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warhead01 - Primaris Blood Angels project


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Over the years I've been given some dry pigment powders as gifts and have never used them. Turns out I have three different colors. I'd like to give them a try on these bases. 
I've just started looking at tutorials, seems easy enough so far.  

All the pictures. https://warhead01.blogspot.com/2020/11/primaris-blood-angels-wip-bases.html


I just noticed the Phobos librarian also has a camo cloak. I painted that last night. much smaller dots than the previous 4. I'll add a picture later. 

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I jumped right in with both feet. I realize the Inomitus Captain is probably the more solid choice but I needed to do something constructive with this guy.

Death Company Captain.

I'll be looking for a better helmet for him in the near future. (After the holidays are over. )
More to do for sure.

I realized the Librarian also has a camo cloak.
Much like the other four before him but with smaller dots and I went back in with the dark brown and middle brown, from the bottom up. I think it works I did the ssame think to the other four cloaks to match them all a little better.



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Yesterday evening I gave the powdered pigments a try for the first time. It's not bat but also not fantastic. Maybe I should have gone heavier or I need other colors that would more match what was used on the bases. Oh well. The Infiltrators got an extra brown wash over their red armour and then the pigments. Maybe they'll get more pigment on their armour. It's a matter of for what they do they don't dress for the part, or the chapters should have alternate colors for infiltration type units but don't. I almost feel like I need to get more creative on these kinds of units that just don't look the part. 20+ years of Space Marines don't use camo because Knights in space! down the drain.:teehee:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally managed to clear my table of my Imperial Guard models and I should have a few weeks to work on Blood Angels once again. 
I have a few squads I may have mentioned before that I have yet to repaint. That's where I'll be starting. Maybe 5 more Hellblasters and see what happens after that. 
I think 5 more assault Hellblasters to fill out the squad. I want to work on 5 to 10 models at a time only for a little while. I'm sure to switch gears back to guard when the next boxes arrive some time next month. 
Other than painting I have 5 or 10 Reavers clipped out waiting for assembly. Arming them with bolters this time.

Oh, and before I forget! I have a game scheduled for Wednesday with a good friend of 3 and I'll be taking the red Dudes out for a game and see how it goes. My first game of 9th and only game of 2020.  I'll make it a point to get a lot of pictures and attempt a battle report. It will be madness.

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I was able to get out for that game yesterday. We played an introductory game of 9th. My first game of 9th and I think the first for one of our friends as well. My Friend who hosted the game DM's the game as well as played and the 4th played as my teammate. 2000 points aside each army split between 2 players. 
This cut back on the chaos of extra armies with extra rules and we knew one player may have to leave so this kept the game going and removed an abrupt end. 

I have pictures that I will add after I get them ready. 

My first thoughts were that my army list was very very bad. It was partly intentional. However I was wrong.
My friends army was two detachments 1 raven guard patrol and one Imperial Fists (Not sure which detachment.) It looked like a nightmare to fight.
My own list was a battalion and a Vanguard detachment.  

I ran the numbers the day before and like that over all it was silly simple with only having to worry about the costs of a few upgrades per unit, a small perk of playing Primaris.
My list had 3 squads of Intercessors for troops which turned to 4 with combat squading the full sized squad. I was really worried that 5 Intercessors would just get murdered but  was again wrong. With the rules and order of operation through out the phases of a turn and managing the CP I was struggling to keep it all in a coherent order. My teammate did have to leave on turn two and I had been there to play but also let him make the big decisions as he understood the mission and secondary and all of that. I had been trying to sponge up what was happening and roll dice. 
It all went well even not really knowing what was happening. 
The host ran an app that tracks what's happening each turn during the game and all the extraneous information on a score card, you probably know the app. 

Long story short. Wow! 
9th is a fair bit of fun, especially if it's run like a board game with some one who knows what's going on. And again Wow! My army didn't suck.

My teammate chose the secondary objectives and they paid off for the most part. taking table quarters and objectives and killing stuff is all things I would usually do and that just made earning points very doable.  You can see one secondary was not scored and that was probably just because of my not really knowing what was happening or how I was progressing through the game. It may have been something I could have done but I don't know. 

