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Prediction on 9th & how it will affect DA

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I think it was said that Frag weapons (such as Frag Missiles) would not be blast. But I cannot recall where I read this.


Both the Cyclone and normal Missile Launchers are on the blast list leaked today.  I'd assume that means for their Frag ammo and not just everything??:huh.:

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Don't think it makes a difference for the Krak ammo - it's a fixed number of shots, so wouldn't be affected by the blast rule.


You're right of course. 


It also seems there may be a Primaris Chaplain on Bike coming soon, what a mega surprise mini if it's true.


Edit: 1000th post yay!

Edited by G8Keeper
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So that does bring the question of, if there is a chaplain on a bike model, does that mean there will be other such options such as primaris apothecary/champion on bike? Because by my understanding, these units stayed with the 8th for DA, and got removed for other chapters. If so, this does seem they are getting close to finishing revealing the "generic unit" chamber, and moving onto chapter-specific ones. Does that seem odd to anyone that they powered through this reveal pretty quickly or is it just me?

Edited by Skywrath
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Makes sense.


Some interesting things from the supposed points leaks: both Outriders and Bladeguard Veterans come in a squad of 3, and the ATVs are 1-3...much like the current Assault Bike Squad.


Assuming this stays the same for Ravenwing, then that's a decline in efficiency for our Ravenwing stratagems and Warlord Traits.

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Makes sense.


Some interesting things from the supposed points leaks: both Outriders and Bladeguard Veterans come in a squad of 3, and the ATVs are 1-3...much like the current Assault Bike Squad.


Assuming this stays the same for Ravenwing, then that's a decline in efficiency for our Ravenwing stratagems and Warlord Traits.

Outriders and Bladeguard come from a boxed set while Invaders come from a separate kit

When Outriders and Bladeguard will receive a separate kit we will be able to see the definitive unit datasheet and we will know of they will be fixed 3 men units like Exterminators or if they will become 3-6 units like the Inceptors (that were a fixed 3 men unit when Dark Imperium was released)

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The possibilities are mouth watering! If he does get the Ravenwing keyword he can also be the trigger/target for Combined Assault, we've just got to give him an escort looking at the new character targeting rules.

Edited by G8Keeper
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Those character targeting rules are a challenge in 9th. Under 8th Ed, you’d happily send him in with a squad of 3 Outriders, always keeping him behind. Under 9th, you lose one just one Outrider and they can target the Chaplain.


I could be wrong, but a Landspeeder, or the new ATV might be helpful too, as they have the VEHICLE keyword.

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If we believe the leaks to be correct, then for Assault Intercessors it does indicate a unit size of 5-10 models, while the Bladeguard are a fixed 3. But as you say, you get 10 Assault Intercessors in the box, and 3 Bladeguard / Outriders. So who knows.

Assault intercessors are in two sprues that cointains each the parts to build one of the five models as a normal marine or as a sergeant

So with the models of Indomitus you can build one 10 men squad or two 5 men squads

Bladeguard (and Outriders and Exterminators) are fixed 3 cause in the sprue you have 3 models and 1 is always a sergeant

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According to leaks the Astartes Chainsword is AP-1, the storm shield is now 4++ but it grants +1 armour so the Bladeguard is 2+/4++ and the relic shield of the captain is also FnP4+ against mortal wounds

this makes the bladeguard a solid HtH unit for DW (if they can teleport even better) but the Ancient is useless cause he doesn't have a ++ save, no melee weapon and the power of the banner is crap (+1 to hit but only for Bladeguard units). Belial (reroll to hit for DW units) or a DW ancient (+1A for DW units) are a lot better cause they give bonus to all DW and not to just one unit and they can fight better in HtH cause belial have a nice sword and the DW Ancient can take THSS or 2LC


The other units are nice with the Judicar that can be very annoying forcing one enemy unit within 6" to fight last

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Well we now have the Supreme Command Detachment, and the Command Benefit revealed the cost of the Brigade (4 CP)



So that is Patrol (2 CP), Battalion (3 CP), Brigade (4 CP), Supreme Command (0 CP), Super Heavy (3 or 6 CP), and Super Heavy Auxiliary (3 CP) that have been revealed.


Only missing the following: Vanguard, Spearhead, Outrider, Air Wing, Fortification Network, and Auxiliary Support.


I'm predicting that....


Vanguard, Spearhead, and Outrider will either be 3 CP with Command Benefit of +1 CP or will be 2 CP with no Command Benefit.

Airwing will be 3 CP

Fortification Network will be 0 CP, with Benefit that it doesn't count toward your detachment limit.

And Auxiliary Support will be 2 CP.


*EDIT* I really like that this detachment requires that the model be the Warlord.  Very Fluffy.

Edited by ValourousHeart
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According to the leak bike are only 2 more point because the twin boltgun are now 0, meltagun are down 4 point and combi-melta are down 5 point, so a small squal of 3 bike with combi melta and 2 melta is 105 point(-7). a squad of 2 melta, combi melta and 3 bike will be 180 (-1)


Look like the Ravenwing will be the big winner again in 9ed.


