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Battle Reports and WIP Thread: Taskforce 141; US Military Theme


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Things happened. I did slight adjustment to my display board to be versatile. Here is my current 2k army of what I have been working on. Pretty happy how they turned out. I’m so excited to sink my teeth on the new stuff in couple of weeks.
















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6 hours ago, Jud Cottrell said:

Sergeant Ripper looks nails!


Looking forward to seeing what you do with the next round of reinforcements.




Yeah, Im stoked as well. Just waiting to pick them up this weekend. 3x Rogal Dorns, 3x Heavy Weapon Teams, 1x Lord Leontus, and 1x Ursala Creed

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Update on the collection:


The 3x Rogal Dorns, Lord Solar, Heavy weapon Teams, Ursula Creed, and a Primaris Psyker progress pictures.




seems like the Rogal dorn tank is full of surprises. Really easy to magnetize the barrel options.





so here I have spray primed GW Chaos Black, basecoated with a spray of Army Painter Skeleton Bone. Sealed with a varnish and then applied decals so I can begin the weathering process.



Built both Ursula Creed and the Lord Solar. I did hear swaps for creed and the lord Solar with minimal effort.




even managed to prime and base coat ursala creed.



Even found the time to build the heavy weapons teams




started work on lord Leontus. Been told he looks like a retired custodes.



really proud how it’s turning out.




 Weathered, sealed, and finished. I have to admit I had a lot of fun building it together.

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Made a list consisting of Cavalry. In total it gives me 1760 points of Cavalry. The remaining 240 points  gives me some room to mess with.




The 2k current list consists of the following:

Regimental Doctrines:

Recon Operators

Swift as the Wind

1x Lord Solar Leontus (Warlord/ WLT: Grand Strategist 

1x Death Rider Squadron Commander (WLT: Superior Tactical Training/Relic: Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius )

1x Death Rider Squadron Commander (Relic: Claw of the Desert Tigers)

1x Death Rider Squadron on Commander(WLT: Master tactician)

3x Death Rider Command Squadrons

3x10 Death Rider Squadrons

3x10 Attillian Rough Riders

1x3 Heavy Mortar Team


its 30 points are for 6x plasma pistols for this list.



Two Guard forces, Taskforce 141 and Gaunt’s Ghosts, Coverage on a small battered and abandoned city town for a training exercise. The veteran forces of Tanith and Cadia, Born soldiers with no planet to call home, take priority over Taskforce 141’s own 26th Cavalry Regiment. The Lord Solar would like to test the mettle of these Recon Operators and see if they are as they say, “swift as the wind.”



Turn 1


The 26th Cavalry Regiment form battle lines as they can see the weary Cadians  just beyond the park that’s concealing the cadians and the ghosts from our sights. Intel from forward observers causes the Lord Solar to pause and relay to the Rough Riders to shift positions so a quick stalwart advance hopefully goes unnoticed.


However the Cadians and the Ghosts had higher ground and were able to see the shadows through the park. Their Armor advances to take the field in attempts to slow the oncoming tide like breaks on the shoreline. They begin the opening volley, sim rounds shatter through wood and concrete.





Undeterred by the massive hail of heated steel one of the Rough Rider Squadrons falls to the last man alongside three other Death Riders from 5th and 7th Squadrons. Yet the 42nd Squadron remains mainly Unscathed by the punisher cannons as they remain vigilant on the right flank. The sounds of screams and metal roar through the park as the thunderous hooves shatter earth creating clouds of dust in their wake. A Tanith command team, Tanith Infantry Squad, Cadian Chimera, a Cadian Tank Commander, and a Tanith Sentinel are crushed by the weight of hunting lances.



Turn 2

As the dust settles in the wake, casualties begin to mount. Losses on both sides can be felt. The Veterans of Gaunt’s Ghosts order the bears of Barbicant’s Key, a Tanith Infantry Squad to try at the heart of the Heavy Mortar Pit with little to no success except to await their fates upon the tips of the spears belonging to the 42nd squadron. Meanwhile the 5th and 7th squadron attempt to delay the center suffering massive casualties, but their sacrifices was not in vain.




The rest of the the 26th claim the crew of the Basalisk, another Leman Russ, a Heavy Weapon Squad, and Gaunt’s Ghost themselves. This causes the mock battle to end and the veterans to concede the field. The Lord Solar is impressed with the speed and the Tenacity of the 26th Cavalry Regiment, however as a mainstay force for long sieges and tougher opponents; that honor might go with the 3-9th Armoured. Only time will tell.



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9 hours ago, librisrouge said:

An almost all cavalry force! You absolute madlad. You king amongst paupers. 


I appreciate you posting this, is what I'm trying to say.

Thanks. I’m working on a list that keep us Cavalry. I thought well what doesn’t get the benefits of Born Soldiers, but still be somewhat effective. Then it hit me, while using the doctrine Swift as the wind and Recon operators I can add an aircraft. So I added a Vendetta. Going to try this list out again.


