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... and I was wondering would this power fist be suitable in the Horus Heresy? I can file down the 'crux' symbol and replace it with a small

Raptor Imperialis which I have some symbols for from shapeways.

I think half the fun of Horus Heresy is repurposing 40k bits into 30k, so definitively acceptable in my book! But the person who counts is you - if you are a super-perfectionist and you want a ‘parade-ground’ Ultramarine, remember the mk iv elbow shape is sightly different so you may want to get a matching right arm too. I only just noticed this mismatch on my Hol Beloth conversion, who has a 40k powerfist. Still, when you’re fighting an underground war on Calth even legion commanders can end up scavenging bits of armour I guess...

In that same vein:


I still have some old metal blacl templar models: a box of sword brethren and an emperors champion

I was thinking of turning the ec into a legion champion with paragon blade and boarding shield for my zm stone gauntlet list.

The sword brethren could become some more consuls and maybe a squad of 5 honour guard with boarding shields to go with my champion


Now the sword brethren are very much *blinged out* in their armour - do you thibk they are still viable for heresy?

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

Having looked at the Sword Brethren models, I think that they're a little ostentatious, but on the right side of it for use in 30k. Though many think of them as dull, the sons of Dorn are nothing if not proud, so it seems fair to me that the highest ranking Templar brethren have a bit more decoration than usually seen.

I had actually considered Sword Brethren for my consuls - I like my consuls to have cloaks, but it seemed too much work to alter the cross for a non-fist legion.


I think they are still valid as honour guard as long as the don’t “out-bling” the character they guard?


Looking again at them I see mostly mark vi legs and one has mark iv (bonus!) so no real knee-pad issues, just one head to swap and maybe something done to the terminator honours hanging on the lightning claw guy.

I was thinking they should be usable.


Another option would be to file down the bling and to make them into seekers. With the cloaks as camocloaks. Could also look really cool.


But thinking about it, I wanted a master of signal, a legion champion, and a delegatus at least. On the other hand 7 seekers plus an apothecary would fit into my proteus very nicely. Is there a yellow camo pattern?

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

I didnt recognize the chainaxe embedded in his victim as a chainaxe at first, but thats on me. All in all I like him.


I finisjed my breachers and will try for some pictures in my lightbpx later. I am kind of mwh on the squad. Dunno why I am unhappy with them, but I am. Wash stage didnt come out like I wanted. Metals look weird to me. But they are ok. Had no motivation to do streakibg on their amour after painting them for a month.


Also bought assembled and magnetized a predator that will also serve as a rhino or whirlwind. Still had the mars pattern upgrade kit. He'll be joined by two deimos chassis. I also bought the doors ages ago.




Not pictured 5 mak iv marines with heaby bolters and 3.5 with rocket launchers. Gonns get the missing 5 hbs on sunday come game time. The hbs as well are magnetized so they will be able to tale las cannons when I get around to buying a pack.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

I didnt recognize the chainaxe embedded in his victim as a chainaxe at first, but thats on me. All in all I like him.

Thank you! I want to be able to play him both as Surlak in 30k and as a counts-as Brother Corbulo in 40k, so I decided to give him a weapon that could work as both a killy Chainsword and a Power Axe.


Also, nice Fists! What do you think of the Kromlech Scorpius Launcher? I've been contemplating myself wether to get two myself, since they're a lot cheaper than the Scorpius kit from FW, but then they would'nt match my (eventual) Sicaran Arcus.

I think the kromlech scotpius launcher looks pretty good.

I dont have an arcus to campare it to yet, but the magazone looks very similar and I am okay with the rest of it looking a vit different since there was different marks of weapons around in the heresy after all.


Some of the kromlech tank stuff looks too much like Halo for my taste. The launcher fits pretty well I feel

Edited by Marshal Vespasian


I didnt recognize the chainaxe embedded in his victim as a chainaxe at first, but thats on me. All in all I like him.

Thank you! I want to be able to play him both as Surlak in 30k and as a counts-as Brother Corbulo in 40k, so I decided to give him a weapon that could work as both a killy Chainsword and a Power Axe.


Also, nice Fists! What do you think of the Kromlech Scorpius Launcher? I've been contemplating myself wether to get two myself, since they're a lot cheaper than the Scorpius kit from FW, but then they would'nt match my (eventual) Sicaran Arcus.

I have one of that launchers, but i am going heavy in Kromlech for my Rhino Hulls.

