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BIG Preview Speculation

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I'd prefer they kill Sicarius off. Use his death to introduce TSK or another Necron character as a badass. UM have plenty of cool characters anyway. 


I'm with you. Would be nice to see something like this instead of what Captain Idaho said. Every time I think of the new ragnar and gaz, I can't help but imagine two kids running into each other full sprint and knocking each other out. Then poof! upgrades y'all. We get something new, and GW doesn't have to make a new version of a character :P

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biker based marine release wave painted as Ultramarines...White Scars players stare forlornly into the distance


Bike Chaplains would be cool and unexpected. Box will be monopose but 6 months down the line a generic biker character kit would be amazing


Therell definitely be a Primaris Lieutenant on a bike just so they can do memes about it

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I'd prefer they kill Sicarius off. Use his death to introduce TSK or another Necron character as a badass. UM have plenty of cool characters anyway.



I'm with you. Would be nice to see something like this instead of what Captain Idaho said. Every time I think of the new ragnar and gaz, I can't help but imagine two kids running into each other full sprint and knocking each other out. Then poof! upgrades y'all. We get something new, and GW doesn't have to make a new version of a character :P

Oh yeah that was lame. I wouldn't have even made new fluff for Ghazghull. I'd just have said "this is the new Ghazghull model complete with updated rules".


I like playing with "living" characters, but there's actually precedent for "historic" characters.


Still, characters as I mentioned could either have been killed off or just, you know, kept alive and new models are released alongside them. The result is the same regarding the moulds.

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On that note, I reckon if we see Primaris bikers we'll see Primaris Lieutenant and a Chaplain on a bike.

As a Dark Angel player, Characters on Bikes are of interest to me.



biker based marine release wave painted as Ultramarines...White Scars players stare forlornly into the distance


Bike Chaplains would be cool and unexpected. Box will be monopose but 6 months down the line a generic biker character kit would be amazing


Therell definitely be a Primaris Lieutenant on a bike just so they can do memes about it

Dark Angels are with the Scars there :lol:

Edited by Gederas
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I don't think they need the "Suffered grievous harm so had to risk Primaris and now he's a Primaris" justification any more. Just have the characters go through the process and now they are version 2.0 in Primaris form.


Or just bring out a new character. ;)

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I don't think they need the "Suffered grievous harm so had to risk Primaris and now he's a Primaris" justification any more. Just have the characters go through the process and now they are version 2.0 in Primaris form.

Or just bring out a new character. :wink:



I'm fine with that but I also like having a beloved character like Ragnar finally get an upgraded model.

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All characters should be updated to plastic. This goes for all kits really, but even more so for characters. While some seem to want the numbers to go down to satisfy their sense that the "setting is lethal", I tend to think to think of those people whose favourite character gets sacrificed to satisfy that impression. Also, aside from the UM, not everyone has a near dozen candidates to throw into the meat grinder.
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All characters should be updated to plastic. This goes for all kits really, but even more so for characters. While some seem to want the numbers to go down to satisfy their sense that the "setting is lethal", I tend to think to think of those people whose favourite character gets sacrificed to satisfy that impression. Also, aside from the UM, not everyone has a near dozen candidates to throw into the meat grinder.


I am way more about more options for players than less options because some people just want random TO THEM characters killed.

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All characters should be updated to plastic. This goes for all kits really, but even more so for characters. While some seem to want the numbers to go down to satisfy their sense that the "setting is lethal", I tend to think to think of those people whose favourite character gets sacrificed to satisfy that impression. Also, aside from the UM, not everyone has a near dozen candidates to throw into the meat grinder.

I mean, they could introduce a brand new character to Primarisify.


Hell, they killed off a character AND did that with the Dark Angels (killed off Balthazar, introduced Lazarus and then made him get Primaris'd because he got wrecked by Thousand Sons).


Or they could take a character that exists in the fluff, but hasn't ever gotten a model (Tor Garadon for instance Adrax Agatone).

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All characters should be updated to plastic. This goes for all kits really, but even more so for characters. While some seem to want the numbers to go down to satisfy their sense that the "setting is lethal", I tend to think to think of those people whose favourite character gets sacrificed to satisfy that impression. Also, aside from the UM, not everyone has a near dozen candidates to throw into the meat grinder.


I mean, they could introduce a brand new character to Primarisify.


Hell, they killed off a character AND did that with the Dark Angels (killed off Balthazar, introduced Lazarus and then made him get Primaris'd because he got wrecked by Thousand Sons).


Or they could take a character that exists in the fluff, but hasn't ever gotten a model (Tor Garadon for instance Adrax Agatone).

Note that I said update to plastic, not neccesarily to primarisfy (though I appreciate that one is more or less guaranteed to mean the other, given the direction of the fluff and gw's track record. In the case of marines anyway) This is an argument about model quality really, everything finecast needs to be updated.


Now I personally think the entire range should be updated to unify the range, but I know that's not what everyone wants, nor was it the arguement I was making here.

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That's very Space Marine generic.

After reading all the clues on the site, one is telling:

"We are raised to believe that the God Emperor watches over us all, and so we are charged to cleanse the mutant, the heretic, the alien"

It might be Inquisition, simply because I do not believe it will be BT, with the reference to God Emperor, faith, sword and wrath.

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The Combat cards app is doing a Marines v Necrons event right now, might be nothing but they did a Talons event right around the time id have expected War of the Spider to drop originally. Nothing earth shattering but a bit more confirmation of the rumours maybe (Not that one could post about this in rumours ofc...)  the pics were showing Blood Angels specifically but the nature of the game means all Space Marines are involved.

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Clearly the Emperor's Children: everything they have is by extension, after all, His :teehee:



I would love that but it sounds like Legion of the Damned. There appears to be something in the background behind the 40k icon but I can't make it out.

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The "God Emperor" references shuts down most of SM chapters.


Do GK worship the Emperor as a God?


No, only the Black Templar worship the Emperor, the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore so if it has to do with "Faithful Marines" then thats Black Templars.

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Characters should only die if they are removed from the game and moved to legends.


I don't want another captain Tycho situation.

Having dead characters wasn't too uncommon back in the day. Uriah Jacobus died from a plague on a swamp world, Canoness Praxedus had died holding the line against Nids and we had an Abbess go missing all in 2nd Edition.


And they nuked Celestine in the same story they introduced her in during 3rd.


Not everyone has to be alive in 40k. Heck I'm a big fan of using them as "count-as" for players to make their own characters who fight in similar manners.

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The "God Emperor" references shuts down most of SM chapters.


Do GK worship the Emperor as a God?

No, only the Black Templar worship the Emperor, the other chapters that do worship him are barely a couple of paragraphs of lore so if it has to do with "Faithful Marines" then thats Black Templars.

Not true. While it's rarer (considering that recruits worship the God-Emperor I never really got why more chapters don't as standard) others do worship the Emperor. Like the White Templars.
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