I was amazed that the Blood Angels did so well. The Primaris army plays a lot like I have always wanted to play Blood angels, Space Marines with a little extra spice. I know the full on assault is and has been more popular with a lot of players.  I had nothing to use as a base line before yesterday in judging my list and had no expectations of actually winning and hoped I would at least just not get tabled too quickly. 
I think I need to go ahead and buy the Supplement and both sets of cards to help keep things running more smoothly in the next game. 
Oh, and during all of my assaults I remembered the +1 attack for being in a purely BA army but for got Shock Assault every time. Funny enough things mostly worked out, even still. 
I tried the blade Guard and most of the Indomitus characters in a Repulsor and that worked out well enough. The blade Guard and Indomitus Captain managed to slay a Land Raider which then exploded. We knew the Blade Guard were "good" but it was a real eye opener.  
I'll post my list, as I say I ran the numbers on the list about 5 times and hope I wasn't some how over.  My friend has the list in an app, I'll double check with him, he never brought it up one way or the other so I think we were ok.  He never mentioned points at all. We were probably fine. I'd just hate to taint a win with my mathlexia. 

I'll try to get the pictures in order or at least post a few from the game to share the highlights. 

Thanks for reading. 

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My friend who hosted the game the other day was previously going to sell me his Repulsor Executioner. So I brought it home with me.
He was unhappy with the way the main weapon droops after he set up the turret with some magnets to make either weapon interchangeable.
I'm just going to insert a shim made from paper or something equally simple to lift the angel of those weapons.

This was the last model of 20 and the first model of 21.

Just a little more red paint and some washes and all the metallic and whatnot left to do.
It was primer coated a brown/yellow when I got it...

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Great progress again, jealous of your productivity

Glad you had a good game - I'm enjoying 9th more than 8th as well, despite then additional book-keeping, but maybe as I'm playing less competitive folks. Taking a load of troops doesn't feel like a penalty now, and can do quite well!

It's defiantly a different game. I think it will be a lot of fun but I can't see playing large points games under the 5 turn format. And that's not really a bad thing. I like that it reminds me a lot of 2nd edition only if that edition were better. I'm planning ahead now to get the cards for each codex I am using and to set aside the stratagems I know I will be using ahead of time to save time and keep me on track. There are a bunch that just don't apply to my army and the less clutter I have in front of me the easier playing will be. I have no asperations to play competitively out side of the club tournament in October, if it happens. For that I just want to again come in in the top 20% or 25%. I just need to play enough games to become competent and the rest will take care of itself.

I'll post my list from the other day in the near future. And a picture to go with it.


Just a few small things left to do on the new tank. Table ready and close-ish to done or as done as everything else to this point.


I've misplaced the vehicle sided BA chapter badges. They're on this table some where.

I'm thinking about trying to round up a few more Intercessor Sgt's each with different options.

I did find a Gladiator tank on Ebay, finally. Haven't ordered yet as I'm waiting for the IG Heavy weapons and they haven't billed me yet. So we'll see what happens.

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It's defiantly a different game. I think it will be a lot of fun but I can't see playing large points games under the 5 turn format. And that's not really a bad thing. 


Yea, my first opponent in 9th wanted to play 2k points, and it took us the best part of 4 hours to get to the end of T3, with looking through rules and all the book keeping for VP's - I think you're right in that scanning for stratagems takes a lot of time, I might have to invest in those cards also. 

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It's defiantly a different game. I think it will be a lot of fun but I can't see playing large points games under the 5 turn format. And that's not really a bad thing. 


Yea, my first opponent in 9th wanted to play 2k points, and it took us the best part of 4 hours to get to the end of T3, with looking through rules and all the book keeping for VP's - I think you're right in that scanning for stratagems takes a lot of time, I might have to invest in those cards also. 


I know for myself that the I function better with less clutter. I just found and ordered both sets of cards. I plan to put them in card sleeves of different colors based on which phase they are played in. All my usual ebay shops seem to be out of stock on the supplement so I'll just have to wait a little longer, no big deal. 

The problem I was having during the game was looking for a single strat to read the cp cost and reread the strat and I was hit with information overload and couldn't see it on the page at all. I began to think I had been making it up. PotMS is like top of that page, if I remember. couldn't see it. 


As for an Update.