Complete body kit with dozer blade etc. with Magnets to play them as Predators or Whirlwinds.


Its going to be my Inwit Cluster variant of that tanks.

I got the Jetbikes and Rapier replacements too.

A quick question folks, I've just finished a squad of Tacticals for my Iron Hands and have practised the clan symbol on a couple of them, but I'm unsure whether I like it or not. Do we prefer the shoulder clean or marked?


@lokkorex I wouldn't have thought to have used Emperor's Children as a base for a World Eater, but it's worked well.


I spray my basecolor with an airbrush.

After the varnish i ad decals and start the weathering and washes etc.

Decals are weathered to fit into the used look.

I play Imperial Fists and the chapter symbol is above my freehand skills.

A quick question folks, I've just finished a squad of Tacticals for my Iron Hands and have practised the clan symbol on a couple of them, but I'm unsure whether I like it or not. Do we prefer the shoulder clean or marked?


@lokkorex I wouldn't have thought to have used Emperor's Children as a base for a World Eater, but it's worked well.

Interesting. You don't want to do decals? How about heavily chipped shoulder pads either with the freehand, or with decals? A small enough stencil would also work, mind you.

@Bung Thanks for the advice, though my question was mainly regarding whether I should add the clan symbol to all my troopers, or just leave the shoulder blank.


@Lovecraft0110 I'm not strongly against decals, however I do like using the sculpted shoulder pads and drawing my forces from one clan kind of leaves a large amount of the sheet redundant. Luckily Vurgaan have a relatively simple icon to freehand, I do need to go over and weather it a tad more though.


Ok, i thought you meant weathered or not.

Personly i do all shoulders either with Decals or sculpted.

Mostly the IF Legion Symbol or specialised squad symbol like the ones for Destroyers.

For me it completes the model and as the chapter symbol are neutral colors (Black and White) they dont interfere much with the yellow and look good with the black shoulder trim.

The second point is it looks more like an army troops etc. that work together.

Without that it looks more like a random bunch put together.

I'm currently in limbo with my Dark Angels. I'm waiting on a VERY LARGE order of a bunch of stuff that's OOP that I need for my Dark Angels, but has been in shipping hell for a while thanks to Covid. I'm also unsure if this upcoming Road to Thramas article is going to give a release date for Book 9/The Lion. If it doesn't, that at least lets me know my planned FW order can go without a hitch.


As of right now, all I can really assemble for my First is the Mark IIIs I have from Burning of Prospero. Though I also need to do a FW order to get the Nuncio voxes.... :lol:

Had a 4k match against traitor mechnicus today. Chalk a win up for the boys in yellow. Sigismund and his templars held their own versus scpria and his vulturac for three rounds while the rest of the assault cadre took and held the center of the table and Dug. In.

Sure I was running PotL 4k:


Siggi, 7 templars, Champion with solarite power gauntlet, apothecary in an lr


10 terminators, 3 chainfists, 2 illiastus, 8 shields, 7 powerfists in a spartan


10 veterans with 2 plasma guns, sarge with power weapon, meltabombs in a rhino - xenobane



10 veterans with 2 plasma guns, sarge with power weapon, meltabombs in a rhino - xenobane


10 veterans with 2 heavy bolters sarge with power weapon - xenobane


7 tactical support marines with meltaguns, sarge with power sword. Additional close combat weapons, apothecary in a proteus


3 vindicators with machine spirit and a squadron command tank


2 cobtemptor mortiis with dual khereS




Scoria & 6 vorax outflanling


2 arlatax


6 myrmidons in a macro caried


6 thallax with 2 photon thrusters jump packs melta bombs

6 thallax with 2 photon thrusters jump packs melta bombs

9 thallax with 3 photon thrusters jump packs melta bombs


20 secutarii hoplites in a triaros


Knight archeron




The kheres and illiastus were the dfinite mvps of the game. S6 ap4 at a high rate of fire rips vs mechanicum

Would Primaris Intercessor arms and the reinforced backpack vents spliced onto Mk IV backpacks work for "up-armoured"/ non-standard Mk IV/V Marines for Alpha Legion if the rest of the mini uses more or less Heresy marks (IV and VI)?

Edited by Lucerne

I'd be afraid the intercessor arms are too long to be honest. The few primaris kits I built I foubd it difficult to kitbash with firstborn marines due to scale issues.


Sarabando: i want to see more of that project! How'd you do the tabards anyways? The cloaks and loincloth were sculpted on, correct?

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