GreenScorpion Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 (edited) To set some context, I like to convert/mix kits and also to write so it is natural that my conversions influenced a book I recently wrote and the book influenced the miniatures that I have been converting (or planning to convert since for some more time I am not in the same place as my miniatures). This thread will follow the progress of the regiments that ally with the forces of Cornelivs Maximvs, the leader of a varied force of renegades which I have shared in the Lost and the Damned forum (they are not really chaos per se but mutants and other stuff fit better in that subforum). These regiments are from a different set of systems, so there will be some variability between them (different cultures, different looks), but they will all somewhat fit into the Imperial Guard theme. Since I am more of a builder than player things are not necessarily with legal wargear and I do like to build squads with lots of special weapons I recently had the opportunity to travel home for holidays, so there was some progress on building and painting some stuff, although the paint was on some conquest magazines related stuff, which is mostly just a minor side project (allies for the allies ). First the soldiers of Abistrev (24 total for now - 120 total when finished) Second some initial soldiers from Aidaca (3 for now - 120 when finished) Third some soldiers from Harpig (5 for now - 200 when finished) And some stationary armoured support The plan is to keep the soldiers Harpig baseless (with only the disk that is common in historical kits) to fit them into terrain pieces that I am planning to build to surround the fortress I have made out of matches (you can check some WIP of the fortress on my other thread). If things go well, progress should continue during Christmas, at least on building/converting. Painting will depend on the actual weather in December. I will have to update this later with some descriptions of each regiment, but for reference they are all based on the universe of my book(s). Abistrev Surrounded by storms for many centuries, the system of Abistrev was completely isolated and thus deviated from the forces of the nearby systems. Knowing the storms would end one day, the Abistrevians trained hard and created powerful and disciplined regiments well prepared for defensive roles, especially when garrisoning fortifications like the large city-bunkers where most of their population lived. After the defeat of the heretic that had misled part of the Abistrevians to fight against the imperial forces, the loyalist forces were reintegrated into the imperial guard and the system turned into a fortress to serve as a base for future operations. Aidaca A warm and overpopulated planet, Aidaca is the origin of some of the most well disciplined regiments in the region. Their loyalty makes them well suited to garrison all sorts of important locations, including centres of industry and other locations of value. Used to living in high temperatures, the regiments of Aidaca are commonly seen wearing long coats over their armour, to help them endure the colder temperatures. Although they are mostly seen on garrison duty, many regiments are sent into warzones with the intention of capturing particularly important objectives, regardless of the opposition. Harpig Covered with dry mountains and tall plateaus, Harpig is a planet filled with many different tribes who have fought each other frequently in the past, but that are now at peace, under imperial authority. Used to fight in their dry and uneven terrain, the soldiers of Harpig are excellent sharpshooters and their close combat companies are among the best in the region. Their lack of armour makes them mobile, but obviously reduces their effectiveness in prolonged assaults, so they prefer to make fast attacks before retreating. Their sharpshooters will often garrison important fortifications, eliminating the enemy at a great range. Edited September 21, 2020 by GreenScorpion WarriorFish, duz_, 4CIN87 and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted September 23, 2020 Author Share Posted September 23, 2020 I have been thinking for several months about both the forces and the terrain I would like to build for my personal project. The leader of my extremely varied forces, Cornelivs Maximvs is extremely resourceful and thus has created is own colony with fortified settlements in an uninhabited planet. While my drawing skills are not that great, at least when trying to do diagrams, below is the overall layout I have planned: I have made a fortress out of matches, which is only lacking some minor additions and some paint, which would be placed on top of a hill, potentially made of polystyrene which I have laying around from some tiles my family purchased to renew the roof of our farm house. A drawbridge would link the fortress to a road going down the hill (if all goes well, a very functional drawbridge). At the bottom of the hill would be the town itself with some civilian buildings, decorations, perhaps some animals, civilian miniatures and vehicles. The town would likely be split into different sections with different types of buildings and decorations, to show the different cultures of the people living within. Surrounding the town would be a set of outer walls, bunkers and other fortifications, which I have planned to do using what usually would be classified as garbage (reduce, reuse, recycle and all that :) ). The miniatures would garrison the different fortifications and I was planning to use spare heavy weapons on the bunker firing ports, in order to use them as fixed defensive weapons with some soldiers manning them somehow. I also have a train set that is big enough that it might look close enough to scale to be a potential transport system around the town. It is a military train