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Big thing to remember is that additional point changes are coming in February. So uh, don't worry too much about the points. Especially since at most the competitive lists went up 40 points lol.


So gw might seem incredibly out of touch, and they are, but we get to see if it's a bad read of the meta and print material delays, or a Nottingham brit-bubble.

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which begs the question of why even having these kinds of printed point updates, but hey, they can correct stuff later!

Anyways, got stomped in my first  2k game against deathguard. Nothing like seeing a 303pt veteran squad bouncing off two mephrit crawlers because your dice betrayed you and getting tabled as a result! this was probably a fluke or really bad dice rolls, but I was way too aggressive with my army engaging the DG in the center and not waiting.

Also, Chaos spawn HURT. killed my captain, finished off my vets, almost killed my redemptor.... yea, they are target number one next time. 

didn't get litany of hate when it mattered either, and my LRC was crippled turn 1 when my opponent went first, so overall my list got countered by his. The guy is a tourney vet so I kinda expected this, but I think I need to be more careful with my  how aggressive I am .

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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It is beyond astonishing to me that Space Marines get several popular-model nerfs (Bike Chappy, Dreads) when Space Marines aren't placing, but of the big 4, both Drukhari and AdMech make it through unscathed.


Anyway, going to local tourney saturday.  This is before the latest points changes take affect, so I'm bringing:



Biker Chappy (divine protection, remorseless persecution, hate), MoS, T-Bones, Wise Orator

Primaris Lt.


5 Ints

10 Ints (auto bolt rifles)

15 Pr. Crusader


3x red dreads (MPI, 2x SB, IRP, OGC)

1 relic contemptor dread (2x twin volkerite helverins, cyclone)

5x BGV (heinman, feast, sword of judgment)

Pr. Apothecary (aurilian shroud)


1998 pts / 8 starting cp's

4 characters

35 infantry

4 dreadnoughts



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I'd say we're a way off a Pyreblaster barbecue yet but we're on the road to this getting heated, brothers. Let us remember the true foe is the xenos. :thumbsup:

i would bet, GW will not change the point costs for that weapon. (and even for 5 points the weapon is pretty garbage).

I've run 4 in a 20 man a few times: it's hilarious.


Advance + bbq at 15" or hit them with 4d6 auto hits on overwatch.


Remember they're ap2 in tactical doctrine as well.


remember that all armies kill your unit before you will do anything with it. I do not play BT competitive anymore because they are too weak. 


And the most funny thing is a quote which always be in 40k "some things will never change".


Its so funny that the Tau comes out with that stupid strong codex which everyone fears but the Eldar codex will be the perfect counter and even stronger against everything else. Should compare Banshees to our sword brethren. Its a joke. 

More movement, no overwatch, -1 to hit, +1 to wound, inbuild "fight last", advance and charge and that all for 4 PL (wich is cheapter then our cheapest troop choice) .... And then they have buffs, great transports too, new miracle dice ...


I am so sad how BAD this chapter approved was. Marines are so trashtier right now... And sorry for everyone who like to play gladiators ( do it, have fun) --- but in terms of competitve play they are changed from super trash tier into trash tier and everything else is even higher in points.

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It is beyond astonishing to me that Space Marines get several popular-model nerfs (Bike Chappy, Dreads) when Space Marines aren't placing, but of the big 4, both Drukhari and AdMech make it through unscathed.


Anyway, going to local tourney saturday. This is before the latest points changes take affect, so I'm bringing:



Biker Chappy (divine protection, remorseless persecution, hate), MoS, T-Bones, Wise Orator

Primaris Lt.


5 Ints

10 Ints (auto bolt rifles)

15 Pr. Crusader


3x red dreads (MPI, 2x SB, IRP, OGC)

1 relic contemptor dread (2x twin volkerite helverins, cyclone)

5x BGV (heinman, feast, sword of judgment)

Pr. Apothecary (aurilian shroud)


1998 pts / 8 starting cp's

4 characters

35 infantry

4 dreadnoughts



Well, templars have been winning events with redemptors and bike chaplains, so they're certainly arguable in being a bit too good.


As to your list, I feel that it's a little too heavy on elite units to go the route of Aurelian shroud and larger troop choices. My list in comparison has 31 infantry, but there's 6 blade guard and 7 thss termies. If you do want to go heavy on the infantry, I'd recommend dropping a redemptor and the Lt (his aura can be used by a dread). Bulk up the infantry presence and add another chaplain; make one the tank and one the actual caster.




I do not play BT competitive anymore because they are too weak.


