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So there was some doubt about chapter specific primaris units being released this year...well the wolves just got a their own unique unit, so I think we still have hope for an all new unit or a primaris kit for something like SG before Christmas.


It is a wolf flavoured version of an existing unit though. That is like us getting Primaris Death Company. It's not really a new unit, they have just bolted on the upgrade sprue and a few extra rules. Speaking of which, I bet our special release will be Death Company Intercessors. :tongue.:

Edited by Karhedron

So I only just got around to catching up with the changes (not that it matters much since I still haven't had a chance to play 9th) and one thing stuck out.


Death company no longer have True Grit. Taking a full size boltgun replaces their CC weapon now. Normally, I'm not one to QQ about rules changes, but when it invalidates a previously legal way to build your models? It's straight up not on. Poor show on GW's part there.


Other than that, seems we're getting some points hikes, which is probably fair considering some of the buffs. Can't tell if Sanguinary Priests have been nerfed or buffed, what say you lads?


The Judiciar doesn't have a bubble exactly. His Tempormortis has a range of 6" (or 9" with the Vox) but still only affects 1 unit. Can I take it from the filthiness of the list that victory was not your?

That cheater mc chest face!! (Lol he steamrolled me with or without that)

The Judiciar's ability has been nerfed to 3"and is not an aura. The Vox only works on auras, so it won't increase the range of the Tempermortis.


Just for anybody who, like me, thought that was a great idea I had initially overlooked.

So, just noticed

Psychic Fortress effects core units within 6" (granting them a 5++), not infantry/bikers, core, and not "wholly" within, just within, so a base partially inside the aura range will work.


Dreadnoughts enter stage.

They're core, they reduce incoming damage by 1, let down by having *just* a 3+ armor save which is often reduced to a 6+ or just negated entirely by big guns.


So I'm envisioning a techmarine and a libby escorting a redemptor and 2 venerable dreads.

The techmarine buffs the redemptor to hit on 2s along with the venerables, you pop wisdom on one of them to reroll 1s to hit, the librarian casts psychic fortress to give them all a 5++.


Thats a pretty good force to push into the midfield with, I'd probably give the venerables each a fist, mm, and stormbolter, and the redemptor the heavy plasma incinerator I think its called.

So there was some doubt about chapter specific primaris units being released this year...well the wolves just got a their own unique unit, so I think we still have hope for an all new unit or a primaris kit for something like SG before Christmas.

As Karhedron said, all GW did was slap two sprues together and call it a new kit, which technically it is, but it’s not like it’s any new models by itself. It’s a lazy product, that’s all. I’d also bet we’ll see “Death Company Intercessors” as a kit, combining the might of the known intercessor sprue and the Primaris upgrade sprue into one.

I’d not hold my breath for primaris SG anytime soon. Most embiggened units don’t use jump packs and since there’s no data sheet in the codex for an embiggened melee JP unit, I think we’ll have to wait a long time until we see that.

Best we could hope for is a new character, which might already be stretching things.

SG have been really buffed -the -1 to  hit is exceptional. I  think they'll do well in  big squads, and i believe you're likely to see the most successful BA  lists running at least 10-20 of these. 


LRBT's like this.

... and that's one of the reasons why I'm too afraid to use more than five!

Based on the table of contents previewed on the WarCom site, all of the dreadnoughts with the exception of the Contemptor look to have lost the Relic status. That's just speculation on my end, but it seems reasonable based on the entry names. That'll make it easier and cheaper to bring a Leviathan without needing to worry about the Relic tax, and assuming the Relic Contemptor remains an elite choice that wasn't a challenge in the first place.


Color me excited.

Can't tell if Sanguinary Priests have been nerfed or buffed, what say you lads?

On balance I would say buffed. Losing the bubble of +1S is a shame but with Red Thirst it often wasn't needed anyway. Now we have a character that can do the following:


1. Take a jump pack (I believe we are the only chapter who can run flying apothecaries);

2. Bump a nearby unit into the Assault Doctrine for the Assault phase. This is really nice for getting our hitting power on T2. It also gives us the option to stay in the Tactical Doctrine for an extra turn if it is advantageous while still giving our best unit the Assault Doctrine.

3. Is an Apothecary meaning we can give him the Selfless Healer WLT for double healing and 0CP Combat Resurrection.

4. 6+++ bubble slightly compensates for the loss of Standard of Sacrifice.


I am currently planning a Priest and a Captain leading a big squad of SG and 5 Plasmaceptors. The SG will hit on 2s and reroll 1s and can be bumped in the Assault Doctrine on demand. The Plasmaceptors can overcharge with a bit more confidence thanks to the rerolls. The Priest can heal and resurrect on 2 expensive units so should get plenty of mileage out of that WLT.


I think the Priest might need some relic armour (probably Indomintus) as he is a bit squishy if you want him running around the front lines. But apart from that, I am definitely planning to give him a whirl.

So there was some doubt about chapter specific primaris units being released this year...well the wolves just got a their own unique unit, so I think we still have hope for an all new unit or a primaris kit for something like SG before Christmas.

think ours is death company intercessors tbh, dont think we'll see an extra one.


i wonder if the kit release for DC intercessors might be:

1 assault intercessor sprue

1 regular intercessor sprue

2 BA sprues.

Edited by Blindhamster

Yea I'm guessing many Supplements/books will have a Primaris + kit, modelled off of our DC Intercessors. For better and worse. 


Have my first game of 9th Ed this Friday (woooooot). 


My list is shaping up to be:


Hidden Content

2000pts ish




(haven't decided on a build yet, but either 2x LC's, Teeth of Terra + Storm Shield, or Shield Eternal + Relic Blade)

WLT: Imperium's Sword

Relic: either SIW: Master-Crafted on LC's or Relic Blade, or Teeth of Terra, or Shield Eternal


Astorath or jump Chaplain





4x Incursors (5)



Sanguinary Guard x 10

-mix of fists + swords, some inferno pistols sprinkled if points allow


Vanguard Veterans

-Thunder hammer + inferno pistol Sgt

-Thunder hammer + shield

-Chainsword + Storm shield x 3



Inceptor x 3



Inceptor x 3



Scout Bikes x 3

-Sgt Storm Bolter



Eliminators x3

-Bolt Sniper Rifles


Eliminators x3

-Bolt Sniper Rifles


Eliminators x3

-Bolt Sniper Rifles




...at least that's what I've got on paper. Tweaking specifics...would like to fit a Sanguinary Ancient in there if possible. 

Plasmaceptors + Captain = Profit!


I just played a game with mine in which I ran a single squad of 5 (to get more mileage out of the Sanguinary Priest) and they were brutal. They deleted a Dreadknight a turn without breaking a sweat. I lost a couple to overheats but with the Captain nearby, the risk is acceptable IMHO.

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