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Possible changes in the new codex.


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Another WarCom article, this time previewing Plague Companies: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/01/07/plague-companies-return-with-new-rules-for-codex-death-guard/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=40k&utm_content=40kdeathguard07012021


They give one example, not sure how or if it is different to the way these are presented in War of the Spider as I don't have that.


Any thoughts? Mine are mainly that I grow impatient for the 23rd of this month, so I can actually see our Codex..! :D

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So while there will be other contagions, they probably won't be army-wide and are just a nice perk for a warlord. We also can't assume that the Plague Companies (or at least their warlord traits) are staying as they were in WoTS: Mortarion's datasheet showed us that most of the warlord trait names were staying the same (e.g. Gloaming Bloat), and I've seen a lot of people making assumptions based off that (e.g. trying out Mortarion with traits found in WoTS), but the extensive changes to the Harbingers show that the names may stay the same while the rules are completely different. Not a shock, but it means that we're in for an exciting time leading up to release!

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Looks pretty damn bad to be fair. Seems the plague company passive effect is gone, or they hide it in this article for strange reasons. 1st Plague Company hopefully the worst one, because this was incredibly underwhelming to my eyes. And a 1 use relic with questionable to say the least effect ? Sigh.

But even so, Codex is still promising and cant judge it all before release.

Edited by Iron Sage
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So FAQs are out and I'm just having a look through, seems like the majority of stuff has actually gone down in points, lots of super interesting new stuff here too


Points changes I've noticed:

-5 base cost for Daemon prince

+5 points for Lord of Contagion also Orb of Desiccation is an option

Cultists are back to 5

+3 points for PM, same cost for weapons

PW down to 5

Blightlords down 3 points, axe/sword with combi bolter is now baked in the cost, flail got cheaper for these guys

Deathshroud get Chimes of Contagion upgrade

Blightspawn down to 75

+5 to Helbrutes

+50 to Blight Hawlers, yikes

+25(?) to Defilers

-5 to PBCs

+2 to Rhinos


New Stuff:

Terrain piece is 75pts

Lord of Virulence is 120




This is all based off Battlescribe which could be wrong, as could my maths


https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/76UtmPgtSCGKJAnW.pdf Pages 25-26

Edited by TrawlingCleaner
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Deathshroud get Chimes of Contagion upgrade

Cool to see that random piece from the Deathshroud kit getting turned into a wargear option. So excited for our book, and we can probably assume that these points costs are going to be the same as they are in the codex, which means I can start building lists now. Wonderful!

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I don't want to lose the 4++ Daemon engine relic. Hopefully that won't change into something else.

I love it, but I have personally found it a bit difficult to use. Do you usually have great success with it ? I have found my daemon engines out of range very often and I have found that it is more often than not, damaging to my game plan if I consolidate them too much instead of letting them run and attack various targets. But theoretically, it sure is great ! Practically also if you manage to camp your engines around the relic of course.

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I don't want to lose the 4++ Daemon engine relic. Hopefully that won't change into something else.

I love it, but I have personally found it a bit difficult to use. Do you usually have great success with it ? I have found my daemon engines out of range very often and I have found that it is more often than not, damaging to my game plan if I consolidate them too much instead of letting them run and attack various targets. But theoretically, it sure is great ! Practically also if you manage to camp your engines around the relic of course.

My lists usually have 2 drones, 3 haulers, and 1-2 PBC. The drones and haulers travel with a Daemon Prince. Works pretty well for me. T7, now 9W with -1D, 3+/4++ can be pretty hard to shift for some.


I hope the point costs are for the new wound/profiles. Would seem silly to do an update for points for only a few weeks. But it is GW.


I'm liking some of the changes.

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Going through the points, it says the bloat drones are 130pts, +5 for mower +10 for launcher. Does that mean the spewer build is 130pts? That's pretty nice if true.

I would guess so (that the standard option of spewers is ingrained in the cost) and like you, I am happy since I own two of them with spitters and currently own no other bloatdrone configuration. They got very expensive at the end of 8ed and less useful. This may mean that they can perhaps even be relatively cost efficient ! :)

Let us wait for strats and definite knowledge though, and of course, the FNP nerf makes them less resilient. But even so. I am liking the looks of this at current !

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I noticed the two characters I don’t find useful both went up 10 points. The Tallyman and Surgeon, wonder what is in store for them.

And the CSM points show plague marines and possessed can be in units of 20 instead of the 10 for DG, crazy.

Just bough a Plague Surgeon in December. Now, the Tallyman is the only char I don't own. I am hopeful that the surgeon will be more useful in this edition, since without Mortarion's Own and use of extra CPs, it was underwhelming previously.


Really ? Can they field Legion Cohorts and we can't ? That makes no sense !

Edited by Iron Sage
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I'll be very surprised if the Ironclot Furnace is unchanged/not removed. Been expecting that relic to get punted since it was first introduced tbh.


DG Princes losing the ability to take a second talon would be a pain, unless that's the default loadout now, as I spent a lot of time and effort making mine...

Edited by Marshal Loss
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Of note, the sorcerer is gone it seems, though a terminator version is still there. Chaos lord is still there. Hopefully both of these will have all DG rules baked it, would be a disappointment otherwise.

Of note is also Poxwalkers at only 5 points ? If they maintain some sort of 5+ FNP effect, then that's cheap ! But that would probably be too cheap, so maybe they have no save.

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I noticed the two characters I don’t find useful both went up 10 points. The Tallyman and Surgeon, wonder what is in store for them.

And the CSM points show plague marines and possessed can be in units of 20 instead of the 10 for DG, crazy.

The difference being that they CSM have an older codex with (soon to be) outdated units. When the DG codex comes out, they won't change the datasheets for any of the CSM stuff. Possessed, PM, Defiler, Helbrute and anything else that changes for us will not change for them until their codex comes out



Is it going up for preorder this Saturday (9th) or next Saturday (16th)


Pre-order starts 16th, released assumably on the 23rd. We don't know for certain that pre-orders are released a week after with their current release schedule, there's a possibility that it's 2 weeks after pre-orders.


On another note I was thinking about the Lord of Contagion and it's points increase, would that denote them doing something new? Even if they just get the Re-Roll 1s aura rolled in, surely that wouldn't mean a points increase?

Just from the name of the unit part of says it could somehow buff unit's Contagion abilities around it? Like it could mean that units in an aura are on the next turns aura range? Maybe I'm looking too much into it


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Considering our plague marines are 3 points more than chaos space marines' version of plague marines and can only be taken in groups of 10 versus their 20, and our possessed are 4 more points than chaos space marines and again can only be in groups of 10 solidifies my thoughts that these are with the new profiles (2W). 21 points is not bad for a 2W PM.


Can start playing with some more list building with the new numbers.

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