The tank is more or less finished now aside from the Chapter markings. I've put no time into looking for those the tanks been "battle ready" for a few days now. it came together very quickly.  My order of hobby stuff is only 2 sets of cards and a pack of 60MM bases for the IG project because the Heavy weapons teams don't come with bases. (Wargames Atlantic kits.)

And the those kits should be shipping in another week. No need to over spend I have lots of time to get everything I want and get it painted.



I've been following the Primaris Death Company thread and have some thought but don't want to put them there as my army and how I play are a bit different. 

I noticed in the game I played that my army was in tactical for what seemed like forever. So the Primaris bolters were dead killy. We put down terminators!  

I'm considering how best to use PDC. I'm starting to think Bolt weapons is where the money is. The chainswords are super tempting but require being in close combat and as much of that as I can for as long as I can.  However, the more challenging thing is just what should they target. Not chaff units. That's what assault intercessors would excel at and are well equiped to shred, in abundance. This leads me to the next though, just how many PDC is the sweet spot as far as squad size vs equipment. to me it seems more clear that if they have bolt weapons then the unit should be large to take advantage of all of that shooting where a full unit of chainswords may just be bad for business. More so if they can't arrive to the target at or near full strength and as quickly as possible. Or, maybe they need to be use as a flanking unit. Lots of possibilities. 


I did use the Bladeguard vets in my game and they are mighty. 3 of them destroyed a landraider, I think my captain may have got all of one attack all the way through and passed the saves to aid them but he was a fumble machine. Bad luck followed by a nasty death. 




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Finally getting back to the 5 hellblasters I set out. small progress as of now but I should have time for them tonight. 

The card sets I Ordered look to be arriving around the 15th! With a little luck I may be able to get out for a game around the end of the month. 
Hope so. 

I'm still in the process of sorting the pictures into the right order on the blog post, which is live  but still subject to editing. No text yet. Who knows. I need to get my act together next time and make notes during the game. 


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Almost finished with the 5 hellblasters I am working on. I think all that's left are the eyes and the bases. I am now out of BA chapter icons for the shoulder plates. 
I'll need to buy a few more later. 

My next unit plans might be to repaint an Intercessor squad, turning them into death Company with Bolt weapons. I also need a DC Lieutenant. Might be able to come up with one from what I have, we'll see.  
I have 15 more hell blasters but I may try to part with them.

I can't believe just how large this army is. I have no idea how that happened. 

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Well... I found the combat patrol box at a delightful discount and decided to order it!
I checked the Wargames Atlantic newsletter as I am waiting for them to take a payment and ship me some kits but things are slow right now and it looks like all of that happens next month. This put me in the clear to order the combat patrol! I had been thinking I wanted two of them but looking at points in 9th. I don't see a need more an extra impulsor after this one, which was my main motivator to get this box. Unfortunately the BA book is still out of stock. Hopefully next month. 
Just a few models left ad my Primaris collection will be complete for a year or two, if not the whole edition. 
It's a little weird to have a completed project I was just thinking about my Orks the other day and at this time I think my collection is as complete as I want it to be. Not counting any further painting I decide to do but the buying par is very very done. I guess that should motivate me to get out and play a few more games. 

Over the last few days I have not build or painted any models. Feels like was too much time to do nothing when I am not painting. One of the major downsides of living almost two hours away from the game shop and my gaming friends. 
Oh, So the Intercessors in the patrol box, more death company I think. And I will need to find a thunder hammer for one of them. 


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Ho Ho! 
My combat Patrol is at the post office now waiting for me to go get it.
For some reason it went ups sure post and end up there and hot here, which is a little weird I think but no matter.

For an update I can say I have started the base coats on 5 more Intercessors and will try to push on with them tonight, D&D night! Best part of gaming over the interwebs from home.
In other good news I may have my AoD Savage Ouroououukus, or however it's spelled, (orcs) sold as of next month. I'll be very happy to let those go, I know they'll get used and I've not played in probably 3 years now? when ever the new edition came out. I know they're off to a good home. 
Really hope this goes through as it will free me up to add a few units I am excited about to my collection, Gladiator and a had full of inceptors with plasma weapons for sure. (I'll take 6 please! :biggrin.: )
Oh, and I have another learning game set of Monday afternoon. My friend has mentioned having 120 conscripts and looking for 30 more to round out his ridicules Ogryn based list but I think the might of the Primaris fire power will at least give me a good showing.  In this game I am hoping to learn as much about the scoring system as I can absorb. 
With luck I may even find a copy of the BA supplement at the shop. Emperor willing. 

