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Prediction on 9th & how it will affect DA

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The bladeguard vets and new characters are stunning - they fit perfectly with the knightly dark angels theme. The lifted visor on the captain is a nice touch too. Like stobz, I won’t be partaking myself, but I can’t wait to see what my fellow Unforgiven do with these models
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I also like the ATV, however a bit of a details thing, it looks a tad too squishy to be considered heavy support ;p, I mean the driver looks like he could be easily shot.

So, I am not the only one! The design serves to funnel fire into the interior of the vehicle rather than away - the thing is a bullet catcher! :laugh.:


I can imagine the tech team in the design phase...


Engineseer #1: "The rear tire armor system is functional."

Engineseer #2: "Yes. Should we maybe have some armor for the front tires? You know, the ones that will be shot at as the vehicle moves toward the enemy? Maybe add a sleek front glacis of some kind to protect them, and the other stuff up front?

Overseer: "Add a front glacis? Are you mad?! The added weight would slow it down! We need that armor in the back, but leave the front fully open! Yes, the tires, the weapon systems, the steering - everything!"


I wonder what the survival rate is for the drivers of these things? Maybe there will be fluff that the Primaris draw straws to see who will be the driver, but any driver that survives ten missions automatically gets to be the gunner. And, to date, only one Chapter has more than three "veteran" ATV gunners. :laugh.: I kind of like it, but damn does it need a front armor piece. Aftermarket model bit makers take note of this!


And then there is the Servo Turret. Okay. When one mounts a gun shield on a weapon system, one does NOT want the worky bits of the weapon system to be exposed in front of the shield! The only thing in front of the gun shield should be the gun barrels! :rolleyes:

Edited by shabbadoo
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I wonder what the survival rate is for the drivers of these things? Maybe there will be fluff that the Primaris draw straws to see who will be the driver, but any driver that survives ten missions automatically gets to be the gunner. And, to date, only one Chapter has more than three "veteran" ATV gunners. :laugh.: I kind of like it, but damn does it need a front armor piece. Aftermarket model bit makers take note of this!


The Ravenwing techmarines will find a way to add wing armor and plasma to ATV. Blacknight ATV driver with a squire gunner who need to survive using the big plasma blaster for 10 deployments to be fully accept in the ravenwing.


Anyone want to do a Ravenwing ATV photoshop?


Back on topic, Ravenwing will be realy nice with attack bike and Land speeder not suffering from heavy weapon penalty anymore.

I realy hope they give a rule to all Terminator to fire heavy without penalty.

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Landspeeders would be in better shape i think this edition, but i'm expecting their points to be back during 8th edition early era. Attack bikes too. Might see Fast & Furious Predators now, drifting left and right while shooting trilas at full speed.... I'm hoping though that IF flyers still have the rule of -1 to hit, Nephilim will get interceptor to nullify it. 

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It really is a weird set of design choices

Cawl and Guilliman did it again.....


...like jump pack gun units and walking CC units.


Idiots  :facepalm:  


Completely theoretical, but I have a suspicion this model was originally a different one, now redesigned into something less grav themed, and into something more grimdark. I do believe they mentioned they want to shift to the latter aesthetic. If you actually look at the model, and remove the wheels, and add a bit more plating on the bottom, it's not hard to imagine that it was a grav land speeder. Practical considerations aside, that IRL it would probably be a bullet-magnet, I'm not against the model, providing it has a good stat-sheet to go with it. 

Edited by Skywrath
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You may be right, there may have been repulsor plates on the original concept of this mini; is there another possible speeder in the pixelated pic from some time ago? I can't remember.

But we now have Bike and Attack Bike replacements so I doubt it was by mistake.


All these noob units are lesser to Classic Astartes Units of course (I am not biased) so the First Legion will be able to continue the Hunt with or without them.

I think you'll find many on these forums are not sentimental enough Neophyte :devil:

Edit: you removed your comment whilst I was typing making this one of mine weird.


I'll leave the question of whether or not a mini looks good to the subjective masses; it will suffice to say I only like a couple of the Primaris minis and they are almost exclusively in MkX armour; the flappy stabilizer paddles, thin calves and/or fat guts on some infantry, and too many and varied role weapons all over the vehicles breaks the 40k vibe for me. The new sword/shield dudes look quite good though.

But the weapon and equipment load-outs so often make me laugh out loud, they are often so impractical that only the genius of the Blue Primarch could have thought they made sense.


Long Live the Lion, May He Soon Return.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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You may be right, there may have been repulsor plates on the original concept of this mini; is there another possible speeder in the pixelated pic from some time ago? I can't remember.

But we now have Bike and Attack Bike replacements so I doubt it was by mistake.


All these noob units are lesser to Classic Astartes Units of course (I am not biased) so the First Legion will be able to continue the Hunt with or without them.

