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I think you’re missing the point slightly, weathering pure white, produces an off white colour.


Weathering off white, produces a darker version, which to my eye and preference is no longer white. I personally don’t like Lil’legends style. The other link you posted, I think the only actual piece of white clothing on the amazing miniature was his sock. The rest was off white/cream. Painting white fabric is very different to painting plate armour.


Each to his own, and I’m still learning my technique.


Do you have any examples you care to share with us?





To be honest i used the picture of the Sicaran, as its a model people know and shows the cold - warm contrast between the white and the blue making the miniature more interesting.

I am not an artist, i learned that from workshops and books, mostly, trying to study works of other miniature artists for interesting concepts and ideas.

(Sorry, wont share and paid content from books or patreon, as i think its not fair for the artists).


For the same concept you can look at this artwork (sorry for the use of other games artwork)


It has the same. Cold pale blue-grey background so you are drawn to the warm part of the red armour and yellow eyes.

It makes those 2 stand out more than a simple white background.


Reversed with a cold skin tone framed by warm red and yellow colors.



For the white i use another Mike Blank dioramma


You see the tunics are part to make the mood of the dioramma. It lets you imagine the dirt and mediterran sun at the place they are fighting.

Thats something you cant do with a simple white top coat.


A more artsy explanation about painting white.



Its a bit more of the artsy side of miniature painting.

Here are some Shadespire Orks i painted around  2 years ago



I tried to male them look like they are in an frosty environment with the rust of the weapons as contrast.

I tried to even do the cape in not bright muted tones for the winter look.

Dont know if i really succeded to convince someone in that way.


@bung I think the comments on the praetor is pretty fair. I'm not the most satisfied with the white armour and my enjoyment of the model is carried by how the rest adds up.


But also agree with cadmus that white is white, not creams or greys. When I paint white armour with hard edges, I want the light to reflect off the hard edges with a pure white.


Well there isnt a perfect way to paint white. Take a bunch of stuff you consider white and hold them togethe. There should be a difference through hues, material etc.

The first question for me is, what sort of white cold or warm and which material i want to paint and what are the surrounding colors.

You can add different sorts of contrasts to make your miniature more intersting.

Give the hair pieces some blue glazes or even highlight with blue and it will stand out more from the bronze stuff.

Same goes for the steel metal. A slightly blue glaze gives more depth and contrast to the red.


I think this is great how light can influence your white.


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I get that you're trying to underline the nature of white; that it's the combination of colours and that light will always change its exact tone. The azog and snow are still white, just tinted by the environment.


But to me, that snow is orange, not white. Azog is mainly blue. The templars' robes are biege. The last busts armour under the osl is pink, blue and orange. I want my white to read as a white on my game model; I don't want to have to explain how the mood of the scene is reflected through not-really-white armour to my friend who asks "aren't white scars supposed to be white?" .

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I want my white to read as a white on my game model; I don't want to have to explain how the mood of the scene is reflected through not-really-white armour to my friend who asks "aren't white scars supposed to be white?" .

Thats where you could use the color and style of your bases, to set the mood.

Just look up some white vehicles in different environments.


But zu be honest i cant do more in a forum. I could better explain hands on with a miniature how i would do stuff to make the White more interesting.

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@Bung, thanks for the links, there’s some really inspiring work in some of them. I have to agree with Skimask, I’m personally after a purer white.


In some ways, it depends what you want to achieve. If you’re creating a diorama and spending a lot of time adding depth and light/colour to your whites to set the mood for the piece I can see the theory that you’ve highlighted is most valuable. But when I look at the 50+ assault marines in the painting queue, I have a different take. My aim has been to recreate the artwork in betrayal, as faithfully as possible given the material /scale /skill. The intention is to create an army that can be used to game with, rather than a single artistic piece.


Really useful stuff though!



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@Cadmus Tyro

I personly think you are good with your skill.

My critique isnt about your technical skill or that of SkimaskMohawk.

Painting a Clean White isnt done without effort.

My personal opinion is that i dont Like big pure white parts in a model.

With an off-white you can do scratches with light reflexions for a 3d effect.


I think its rather easy to do white armour with contrast etc.


I have to Look at the artwork but i probably give it a try with a spare Marine. Could be a nice practise.

Any artwork in particullar?

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Entering another contest, this time for characters. There's a lot of excellent converters that do the Vlka Fenryka some incredible justice on the modeling front. I hope I can live up to their high ceiling! I present to thee;

Eægil Thrainsson, Draugr-dance, Speaker of the Dead
Thane of Krakgard, entomber of spirits.


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That's a very cool conversion, really channels the more primal, bestial side of the Wolves, or rather the appearance that they promote.

Thank you so much!


urgh i can just see this guy stepping out of the shadows in a lively mead hall bringing tidings of dark times and just killing the mood. i love it.