too, so it would fit the purpose :) It is intended to be more of a narrative thing, not something to play games on, but I was wondering if you have done similar things, have examples or similar plans. I have seen and saved many things that would fit the concept, so hopefully when I return to Portugal I will be able to get hacking and assembling stuff like crazy (a sane person would not do a fortress out of matches). duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted September 23, 2020 Share Posted September 23, 2020 Sounds like you have everything planned out, I'm curious to see how it looks once you start work :tu: GreenScorpion 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted September 23, 2020 Author Share Posted September 23, 2020 Sounds like you have everything planned out, I'm curious to see how it looks once you start work Well, if there is one thing that being in a foreign country, locked inside a house, working remotely due to corona does is motivate the imagination to run wild and it doesn't get all spent on the books, so it turns terrain and conversion plans :) I am currently waiting for the spiders and dwarves from Wargames Atlantic to be available, as I think some dwarvish rough riders mounted on spiders with guns would be nice, although I am not sure how much work that will be. If all goes well, I should discover around Christmas, fingers crossed :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 1, 2020 Author Share Posted October 1, 2020 I have been thinking about some of the terrain I assembled from the conquest magazine and realized some additional barrels could make sense. Since I have been thinking about learning some blender stuff, I decided to try and make something, so this appeared: A 28mm model for scale (not mine obviously): In case I ever want to print it, I made it in two equal halves, similar to those of the armoured containers sprue: Obviously, since my aim is mostly to reuse stuff, I got my family looking for things in the farmhouse that we can use for the barrels and this was the result: The ribbed tube seems to be the most adequate fit in terms of diameter, I could always fill the gaps with something else, but it seems like lot of potential for terrain there, perhaps some large pipes and the cardboard one might work for a cannon. Similarly, I decided to try creating a simple square box, something that can be easily stacked to fill some space, create cover and so on. I made something very simple on blender as well, exploring a few things, including the text. I am thinking that I might be able to do it with mdf or something similar, since the idea is to have it made in parts, so I can open and close the lid, for diversity purposes. A 28mm model for scale (not mine obviously): Next step is to make a longer box, perhaps a smaller one as well with a more transportable look and eventually some sort of large container that I can stack or put on a truck. So many ideas flowing, so long until I can actually put them in practice. Well, at least I am learning a new skill :) WarriorFish, duz_ and Etheneus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 5, 2020 Author Share Posted October 5, 2020 So I have made a few more things, most of them I can likely make them with mdf or similar materials I can cut, along with some leftovers from other stuff. First I made a longer box to occupy a bit more space, nothing fancy: With a 28mm soldier for scale reference: Then I made a small box for ammo or anything similar, with some handles on the sides: With a 28mm soldier for scale reference: Lastly I made a shipping container to stack or put on a truck of some sort: With a 28mm soldier for scale reference: Most of the things are easy geometries for 2 reasons, I am learning blender and I am thinking how I would do it with the materials I have used in the past. If I decide to go with a 3d printer, I might have to change a few things and probably will have a bit more flexibility on some things, lets see.I am thinking that next step should be some turret emplacements and a modular bunker building with firing ports, lets see what I come up with. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 8, 2020 Author Share Posted October 8, 2020 Nothing fancy, but I have been working on a small automated turret and a simple bunker. Like before the geometries are simple as I am considering the materials I might use and logical divisions I can make on those. Starting with the turret, I have made a few different variants, based on things that would be likely to be deployed by the soldiers in my books (some fit better with 40k than others): And as usual, with the soldier for scale: It is an automated turret, with the sensors being inside the sphere. My mother used to do some flowers and the central part was half of a styrofoam ball, so there are a few laying around and that is what I am thinking about using for the central part, the cylinders are likely going to be plastic bottle caps, we have a few stored because of a wheel chair program, but at moment have no one to deliver them to, so they have been stacking up, a few less won't make much difference. One of the flowers for reference (custom made for me): The bunker was made rather simple and I still haven't added a door, as I am thinking how I should design it to be usable. For now this is what I came up with: (front) (back) And as usual, with the soldier for scale: I have also added the turrets in this image to show how they could be used together with the bunker. The bunker has a gatling inside for reference of how a weapon could be placed to fire through the firing ports. This would likely be made with thicker mdf for structural and aesthetic reasons (bunker walls need to be thick, right?) and I would use spare parts from the HWT to create some fixed weapons inside the bunker, along with some custom made ones as needed. I