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so car from the combat patrol box I have built primed and started painting the Librarian and Impulsor. The Impulsor is the furthest along. 
Looking at how to arm it, it looks like the full stubber load out is probably going to give me the most return so that's what I went with. 

I have my 1500 point list ready an it might be ok. One thing of note is that with the assault Intercessors being 1 point below Intercesors I've selected to use those as I needed a points return and can see doing so again in the future. I nearly took Death Company and a Captain from the Lost but points were a problem. Right now I need to come up with just a few more points, have to check how much still. I am not sure about the captain I chose and my trade him for a different one or other here. so far I have 2 librarians in my list. 
Game later today as long as I can get there. I don't really look forward to leaving the house.  I'm sure it will be fine. 

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You can always put your list up in the army list section of the forum and we can try and help to optimise it. 

I appreciate the thought but don't think it's that important at this stage in the game. :thumbsup:  Not trying to be rude. 


Game two. 

We managed to get in two full turns and looked at what would happen in the third turn. I learned very little today, I was on the clock and had a set time to leave out to drive home. 

If you haven't heard me complain about that before I have almost a 2 hour drive just to get there. I need earlier games to get enough time but my friend is managing now where he works and on call on his days off for work reasons. So we couldn't start any earlier.  My bad luck. 


Things I have learned. I need more player aids, things like a score sheet and a copy of the mission text to read during the game and a list of all the secondary objectives so I can track them during the game and no depend on my friends, typically the other players. 


My list was, well I forgot one of my units and had taken an extra so I ended up swapping my forgotten suppressors for an eliminator squad. Not what I would have chosen to do at all but some how they ended up in the box, it is what it is I guess. 

Mistakes during the game. 

My big problem was the mat was larger than the table size for 1500 points this messed me up with bringing on my reserves. On from the table sides to flank. 

That and not putting the right units in reserve. 

My friend played scions, Lambdin Lions. Yikes. His list was as I had expected but he didn't go for the throat like he would have usually done. That would have been very bad for me as he was packing so much plasma and melta.  His transports were ruthless with loads of shots and too much ap for me to stand up to. 

The terrain was weird, I'm still getting used to how it works in 9th. Toe in is a thing. Irk, I don't like that. 


MY list was ,

 Captain in Gravis  Given the warlord trait to boos him in CC, from the SM codex.


 Phobos Librian

 Apothecary - Given a warlord trait to make a unit obsec

 Redemptor Dread - full Onslaught load out, storm Bolters, Icarus Missile

 Aggressors X3 Flame Gauntlets

 Assault Intercessors X5

 Intercessors X5 Stock

 Intercessors X5 Stock

 Intercessors X5 Stock

 Outriders X3 Stock

 Hellblasters X5 The assault versions 

 Eliminators X3 Starting kit

1 Battalion and 1 Vanguard. Weirdly I think 1 battalion would have been a smarter play. 




I deployed in a way to screen my back field and deployed holding 1 objective with the snipers and ready to move to a second one on turn 1. Easy enough. 

His guns shredded 2 Intercessors in cover and all of my hell blasters and eliminators all on turn 1 

I popped a transport on turn two and held 3 objectives nearly popping another transport with my warlord on turn 2

He slayed my librarian on turn 2 as well.

I brought on my aggressors and outriders as well that turn. My Outriders were slain easily and all but 1 aggressor killed of the three. 

My warlord was dropped to 1 wound but healed by the apothecary up to 4  I think. 

we stopped due to time on turn three after I had moved my units and "gamed out" the turn but called it. He figured I would finally start to crush his units wrecking a squad or two and taking 4 if not 5 objective by the end of my turn and pointed out some of my mistakes. 

This list felt weird like I was necked because of not having any tanks.  The table felt too open even though there was los blocked across most of the table, sorta balanced I guess. It was better for high mobility than foot slogging. 


