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A user on DakkaDakka posted what seems to be a "Q&A" for a new edition of 40K. New rules, lots of points changes, Necrons focus at the start, PA books and codices still valid, Forge World books to be released alongside the new edition, new 40K logo.

It doesn't look like a fake to me, I'd say it's probably true.


Here it is:


Yep, sounds legit.


Damn, all my rampant speculation about primarchs, catachan and Templars already feels a bit deflated. Kind of wish that people didn't feel the need to spoil these things

It was safe to assume none of these things will be shown today lol.


Necrons and some new primaris along with new edition.

Forge World books to be released alongside the new edition, new 40K logo.



Finally woooooo! I might get to use those pretty lumps of resin.


I quite like the logo - Necron and Primaris range expansions are more than good enough for me, can't wait to see what else is coming.


That Crusade system for Narrative has piqued my interest.

Edited by TootiusNootius

So those quotes are the new crusade system i would assume?


Possibly, it may well just have been flavour text for the event itself.


What they said about it reminded me of the really old editions back when there was loads of RPG elements in there - Bringing back GM's for games would be so much fun [My group do that anyway but having official rules to build from will be amazing].


Very glad to see we supposedly don't have to throw our codex's and PA's out - No Gathering Storm here.

"If you love the lore of warhammer 40000, narrative in your games, meaningful battles, and collecting an army to a theme - you're going to love crusade."


The quotes we've been getting are all steeped in words of faith, so would certainly would fit the bill of a themed army. We also have the artwork from the pariah trailer, featuring several faith factions. I'd say at this point, that if these're not the contents of a new starter box these factions might very well be coming along the new necron range refresh. We have Ultras represented in the picture, so this means new generic Primaris units that everyone can use. Sisters might also get new additions, and we might get more inquisitor models. Interesting


No idea what form the crusade system takes, but I guess we can likely expect more themed releases in the future.

Well going off the link, it looks legit.



Edited by Chapter Master Valrak

from the second page: 


"What’s in the new Boxed Game? Who said anything about a new Boxed Game? That sure would be exciting, though. If such a thing were actually in the works, it probably wouldn’t be long before we found out more about it..."

Where can I find out more?


We’ll be running articles every day from June onwards on warhammer-community.com in the run up to the launch.


So the time frame is correct for this article being posted today (or at the latest, next weekend, though that's unlikely as today is the big reveal). It's not something that was intended to be posted weeks or months from now and got leaked really early, otherwise it wouldn't mention June. Important to confirm the time frame fits for the next bit.


I love it. I want it. When can I have it!


Really soon. We’re a few weeks off just yet, but we wanted to give you a bit of a heads up, so you could get ready (and because we were too excited to keep the news to ourselves any longer)! We’ll let you know when we have more news on an exact release date.


A few weeks does not leave much time to release the rest of Psychic Awakening. So either something doesn't add up, or the rest of the Psychic Awakening books are dropping within the space of a few weeks (normally impossible, but the pandemic creates exceptional circumstances so ... ) or Pyschic Awakening is spanning two editions.


Edited by Toxichobbit


So the time frame is correct for this article being posted today (or at the latest, next weekend, though that's unlikely as today is the big reveal). It's not something that was intended to be posted weeks or months from now and got leaked really early, otherwise it wouldn't mention June. Important to confirm the time frame fits for the next bit.


A few weeks does not leave much time to release the rest of Psychic Awakening. So either something doesn't add up, or the rest of the Psychic Awakening books are dropping within the space of a few weeks (normally impossible, but the pandemic creates exceptional circumstances so ... ) or Pyschic Awakening is spanning two editions.

If they slow drip the 9th ed previews over weeks, they can easily push the three remaining PA books over multiple weekends. 


I love it. I want it. When can I have it!


Really soon. We’re a few weeks off just yet, but we wanted to give you a bit of a heads up, so you could get ready (and because we were too excited to keep the news to ourselves any longer)! We’ll let you know when we have more news on an exact release date.

A few weeks does not leave much time to release the rest of Psychic Awakening. So either something doesn't add up, or the rest of the Psychic Awakening books are dropping within the space of a few weeks (normally impossible, but the pandemic creates exceptional circumstances so ... ) or Pyschic Awakening is spanning two editions.

I don’t think it would span two editions as the FAQ talks about PA leading up to the events taking place in the new edition. By weeks they could mean 7 or 8 weeks, and prefer to use that term instead of months in case people read it won’t come out until much later in the year.

If they slow drip the 9th ed previews over weeks, they can easily push the three remaining PA books over multiple weekends. 


I aknowledged that in my post, but it's not easy at all. They'll eat into each other's profits. There's a reason releases are normally spaced out. Over-saturating a release schedule is a very real and damaging phenomena. Whether they'll deal with it by doing a clumped release for the rest of PA and accepting the loss, or by just letting it roll over into next edition will be interesting to see. I suspect the former as it's suggested that the PA lore leads up to 9th.


I don’t think it would span two editions as the FAQ talks about PA leading up to the events taking place in the new edition. By weeks they could mean 7 or 8 weeks, and prefer to use that term instead of months in case people read it won’t come out until much later in the year.




A few weeks off just yet


In no version of English is "a few" 7 or 8. They could possibly stretch a few weeks into a month, but mutliple months would be misleading their fanbase. Agreed on the multiple editions thing, I don't think that's the most likely outcome either as the lore of PA leads into the lore of 9th. But then releasing four major releases like the remaining PA books (plus Bile, Stern and her BF, Szeras) and then 9th (plus the inevitable models in the box set) over the course of a month doesn't seem likely either. One of them has to happen though.

I’m unsure what to expect. On one hand I agree with Ishagu, the way it’s written makes it feel like they’re going for a more substantial change than just cleaning up and condensing. But on the other hand, if everything is still valid how different can it really be?


Intrigued to find out more :)

It's like the 3rd - 4th jump. Not sweeping changes just tweaking from the looks of it, I assumed it would be seeing as we just did a big rules jump from 7th - 8th but glad to have confirmation.


It's nice to see PA isn't getting Gathering Stormed seeing as I need two of those books for my armies as is.

They can add a new phase (hero phase) without massively negatively impacting existing books. They can similarly overhaul the phases so long as how rolling to hit doesnt change. They can errata codexes as required too. I'm sure we will all get an errata as part of this.
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