:huh.:  But they win and place far, far more than before. They're one of the most highly rated factions in the game outside of the Dark Eldar tier. Glad I wasted my time compiling that list of wins and placings a page ago.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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Thanks for the feedback, Skimask.  I have some question though -


-are you running Aurelian Shroud on your list?  If you got 31 infantry models, and 13 of them (BGV and THSS Terms) already have 4+ invuln, that means you only have 18 infantry models benefitting from the Shroud.  I have 30 infantry models in my list.  (plus the lt and apoth if I should feel the need to deploy them in such a way that they can actually be shot).   I honestly can't think of how much else one might need to run to benefit from the Shroud.  Eradicators? Devastators?


Also, thought about swapping out Lt/Chaplain.  Problem was that WotA costs a CP, and I'm already only starting at 8.  But I might go back.


So if you were going to do it, would you go:


biker chap, t-bones, iron resolve (self buffing littany)

foot chap, MoS, Wise Orator (divine prot, remorseless persecution)?

Edited by 9x19 Parabellum
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Thanks for the feedback, Skimask.  I have some question though -


-are you running Aurelian Shroud on your list?  If you got 31 infantry models, and 13 of them (BGV and THSS Terms) already have 4+ invuln, that means you only have 18 infantry models benefitting from the Shroud.  I have 30 infantry models in my list.  (plus the lt and apoth if I should feel the need to deploy them in such a way that they can actually be shot).   I honestly can't think of how much else one might need to run to benefit from the Shroud.  Eradicators? Devastators?


Also, thought about swapping out Lt/Chaplain.  Problem was that WotA costs a CP, and I'm already only starting at 8.  But I might go back.


So if you were going to do it, would you go:


biker chap, t-bones, iron resolve (self buffing littany)

foot chap, MoS, Wise Orator (divine prot, remorseless persecution)?


No, I don't run it. Shroud sees play/ competitive success in lists with 42+ crusaders (usually in units of 14 to max out on the cheaper neophyte profile). Stuff like eradicators are placed behind ruin walls and then pushed up the board as the range is pretty small.


My lists usually sit at 8 starting CP as well and I haven't felt a big drain. I think it's easy to use push too much and drain your CP while also leaving you out of the bubbles for command phase buffs. My main spending point is Bombastic really. Push, Obsec, Wisdom, Transhuman, etc... are all reactionary and the better you position, the less you have to spend on most of those. 


For double chaplain, I actually tend to give my bike chaplain rites of war so he can really help snag objectives. My foot chaplain doesn't get a Trait, but does get ancient breviary so he can reliably cast. 5++ and +1 attack, but that's kind of interchangeable with mortal wounds. 

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Charges/HI = reroll hits
5+++ vs MW
When using a pistol/assault/melee = 6s to wound cause 1MW (capped @ 3MW per unit)



thats the rumors about the CSM Word Bearers. They have 3 abilities as their legion traits (Chapter tactic). I hope we will get something new next to our current ones. The first one would be exact what I would really LOVE to see. If we would get that then I would love our supplement. Rerolling hits in close combat was THE mechanic which I loved back then in 5th edition for my BTs

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half year then there will be a new Marines Codex. And of course Marines will be stronger then before. And of course they will be close to Chaos Marines. It would be soooo nice to have similar rules. But instead of 3MW we still have reroll charges. This would give us everything we need. the coolest, best buff for close combat, with 5++ and 5+++ the best durability and with reroll charges the reability to reach combat. New points or better rules for Impulsors and I have everything I ever wanted.


regardless - i am hyped

Edited by Medjugorje
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I'm sorry why are we talking about heretics in the BT forum? The only time they should be brought up is when talking about killing them.

Anyways, I am trying to determine what would be the best unit  that I have currently available  and own (no buying new things) to replace my LRC with. I got 2 or 3 landspeeder Typhoons, 2 attack bikes  a bunch more primaris crusaders, and an impulsor and bladeguard unit. I feel I don't have enough anti-tank, so maybe I should go for 2 typhoons?

Edited by Tiger9gamer
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I'm sorry why are we talking about heretics in the BT forum? The only time they should be brought up is when talking about killing them.


Anyways, I am trying to determine what would be the best unit  that I have currently available  and own (no buying new things) to replace my LRC with. I got 2 or 3 landspeeder Typhoons, 2 attack bikes  a bunch more primaris crusaders, and an impulsor and bladeguard unit. I feel I don't have enough anti-tank, so maybe I should go for 2 typhoons?


If those attack bikes have multimeltas, go for them.  You can get 2 for almost the cost of 1 typhoon. 

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I'm sorry why are we talking about heretics in the BT forum? The only time they should be brought up is when talking about killing them.


