders Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 Solid thoughts all, Id give Likes if I had any in my quota (chime in if you know how to increase your allowance plz). You know, Im actually mildly afraid that FW might use this to do another mass-cull of their inventory and hope no one will notice. Im mostly terrified because I always try to get psychic hoods for TSons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LameBeard Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 You are a braver man than I, I have a crippling fear of painting flesh of any variety tbh. Amen to that brother. I have a particular fear of the eyes. I won't even attempt a pair now. If the marine has one bionic eye though, that might tempt me. Aztek and StrangerOrders 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted April 23, 2020 Share Posted April 23, 2020 I also seriously dislike painting faces as I'm a terrible painter (or was when I last painted years ago). I have trembly hands and poor hand eye coordination (I'm dyspraxic). When I painted last it was literally base layers and then a wash over the top. No highlights, never tried drybrushing etc. I'm just glad 30K VIth Legion don't have a massive problem with helmets. StrangerOrders and Aztek 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrangerOrders Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 You are a braver man than I, I have a crippling fear of painting flesh of any variety tbh. Amen to that brother. I have a particular fear of the eyes. I won't even attempt a pair now. If the marine has one bionic eye though, that might tempt me. I have a Praetor of shame I foolishly tried to paint once. I decided he fell because no loyalist has eyes that reach the back of his scalp or slitted pupils that slide past his lower eyelids. I also seriously dislike painting faces as I'm a terrible painter (or was when I last painted years ago). I have trembly hands and poor hand eye coordination (I'm dyspraxic). When I painted last it was literally base layers and then a wash over the top. No highlights, never tried drybrushing etc. I'm just glad 30K VIth Legion don't have a massive problem with helmets. Death to the helmetless! I used to use wolves alot for 40k, before I started actually trying to paint stuff. Now I have several thousand points of wolves sitting there unpainted because I get cold sweats just imaging trying to get that many faces, fangs and beards right Aztek and LameBeard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 Mine are also pretty much based around initial infiltration and orbital drops so that makes even more of a case for helmets! Used to love the 40K Wolves with the 3rd/4th ed minidex and actually liked their upgrade sprue at that time too, so much so that I'm on the hunt for some of them, (the battleforce with ten Grey Hunters, ten Blood Claws, 3 Bikers and a Rhino was awesome, yes far less options than you get in the newer non-Primaris kits but two troops, a transport and a small unit of bikers was cool). The 5th ed codex sorta killed my 40K love of them and whilst I continued for a couple of years a single Space Wolf box did me loads of Marines. LameBeard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 (edited) I may never paint eyes. I have long accepted that my entire army is just squinting. Edit: spelling Edited April 24, 2020 by Indefragable Grim Dog Studios, LameBeard and Pearson73 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 Come on guys, painting faces isn't that hard. You just need to get the model so close to your face that you're about to go cross-eyed :lol: Note: Don't actually do that :lol: That's how I tend to paint eyes and while it works for me, I don't recommend it for others. StrangerOrders 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hfran Morkai Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 I've decided my Cataphractii dude with Thunder Hammer and Combi-Choom will be a Warmonger Counsel. Now to give him Vargyr or Terminators? I'm worried the unit could end up a little expensive and my history of dice rolling says they'll deep strike into dangerous terrain. Indefragable 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted April 24, 2020 Author Share Posted April 24, 2020 (edited) Im done edging 40 guns. Goddamn it feels good to be done. Think I'll try to do some very light spits on the armour today do the stripe on the sgts helmet and then do decals and weathering Does anyone have a source for legion specific dice by the way Edited April 24, 2020 by Marshal Vespasian Aztek 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 Question all:I'm planning on building up an Ironwing Protocol force, as I have a TON of Ravenwing Bikes and some speeders from my 40k Dark Angels (so I'd really only need to get the Jetbikes and FW speeders for my Ravenwing). What do you all recommend that fits the requirements? Which is half of the units in the army must have the "Tank" type, and any Infantry must begin the game deployed in a transport with enough space to carry them. I do know I'm planning on getting a Glaive when Forge World re-opens though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted April 24, 2020 Share Posted April 24, 2020 I've decided my Cataphractii dude with Thunder Hammer and Combi-Choom will be a Warmonger Counsel. I hereby vote that Combi-Choom became a new official thing. LameBeard and battle captain corpus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aztek Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Continued work on my Night Lord Praetor on Jetbike! Deadass, battle captain corpus and Marshal Vespasian 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
battle captain corpus Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Nice work Aztek! The heavy Bolter mouth cannon looks cool! BCC Aztek 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadass Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Continued to work on converting my WB delegatus and wrote a bit of fluff for him today! I think I can share a pic of him sometime tomorrow. Aztek and battle captain corpus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Vespasian Posted April 26, 2020 Author Share Posted April 26, 2020 (edited) That jetbike praetor is looking great. I'v done the decals and sponged on the weathering (except for metallics which will come later). Now its on to washes, mainly enamels. edit: and since I figured out how to do streaking on my vehicles my veteran tacticals got way more dirty than I had initially planned. well such is life in siege warfare I guess Edited April 26, 2020 by Marshal Vespasian Aztek 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadass Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 +++Word Bearers Legion Company Captain+++ Captain Uras at rest, Source: unknown .Captain Ozga Uras, ‘The Red God’s Fist’ .Commander, 11th Battle Company .The Weeping Maiden Chapter Part of the XVII Legion’s first intake of colchisian recruits, Captain Uras soon began a meteoric rise through the ranks of the Weeping Maiden. During his tenure as veteran sergeant of one of the Word Bearers’ many despoiler squads the officer developed a reputation for the excessive use of brutality against the foe and callous disregard for civilian casualties. Though his unsavoury behaviour was more suited to the butchers of the World Eaters, Uras continued to rise in station as the chapter’s command echelon merely saw in his actions “the Legion’s righteous zeal, harnessed to bring swift compliance in the Emperor’s name.” Indeed, Uras was well-liked by men both under and beyond his command, the principles of martial honour he embodied finding approval in many of 11th company’s units. By the time of the Great Betrayal, Uras had become sub-commander of the Weeping Maiden, leading large detachments of the chapter over the battlefields of Isstvan, Armatura, Esau and ultimately, Terra. It was here that the bloody-handed officer met his end, last seen impaled on a VII Legion power sword, though his mortal remains were never recovered. Depicted here in his traditional panoply of war, Captain Uras was easily recognisable by virtue of his artificer-wrought type V plate (note officer’s crest, additional reinforcements and non-standard ornamentation of +REDACTED+ origin) and unique Othon-pattern power maul, its size and heft increased to impact like nothing short of the more common thunder hammer. ... ... ... My Delegatus is finished! At the risk of breaking the 'No thread-necromancy'-rule I've posted him and his accompanying lore in an older topic from last year. I really like the idea of hearing about the stories other hobbyists have come up with for their characters, so I figured it deserved a new lease on life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 Solid work @Aztek, the lance is a nice piece. That Delegatus looks brutal @AHorriblePerson, the Herald is a great sculpt with so many good details that let it fit in so many legions, I'm currently building my Praetor from him. Deadass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadass Posted April 26, 2020 Share Posted April 26, 2020 I was unsure about the herald as the model's base at first - the leg armor just looks way too thick in most pictures - but the longer I worked with it, the more it grew on me! Agreed, it's a great sculpt and definetely worth picking up if you can get hold of one at a good price. Be sure to share pics of your praetor when he's done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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