Plasma inceptor are down in point too :)

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According to leaks ... the storm shield is now 4++ but it grants +1 armour

Interesting, as elsewhere someone just said SS is 2+/4++, but if it's really that for Bladeguard because it's 3+[add 1]/4++ then a SS on a Terminator effectively means you're reducing the AP of weapons by 1.

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So, the description of the Supreme Command suggests you can only take 1 unit, and that 1 unit has to be a Primarch, Daemon Primarch, or Supreme Commander. It strikes me as a way to take an extra HQ character than a detachment would ordinarily allow. So, if we wanted to have Azrael+3 other HQ characters in a Battalion, we'd take a Supreme Command to get Azrael. No more Supreme Command detachments being an excuse to run around a bunch of Talonmasters (or Discolords, or Daemon Princes, or whatever HQs players generally like to spam).

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So, the description of the Supreme Command suggests you can only take 1 unit, and that 1 unit has to be a Primarch, Daemon Primarch, or Supreme Commander. It strikes me as a way to take an extra HQ character than a detachment would ordinarily allow. So, if we wanted to have Azrael+3 other HQ characters in a Battalion, we'd take a Supreme Command to get Azrael. No more Supreme Command detachments being an excuse to run around a bunch of Talonmasters (or Discolords, or Daemon Princes, or whatever HQs players generally like to spam).


I guess the purpose of the new Supreme Command detachment is to grant access to Primarcs/Daemon Primarcs to armies that don't have any (like fielding Mortarion or Magnus with IW or NL for example)

OFC we must see of characters like Azrael or Dante will get the Supreme Commander status or if they will still be limited to be normal HQ

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According to leaks the Astartes Chainsword is AP-1, the storm shield is now 4++ but it grants +1 armour so the Bladeguard is 2+/4++ and the relic shield of the captain is also FnP4+ against mortal wounds

this makes the bladeguard a solid HtH unit for DW (if they can teleport even better) but the Ancient is useless cause he doesn't have a ++ save, no melee weapon and the power of the banner is crap (+1 to hit but only for Bladeguard units). Belial (reroll to hit for DW units) or a DW ancient (+1A for DW units) are a lot better cause they give bonus to all DW and not to just one unit and they can fight better in HtH cause belial have a nice sword and the DW Ancient can take THSS or 2LC


The other units are nice with the Judicar that can be very annoying forcing one enemy unit within 6" to fight last


Yeah agree here, I'm going to be running them as a trial with a DW Ancient w/ Pennant of Remembrance and using the Fury of The First 1 CP strat for the +1 to hit.

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According to leaks the Astartes Chainsword is AP-1, the storm shield is now 4++ but it grants +1 armour so the Bladeguard is 2+/4++ and the relic shield of the captain is also FnP4+ against mortal wounds

this makes the bladeguard a solid HtH unit for DW (if they can teleport even better) but the Ancient is useless cause he doesn't have a ++ save, no melee weapon and the power of the banner is crap (+1 to hit but only for Bladeguard units). Belial (reroll to hit for DW units) or a DW ancient (+1A for DW units) are a lot better cause they give bonus to all DW and not to just one unit and they can fight better in HtH cause belial have a nice sword and the DW Ancient can take THSS or 2LC


The other units are nice with the Judicar that can be very annoying forcing one enemy unit within 6" to fight last

Yeah agree here, I'm going to be running them as a trial with a DW Ancient w/ Pennant of Remembrance and using the Fury of The First 1 CP strat for the +1 to hit.

Unless they FAQ it, Fury of the First can’t be used with the Bladeguard as it specifically references the TERMINATOR keyword.


Also, with the Pennant of Remembrance it affects models, and not units within 6”. So if you deepstrike in, then you have to guarantee that your Ancient also makes the charge and thus allow your models to all be within that 6” bubble.

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According to leaks the Astartes Chainsword is AP-1, the storm shield is now 4++ but it grants +1 armour so the Bladeguard is 2+/4++ and the relic shield of the captain is also FnP4+ against mortal wounds

this makes the bladeguard a solid HtH unit for DW (if they can teleport even better) but the Ancient is useless cause he doesn't have a ++ save, no melee weapon and the power of the banner is crap (+1 to hit but only for Bladeguard units). Belial (reroll to hit for DW units) or a DW ancient (+1A for DW units) are a lot better cause they give bonus to all DW and not to just one unit and they can fight better in HtH cause belial have a nice sword and the DW Ancient can take THSS or 2LC


The other units are nice with the Judicar that can be very annoying forcing one enemy unit within 6" to fight last

Yeah agree here, I'm going to be running them as a trial with a DW Ancient w/ Pennant of Remembrance and using the Fury of The First 1 CP strat for the +1 to hit.

Unless they FAQ it, Fury of the First can’t be used with the Bladeguard as it specifically references the TERMINATOR keyword.


Also, with the Pennant of Remembrance it affects models, and not units within 6”. So if you deepstrike in, then you have to guarantee that your Ancient also makes the charge and thus allow your models to all be within that 6” bubble.



Yeah I haven't got my codex to hand so fingers crossed they FAQ it.  I knew the rules for the pennant, with a big enough squad you used to be able to daisy chain back to him to get the benefits and tank the wounds on those within 6" first.  Now with the new coherency rules it's going to require an extra model in the squad to pull off.

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