20210125_134258.jpg 20210125_135720.jpg


20210125_143940.jpg  20210125_143948.jpg


20210125_143952.jpg  20210125_145023.jpg


One thing that came to mind was my back field. In times past this particular opponent would have gleefully dropped deepstrike squads behind me to take my DZ and core me out. I played to try to screen that and the sides and move to the center but the loss of the hellblasters was huge. I kinda think I will trade them for a second Redemptor as I feel those last longer and I know I will get more use out of it. I may have enough points left over for something else cool. I am probably way off on that I don't have my codex and army list in front of me just now. 


So, I chose the gravis Captain for his toughness and wounds then buffed him with might of heroes and gave him the relic power sword because I didn't see a better option for him. He's a fat little war god.  I had hoped he and the Aggressors would work ion concert but as soon as I though about that I was off doing something completely different. 

I did remember to change my Doctrines on my own this time but stayed in Tactical on turn 3 to attempt to ap out a few scions squads had we continued the game. 


I know I am learning something but not sure just what yet. Oh, I also took out only the stratagem cards I would be able to use and the psychic powers and that turned into a much larger pile than I had anticipated. I just need card sleeves now. 



The slaughter continues. 

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Updated above post  ^ ^ ^


Well, a few things. 
I just found and ordered a Gladiator this morning inb for the lowest price I have seen yet, arriving next week I guess. 
I may have sold another of my old armies although I will have to at least build and paint a portion of it to make the deal, I am still working out the particulars and hope to do as little work as possible to get it out the door, some time in May. If we come to an agreement I will try to get started with a single unit at a time until it's ready. The army is mostly already painted and I don't want to repaint the while thing. I have a feeling my friend will just sell off half and make his money back about a week after he buys it. It's a hefty Harlequin collection under 9th edition points costs.  

I've found I can't help but think about the army list I played yesterday and how to change it. I wasn't planning to play competitively but the army list power creep begins. :whistling: 


You can always put your list up in the army list section of the forum and we can try and help to optimise it. 

This is stuck in my head.  Give me a few more games and I just might take you up on that. :sweat:


I need to be careful and manage my spending and be sure, all that shtuff. 
So now I am considering Inceptors with the plasma as a replacement for the Hellblasters.  I still need to run the numbers. 
Weirdly I am now again thinking about those Bunkers, to screen out my back field but can't expect i will rush in to buying them very quickly as that's over 150 after all the discounts/ average low price. But stranger things have happened before. 

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There is absolutely not enough terrain on that board for 9th, I gotta say. The rulebook suggests one piece per every 12" square and there was way too much room for him to position all his vehicles to get angles on you. A first turn alpha strike shouldn't be that devastating in 9th, and competitiveness aside I think it really hurts how fun the games are if that's possible.


You should be able to hide almost your entire army behind obscuring terrain that he can't get angles on turn 1; the benefit of going first in 9th is really just the ability to set up on objectives first and force the other guy to push you off them, and that's enough for a 5-10% win chance swing for even the most competitive forces.


Also, I know you're focusing on fun and Primaris-only, but having played an army like that in my group's last Crusade campaign I think it can be tough to be competitive without leaning at least a little harder into your army's close-combat ruleset. A squad of Death Company Intercessors would be good with the new pre-game move stratagem, and Bladeguard Veterans are probably the toughest unit in the codex with their 2+/4++ and 3 wounds. That said, your army does already have a lot of bolters and chainswords which should chew up Scions like nobody's business.


I think if you get some more terrain on that board then you should start to find these games at least a little less one-sided.

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Very good point about the terrain!
And also Infiltrators - Scions deepstrike a lot. With even 2 units of Infiltrators, you can noticeably restrict Scions' ability to drop. If deep-striking in front of the Infiltrator, their meltas will only be out of range and hot-shot lasguns and plasma-guns will be outside rapid-fire range (there was I think a specific regiment that increased range, but then Scions are not taking something else, like extra AP).

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There is absolutely not enough terrain on that board for 9th, I gotta say. The rulebook suggests one piece per every 12" square and there was way too much room for him to position all his vehicles to get angles on you. A first turn alpha strike shouldn't be that devastating in 9th, and competitiveness aside I think it really hurts how fun the games are if that's possible.


You should be able to hide almost your entire army behind obscuring terrain that he can't get angles on turn 1; the benefit of going first in 9th is really just the ability to set up on objectives first and force the other guy to push you off them, and that's enough for a 5-10% win chance swing for even the most competitive forces.