Anyways, I am trying to determine what would be the best unit  that I have currently available  and own (no buying new things) to replace my LRC with. I got 2 or 3 landspeeder Typhoons, 2 attack bikes  a bunch more primaris crusaders, and an impulsor and bladeguard unit. I feel I don't have enough anti-tank, so maybe I should go for 2 typhoons?


If those attack bikes have multimeltas, go for them.  You can get 2 for almost the cost of 1 typhoon. 


actually if I pay for multi-meltas on typhoons, then two attack bikes equal 1 typhoon. Only thing I would be trading is frag missiles and range, really. I think I may go for attack bikes to start out, and take one typhoon? I also have a second vindicator that I have to strip the paint from, but I could use that as well for a complete heavily armored list

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"Primaris lieutenant" is a boring meme. A walking chaplain with extra litanies is almost always better in that slot for BT. If you want wound rerolls, activate the stratagem on redemptor could be an option. The big base is good for aura.


Agreed, except I have to pay a CP for that strat.  And I can still do it, even with a Lt., to get extra coverage.

Still, I think you guys have convinced me. 

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hey, I am going to use a lieutenant when I drop my LRC for VVets with jump packs. Apothecary just can't keep up, so I gotta rely on Divine protection. Going to give him the crusaders helm too.


The real kicker is core allowing to gift rerolls, strats, and prayers. They also have some light chaf clearing from storm bolter+melee and can take the grenade.

oh yea, that's right... I may just get more attack bikes. I really do want to have a full on templar blitzkrieg, but all the tanks don't really seem to good still. Maybe sometime I could do it for fun

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Do attack bikes really receive much for being core in a BT army? BT don't have tools like ravenwing bike apothecary. You may often need to move attack bikes out of reach of buffing heroes.

Well you can deploy them close to pick up full reroll and then move them out on their own. You can then use push and obsec to snatch objectives due to core.


And if you have to play them a little tighter to your clump, then all the buffs and auras can be leveraged.

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It is beyond astonishing to me that Space Marines get several popular-model nerfs (Bike Chappy, Dreads) when Space Marines aren't placing, but of the big 4, both Drukhari and AdMech make it through unscathed.


Anyway, going to local tourney saturday. This is before the latest points changes take affect, so I'm bringing:



Biker Chappy (divine protection, remorseless persecution, hate), MoS, T-Bones, Wise Orator

Primaris Lt.


5 Ints

10 Ints (auto bolt rifles)

15 Pr. Crusader


3x red dreads (MPI, 2x SB, IRP, OGC)

1 relic contemptor dread (2x twin volkerite helverins, cyclone)

5x BGV (heinman, feast, sword of judgment)

Pr. Apothecary (aurilian shroud)


1998 pts / 8 starting cp's

4 characters

35 infantry

4 dreadnoughts



good luck vs vehicles Edited by noigrim
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Speaking of lists, I may be getting a leviathan dread this weekend. While not the best I am trying to play in a more casual setting, so I came up with this list. Kinda stuck with WYSIWYG so leviathan load out will stick



++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars) [100 PL, 1,978pts, 6CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) 
Chapter Selection: Black Templars
Detachment Command Cost
Gametype: Matched
+ Stratagems +
Strategem: Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics
Captain [6 PL, 140pts, -1CP]: Tannhauser's Bones, Jump Pack, Master of Arms, Storm shield, Stratagem: Heir of Sigismund, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord
Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 150pts, -1CP]: 1. Litany of Divine Protection, 5. Fervent Acclamation, Chapter Command:  Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter,   Adamantine Mantle, Wise Orator
Crusader Squad [5 PL, 100pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power axe
. Sword Brother: Boltgun, Power axe
Crusader Squad [5 PL, 100pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power sword
. Sword Brother: Boltgun, Power sword
Crusader Squad [6 PL, 115pts]: Bones of Mordred
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power axe
. Sword Brother: 2x Lightning Claw
Crusader Squad [5 PL, 100pts]
. 3x Initiate w/ Chainsword: 3x Astartes Chainsword, 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Initiate w/ Heavy or Melee Weapon: Power axe
. Sword Brother: Boltgun, Power axe
Leviathan Dreadnought [13 PL, 220pts, -1CP]: 2x Heavy Flamers, Grav-flux bombard
. Leviathan siege claw
Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 190pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Vanguard Veteran Squad [15 PL, 333pts, -1CP]: Fist of Balthus, Jump Pack
. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Vanguard Veteran: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Power fist, Storm shield, Stratagem: Champion of the Feast
Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter
Land Speeder Typhoons [6 PL, 110pts]: Land Speeder Typhoon
Vindicator [7 PL, 140pts]: Vindicator siege shield
Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter
Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]: Storm bolter
++ Total: [100 PL, 6CP, 1,998pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe
Edited by Tiger9gamer
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