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How do you store your collection of shame?


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Not your finished works. Not your WIP. I think we know of what I speak.


I just moved and am in a state of flux. I packed up all my loose stuff, all the boxed stuff, and in my new place I've laid it out for organizational purposes.


There will be no photo evidence of this shame, suffice it to say, I have an issue of storage concerns in my new place.


What do you do? Is there some organization storage that is sufficient for built/partially built or boxed armies?


Any silver bullet? 


Or do I simply find a closet, mark it as Excommunicatus, and shove it all in there. :D

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Bookshelves placed strategicly where they cannot be seen at a glance from a entryway due to the layout of where my hobby area is. Then all the WIP and completed stuff is in easy sightlines. Out of sight, out of mind for box mountain. I got three FW deredeo's somewhere in there but only found two....
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I've literally got all the unbuilt stuff and loose models in a pile along one wall, bundled into cardboard boxes and then covered with a throw, as if that will somehow make it less shameful. Looking forward to getting that wall back in a decade's time when I've finally gotten it sorted and finished/sold off.

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I've been getting moved around the house so it gave me a chance to organize from cardboard boxes of literal piles of plastic to a slightly more organized set up.


Active projects are stored two ways, either in bead boxes or shoe box sized plastic bins. Bead boxes will fit most infantry sized projects, and all the small compartments make separating out infantry stuff for each model easy. I also use a couple of small part organizer bins for slightly larger projects like bikes, dreads or HQ's. That's also where I keep most of my bases, assorted decorative bits, and alternative dreadnought arms. Shoe box sized bins work well for larger vehicles and scatter terrain, I have about 10 for all kinds of stuff, including tool and paint storage.


The piles of shame got organized and separated, a couple of large plastic bins hold random unsorted clipped, and partially clipped sprue. There's also a pair of large 3-tier drawers that hold primed and lightly clipped sprues organized by Terrain, Vehicles, and Infantry.


The last is my favorite a single large opaque plastic bin with big boxed kits meant for properly planned future projects, the idea being that once I clear the table of projects I can start on the next one.


Built and painted stuff goes on display shelves next to the hobby table in easy reach for quick reference.

Edited by NovemberIX
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About 8 Rubbermaid tubs. I also have stuff in my drawers at work and in my trunk.


Actually some rubbermaid tubs, sufficiently layered, could do the trick. :biggrin.:


Grotsmasha, those are what I have used for transportation purposes before, worked great for me. The pile of shame requires something more extreme. :p

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There is no shame - only best intentions left unfulfilled. :lol:


It's what helps me sleep at night...


All my boxes of materials are stored away in shelving/storage units behind closed doors in my game/hobby area/now daughter's playroom, and loose bits are actually organized in small Ziploc plastic containers by part type (heads, helmets, right arms, left arms, loose weapons, torsos, pauldrons, legs, etc.). I try to keep the various faction bits separate, but it's a lot of little containers... :(

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I really try not to let the pile of shame grow so big as to need a different storage location.


The only unassembled stuff in my house right now are the Indomitus Necrons and a Sylvaneth Start Collecting set, both my GF's projects being saved for when the rowing season is over.


I try to keep on top of my purchases to the point that everything I buy gets assembled and its storage magnets fitted immediately. This does mean there's a couple of unpainted squads and the occasional grey tank in amongst my nicely painted stuff, but that's a good nudge to me to finish them before I buy more.

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For active WIP, I use these, found in most Office Supplies stores, they're deep enough to allow most models to stand upright, the only model I have issues with is a Redemptor Dreadnaught


You see now, I mis-read the question.


I have a pair of these suckers under my bed. I'm sure they come in a variety of sizes, but volume wise, mine fit the equivalent of 6x B@C boxes, plus some smaller boxes too.

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Let's just say the dressing room is only 1/3rd filled with actual clothes and shoes ...


Some bookshelves, IKEA PAX wardrobes with adjustable shelves (beware of shelf sag, hence my preference for width being 50cm or 75cm max), boxes (various types and sizes), zip plastic bags (lots of), ... and an excel spreadsheet to keep track (or at least try to) of the various bits I have and ones I require to be able to complete models.

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I believe the answer was starring me in the face.


I have all these new boxes I bought to move the models...I simply...return them to the boxes and stack them up in my walk in closet. :biggrin.:


After a full audit is performed, in combination with the ziploc trick for loose bits, that alone should render what is currently in chaos, into a manageable state.


EDIT: I am pleased to report a complete success. What was filling a closet, was then strewn over my living room in 'organization phase' and is now neatly packed into 4 boxes.


Feels good.

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My solution has been to repack my projects into "mailing boxes" that I bought in bulk off Amazon a few years ago. I whack a bit of tape on the side and write the name of the poject there, and then stack them on a set of bookshelves in order of how much work is required to complete the project. Once a project is fully painted (including bases and decals) it goes in a glass display cabinet.


Keeping the boxes consistent and "bland" helps put them out of mind so I can stay focused on what's currently on my desk, and it feels great to tear off that bit of tape when a project is complete so I can reuse the box.

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Oh man. I try to keep my stuff in the original boxes until I’m ready. However it’s often tempting to open the boxes and pull the stuff out as soon as I get it. That said, I try to put them back in their boxes until they’re on deck, if you will. The only problem is that I have fomo and purchase too much. So then they sit on a large shelving unit I picked up at a hardware store in my basement until ready.


I then have some plastic drawers (like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089X94ZH9/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_fab_pMKCFbS90ZG5V) once they’re assembled into sub assemblies awaiting paint.


I then have more of the same plastic drawers once they’re primed as I’m a slow painter and try not to let them gather dust.


Then they go in the display case once done. (Again in the basement as my wife gets the rest of the house.)

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Sounds bad but all my grey plastic of shame is in about 3 cardboard boxes, all piled together. I have one 'tool tray' that has some sorted bits and thats it. Anything thats in those aformentioned 3 boxes for more than a year goes on ebay. 


I moved house recently and must have got rid of about 28 sprues that had been gathering dust for a year...if i don't do anything with it in a year, it doesn't need to be in my life.


Tough love, but i feel way better for it/compelled to actually use stuff before my self imposed deadlines, and don't buy anywhere near as much wasted figures as i used to.


I also play in bands though, so 40k isnt even my most expensive hobby (not a brag, just yeah...delay pedals > models)

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Let's just say the dressing room is only 1/3rd filled with actual clothes and shoes ...


Some bookshelves, IKEA PAX wardrobes with adjustable shelves (beware of shelf sag, hence my preference for width being 50cm or 75cm max), boxes (various types and sizes), zip plastic bags (lots of), ... and an excel spreadsheet to keep track (or at least try to) of the various bits I have and ones I require to be able to complete models.

That's the same with me. My main room (I live in the attic of my house, back room of it is my bedroom) has a futon that's basically covered in 40k.


I'm sure if I got more transport cases (because a large amount of this is painted/primed/in the process of painting).


I'd have a lot more storage space if I could use the closets up here, but my uncle never cleaned his :cuss out of them when I moved in up here :lol:

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I tend to buy and build on (usually) the same night, so I only have a total of 10 unbuilt models at the moment. The box of 5 Fallen I'm just trying to figure out how to equip them, and the box of 5 Cadians are clipped off the sprue but not glued. The latter were mostly bought to test the feasibility of bit cloning using milliput, so I'm not sure where to put them in the long run.


The real pile of shame is my unpainted minis, which just sit on several shelves in my room, out in the open, to eventually push me to finish painting them.

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