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Henry Cavill Custodes


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Well the Emperor had walked amongst mankind in various forms, hidden, for millennia .... I suppose we now know where he got his vision for the Imperium from ....  plastic crack from the 2nd Millennium AD.


Much that once was is lost; for none now live who remember it.

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I wonder if the ‘new skills’ thing he mentions in the background is 40k fanfiction...I see lots of text on that computer screen, and many, many warhammer fans write their own lore about their armies (as evinced by our wondrous Liber).

Just a possibility.

One can hope, and wonder.

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Being a Witcher he might not take to Sisters of Silence but I can see him liking to fight some monsters in the 40k universe.

I wonder if its 30k or 40k custodes he is doing.

maybe a bit of both - FW has some really nice looking Custodes models like Aquilon and Venatari.

Edited by Black Blow Fly
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Many eons ago nerds from across the world gathered and transferred their consciousness into a single being that would shepherd nerdom through the future. This man would go by many names across dozens of cultures. Geralt. Theseus. Kal-El. But to his followers there was only one title he was known by. The Emperor. Edited by Marshal Rohr
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Many eons ago nerds from across the world gathered and transferred their consciousness into a single being that would shepherd nerdom through the future. This man would go by many names across dozens of cultures. Geralt. Theseus. Kal-El. But to his followers there was only one title he was known by. The Emperor.

And Hen Ryca Vill



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Henry said his favorite legion is Iron Warriors. He also decided on Custodes because Dorns fist cant protect the emperor



Would be amazing if he did a community army interview as an article on warcom.


Honestly, it would be great if WarCom received articles from celebrities that were into the hobby-- tabletop games like warhammer are still a pretty niche "nerdy" hobby that hasnt received the pop culture boost that say, Dungeons & Dragons has in the last few years. Some people are embarrassed about being in the hobby because they dont want to be unfairly stereotyped/ridiculued, etc.  Being able to spout off that Henry Cavill, Robin Williams (RIP), etc. collected warhammer would help put a different face to what people conjure up automatically I'd imagine.

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Many eons ago nerds from across the world gathered and transferred their consciousness into a single being that would shepherd nerdom through the future. This man would go by many names across dozens of cultures. Geralt. Theseus. Kal-El. But to his followers there was only one title he was known by. The Emperor.



Edited by Waking Dreamer
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Henry said his favorite legion is Iron Warriors. He also decided on Custodes because Dorns fist cant protect the emperor

Did you read that somewhere or are you making a joke? I’m curious to read more.

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