Everyone just spits to ward off malefica.


Can't blame them.




*casts runes, but spookily*


Couldn't help but throw some paint on him...


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Forge World sells a Mk4 power weapons set that comes with five pairs of arms (six if you count the ones for the heavy chainsword). I think that's the best you'll get from GW themselves - otherwise, I'd recommend keeping your eyes open on ebay and in facebook trading groups.

Edited by AHorriblePerson
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found out my collected visions book has taken some water damage and has black mold on it :sad.:

Depending on where you are located, i have a copy that is better off than being torn up by a curious toddler.

ha those little infiltrators get everywhere

...more like daemon princes

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Gore Crow I think they look great!




First World problems. Had a notification set up for when the Legion Champion and Master of Signals came back in stock, got the email today. Went to add some Tartaros Power Axes (mainly for the arms, going to use them on my Tartaros Command Squad) and they're now out of stock.

Edited by Hfran Morkai
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I actually just realized that. Not like daemon tongue, just normal human tongue. Almost like a Maori warrior or pro wrestler type thing.


Check out Milltablestudios on Instagram. He sculpted a tongue like you are looking for, might be what you are looking for.

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The mead halls of the star-ship Kralghan were always loud. Filled with warrior-brothers regaling in their tales and exploits of past wars, laughing, arm wrestling, with skalds singing to help occupy their time. Serfs walked around the long-tables, passing out plates of exotic meats, culled from the local fauna in the last-campaign, and heaving large kegs of mjod.
At the end of the largest table sat several huscarls with their Earl. Captain of the ship, and commander of the companies aboard the Kralghan. Wafting smoke trails rose above the group, as some of the huscarls puffed on intricately carved wooden pipes. Two were in heated debate, a third was carving a piece of ivory, and yet others were indulging in their cups. As the debate raged to a crescendo, one of the huscarls swore and slapped his opposite. The Captain was laughing as the offended huscarl stood and gave a headbutt as his rebuttal. The whole hall was turning to see what would come of this, eager to see what entertainment could be gleaned from the sergeants quarrel when the doors to the hall swung open.
Eager voices and fists already raised in support of the fight quieted and lowered as they glanced at the newcomer.
Tap, tap, tap. The stave thudded along the floor and echoed across the space, which had quieted to a hushed whisper as all heads turned to scowl at the figure.
“Eægil Thrainsson. Why have you come?”
Spoke the Captain at the end of the longtable, not deigning to stand to address the Thane of Krakgard, Thrainsson. The voice that emanated from the skull-faced and horned helm was the scraping of ice-flakes off a sheet of metal, whispery and hoarse, broken in fragments, and with an unexpected cadence.
“The runes bring ill-omen. The tides we will face. Rough. Uneven sailing. Brother-Legions request aid. If we go, we suffer. Die. Many Grey-slayers perish.”
The Captain slammed his hand on the wooden surface of the table, and spat.
All the battle-brothers echoed the motion, spitting at the mention of the rune-priests' talents to peer into the potentials of the future. Some touched charms or fetishes, others made gestures common-place to their origin-tribes on Fenris, all this, to ward off any further bad luck
“You saw this? This is true? We are to help the VIIth and the VIIIth at the Hamol system, and yet if we go, we will be damned and suffer many casualties in aiding them in their compliance?”
Eægil Thrainsson reached into a pouch at his belt and pulled forth a handful of some crushed incense. A snap of his fingers and it alighted in his palm and he traced a runic symbol in the air with it, though the many eyes in the room that stared at him glared in indignation and unfamiliarity of the gesture.
“Truth. I do not speak lies. The Skalds will sing either way. Victory and death. Flee, and honor’s death.”
The Captain ran his hand through his beard in contemplation, the halls’ earlier celebratory and joyful mood completely evaporated.
“We will sail. The Rout never turn their backs on their brothers. Tell the navigator and her coven to take us with full-wind in our canvas.”
The battle-brothers in the room cheered to the proclamation. Clapping arms, whooping, and downing the contents of their cups. Then it was silence once more.
The Captain didn’t dismiss the Rune-caster, and nor did he thank him for the delivery of the news. After a moment, Eægil turned around and left the way he came. Tap, tap, tap, the wolf-topped stave went along the floor. The doors to the mead-hall were closed. Silence reigned for a moment as every soul contemplated their futures before a few Legion serfs began a new, steady beat upon their drums in the hall.


So I finished this character. Submitted it for a contest, here's hoping. I think I might have found my calling, I want to make another Rout immediately. 


urgh i can just see this guy stepping out of the shadows in a lively mead hall bringing tidings of dark times and just killing the mood. i love it.

Thank you for inspiring the literature to go with this. Hope you like it mate!

Edited by Hungry Nostraman Lizard
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