I think you'll find many on these forums are not sentimental enough Neophyte :devil:


I'll leave the question of whether or not a mini looks good to the subjective masses; it will suffice to say I only like a couple of the Primaris minis and they are almost exclusively in MkX armour; the flappy stabilizer paddles, thin calves and/or fat guts on some infantry, and too many and varied role weapons all over the vehicles breaks the 40k vibe for me. The new sword/shield dudes look quite good though.

But the weapon and equipment load-outs so often make me laugh out loud, they are often so impractical that only the genius of the Blue Primarch could have thought they made sense.


Long Live the Lion, May He Soon Return.


There was, however that picture was so grainy/pixelated, it really could be anything. I think it's the upcoming land speeder model, but eh, hard to say. The new miniatures look amazing, as the other Dark Angels on the forum pointed out, might see limited use compared to our other units. The Lieutenant model and the Bladeguard are my favourite to date, with the Gravis Captain from Dark Imperium being my third. 


Casual notes:


I might have to take that last bit of what you said, Stobz and add that to my signature - not only is that something I 1000% agree on, it's something a true son of the Lion would say! Hats off sir. Regardless of whether the Firstborn units are better than Primaris, that won't stop me from joining in the hunt...However, a neophyte? Battle-brother at least, I insist ;p However now that I'm dabbling with Grey Knights, seems like I'm pulling an Epimethius..


Long live the Lion!

Edited by Skywrath
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the turret i think will be very useful, im not sure about the ATV, we have black knights, the nephilim if we want a punisher, and the durabiltiy wont be as good as said nephilim but likely cost a similar amount.


the black knights offer jsut sheer anti heavy infantry firepower with plasma talons, and the nephilim can mag dump a lot of firepower, same with a typhoon speeder or even the vengeance speeder. the ATV is mmore for white scars i think

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the turret i think will be very useful, im not sure about the ATV, we have black knights, the nephilim if we want a punisher, and the durabiltiy wont be as good as said nephilim but likely cost a similar amount.


the black knights offer jsut sheer anti heavy infantry firepower with plasma talons, and the nephilim can mag dump a lot of firepower, same with a typhoon speeder or even the vengeance speeder. the ATV is mmore for white scars i think


The LSV surely will be very useful now. Minimum number of shots? No -1 to hit while moving? Yup, this unit might suddenly have become useful enough to take... as long as the cost doesn't go up too much


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I have a "final word" on Bladeguard and IMHO they are not gonna be DW

From what we can get from all other models painted for other chapters you can see that they have veteran markings but never 1st company colours so i guess they act like some sort of Honorguard/Bodyguard for Battle companies Captains

I don't say they cannot be 1st Company too but they will not be 1st Company (DW) for sure in DA as you Can see them 2nd Company painted for UM and 3rd Company painted for IF

Edited by Master Sheol
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Wait a minute... on White Dwarf it stated that the marines are equipped with the heaviest Mk. X armor for the primaris deathwing.... that looks like a normal Mk. X to me. Heck it doesn't even look heavier than normal Mk. X armor (not that i know how heavy it is). Or that armor going to be 2+ now?

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Well, not gonna say I told you guys, but I told you guys.


Deathwing without Terminator Armor.


Seen the new pictures of the Bladeguard? Clearly Deathwing.


... Can they be 1st Company without being Deathwing, after all?


Assuming the above is not a photo-shop edit, pretty sure, I mentioned that as well. I wonder how they will tie that picture in with the current DA lore.

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I guess Bladeguard could have artificer armour so 2+ and storm shield so 3++

The only thing they lack to be true DW is the ability to teleport


And that is when Primaris Drop-pods get announced (or something similar)..

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I guess Bladeguard could have artificer armour so 2+ and storm shield so 3++

The only thing they lack to be true DW is the ability to teleport

And that is when Primaris Drop-pods get announced (or something similar)..

Maybe they give Repulsors the ability to deep-strike like they do in the books and are described as being deployed in the codices finally? :lol:

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I guess Bladeguard could have artificer armour so 2+ and storm shield so 3++

The only thing they lack to be true DW is the ability to teleport

And that is when Primaris Drop-pods get announced (or something similar)..

Maybe they give Repulsors the ability to deep-strike like they do in the books and are described as being deployed in the codices finally? :laugh.:



0_0 what? Your trolling.. Where did it say that?

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I guess Bladeguard could have artificer armour so 2+ and storm shield so 3++

The only thing they lack to be true DW is the ability to teleport

And that is when Primaris Drop-pods get announced (or something similar)..
Maybe they give Repulsors the ability to deep-strike like they do in the books and are described as being deployed in the codices finally? :lol:
So i will have to field a 300 points model to teleport some DWK freebooters? :D
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I guess Bladeguard could have artificer armour so 2+ and storm shield so 3++

The only thing they lack to be true DW is the ability to teleport

And that is when Primaris Drop-pods get announced (or something similar)..
Maybe they give Repulsors the ability to deep-strike like they do in the books and are described as being deployed in the codices finally? :laugh.:
So i will have to field a 300 points model to teleport some DWK freebooters? :biggrin.:

I mean, how else will GW sell you an 80 dollar vehicle kit? :lol:


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