Changing out my list:


++ Arks of Omen Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [101 PL, 2,000pts, ] ++

+ Configuration +


Arks of Omen Compulsory Type: Fast Attack


Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) 


Detachment Command Cost


Game Type: 5. Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen


Regimental Doctrine: Recon Operators, Swift as the Wind



+ No Force Org Slot +

3x Death Rider Command Squadron [4 PL, 85pts]
. 4x Death Rider Veterans: 4x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 4x Laspistol, 4x Savage claws



+ HQ +

Death Rider Squadron Commander [3 PL, 45pts, -2CP]: Bolt pistol, Power sword, Relic: Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius, Stratagem: Imperial Commander's Armoury, Stratagem: Officer Cadre
. WT: Superior Tactical Training: Prefectus Orders

Death Rider Squadron Commander [3 PL, 50pts, -1CP]: Plasma pistol, Power sword, Relic: Kurov's Aquila, Stratagem: Relic

Death Rider Squadron Commander [3 PL, 50pts, -2CP]: Plasma pistol, Power sword, Relic: Laurels of Command, Stratagem: Imperial Commander's Armoury, Stratagem: Officer Cadre, WT: Master Tactician

Lord Solar Leontus [9 PL, 170pts, -1CP]: Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, WT: Grand Strategist



+ Fast Attack +

3x Attilan Rough Riders [10 PL, 200pts]: Rough Rider w/ Goad Lance, 8x Rough Rider w/ Hunting Lance
. Rough Rider Sergeant: Goad Lance, Power sabre

3x Death Rider Squadron [10 PL, 200pts]
. 9x Death Korps Death Riders: 9x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 9x Frag & Krak grenades, 9x Laspistol, 9x Savage claws
. Ridemaster: Death Rider Hunting Lance, Laspistol



+ Flyer +

Vendetta Gunship [11 PL, 230pts]: 2x Heavy bolter

. 2x Vendetta Twin Lascannons



++ Total: [101 PL, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)


Now a few things I learned. Rough Riders have lasguns so they can do First rank second rank fire or my favorite with this type of platoon unit  suppression fire. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talk about coming full circle. I purchased some Kasrkins when they were released. Pretty stoked about it and over the weekend I purchased Rough Riders and the upgrade kit. Busy week trying to get them battle ready and I’m up for the challenge.



So I did end up using fine snow from Woodland scenic so that I would get a fine sandy color that matches the camo when I basecoat and prime my models.


so what I did here was use multiple rattlecan layers of Citadel Chaos Black, Tamiya Od green, and Army Painter Skeleton bone and each color was used with drywall tape as a stencil.



to make sure that I didn’t hit the other parts of the model. I did not glue the weapon Army piece and the cloak piece. I taped up parts of weren’t the cloak to get the dry wall stencil. I did it this way so it’ll be easier for me to paint and I won’t miss spots.




built, primed, and basecoated with a Army painter skeleton bone. The MDF movement trays are from Death Ray Designs. These trays have to be glue together because they come in two parts. I basecoated with Army Painter Skeleton Bone.



I used  spare heads from the Kasrkin kill team kit because it fit better than the helmet heads from the new Cadian kit.



however I did purchase the Cadian Upgrade Sprue and the bare heads look pretty good on the Rougj riders as well.

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Just caught back up with this project log, and holy cow - the amount of work you've gotten done is astonishing and you should be seriously proud of your progress. I absolutely love your Salamander conversions from the Hellhound chassis, they make great use of the empty space and honestly feel perfect. The landing craft style transports are also very well executed and just flat-out cool.

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18 hours ago, Mr. Oddity said:

Just caught back up with this project log, and holy cow - the amount of work you've gotten done is astonishing and you should be seriously proud of your progress. I absolutely love your Salamander conversions from the Hellhound chassis, they make great use of the empty space and honestly feel perfect. The landing craft style transports are also very well executed and just flat-out cool.

welcome back. Thanks. I’m still working on the new rough riders, taking my time and adding small details here and there because I wanted to make them unique. So far so good with the addition of Cavalry Guidons for each Rough Rider squad.


I made the guidons out of paper, paint, varnish, and decals I had from the new Cadian decal sheet, the Baneblade decal sheet, and the old vehicle decal sheet. 

the Guidons represent a way for me to break up the competition of the desert camo.









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30x Rough Riders are now finished.  Pretty happy how they turned out and are a massive upgrade so what I had as a place holder for years. At first I couldn’t figure out a color scheme that I liked. I’m still waiting on decals so I can start weathering them; however atm they are done. Enjoy.








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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

It’s been awhile, so here is a quick view of a 10th edition Game for my Cavalry. It’s going to loose more games but man does it look cool on the field.



I had played a game of 10th edition with my Cavalry list against Death Guard. I did use legends but it was for the Death Rider Commissars.  The Game lasted about one battle Round but man they were fast.  



Death Riders were great screens for the Rough riders as they move up. I lost about half my Death Riders and 5x Rough Riders. 



So see you next game. In the mean time I decided to add heavy bolters. Instead of Heavy bolters in sponsons; I had em pintle mounted.



I used extra parts from the new heavy weapon teams and the trigger is from the Heavy stubbers from the bane blade.



I shaved the parts from the spare from tripod to fit the pintle. 



Im thinking I should add another heavy bolter. I just don’t like sponsons. Lol

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

First post of 2024. A few days ago I thought well I kinda want a Stormblade. However I don’t want to buy a Stormblade, but I do have a lot of bits from collecting. So why not kitbash one.

I used the parts of a Stormlord. Plasticard, wire, bits from a Valkyrie engine tubes, spare Aquilla, greenstuff, and a Banesword/Shadowsword Barrel.



The crew member is from Rogal Dorn tank crew. I used a dremel for the Plasma Vents.



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On 1/16/2024 at 8:35 AM, The Pounder said:

@Hiroitchigreat job as always! I like that you raised the Heavy Stubber on your Rogal Dorn, if i ever build another I might do the same!

thanks. I appreciate it. Last year it’s been slow. Haven’t really bought in bulk like I did initially. I have rehomed 2k-3k points of guard that were older models because they were just collecting dust. 


I intend to play more this year and post more battle reports using models I like. Keep a look out because I haven’t left for the horizon yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time to get a bit serious, but not too much. I do miss running heavy armor since going in on all Cavalry lists, but I thought let’s try something different. 10th edition Aircraft not so great I know but let’s do a Danger Close mission.







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