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On a different note: snagged some plastic MkIII.


For my VII Legion side project, should I splurge on the conversion kit for breachers or run them as a good ol’ fashioned bolter brick of golden goodness?


I have 10x Breachers on the way which I hope to get into a Stone Gauntlet some time this decade. Getting MOAR Breachers helps make that happen. Tacticals allow more flexibility (especially being able to lighten up the cost of the Troops slot vs 800pts for 2x20 Breachers) and are a different take for hobbying.

@Indefragable  I would say keep them as regular bolter marines but magnetise at the wrists / arms (Serg).  This way you can run them as regular bolters, tactical support, heavies or Vets with combi weapons etc.  I think it'll be easier to magnetise the plastic marines at the wrists than the resin which, unless I am mistaken, have the hands integrated into the forearms.  In addition, if you have the spare shoulderpads, you can always magnetise at the arm for shields in the future or just tac them onto the forearm temporarily.

I think magnetizing a large swathe of your tacticals is always a good choice, so you can easily run some vets or tac support if you need to.

Also for us VII Legion players magnetizing heavy bolters to get a HB support squad going is pretty viable. I have 10 now which is cool when I know I'll be facing thallax.

So my Scouts have started turning up which brings the next question, basing.


My army currently sits on Sector Imperialis bases so I'm pondering what to do with the metal Scouts, just get some 32mm base adapter rings for the slotta bases, attempt to turn SI bases into a slotta base (I think this will result in quite a bit of blood and tears haha) or remove the slotta tabs and glue to SI bases, likely using some metal rod in the feet for pinning?


I think the last option is what I want to go with myself.

I've done that sort of 'de-tabbing' before, and it's probably the best bet for what you're going for. I tend to just position as robustly as possible and use Super Glue, but pinning would definitely be a great option to keep them locked in. You might be able to repurpose the ends of the tab underneath the feet for that purpose? 


Looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

So my Scouts have started turning up which brings the next question, basing.


My army currently sits on Sector Imperialis bases so I'm pondering what to do with the metal Scouts, just get some 32mm base adapter rings for the slotta bases, attempt to turn SI bases into a slotta base (I think this will result in quite a bit of blood and tears haha) or remove the slotta tabs and glue to SI bases, likely using some metal rod in the feet for pinning?


I think the last option is what I want to go with myself.

I've historically gotten out my tin-snips, cuts the tabs off, filed the model's feet down with a big, wide file for uniformity, then super glued.  Getting that metal to bond with plastic bases is absolutely a job for super glue. If you can go so far as drilling and pinning, that's a plus too. :)


Went through that (Not pinning though) hullabaloo with a lot of Crimson fists scouts when adding on to my firstborn-only CF force.

Edited by Dark Legionnare

So my Scouts have started turning up which brings the next question, basing.


My army currently sits on Sector Imperialis bases so I'm pondering what to do with the metal Scouts, just get some 32mm base adapter rings for the slotta bases, attempt to turn SI bases into a slotta base (I think this will result in quite a bit of blood and tears haha) or remove the slotta tabs and glue to SI bases, likely using some metal rod in the feet for pinning?


I think the last option is what I want to go with myself.

Might I recommend when you cut the tabs off, as the feet probably aren't super big, keep the section of the tab under the foot itself.  You'd need to file the tab in the middle of the bar rather than snip it, or you'll push the feet outwards (the angle of the blade on the cutters forces the metal apart).  Then once there's a sawn gap, snip the left over bar bits up to the foot itself.  You can then use this as a natural peg without having to drill through the foot to pin it.  Just make sure you clean up the peg as you need.


For the base, as the scouts are a little smaller than the large bases, you could prop them up on a little bit of extra scenery meaning you could also go cheaper plain bases and use the scenery for the looks.

loosing my hobby mojo :sad.:


There are some really good threads (in Amicus from memory) that have some handy tips and tricks for regaining it. I think it's something that can be really variable, but I'm sure other Fraters would be happy to make suggestions or offer support for a project if that'd be helpful :)


I can't help but be inspired looking through various project logs and hypothetical army lists, so it might be worth looking at what's helpful to you and seeing if that can support your hobby. Remembering it's just a hobby at the end of the day is also really important to acknowledge - because you just want to make it fun, so make sure that's where the emphasis is always placed! 

Hello All,


shout out to @lastlightcreative for making me a tribal themed Salamanders praetor.


2F8F5DCF 8DA8 4E8E B523 64D3A0AA4AFF

7CFC83E5 DEA0 4E13 80AB B49ABA458F71


Still a WIP btw

Edited by Hammer&Maul

Noticed that the Anvillus has gone to "No Longer Available" as of today when I went to buy a second for my Luna Wolves project.

Haven't seen that status before, hopefully not "Gone forever", but if it is, at least I got one ordered before such. Oi vey.

I emailed FW about the anvillus and got the following reply:


At this current time the Anvillus Dreadclaw drop pod is not currently available to purchase and there have been no announcements with regards to the model being discontinued. Items often appear like this on the web store when they are undergoing repackaging, so from ziplok bags to boxes, where we have to recode the product, or is we are having to carry out any re-mastering work in order to produce new moulds.

I emailed FW about the anvillus and got the following reply:

At this current time the Anvillus Dreadclaw drop pod is not currently available to purchase and there have been no announcements with regards to the model being discontinued. Items often appear like this on the web store when they are undergoing repackaging, so from ziplok bags to boxes, where we have to recode the product, or is we are having to carry out any re-mastering work in order to produce new moulds.

Thanks for the heads up! That's good to hear. I'd feel a bit better if they put the "No longer" on the Sicaran then.


Damn thing has not restocked since AUGUST, been getting worried. I've been thinking somebody must've dropped the mould or something, for it to be out of action for so damn long.

Edited by Dark Legionnare

There is an absolute tonne of stuff with the Out of Stock / No Longer Available across the FW store, including an increasing amount of Guard stuff, so it is clearly part of the widespread issue with a reduced workforce not being able to keep things in stock as they sell. At least there is still the 'Selling Fast' tab so we can get some idea of what might go out of stock next.


Still, there hasn't been anything about the stock issues in the weekly Friday FW newsletter - the last couple of weeks have just been promotion general GW wide stuff. Always baffles me how, ever since the first LCTB got a negative reaction, FW have decided to never even try to explain what it going on with their stock and product lines...

They really need to unify their messaging on FW. It needs to clearly state out of stock but coming back, gone for good, etc. Every other post on FB groups is people asking if stuff is gone for good this is all thanks to the LCTB debacle from a few years back.

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