haven't designed any flamers, but those might come in handy inside the bunker, lets see. Next steps, I need to define how the door should be and perhaps a corner bunker with firing ports on 2 or 3 sides would make sense, lets see how that goes.I have also thought about making a manned version of the turrets, but I still need a reference model for a sitting soldier to make an adequately sized chair and controls, maybe later. Warhead01 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 10, 2020 Author Share Posted October 10, 2020 I noticed that there has been too little miniature related here, so I decided to show some of the things that I have assembled and paint on my last holidays. First some allies for the regiments: I decided to go with a simple but efficient set of colours and while my pictures might not make them justice, I am quite happy with the result. Second, some enemies for them to fight: The objective with the Death Guard was to go with some corrupted purity, hence the white armour with the marks in other colours.Some of the Blackstone Fortress miniatures will act as a more renegade force, as part of pirates aboard a ship, so not necessarily enemies of the regiments.If all goes well, I might try to paint the models from the 4 boxes of BSF servants of the abyss in my next holidays, depending on how the weather is at the time. WarriorFish, Warhead01 and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted October 10, 2020 Share Posted October 10, 2020 Looks like you've been busy!Just jumping in with a thought for your turrets. the central ball could be made from a wiffle ball, if you can find them. The probably come in a bag of several. not sure if those will be too large but you can cut the bottom to lower the height and mount it to a base. probably too large. They would be in a sporting good department or found online. I was watching a terrain tutorial the other day and they guy doing those used a paper packing tape to cover carboard tubing smoothly and that might work over plastic but maybe not over foam. Other than that I'd look at the diy stuff, plumbing parts are usually not very costly and electrical boxes, in lots of different sizes and plastic might be of use as well for some of you other structures. I'm glad you getting the regiment ready for war! GreenScorpion 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 11, 2020 Author Share Posted October 11, 2020 Thanks for the suggestions I am not sure if I can find a wiffle ball in stores in Portugal, but I will check. For the size I was going ping-pong balls might actually work, but I am not sure. The plan is to use lots of stuff found on DIY sections, as I am not stranger to those. I have decided to make a small corner bunker to go with the previous one: A scale comparison: And with a turret on top: I have also started with an appartment building for the civilian dwellings. The plan is to make it one floor at a time, similarly to something I have done in the past that can be classified as a doll house (it had led lights and a working elevator, but the pipes were not functional unfortunately, so water had to be cut :D ), but it was in a bigger scale. The idea is to make it modular enough that I can pile up a few of them as I see fit. The door in the back is for a staircase or an elevator shaft. I might use it to hide the wirings, if I decide to illuminate it as well. A scale comparison: Warhead01 and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 14, 2020 Author Share Posted October 14, 2020 (edited) I have continued working on the apartment concept and I have made a nth level section, as well as a top section. I have also create an elevator shaft in sections and a staircase. Nothing military today (except for the scale model), just dwellings Starting with the apartment section: And the scale comparison on the balcony: The top section has some solar panels, we all know that in the future renewable energy sources are always something nice to have: And the scale comparison: The elevator can be used on its own (if you don't have stairs in the building) or placed at the centre of the staircase sections. The bottom section: And the scale comparison: The middle section: The top section (with the elevator machinery at the top and a ladder): The staircase is just a simple set of steps going between platforms, nothing fancy, but it should be reasonably easy to build. I have faced some issues in the past with my previous step format, this time it should be easier to assemble and maintain it glued to each other The bottom section: And the scale comparison: The elevator section inside the bottom section: The middle section: The top section without the elevator top: The top section with the elevator top (taller to give space for the repairs of the machinery at the top): Finally, an example of how it might look with everything together (there is an elevator there, you will have to trust me on this ): As you can see by this, I plan on treating my forces well, nice houses with all the commodities and made with the environment in mind :) Edited October 14, 2020 by GreenScorpion 4CIN87 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 20, 2020 Author Share Posted October 20, 2020 I miss building real models, especially with a 6 weeks confinement starting tomorrow here in Ireland, but my reasonable side keeps telling me that travelling with the assembled models back to Portugal would be a nightmare. With the rant out of the way, I have been doing some more stuff for my planned mini-city/fortification terrain (well it is mini in scale :D ).For those sentries that like to watch from an elevated position, I have made an armoured tower to go with the bunkers I have shown before. Nothing fancy, just a tower with enough space for a few soldiers to fire on the enemy over the outer walls and defences, perhaps using heavy weapons