Also, I know you're focusing on fun and Primaris-only, but having played an army like that in my group's last Crusade campaign I think it can be tough to be competitive without leaning at least a little harder into your army's close-combat ruleset. A squad of Death Company Intercessors would be good with the new pre-game move stratagem, and Bladeguard Veterans are probably the toughest unit in the codex with their 2+/4++ and 3 wounds. That said, your army does already have a lot of bolters and chainswords which should chew up Scions like nobody's business.


I think if you get some more terrain on that board then you should start to find these games at least a little less one-sided.

Thank you for the tip about the terrain. I kinda felt it was off before we go things going but figured I'd wait and see how it shook out. Once battle is joined and things are moving around the openness might not be as bad. It sort of felt like things were much tighter after turn 2 going into turn 3. But I take your point and will try to get that sorted next time. 


The guy I played is a long time friend and his list was exactly as expected. The thing is that even with my early losses in models where we called the game, it felt like things were about to drastically turn around on him. Aside from scoring which I am still working on. I feel like I am still in the whole, table my opponent mind set even with a soft list that's unfortunately still in my mind. My largest challenge was his Ap -1 or additional AP on all of his shooting. 

I tried Bladeguard in my first game when he was my teammate. I know thy are very good first hand. My list builds will improve as I get to grips on the points structure and get over the sticker shock on some of the points. 

Early days and it still seems like a lot to take in just now. My largest problem is lack of games, so far though it's been just 1 game a month. Hopeful to squeeze in two games a month over the summer 

Very good point about the terrain!

And also Infiltrators - Scions deepstrike a lot. With even 2 units of Infiltrators, you can noticeably restrict Scions' ability to drop. If deep-striking in front of the Infiltrator, their meltas will only be out of range and hot-shot lasguns and plasma-guns will be outside rapid-fire range (there was I think a specific regiment that increased range, but then Scions are not taking something else, like extra AP).


I have a lot of thoughts on that and planned from turn 1 to shut down a large amount of deepstrike against me, mostly my back field. Holding a line across the board was a thing I did but didn't exactly realize it's importance at the time. My friend is notorious for turning a flank and wrecking my day. He only deep stuck in front of my but had fair position to use. 

My irritation is that I stupidly threw my ourtiders away when i could have just held them behind a building for two turns then rolled out when the scions hade come close enough. I hate throwing my units away stupidly but it happens. I will be looking at infiltrators and incursors to sprinkly into my list as well as some reivers which will be able to deepstrike, if I remember correctly and then use the ? commando raids? strat to do it all over again at least once if not twice during the game to my back field or an objective or where ever. 

I'm building the Intercessor squad from the combat patrol box to be DC with the assault bolter options and the grenade launcher, I think some shooty DC may put some work in after my list is changed around. 


As far as lists go they're still important but my focus is just learning the rules. Lists aren't historically that difficult for me. Knowing what I am doing during a game is just a higher priority until I become competent. 

I'm going to order card sleeves next month and mark them by phase of play for the strats that will be needed and I will look for the mission pack and more player aids I'm also thinking about a mission score sheet in a page protector with a dry erase marker. My tablet is not very good and probably wont support that in a digital format very well, I don't know. 



Thanks for the replies !

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I Ordered the Gladiator kit on the 26th and it arrived this morning! It looks like I can easily pin the side sponsions and the main weapons for the reaper and the Valiant. The Lancer uses the smaller sponsions from the Impulsor kit. So I'll keep an eye out for bitz and who knows maybe I'll get lucky. 

The Impulsor I am working on is nearly done and the Primaris DC built and primered. Fair progress. 


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The Gladiator is now built and primed black. It took for ever to build for some reason. Right now it's set up as a Reaper. I like that the side sponsions just plug the weapon fronts on. This is ideal.  I've left the turret top unglued so I can lift it off and trade weapons out. I will say this thing looks cooler in the box are than in person. But I do like it. 
I can put the first coats of color on it tomorrow after evening. 

Reading about the Guerilla Tactics stratagem Reivers are looking choice. Hopefully I'll get around to building the next 10 sooner than later. 
I found a power fist and may add one to my newest DC unit.  Undecided still. 

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