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Ninth edition builds

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I can imagine the rules becoming one and it won't matter which type you use.


Which could be good for one of the suits I guess. If Cataphractii Terminator rules become the standard, then sure they just got the options for Tartarus Terminators too. If it's the other way it would be a shame as I like the heavy survivability style.


With all the Primaris units coming into the Codex, GW needs to make room. Why do we need so many Captain Databasheets when you just need one with a list of options? Primaris Captain can have Gravis Armour for xpts, Phobos Armour for xpts etc.


Same goes for Librarians and Chaplains in Terminator armour. Why have 4 entries there when you just need 2.


Hell, I always thought there should be a standard "Marine specialist" entry that can be treated like the Centurion in HH to save space.

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I think they want to avoid each of these data sheets ballooning with mutually exclusive options and wargear abilities. For example, the Deathwatch Veterans sheet seems close to what this would look like with every option thrown into one sheet.


I'm not sure that's the better of the two bad choices.

Edited by Lemondish
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Hey all, new to this forum I guess, been lurking for a while. I guess you can class me as a ‘Conquest Kid’ - was into the hobby back in 2nd ed, then now I’m more middle aged decided to dabble with Conquest and have been massively pulled back into the hobby.

I’m in no way competitive but have a decent quality local hobby group and so need an effective list from my pool of models (DI, SS, T&C, 2 x Indomitus and a few other pieces here and there)


My first list for 9th is going to be based around 5 parts.

Firstly, objective grabbing. Thinking 10 Infiltrators to sit on one for deployment. Then 10 Assault Intercessors to move up and grab another.


This would then be backed up by some heavier options moving up to support - namely a redemptor (maybe 2) and some aggressors.


A main melee blob would be my 3rd sub section, consisting of blade guard (hopefully 2 units), Gravis Captain, Indomitus Lt, Chaplain and Judiciar. Maybe some Intercessors to screen.


Then would have some Inceptors and Outriders to move up and take objectives late game.

All this backed up by Eradicators/Eliminators/ Quad Las Pred to use as anti tank.


That’s my vague plan right now, need to work out points to see what exactly I can afford for 2k, and also it feels like I maybe have too many elites for one battalion.


So there, that’s my theory. Any thoughts/feedback?

Edited by AdRoc
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