mounted in the tower. The inspiration came mostly from some of the concrete towers from the first Far Cry game, including in how you access the actual interior of the tower using a simple ladder. And as usual, the little guy for scale purposes: I got a bit sidetracked and ended up doing something different for my next building, a very big mansion :) Well that is essentially it, watch how I wasted a few hours and likely will waste days getting this done in real life sometime in the future :D It is built in 3 different parts, centre, left and right and it has a massive staircase :) I think next I will work on some heavy artillery and perhaps some more fortifications. librisrouge 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 27, 2020 Author Share Posted October 27, 2020 I have been thinking about the possibility of using historical miniatures to make some rough riders and although I had initially been looking at the French Chasseurs from Perry Miniatures, mostly because of their carbines, I later discovered that they also make some American Civil War cavalry, which seems to contain a bit more variety in terms of ranged weapons and the sabres also look nice. The miniatures in question for reference: Their weapons seem slightly more modern than napoleonics, which makes sense given the time difference and would likely fit better with a futuristic setting.Obviously, my collection of bits means I can add a few more things as needed, like grenades and futurist weapons (not sure if I still have any power fist from Anvil lying around, I might need to do an inventory check :D on my holidays).It is often difficult to find detailed reviews of the contents of the such kits for some reason, but they seem to be quite cheap on some spanish retailers, so that is good. Regardless of that, I ordered some spiders and dwarves from Wargames Atlantic which perhaps will ship in the next week or so, now that the kits have left the UK customs and were being sent into their local logistics partner. The spiders seem to be the adequate size and shape to allow the dwarves to fit on the connection between the front and the back of the spider, so my plan is to try making a few of those as some dwarvish rough rider allies. Given the spiders can also have guns, I was planning to have some of them with weapons and cause double trouble :)Lots of things to do in the Christmas holidays and so little time :D Still, first I need to be able to travel there, which hopefully will be the case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted October 29, 2020 Author Share Posted October 29, 2020 With all the issues with covid, I had postponed getting my own printed for myself, but I thought it doesn't make sense to any much more, so I ordered some copies and it arrived today :) I know the photos aren't great, but it is nice to see something I have worked on for over a year on paper, it is nice. Second one is progressing well and hopefully the miniatures will progress as well to match the story :) CaptainFrederickson and Pork Chop Express 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 2, 2020 Author Share Posted November 2, 2020 After a corona restrictions induced change of plans, I ended up travelling earlier home to work remotely, so I have had time to work on my pile of grey (well the unassembled ones at least). I built 21 more soldiers for Aidaca, bringing the total to 24 of 120. The variety of the grognards kit is really amazing and I intend to use it all :) The middle guy likes to give explosive hugs, way more than using his standard issued pistol. He will be a great friend to a guy I have planned to do once the WW1 germans kit arrives. I like to mix weapons, certainly not something I could field in a game, but it is good fun to build them in such a way :) The second guy from the left is an amputee, but he doesn't really need both hands to kill for Aidaca. After building a box, I still have 168 heads to spend and enough arms for a at least another 30-40 soldiers. I will need to get some bodies (for plastic miniatures, not any other kind :D ) The next thing on the queue is the remaining sprues on the first Afghans box for the soldiers of Harpig and I will start on some vehicles on the weekend, trying to get something to build with my family, now that I have spent all the ETB kits I had from GW. If the weather is okay over the weekend, I might prime the armoured containers from the first post and perhaps some of the infantry in the queue. Only time will tell. I have a few things ordered which will hopefully arrive soon, including some additional vehicles and even more infantry, although it is becoming difficult to find flat surfaces to keep the little soldiers, I really need to get some more shelves :D duz_, 4CIN87, CaptainFrederickson and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted November 2, 2020 Share Posted November 2, 2020 These guys are looking great! Nice mix. Really interested to see what you do next! GreenScorpion 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 3, 2020 Author Share Posted November 3, 2020 Thanks, the grognards are a really nice kit to build and visibly more mature than the raumjagers, showing that Wargames Atlantic learns things along the way (the raumjagers are not bad, but there were certainly some rookie mistakes here and there on the design). The leman russes I have to build should follow throughout the next weekends (7 in total). The 2 chimeras will likely follow the russes or be built in between to keep company to the one I have built before. There is also a taurox (perhaps prime) in one of the boxes as well, from when the SC boxes were 65€ each. Infantry wise I want to "eliminate" the piles of older kits/parts to build, so some Anvil infantry and heavy weapons/artillery will follow the afghan box. Anvil parts typically are faster to assemble (except for the tiny hands of doom :D ), so hopefully I can get those done (over 100 infantry soldiers, plus the HWT and some assorted artillery crew for my planned scratch built guns).I keep adding stuff to the pile for when I return completely, but hopefully it should start reducing over the following weeks (at least building/converting, as painting is always slower for me). duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 5, 2020 Author Share Posted November 5, 2020 I mentioned a train set in a previous post here and today I checked and the Afghans fit quite well in the locomotive as guards (I have them without bases, only with the historical miniatures disks at the bottom), although I am bit afraid of putting anything in there besides the kneeling ones, as those pass more easily through the gaps (I fear with other poses it might go in, but be difficult to remove afterwards). I can take some vehicles or infantry squads on the wagons, so they would be able to travel through the town rather quickly.I will try to get a picture of the train and miniatures over the weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 7, 2020 Author Share Posted November 7, 2020 I have kept working on my Afghans for the regiment of Harpig, but I will post those when I finish the 10 remaining soldiers. For now I wanted to share some scale pictures for a train I have and the leman russ I built today. The train with some Afghans for scale: I kept the leman russ with weapons not glued, so I can swap them if I need to: I also primed the containers from the first photo, tomorrow I will check if I can continue painting or if I need a bit more of spraying and I will likely build the taurox. duz_ and walter h 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 10, 2020 Author Share Posted November 10, 2020 I had some time on Sunday to build a taurox and finish the box of Afghans for the soldiers of Harpig. The Afghan box gets me to 40 of 200 for the soldiers of Harpig (including the previous 5 models shown on the first post). The lack of shoulder pads makes the Afghan kit a bit trickier to build and honestly the flat necks slide a bit too much in some of the poses, unless the glue is partly dried already. Despite that, it is a really nice kit and you get lots of spare parts, which makes the soldiers rather unique, as the different poses, weapons and heads give lots of interesting combinations. I have received my spiders and dwarves from Wargames Atlantic, so I should be able to make my test "rough rider" soon. I am currently working on some models built with a mix of parts but with Anvil bodies and weapons. About 120 of those (I think I had built one or two before moving to Ireland) will be built to clear a bit the backlog for older stuff. More vehicles should follow next weekend, likely a chimera from one of those IG Apocalypse boxes from last year. While building the Taurox with my mom, she kept telling me that I had learned a few things to do differently when building the next one, but I only had that one. Should I leave the knowledge gained gather dust or should I get another Taurox? Decisions, decisions... :D duz_, 4CIN87 and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 14, 2020 Author Share Posted November 14, 2020 I got my dwarves and spiders this week, so I built a test model for my "rough riders": Also worked on a chimera from my Apocalypse boxes: Weather is problematic, so no progress yet on painting the containers, perhaps tomorrow. duz_, walter h and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 15, 2020 Author Share Posted November 15, 2020 Yesterday I finished a batch of Anvil Industry soldiers with some tempestus, guardsmen, gsc and Statuesque Miniatures parts. A total of 50 soldiers equipped with drum magazine carbines (were meant for autogun renegades, likely will just end up as cool miniatures now :D ). I also built a leman russ from the same Apocalypse box as the chimera: Next in queue are a few more soldiers based on Anvil parts and next weekend I should build the other 2 leman russes from the Apocalypse box.I also spray painted a bit more, since the containers still had some areas that lacked proper paint, but the weather is difficult for painting. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 22, 2020 Author Share Posted November 22, 2020 While paint is certainly far behind and I only did some small things on the containers, building stuff went well this week with quite a few more things completed. First I completed 10 snipers to be mixed with other squads: Then I made 10 MG42 soldiers (originally meant to be heavy stubber equivalents for a GSC like force): Yesterday I built an eradicator/executioner/punisher leman russ: I also finished a batch of 47 shotgun soldiers (I had previously built 3 models from that batch, before going abroad, so they are somewhere boxed, waiting for my final return). I had some spare parts, so I did a few conversions as well: Near the end of the afternoon I built a GCPS/Plague Strider from Mantic, which is meant to just represent some enemy/allied light exoskeletons, nothing particularly 40k compliant. 4CIN87, duz_ and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GreenScorpion Posted November 22, 2020 Author Share Posted November 22, 2020 Too many images so I split the content :D Today I build another leman russ: After I built a Mule from Mantic (most of it was merely push fit, very little glue): Similarly I build a Hornet without spending that much glue: A grognard for scale (a cadian would fit similarly) 4CIN87, CaptainFrederickson and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted November 23, 2020 Share Posted November 23, 2020 You've been busy nice work What's the plan for the moon traditional vehicles? What will they count as? GreenScorpion 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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